MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 229

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The phone on the table vibrated, Bai Chunian was dozing off on the table with his head in his hand, and was suddenly woken up by a call, rubbed his eyes, and pressed to answer.

It's Yan Yi's phone.

"Boss? Oh, what's going on with you, are you and Uncle Jin okay?" Bai Chunian tried his best to raise his spirits so that his voice didn't sound so tired.

For the past week, when he was awake, he would force himself to deploy an action plan, but he was reluctant to inject synephrine now, wasting that precious milliliter of medicine, so he still hung it with a dissociating agent. In this way, he was sober. There is not much time, and we can only desperately squeeze the rest time to make action plans.

But Yan Yi still heard it: "How many cigarettes have you smoked, your voice is so hoarse."

"I..." Bai Chunian glanced at the ashtray at hand, the ashtray was full, so he simply changed a trash can under his feet. Last week, while he was sober, he bid farewell to Han Xingqian's villa and moved out. He still returned to his small apartment. Brother Han's villa was too quiet. The elevators went up and down outside this small apartment, and the neighbors came out to walk their dogs from time to time. He was relieved to hear such a voice.

"Your Uncle Jin has quit smoking, so don't go too far." Yan Yi scolded him softly.

"Hey, I know." Bai Chunian picked up the waterproof pen on the table and twirled it between his fingertips. He put his feet on the chair and sat down to make a phone call. The corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up.

"Is Rimbaud there?"

"He went out to help me with errands, and now I am physically ... inconvenient to go out."

"You didn't get that shot of synephrine?"

"Fight, fight." Bai Chunian made up the nonsense again, his face did not change and his heart did not beat.

Yan Yicai was relieved: "Okay. Please help me to convey it to Rimbaud. He ordered the mermaid to land from the strait to help clean up the raging undead summons. He has helped a lot. Mr. Prime Minister also wants to thank him in person."

"He doesn't care about that."

Yan Yi had just finished dealing with the mess over there, and was a little tired. He comforted Xiao Bai again, and the two chatted for a while. When it was time to say goodbye, Bai Chunian hesitantly called "President".


"Thank you." Bai Chunian said with a smile.

Yan Yi was stunned and hummed softly: "Silly boy. I'll go wash and change my clothes, let's not talk about it."


When the call was hung up, Bai Chunian held the phone for a while, and then called He Suen.

It was the training time of the PBB troops in the morning, so He Suan took the time to answer the phone, but Bai Chunian just took up the training time and chatted for some idle chatter. When he was scolded, he hung up the phone with a smile and called Aphid Island again. The instructors and children, nothing to do, just bored and want to discipline them.

It was not until the other side hung up the phone and the phone returned from the call page to the normal desktop. Bai Chunian put the phone on the table in a good mood, and leaned on the table to send a message to Lan Bo.

He was sitting in front of the drafting table in the secret arsenal in the bedroom of the apartment, with Dead Sea Heart Rock chains fastened on his hands, ankles and neck, while the entire table was covered with a whole Dead Sea Heart Rock beast cage, locking him tightly in this square inch place.

Rimbaud had also just arrived at the IOA Union Building and got off the elevator. He was wearing Bai Chunian's clothes - a loose basketball vest and shorts, a peaked cap, messy blond hair curled around his neck, and a backpack slung across his back. Walking in the serious and busy Union Building seems out of place, and of course that beautiful face is out of place with other ordinary looks.

The phone vibrated, and Rimbaud slowed down and glanced at the news.

randi: "Wife, I like you very much."

I can still send a message, it seems that it is not too uncomfortable. Rimbaud chuckled, replied with a voice: "milayer. (Baby and put the phone back in his pocket.

He had just returned from Aphid Island, and was entrusted by Bai Chunian to take synergist to meet the Wuxiang Stalker.

The Elephant Stalker copied a tube of red potion with the same color as the synergist out of thin air for him, but after testing, only the color was the same, and the ingredients were basically unrelated.

Xia Xiaochong shook his head helplessly: "I can only copy what is known about the molecular structure. Do you have the instructions for the ingredients of the medicine?"

If there is, the medical society can successfully imitate it, and there is no need to go to Aphid Island to ask him for help.

After returning from Aphid Island without success, Rimbaud returned to the IOA Alliance Building. When he arrived at the room where they agreed to meet, there were already two people waiting inside.

Lin Deng and Domino have always lived here. Although they are protected by the IOA, they can walk around the Alliance headquarters area at will, and if they apply, they can also walk out of the headquarters building, but they don't go out very often.

As soon as Rimbaud came in, Domino warmly greeted him with sweet coffee and freshly baked biscuits, the butterfly tentacles on his head twitching happily.

"Wang, please sit, please sit." Domino swept away the outline notebook, pen and half-written manuscript on the table, making room for Rimbaud.

