MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1195 a step far

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Ren Xiaosu stood on a tall wizard tower with a huge iron gate, behind it was a turbulent sea, and in front of him was a turbulent sea breeze.

Xu Anqing stood in the wind, and his robe and the brown leather armor covered under the robe were constantly turned by the sea breeze.

He stood at the top of the wizard tower with some doubt and confusion, and sent out a puzzle from the depths of his soul: "Where did this door come from?"

A long time ago, many wizards were troubled by the shortcomings of the key door.

For example, a person can only open it once in a lifetime, so many wizards are not allowed to open the key door when they are young, because this opportunity is likely to be wasted.

Within the Templar organization, children such as An An are not eligible to open the key door, and must be 24 years old.

In fact, when An An was 9 years old, her mental strength was enough to perform this witchcraft, but no one was willing to teach her the spell of the key door at this time.

What a pity if the key door she opened was only for the candy store.

An An had communicated with his father, and the little girl said, "Why is the key to the key open?"

At that time, Chen Jiu, who had opened the door to his key, said: "Some people are looking for a safe haven for themselves, while others are looking for a piece of pure land for themselves."

In fact, the key to Chenjiu's key is to balance the two. The wizard tower standing by the sea was built by him, and then it became a harbor for many underground people.

Ren Xiaosu saw the farmland and the shepherds outside the wizard tower. I don't know which corner of the world it has become a new settlement.

An An asked at the time: "If I opened the door to the most famous candy house in Ghent City, I would be very happy."

Chen Jiu's answer is: "You can't just be happy in your life, and a qualified church can't treat stealing candy as joy..."

Of course, this is only one of the shortcomings of the key door that bothers everyone. More importantly: the key door cannot be moved.

Many wizards have tried, they want to modify the spell of the key door, and then make the key door into a movable door that does not rely on foreign objects, so that everyone's life-saving means have greatly increased.

But no matter how the wizards tried, the experiment ended in failure.

However, Ren Xiaosu now provides the wizards with another option: since you can’t remove the key gate, take the key gate carrier together...

Ren Xiaosu thought, this is probably the true meaning of escaping from the door.

What Xu Anqing thought was that the door of the key could become an arbitrary door through hard-core physical means!

Xu Anqing repeated his question again: "Where did this door come from?"

Ren Xiaosu looked to Xu Anqing: "Witches can open the door to the key. Of course, Middle-earth also has its own means. Where does the door come from?"

Ren Xiaosu did lie here, and it is only him who has storage space in Middle-Earth today.

It’s just that there is no pressure to lie, after all, the people of the wizarding country can’t verify it.

This door was originally used when he was in the Confucian salvation of Wang Yun, and he walked in the ordinary prison. It is not very useful to keep it, because it can sometimes be used to block bullets.

In general, Ren Xiaosu blocks bullets and chooses nano-robots, but the little guys consume too much power and rely on biological energy to charge in their bodies. Sometimes they can support 5 to 10 minutes of high-intensity battles after charging for 24 hours, so Ren Xiaosu always has to leave himself. A simple backhand... the kind that doesn't consume electricity.

Ren Xiaosu looked to Xu Anqing: "What is the spell of the key door? How about you teach me how to open the key door first? I also want to know where I want to go most in my heart."

Xu Anqing shook his head: "Don't learn the key door first, teach me the skill of opening the door first..."

"You can't learn this stuff," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "Hurry up, tell me how to pronounce the key door spell."

"In fact, the key door is the only witchcraft in the entire wizard system that does not require spells and meditation charts," Xu Anqing said with a smile. "Xiao An'an had been entangled with her father for so long and didn't know how to open the key door. But this method is extremely simple, and she will get angry after knowing the truth, just like when I knew the truth."

"Oh?" Ren Xiaosu wondered: "Don't even need spells?"

"All you need is a real eye above the red level, drip your blood on it, and then turn the door against your hand by 3600 degrees, the key door will naturally open," Xu Anqing said.

"It's that simple?" Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment, 3600 degrees is ten circles. He was a little curious, how did the person who invented the key gate discovered this rule.

Are you bored?

However, this witchcraft actually needs the eye of true vision above the red level, which adds many restrictions. For example, Mego cannot open the eye of true vision...

White, orange, red, gold, black, at this level, there are not many people who can open the key.

Ren Xiaosu remembered that when he was in Vaduz Cathedral, the great wizard who presided over the ceremony seemed to have a real red eye.

It must be said that the biggest difference between the wizarding system and the Middle-earth survivors is that those spells were explored by wizards and ancestors for generations and can be passed on forever.

"Do you want to try it now?" Xu Anqing said: "But first you need a real eye, this is not easy to get, and it must be above the red level, which is even harder to get. Maybe Chen An An’s father is back and can help you...hiccup!"

