MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1862 Dragon egg

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Latest website: Jialan is depressed and he is afraid of breaking.

Ability to reach his level, it can be said that many people and things are very thorough and understand very well.

He knew that it was impossible to hit the other side through countless universes with his ability, and he had not reached this level.

However, he knew that there was such a supreme existence, but many of them were only legendary ghost images, which were extremely rare, and they were not even seen for many thousands of years.

Who knew that I saw one today.

He didn't know exactly where this Lomon was, but he could perceive that it was definitely not in the known universe, and any place out of the known universe was endlessly far away.

A slap from an endless distance slaps him easily, this existence is horrible.

He was really scared from the bottom of his heart, he felt cold all over him.

The two demigods, Liang Bing and Queen Keisha, did not dare to move. Their hearts were more scary than Jia Lan's. The two of them had never seen such a existence, even very few. Hearing this existence, because the ability is too exaggerated.

Jia Lan covered her face and stood far away from the computer, staring straight at the computer screen, as if the screen was the person who slapped him.

Their demigods were scared, and the other demigods in the live broadcast room felt cold all over.

On Pearl Island, Bingo, Daxside, Zaya, Elven God, a group of tyrant messengers, a group of skyscrapers, a group of old inks, it can be said that none will move, one by one or standing Or sit on a stone, all like woodcarved clay sculptures.

They are all demigods, and even the Skyrim and Bingo and the Daxside brothers have surpassed the demigods and reached the level of sub-gods.

But their abilities are all given by Jialan. In their mind, Jialan is like an insurmountable mountain. At this moment, the mountain in their mind is slapped from nowhere. If it was shot down, then the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

"Guru ~"

Druckside swallowed a spit without knowing it, and asked with a sulky lips, "Why ... what happened?"

His elder brother Zaya shook his head and quietly swallowed. "No ... I don't know."

The elf **** wiped the cold sweat on his head, and said, "Where did that slap come from?"

Bingo shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I can feel that it definitely did not come out of the nearby universe. It may be at endless distance, or at the extreme edge of the Almighty Universe."

"On the edge? Is there life there?"

The cold sweat of the elf **** was even more joyful.

He is the supreme ruler of the First Universe. His ability is not small, but it is slightly weaker than the existence of Daxside and Zaya. Otherwise, the First Universe would not be at the bottom.

Many things the Elven Gods don't know are clear about them.

Just like whether there is life at the extreme edge of this Almighty Universe, Daxside and Zaya can know about it, but the Elven God is not clear, so this is the question.

Druckside said, "It is said that at the end of the Almighty Universe, the conditions are extremely bad. Most people cannot survive there, but there is a Supreme Almighty living there. The guests may be one of them. "


The thought of Ye Fei's next live broadcast will require a supreme existence to participate, everyone is expecting and afraid.

Looking forward to seeing such an expert.

I'm afraid there will be problems after seeing such an expert. If you offend such a person again, then they will not be able to cope with it at all, and it will disappear between a few cosmic fingers.

No one knows whether it is good or bad for Ye Fei to draw such a person. They can only beg for this supreme existence to be a good-tempered person. Don't wait so hard to serve.

Just when they were silly one by one, Ye Fei live room.

Luo Meng made a smile and sent a message: "Jia Lan, for the first time you say something wrong, I don't care about you. If there is another time, be careful I am beyond billions of light years. Take your life, hum. "

The tone was still coquettish, but the news was terrifying in anyone's eyes.

Take Jialan's life hundreds of millions of light-years away, brother, you are awesome.

People have no intention of believing this, but when they think of the situation where people just slap Jialan to a slap in the face of hundreds of millions of light years, they can no longer doubt it. They have this ability. This is the real story Reliance on.

Jia Lan covered her face with this depression. This is not as simple as sweeping her face. This is a shame to the dozens and hundreds of universes. More than 150 billion people have seen it. This is the stain of her life. .

He wanted to say a few words, but in the end he didn't say it.

