MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1923 Ye Fei, stop your mother, you're a big pollution king

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Pearly Island.

When Ye Fei's group of people set foot on the island again, everyone's heart was full of mixed feelings.

Especially the three hundred interstellar bodyguards, that was really almost throwing Xiao Ming into the Fifth Universe. If Ye Fei finally killed Luo Yi, they do n’t know how many of them can come back. The army was gone.

"The air here is still sweet." Storm dust took a bit of salty air and said fiercely.

The others laughed.

That's right, even if the air on Pearl Island is a bit salty, it smells a lot better than Luo Yi's poisonous mist.

Supreme Supreme laughed: "I don't know how long I haven't been down. I didn't expect the Earth to be so charming."

Ye Fei shook his lips. This product is still doubting whether the person who rubs his buttocks is this guy. Although he does not admit it, but this guy is not a good thing at first glance. Look at the slipping eyes and reveal With cunning.

Black Egg Ye Fei also laughed: "Sometimes I really want to live here for a lifetime, comfortable."

Ye Fei laughed: "You have no end in your life. Let's go back to your place and be your god."

"There's nothing to treat in my place. It's so dark everywhere. I'm alone, not even talking."

"Willn't you change places?"

"Big gods don't usually move easily."

"......alright, you win."

The goddess of death looked at the surrounding landscape and sighed, "The rest of the life after the disaster can be considered a kind of exercise."

Ye Fei laughed: "You are all called the goddess of death, who dares to let you die?"

"You make sense, too."

However, when saying this, the goddess of death accidentally glanced at the Supreme Ultimate. This is the real gangster. Maybe he can crush himself to death with one finger, but he does n’t know why. The five universes didn't even make a shot. One person hid in the sky. Is it because they let the family roar down? Shame?

Bingo looked at the goddess of death, and then looked away. Through this time, he could be regarded as completely letting go of his mind.

He and the goddess of death are not the same. He is now pursuing calmness and thinness, and his heart is already calm, and he has no heart to go to love.

That's all about children.

Well, Bingo is just like that now.

Both Dakside and Zaya decided, and they didn't go anywhere. They lived on Pearl Island. According to their words, they didn't want to have a grilled prawn after returning.

Bingo thought about it and said, "I'll stay here too. I can rub Mahjong with Brother Ye when I'm fine."

Ye Fei haha ​​laughed: "Of course welcome, I lost a dish for you."

"Well, so good? Then I will stay."

"I stay and I stay."

"Sign up. I recorded it. I will build a house in the future. No one will live in the collective dormitory." Mouth Cannon said.

The transcendant ran over in excitement. He now wants to study Ye Fei more and see how he percussed. He made a giant like that in the Fifth Universe, and he wanted to know.

But after Ye Fei approached, he didn't know why.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked puzzled.

The observer, who had been silent as if without a mouth, suddenly spoke.

"You have a smell."

Ye Fei looked at Juatu like a ghost, and said, "Can you speak?"

Juatu: "..."

Sorry, I shut up again, the kind of shut up that I ca n’t pry with a stick.

Seeing Yuatu no longer talking, Ye Fei hurriedly raised his arms and smelled, saying: "It's odorless."

Di Jiang, who came back with Ye Fei, laughed, "It really has a taste, heroism."

Ye Fei: "..."

"Fuck, I love to hear what you say. Okay, everyone clean up. It's time to take a bath. Take a break without taking a bath. It will start tomorrow."

"Don't supper?" As soon as Ye Fei's words fell, he saw the void next to him tremble, then a dumbfounded guy came out and asked with a smile.

Ferris wheel stopped directly in front of this guy, bowed his head and said, "Who are you?"

"Lu Acai, the fifth universe Lu Acai."

Everyone: "..."

"Do you know how to come here? Where did you go when we went to the Fifth Universe?"

"Roll, you are not welcome here."

"I'm leaning, thinking about managing dinner? How can my skin be kind?"

"Despise it."

Listening to this guy saying that he is Lu Acai, everyone began to train, and even the highest ultimate tilted the guy with white eyes.

