MTL - The Feast-v2 Chapter 203 : Immortal drop

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Lu Fengyu looked at Su Donglou's face and changed his face. He thought that he was finally completely beaten by his own wonderful speech. Because of the whole collar, he was like a proud **** and came to Duan Ting Xuan’s warm body. What to say, suddenly heard a scream, turned to look at it, I saw a follower of Xiangyang Wang pointing to the opposite Qingshan, even the channel: "God of the gods... the goddess fell again."

"God is falling?"

Duan Tingxuan and Su Wen warm also curiously stepped forward to look at the opposite side. I saw a very thick white mist between the green hills across the street. It was intermittent and varied in shape, and it looked like a white cloud in the sky. Suddenly fell into the mountains. The husband and wife have never seen such a strange scene, and they can’t help but marvel at it.

"Why is it called the gods to descend?" Su warmed his head and looked at Duan Ting Xuan, but inadvertently saw Lu Fengyu's look seemed to be a little nervous, then he quickly walked toward Xiangyang Wang, I do not know what to say in the other side of the ear, Fuyang Wang It was also a dignified look and nodded slightly.

Su warm and a little surprised, stunned Duan Tingxuan to signal him to pay attention to the abnormal reaction of the two, the results did not get a response, looked up, I saw her husband's face is full of shock, she quickly said: "What? ”

"Oh, no...nothing." Duan Tingxuan was pulled back to his mind by his wife's voice, and then he smiled embarrassedly: "That... I have never seen such a strange sight. I really took a big surprise. The world, when there is nothing strange, even the clouds will fall, is it true that a **** has come to the mountain?"

Su warms a little chin, and Duan Tingxuan looks at her in the past, and sees Xiangyang Wang and Lu Fengyu talking and laughing at the side of the ship. At this time many people gathered on the deck to see the strange sight of the distant mountains. After talking for a while, I listened to a singer: "When today, Wang Ye went to Jinling to worship the ancestors. On the occasion of the departure, there will be auspicious descendants. It is obvious that this trip must be smooth sailing. In the future, the prince must be rich and long, and all the best."

With this one taking the lead, others have woke up, and there was a rush of resentment on the deck. In this case, Lu Fengyu never wants to join in the fun. I don't know if it is really high or to maintain my own high image. See Duan Ting Xuan and Su warm in the back. He smiled and walked over and said: "You have only come to Jiangnan from the capital city. I have never seen this wonder. Why don't you look forward to seeing it clearly? I am hiding here. But afraid? No, I will take you over and forgive me. Dare to stop."

“Thank you, Master.” Duan Tingxuan said quickly: “We have never seen such a strange scene, but just now when people are young, they have already seen it clearly. Why should we go to the front? Can the scenery still change? Anyway, the scene has been deep. Printed in the brain, I will never forget it in my life."

Lu Fengyu smiled and said: "The white clouds are invisible. This scenery is naturally also changing, less nonsense, come over. Although this wonder is not difficult to encounter in a hundred years, it is not easy to encounter two times in a year. Not to mention the white clouds today. It is extraordinarily long and has a variety of shapes. It is the most spectacular. If you miss this time, you will regret it for a lifetime."

Then I took two people to the side of the ship. Sure enough, those squadrons who were huddled together saw Lu Fengyu and immediately made a way out of the tide. The scene made the warmth of the Soviet Union stunned. Is it a plague? Are you hiding so clean and neat? After thinking about it, I understand that everyone is hiding from her and Duan Ting Xuan, but Lu Fengyu, it seems that many people here have been plagued by this.

The white clouds between the mountains are actually rolling and flowing, and the shape is very spectacular. The scene is very spectacular. Su warm and stunned, only hate this era without a camera, or must take this magical scene, and the fairy between the lush mountains, even the Huangshan sea is somewhat inferior, after all, Yunhai is a wide range The fog is shrouded, and this is in the middle of the verdant mountains. Suddenly there is a real cloud-like fog. This is an unheard of wonder in the past, and I don’t know what the reason is.

"Master, this fairy is really strange, is there any legend?" Su warm and curious, so could not help but turn to ask Lu Fengyu, but he saw him smile: "There are many legends, dozens If you have nothing to do, you can ask Green 绮, she is a native of Suzhou, and lived in that place in the past, familiar with the legend of the gods."

Duan Tingxuan’s look was awkward and different: “What? Isn’t that a piece of mountains and mountains? Can you still live?”

Lu Fengyu smiled and said: "It is not between the mountains and the mountains. There are several villages around the mountain. Green crickets lived in one of the villages."

"Oh, this is the case, I said, how can I live in such a deep mountain?" Duan Tingxuan seems to be a little embarrassed, hehe smiled, and after a while he asked: "I just heard the master said that this fairy is very rare, one year. There are only two or three times, but I don’t know what it is. I think it shouldn’t really be a cloud drop? It should be... probably caused by fog.”

Lu Fengyu smiled and said: "I don't know about this. Such a spectacular scenery, with the legend of the immortal coming, what a poetic? You are going to pursue the truth, you can see that you are a vulgar."

Duan Tingxuan quickly laughed and said: "What the lord said is that slaves are a vulgar and can't be vulgar. Where are the literary poets of the lord?"

Lu Fengyu looked at the warmth of Su, and he smiled and said: "You don't have any literary talents. Anyway, there is luck in the I can find such a capable lady, which is a hundred times stronger than my lord. ”

Duan Tingxuan smiled and didn't talk. Seeing that the fog gradually dissipated, he looked at the warmth of Su: "You used to come out to breathe, but now the gas is also through, the scenery is also seen, don't hurry back to the master. Preparing lunch?"

Lu Fengyu also said: "Yes, go back and prepare, do a few more good dishes. Today I want to ask Wang Ye and Su Lou to use the meal. Although I don't deal with the Su landlord, but I also say it from his hands. If you don't ask him for a meal, I am afraid that he will not be reconciled."

Su warmly smiled and promised to come down, and Duan Tingxuan turned back to the cabin, waiting to enter the kitchen, Xiao Houye looked at the four people, then he snorted and asked: "You just got on the deck, pull my sleeves What do I look at?"

Before the warmth came to the chopping board, he picked up a piece of meat and cut the filament, and threw it to Duan Ting Xuan. He let him cut into a growing section and whispered: "I saw the name of Lu’s face dignified and ran. Going to the side of Xiangyang Wang, I whispered a few words. The face of Xiangyang Wang is also not good-looking, but when I ask you to see it, their looks have returned to normal." (To be continued.) () "Food Kam" only represents the author Pear White's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, and the position is only devoted to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!