Seeing that the goods were silent, Luo Meng was satisfied: "Okay, no one will know that you are a shame for an intermediary god. I will erase this memory of everyone in the live broadcast room and be safe."

As soon as news such as Luo Meng was sent out, everyone saw a black bar suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room. This bar flickered away, and everyone felt as if their eyes had spent a moment. After everything returned to normal, Everyone in the live broadcast was lamenting Luo Meng's bold reward, and they couldn't remember what just happened.

Jia Lan was really convinced this time. One who did not know how many billions of light years existed could not only easily defeat herself, but also erase the memory of more than 150 billion people with one thought. Fragment, this is definitely a high-level deity. Even the supreme existence in the legend, only such talents have such extraordinary abilities.

"Thank you!" Jia Lan bowed deeply towards Ye Fei's computer.

Ye Fei patted Jia Lan's shoulder with a smile, and said, "What do you thank? Who should bow to?"

Jia Lan looked at Ye Fei and smiled. He knew that the existence had erased Ye Fei's memory, which was too bad.

"Nothing, I'm thanking the computer for pumping me into your guest, so I have the opportunity to eat such top-notch food."

"Cut, what's so grateful for this, let's do it, and make a few more delicious dishes in a while, which will make you enjoyable."

Ye Fei said, holding his fist toward the computer, and said, "Luo Meng, thank you. Look at it first, and I'll make some delicious food."

After speaking, Ye Fei returned directly to the console.

"Everyone, everyone on the planet knows that there is a very old and powerful creature in the legend of our planet, that is, the dragon. In fact, I have only recently learned that this animal also exists in other universes, whether it is The story told by Mr. Jiu Jiuhu, or from several previous guests of the Fifth Universe, has proved that the species dragon exists in the endless universe. "

"In Huaxia, the dragon is our totem. We call ourselves the descendants of the dragon. The dragon is sacred and inviolable in our hearts. It is the ancestor of our Chinese nation and our pride, so in order to highlight the supremacy of the dragon, The emperors of ancient China all called themselves dragons. Their chairs were called dragon chairs, their clothes were called dragon robes, they were angry and called Long Yan Da Nu, and they were pleased to call them Long Yan Da Yue. All these show that Dragon is a very high-level species. . "

"And the next dish we want to make is related to the species dragon. According to legend, more than two hundred years ago, an emperor went out to play and came to Yixiang Yecun. It ’s clean. There is a fenced yard and gate made of moso bamboo outside every home, and the atmosphere of nature permeates the entire village. "

"The emperor was very happy to see such simple folk customs and beautiful scenery. When he walked to the door of a house, he saw a group of old hens in front of the fence door. At this moment, the group of old hens saw someone coming over and was scared. Scattered around, and only one old hen stood there staring at the emperor and his followers, watching without fear, the emperor was very curious and happy, and made the chicken catch him, he Holding Dan Dan from the old hen in her arms, she thought it was an unusual chicken. "

"But when the emperor held the old hen in his arms, the old hen didn't know whether it was nervous or it was time to lay an egg. He lay down an egg and fell into the hands of the emperor. The emperor was even more happy, that is, At this time, the owner of the courtyard came out and knelt directly to the emperor. He said that he had dreamed of Jinlong to go round the courtyard last night. He knew that there would be a king today. The emperor was very happy. Treat the emperor's gang. "

"At the table, the emperor liked a dish made of catfish and eggs, so he asked the old farmer what this dish was. The old farmer hurriedly said that this was a dragon egg, and the emperor heard the name of the dish and then remembered it. The scene of holding the eggs just now, Haha smiled and praised the classics of this dish, and finally it was included in the court dish and became one of the royal dishes. "

For any dish, as long as it talks about its historical past, Ye Fei will be like several Jiazhens, but he doesn't want to say many dishes.

But this dragon holds a phoenix egg, because the history of the past is not clearly explained, the audience does not know what is going on.