Anyway, I'm still watching the situation in the air, so as not to let it get out of control, you haven't even exposed your face, and now it's all over, you ran over again.


Lu Acai was scratched by a group of people.

"You can't blame me, I can't get involved in that kind of thing at all, it used to die." Lu Acai told the truth.

Ye Fei laughed: "It's okay, just come."

"Look, Ye Shenming is reasonable, Ye Shen, is there any dinner?"

This product hasn't forgotten it yet.

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course, I'm full!"

Now he has acquired the advanced skills of chefs in the system. Even ordinary ingredients can be made the same as the finest ingredients. There are so many ingredients in the South China Sea that many people are full.

Besides, these people are indeed worth doing this themselves, because they are all born and died in the fifth universe.

This is a true friend!

"Are you busy with so many people?" Ma Cuihua and Ye Fei came to the room and asked with a smile.

Ye Fei laughed: "I can't get too busy."

"Do you need help?"


"But I can't cook."

"You make noodles, Sister Cuihua. Give me the food below."


"Hey hey, sister Cuihua, why am I a hooligan? I'm telling the truth, can't you order me noodles? I won't be able to save you by running so far."


Ma Cuihua ignored this guy and went directly to take a bath upstairs.

She's been here and visited, and she knows where.

Ye Fei looked up, grinned, and took the phone out. He had to call Ma Qingyun to report his safety.

"Ye Fei? You ... Where did you go? People around the world are going to find you crazy, boy, are you okay?" As soon as Ye Fei received the call, Ma Qingyun was excited. Asked.

Ma Qingyun is really worried these days. The old man's hair is quite white. After all, Ye Fei didn't say a word when he left.

Ye Fei laughed: "Uncle Ma, I'm fine. I'm back now, and Sister Cuihua is back, here with me."

"Cui ... Cuihua is back?"

Ma Qingyun heard that her daughter had returned, and the tears of joy flowed out directly, and her voice was trembling.

"She ... is she okay? Where is she? Let me talk to her, my mother and I ... both miss her, oh ~"

Talking, Ma Qingyun started to cry.

Ye Fei didn't persuade him, just put the mobile phone near his ear and listened quietly.

He can understand Ma Qingyun's mood.

His daughter recovered, and nothing more upset his mood.

The change from great sadness to great joy made him unable to control his emotions at all.

When Ma Qingyun cried for a while, Ye Feicai said, "Uncle Ma, this is something that should be happy, don't cry."

Ma Qingyun couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, this is something that should be happy, you should be happy, Lao Xiang, Lao Xiang, send me a notice, the salary of all employees of the company doubled, this month's bonus Double it! Call Tianhe Shanggong immediately and ask them to prepare wine and food right away, yes, the best wine and wine, I want to ask people in the group to eat for three days !! How much? How much money I do n’t care , I only care about my children, woohoo ~~ "

Ye Fei: "..."

He listened to it on the mobile phone really, a little speechless, and said that the old man would not go crazy? When the daughter comes back, you do n’t need any money. You look at this fierce one and it ’s a mess.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Fei looked at the door, hurried over to close the door, rubbed his hands, and ran up the stairs with a smile.

"Ah !!!! I'm taking a bath. What are you doing here? Hey ~~~"

Outside the house, the supreme group of gods all looked at the second-floor building with their faces fierce, and then shook their heads one by one in tears.

"Nature, nature." Black Egg Yefei laughed.

In a word, everyone laughed.

An hour later, Ye Fei-shen returned with a refreshing and full of blood, and behind him flushed Ma Cuihua.


Black egg Ye Fei coughed, and then blinked toward Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was confused and said, "What's wrong?"

The black egg Yefei whispered to Ye Fei's ear and muttered.

Ye Fei collapsed as soon as he heard it.

"Well, you shameful people, are you eavesdropping on this kind of thing? Do you have a bit of ethics?"

Ye Fei has vomited blood. I have never seen such a **** god. Are you vulgar?

Ma Cuihua didn't know what was going on.

"what happened?"