Since the attack on the Shaojin Mansion, Domino has been seriously injured. Although he was rescued by the IOA Medical Association, the butterfly wings that can be used as gland cells were torn apart, and the glands were seriously damaged.

The inherent ability of butterfly glands is fantasy. Most butterfly gland owners are engaged in artistic creation and freelance work. What they are best at and most passionate about is creating all beautiful things. Destroyed glands were more unacceptable to Domino than being disabled and paralyzed for life, and it was Rimbaud who mended his wings for him when he lay in his hospital bed at his most desperate.

Domino put his arms around Rimbaud affectionately, took out all the specially prepared snacks and placed them on the table, then took out a stack of densely written papers from the locked drawer and put them in front of Rimbaud.

"Actually, Bai Chunian mentioned to us a long time ago about the situation at the headquarters of the 109 Research Institute, so I went to investigate it a long time ago." Domino opened the stacks of pages that were bound with a stapler. "This week, according to the action plan formulated by Bai Chunian, I have sorted out ten routes to sneak into the headquarters of the research institute. I guarantee that even Ai Lian herself will never find an eleventh feasible route."

Domino's J1 ability is a chain reaction. Doing something at random will completely change the direction of the development of something, and at the same time, it can also arrange actions in a line in the order that best matches the result.

Rimbaud still can't understand, but these days, he has learned more words than the previous 270 years combined. He has never been so eager to learn anything, and he has never blamed himself so logically. and the lack of a bigger picture.

When he was looking at the documents that Domino brought, the door was gently kicked open, and the reptile came in with a box of engineering drawings rolled up into a tube. The drawings were very large, which made the reptile smaller. His small stature, and the fluorescent yellow sweater with the black worm logo printed on him dazzlingly.

"The map is printed." The reptile put the box on the ground, put its pockets on the sofa, and stepped on the upper edge of the box, "I stayed up for several nights."

The reptile's M2 ability "Earth Parallel Plane" can convert the target entity into copy data, and then perform text conversion to obtain a detailed analysis of the target. All objectively existing inanimate objects can be pulled from the inventory to view its details. .

He pulled the internal structure diagram of the headquarters building of the 109 Research Institute, as well as the top view of the interior furnishings, but only for that, he couldn't tell what each area and room was used for.

Fortunately, Lin Deng has been working at the headquarters of the 109 Research Institute for a long time. Even though the decoration and furnishings of the research institute have been updated over the years, the basic layout has not changed. Lin Deng used memory to create a map of 30,000 words. 's notes.

The operation to infiltrate the headquarters of the 109 Research Institute to steal synesthesia will not be approved in writing by the IOA, which means that they will have no support, no equipment, and all preparations and actions can only rely on themselves.

Rimbaud folded Domino's documents and the crawler's drawings, put them in his backpack, and took them back to Xiaobai to see.

Domino's sticking to Rimbaud was a little reluctant to let him go, so he packed the biscuits he baked in a paper bag and brought it to him.

When Rimbaud walked out the door, the reptile stopped him: "For so many years, there have been countless experimental subjects who have escaped from the research institute and been bought and sold. It is not uncommon for those who want to return to the research institute to take revenge, but they have all failed. The difficulty is unimaginable.”

Rimbaud glanced at him: "That's because I haven't gone yet."

The reptile was in his pocket, and he could only look up at him slightly because of his height: "You're not that confident, right?"

Rimbaud clenched the shoulder straps of the backpack, and indeed, he was not sure.

"It's better to go to Satan for divination." The reptile said, "At least it's a psychological comfort."

"Divination?" Rimbaud scoffed. He has always turned his hands to become clouds and covered his hands into rain, so why did he ever hope for such a mysterious and mysterious thing.

When he left the Alliance Building, he happened to meet Bi Lanxing who had brought the documents back. Bi Lanxing looked up and down at his attire before recognizing it: "Ranbo? Why are you here, brother Chu is back? "

"I'm just here to get something, kid, mind your own business." Rimbaud lowered the brim of his hat, bowed his head and hurried out.

Bai Chunian didn't want these children to know their plans, and he never mentioned them to anyone. Until now, only Dr. Han knows their plans.

Bi Lanxing looked at Lan Bo's hurried back, a little puzzled, and lowered his head to send a message to Lu Yan and Xiao Tun.

Rimbaud took the subway home as usual. He didn't want to get off the bus when he passed the church, but when the door was about to close, he still went on by ghosts.

No one got off at this station, the subway station was empty, Rimbaud thought about it and then took a step towards the church.

From this road, you can see the seaside park. He saw a construction site surrounded by the park. In the center of the fence is a statue of a mermaid. into a wishing pond.

Rimbaud glanced at the statue of the mermaid. The tail of the fish was a thin pointed tail, and it seemed that it was himself.

