MTL - The Fake Daughter Can Be Either Salty Or Sweet-Chapter 63 Then start doing things for me properly

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Chapter 63 Then start doing things well for me

Lun Shengshi was not touched by this at all, and warned in a cold voice: "Gui Chaole, if you dare to hurt Zizi even a little bit, I will make you unable to be reincarnated forever."

Gui Chaole's eyes widened and she looked at Lun Shengshi standing in front of her in disbelief. Is this still the God of War she knew?

 For a stupid human being, he actually threatened to take her life as a warning to her in public.

"Brother Shengshi, you actually want to kill me for a low-level human being." Gui Chaole was heartbroken, and his heart hurt like a knife.

Lun Shengshi seemed a little bored and didn't want to talk nonsense to her. When he turned to leave, Gui Chaole ran behind him and hugged his waist, crying: "Brother Shengshi, don't go, don't leave me, do you know You know, I disobeyed my father, hurt my mother, and risked my life to come to you, just to see you and to let you return to the vampire clan with me."

 Lun Shengshi broke away from her easily, glanced at him, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

When he first joined the Vampire Clan, Gui Chaole was the first to talk to him. When he was bullied by others, Gui Chaole was the first to stand up for him. When he returned victorious from the war, he celebrated him most sincerely. That person is also Gui Chaole.

However, she was not the destination he wanted.

 Lun Shengshi sighed helplessly: "If you want, we can be friends!"

 Friend? No, he doesn’t want to, she wants to be his girlfriend.

"No, Brother Shengshi, I want to be your girlfriend, okay." Gui Chaole looked at him with extremely longing eyes, hoping to get a bit of pity from him.

"This position is already occupied." Lun Shengshi coldly dropped these words and turned to leave.

Gui Chaole was unwilling to give in, and instantly moved in front of him, stopped him, and cried: "Okay, I won't be your girlfriend, brother Shengshi, then how about you go back with me? Come back to the vampire clan with me, my father will definitely I'm very happy, the other two elders will also value you."

I thought that she, the noble princess of the blood clan, was born noble and cool, but she was so humble in front of the prosperous world.

Hearing Gui Zongliang, Lun Shengshi's eyes instantly glowed with bloodshot red light.

“When I return to the Blood Clan, it will be the time when the Blood Clan will perish.”

Gui Chaole stood there blankly, why was his murderous intent so strong.

 Why does he hate the blood royal family so much?

  Does this have anything to do with him leaving the vampire clan?

By the time she came to her senses, Lun Shengshi had disappeared.

Gui Chaole felt a breath of new life not far away, and said solemnly: "How does it feel?"

A girl in black walked out from behind a tree. He lowered his head and said, "Master, I didn't expect that after becoming a vampire, I would be so powerful and so fast that I could see clearly even a speck of dust in the distance. "The girl was both excited and surprised.

 Gui Chaole curled up his lips, stupid humans are indeed greedy.

“Then start doing things for me properly!” Gui Chaole paused and then said, “Are you Yang Zizi’s sister?”

The girl was stunned for a while and said, "I am the adopted daughter of the Gu family, and Yang Zizi is the biological daughter of the Gu family. She and I have no blood relationship at all!" When she mentioned Yang Zizi, she clenched her fists, and her entire popularity To the point of trembling all over.

Ghost Chao Le smiled slightly, she had indeed found the right person. Seeing the girl's resentful look, she was extremely satisfied.

She has believed in a saying since ancient times: Dogs will jump over walls when they are anxious, let alone humans.

 (End of this chapter)