"Haha, nothing, they said that they saw three big worms in the sea just now, and they wanted to bake and eat. These are the three lightning pythons I keep, huh."

"Oh, I heard that snakes have a lot of parasites. It is better to eat less." Ma Cuihua was serious.

Black Egg Ye Fei was choked for a moment, and quickly nodded, and said, "Yes, yes, you should eat well, or you will get sick easily."

The next day, Yao Xiaoming came early, and then Zhang Junwei and Green Scale came over, and even the elven **** came. When they saw a group of people on the island, they were nervous one by one.

"Specially, you must know that Brother Ye has come here with so many great gods, Lao Tzu will not come, and this is why I dare not let go of eating." Zhang Junwei madly said in his heart.

I managed to get smoked once, but I still met these people, how to eat it?

He was tangled.

Yao Xiaoming didn't care about that much. The little fart was very lively. When he saw that he didn't recognize anyone, he could talk to anyone.

The little boy reached in front of the Supreme Ultimate and looked up and asked, "Why do I look at you so familiar?"

The Supreme Ultimate smiled kindly: "Oh? How familiar?"

"Even familiar, do all your followers hold the cross?"

"Oh, right."

"Oh, I see. Are you the old man with the wind and rain in the sky?"


The Supreme Ultimate is silent, who is the old man who controls the rain in the cloudy sky?

However, in the face of Yao Xiaoming's clear eyes, Supreme could not feel depressed even if he wanted to be depressed. He smiled, "Yes."

Yao Xiaoming hooked his fingers towards him and whispered, "Come here."

The Supreme Ultimate didn't know what this little guy was going to do, smiled and bent down and bowed his head.

Who knew that Yao Xiaoming even stretched out his hand to scratch his beard.

"Should this be true?" Yao Xiaoming asked.

Supreme Ultimate: "... Yes."


"His ~ what are you doing with my beard?"

"Who keeps you from raining in our hometown? My uncle in my hometown said that the dealer was dead. This is a punishment for you. If you dare to offend the young man, I will remove your beard."

Supreme Ultimate: "..."

Whoops, I rely, do you know that you are the first person to dare to pull my beard and train me since tens of millions in the sky? !!

Seeing Yao Xiaoming's beard pulled up to the ultimate height, the goddess of death and the group of Daxside were all embarrassed, and then they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

A bunch of people kneel to the little fart child. This is really a big kid, do you know who your beard is?

Do you know how much this beard would cost if it was put up for auction?

Little guy, you're rich.

Seeing this scene ~ ~ Zhang Junwei almost scared to urinate and hurried to hug Yao Xiaoming. He has been drawing a cross shape on his chest, and even apologized in his mouth.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, this is my friend's child. I was born and raised from Xiaojiao, and I'm not afraid of things. Little children, don't give him general knowledge. I'm sorry."

The Supreme Ultimate Haha laughed: "Nothing, I like this kid."


Zhang Junwei directly threatened, and he said that the gods did not play cards according to common sense? What about the little guy pulling your beard, do you still like him?


Zhang Junwei really didn't know what to say, but could only smile awkwardly.

"Yeshen, what food are you going to do today?" Lu Acai asked excitedly.

The results just ended, and everyone got a big white eye.

Ye Fei laughed: "I don't know, but last night I wrote a menu with hundreds of dishes on it. Everyone ordered it and we did it."

"Really ?!"

After Ye Fei said that, everyone was excited.

After all, this can eat the food that I have longed for in my heart.

Just like going to a hotel, the menu is for you, as long as you don't consider the price, you can order whatever you want, which is cool!

Ye Fei also broke out today, just for those who help themselves, and for those who give their lives to themselves, they have the right to order any dish.

"Really! I'm not afraid of too much food today, I can help."

Talking, Ye Fei pointed at Ma Cuihua.

Ma Cuihua laughed: "You point, we do."

Ye Fei: "..."

He reached up to Ma Cuihua's ear and whispered, "Sister Cuihua, do it in front of so many people? It's so shameful."

Ma Cuihua: "..."

"Ye Fei, you stand still for your old lady, you are a big dirty king !!!"

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