There were already a lot of people crowding around the unfinished statue pool. They took out coins from their pockets and threw them into the pool that had not yet filled.

Too far away, Rimbaud couldn't hear what they were saying, but he still knew in his heart what these human beings liked to ask for, and Rimbaud felt very annoyed looking at their pretentious faces.

However, he suddenly felt a warm feeling in his chest, stretched out his hand and hooked his neckline and glanced inside, and found that the wound on his chest that was pierced by the Dead Sea Heart Rock Knife seemed to heal faster.

If God harms believers, he will be attacked tenfold, and in the same way, the prayers of believers will heal God's wounds.

Rimbaud held the wound and looked at the humans who looked a little stupid, a little surprised.

The church in Aphid City is not built in a busy area, the surrounding is very quiet, and it is not too far from the seaside. The solemn and peaceful organ music came out from inside.

Due to the previous attack by Eris, one of the walls of the church was damaged, so it was simply renovated. When entering, the sunlight was projected on the ground through the stained glass windows, and the crystal colors flowed on the ground, which looked translucent.

There was almost no one in the church at this time. Satan was sitting alone in the middle of the empty church, with the Bible on his knee and his fingers caressing the keys of the organ.

Rimbaud's footsteps echoed in the church and should not be ignored, but Satan did not immediately get up to meet him.

Rimbaud found a random seat and sat down. He glanced at the statues standing around him and the gods on the oil paintings on the dome. He didn't show a shocking expression because of their equal identities.

On the table in front of him was a hundred cards with gold gilding on a black background.

The music ended, and Satan finally spoke.

"If Bai Chunian is not here, I can't deduce the development of different routes for you. I can only predict the life and death of each route for you. It seems that Bai Chunian is gone, so you can make a choice."

Rimbaud raised his eyebrows: "Do you know what I'm here for?"

Satan cherishes words like gold, and does not want to bother to explain irrelevant issues.

Rimbaud thought for a while, took the documents given by Domino out of his bag and put them on the table: "Help me predict the life and death of these ten roads."

Satan said: "There are a hundred cards in front of you. When you recite each path, you draw cards. When you draw an angel card, you have hope of life. When you draw a demon card, it means a dead end. Each choice can be drawn three times."

Rimbaud understood the rules, picked up the first document, recited "Break in from the main entrance of the research institute", and then drew one of the hundred cards.

The card surface was automatically turned over, and a goat-headed demon smiling face appeared on the table, which was creepy.

Rimbaud drew three times in a row, all of which were demon cards.

It seems that breaking in from the main entrance of the institute will not work.

Rimbaud made a cross on the first document, passed the first route, and picked up the second document, thinking "Break in from the underground of the research institute" in his heart, he hesitated for a while in the air, and then clicked. a card.

The card is automatically turned over, and it is a demon card.

Draw three times in a row, all are demon cards.

The second route also passed.

Rimbaud picked up the third document. He did not believe in evil and turned over three cards at once.

All demons.

Rimbaud felt that he was being tricked, raised his head and squinted at Satan: "How many angels and how many demons are there?"

Satan replied, "I don't know. This deck of foresight cards changes depending on the events you ask about."

Rimbaud took a deep breath and calmed down, divination one way after another.

The divination of the nine paths was over, and Rimbaud did not draw an angel. Although he used the koi blessing in the process of drawing cards, he still could not change the result. The opened demon smiled grimly and stared at him, letting Rimbaud Crazy at heart.

There is only one last way left, breaking in from the testing room of the research institute.

Rimbaud calmed down for a long time, and finally summoned up his courage, silently reciting the last route, his trembling fingertips hovering hesitantly in the air, reaching out and retracting several times.

The first one, the demon card.

Rimbaud's heart trembled, he withdrew his hand, closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and quickly turned over the second card.


Rimbaud was almost out of breath with this loathsome goat face.

Satan took a step back silently.

Rimbaud was burning with anger, a burst of anger came out of his heart, he stood up suddenly, overturned the table where the cards were placed, and shouted: "You dare to play with me! There are no angels in here!" He Never been so out of place.

The overturned table flew out and hit the spot where Satan had just stood, smashing the floor into a big hole, and the divination cards floated in the air, neatly arranged and floating around Rimbaud.

Ninety-nine demon cards with weird smiles let out a terrifying shriek, and the only one, Tian, ​​wrapped himself with white wings.

Satan held the Bible and said lightly, "I didn't play tricks on you, this is your catastrophe and punishment."

Rimbaud sneered, the document in his hand clenched loudly: "Who is qualified to punish me?"

Satan replied, "No one can punish you, great king. Born a god, you should be just, and you are just atonement for the selfishness that you once despised and indulged in love."

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Families, the next chapter will enter the final copy