Now listening to Ye Fei's introduction to the origin of the dragon and phoenix egg, the audience is curious and feels interesting. After all, they know the ins and outs of a dish, and they can only taste the rich historical flavor when they eat it. And the great wisdom of the ancients.

"Dragon holds Phoenix eggs? Does the emperor take eggs?"

"Isn't Ye Shen talking about it? In ancient times, the emperor called himself the real dragon emperor, and the chicken was also called the phoenix in the catering industry. The emperor took an egg. This is what the dragon holds.

"I rely on, Ye Shen, is this story really made by you? It's interesting to hear."

"Although the story is a story, it may be that the true story has been passed down through rendering."

"I think this dish should be better called Emperor Egg."

"The emperor ... egg, oh ~~ hahaha ... upstairs, did you open your head? How do you remember that?"

The audience in the live broadcast promoted the excellent style of nonsense, and it was endless.

Ye Fei can't see the news in the live broadcast now, but continues to say, "The next dish we made is Long Bao Feng Egg. To be honest, this dish was a name that the old farmer had an idea at the time. No dragons? Of course not, but there are catfishes, which are as long as snakes. Snakes are little dragons. They also have eggs, which are in keeping with the name of the dragon and phoenix eggs. "

Talking, Ye Fei took out a few red-tailed chicken eggs from the storage compartment, took out a few catfish, and took out a few grass carp at the same time.

"The ingredients are all used by us. We often see grass carp and eggs, and catfish we have a braised catfish pot when we made a bowl in front of it. If there is a detailed introduction of catfish, if Anyone who is unclear can look back at that live broadcast, these are the main ingredients of this dish, and then the auxiliary ingredients such as oil, salt, vinegar, etc. Now we will start to make this cuisine. "

After speaking, Ye Fei picked up a big catfish, and the knife fell directly in his hand.

After slaughtering the catfish, Ye Fei put the catfish on the cutting board again, and cut it with a knife in his hand, saying, "We all know that dragons have dragon scales on their bodies, and catfish's bodies There are no dragon scales, so you have to make dragon scales. So what kind of knife method can be used to cut out dragon scales? Then you need to use the flower knife technique. "

"The flower knife is a special knife method in the chef industry. With this method, ingredients can be cut into various shapes or patterns. Of course, the flower knife must have a certain knife foundation, otherwise you not only It won't cut into a flower knife and will damage the ingredients. "

"The flower knife skills are further divided into wheat ear flower knives, litchi flower knives, spherical flower knives, chrysanthemum flower knives, garment flower knives, twist flower knives, comb flower knives, flower knives, and lanterns according to the cut shapes and patterns. Flower knives, etc., each pattern cut out gives people a beautiful enjoyment. I personally think that cooking is actually a form of art. "

"And if we want to cut dragon scales on the sturgeon ~ ~, then we need to use the wheat ears knife, and the so-called wheat ears knife, that is, the diagonal pattern on the surface of the ingredients first, and then the ingredients Rotate 70 or 80 degrees, and then cut the parallel knife pattern with a straight knife. Finally, cut the ingredients into rectangles. The knife pattern that comes out is the wheat flower pattern. Now we will cut it, and friends can see it. "

After speaking, Ye Fei cut off the carp with a straight knife on the carp according to the techniques just described, and then lifted the carp's tail to show it to the audience.

"It won't be very specific right now, it will be more vivid after the fish is cooked." Ye Fei laughed.

The audience also knows that the fish is flexible and the blade is very thin. Even if it is usually cut casually, the blade will rebound quickly, and sometimes it ’s not clear where the blade is, even if you do n’t look carefully, but as long as It was steamed or fried in the pot, the blade was turned out, and the knife pattern was clearly visible, so the audience was looking forward to it.

After processing other catfish, cut them with a wheat ear knife and cut them into fish pieces.

Put the boiling water pot on the stove, add water to boil, Ye Fei puts the fish directly into the pot and starts boiling ...