Xu Anqing stared blankly in Ren Xiaosu's hands, and the real eyes lay like the worthless sweets in the candy house.

Just like Qian Weining and others had never seen the world, don't look at Xu Anqing as the core member of the church, but he has never seen so many scenes with true eyes in his life.

Chen Jingshu knew that what Ren Xiaosu had done in Winston City was also after Zhang Haoyun, so she had no chance to pass the news.

At this time, Xu Anqing and others probably guessed what Ren Xiaosu did, but the details were unclear.

"Austria," Ren Xiaosu said calmly, "I don't need your help for the True Vision Eye. I'm quite a lot of things. By the way, if you open the key door, the higher quality True Vision Eye will do the surgery. Does it have an effect? ​​For example, can we drive farther away?"

"Ah," Xu Anqing was stumped: "I really don't know."

Ren Xiaosu curiously said: "Why, haven't you tried other real eyes?"

At this time, Xu Anqing had already started swearing in his heart, and he had encountered a real eye in his life. How could he know so much?

That is, when someone teaches him how to do it, he will do it directly, because the key doors opened by them are different, and everyone has not been able to sum up any rules.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu asked again: "That eye of true sight can allow the wizard to open a key door forever. If I have dozens of eye of real sight, is it possible to open the door of dozens of keys? ?"

Xu Anqing: "No!"

"Why doesn't this work? Have you tried it yourself?" Ren Xiaosu seemed a little dissatisfied.

Xu Anqing: "...not tried."

"Then you are telling the story," Ren Xiaosu said: "Why don't you try it."

Xu Anqing has begun to cry in his heart: "Because I haven't got so many real eyes..."

Ren Xiaosu thought for a moment and comforted: "Sorrow."

Xu Anqing almost snarled. What a sorrow in the festival. Isn't everyone a true eye of one person? That's why there are so many real eyes in your hand.

Ren Xiaosu whispered, "I'll know when I try later."

With that said, Xu Anqing saw that Ren Xiaosu brought out a black true-sighted eye. Before that, Ren Xiaosu did not mention the black true-sighted eye to anyone other than Mego.

Xu Anqing's whole person started to stutter: "Black... Black eyes with real vision?!"

"In case there is only one chance, it would be better to test directly with the best real eye in your hands," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile. "Why is such a shocking look, Xiao Xia should tell you, Russell The true eye in his hand was taken by the knight. Isn't it normal to appear in my hand?"

This black true eye is like the last proof of Ren Xiaosu's identity.

He pulled out the black knife and cut his thumb, dripped blood on the stone, and then pressed the stone on the steel door and rotated it.

For a moment, after the eyes of black true sight absorbed Ren Xiaosu's blood.

The little black stone seemed to have a hot temperature, and the purple eyes suddenly turned red.

Immediately after, the place where the black stone touched the iron gate was slowly melted into a completely fitted hole.

The red iron juice flows out, and even Mars splashes occasionally, but Ren Xiaosu can't feel the temperature of the real eye, but only feels some warmth.

"The magic of creation is breathtaking," Ren Xiaosu exclaimed.

After he turned the eyes of the true vision through ten laps, Ren Xiaosu took off the eyes of the black true vision, and took out a golden drop of blood on it.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu was surprised to find that the golden eyes of real vision no longer absorbed his blood.

"Sure enough," Ren Xiaosu regretted: "If only a few more keys can be opened."

A person can only open one door in a lifetime, this is the rule of the key door.

Xu Anqing looked at Ren Xiaosu and asked, "Where are you behind this door?"

"I also want to know," Ren Xiaosu laughed. "Trouble calling my people. I have to guard against what someone does before I go in."

Xu Anqing was helpless: "Even if you don't trust me, you can say a little euphemism."

At this time, Mei Ge also entered the wizard tower from the underground tunnel, and Ren Xiaosu let him, Xiao Xia, Qian Weining and others guard the key door together.

Ren Xiaosu told Xiaomei: "I don't know where I will appear after passing this door. It is said that it is the place I want to go the most, but in fact I don't know where I want to go the most."

The key to the door of the key to Ren Xiaosu seems to be here, it is difficult for everyone to analyze his heart, but the key to the door will directly give you an answer.

After talking, Ren Xiaosu stepped into the door of the key.

The next second, Ren Xiaosu silently looked at the environment in front of him and laughed. It turned out that the place he most wanted to go was the small house on Anning East Road in the 144th barrier.

Ren Xiaosu came out of the wall next to the sofa in the living room, and everything in front of him was so kind and reassuring.

He bought it together with Yang Xiaojin, and then met Hu Xiaobai and Wang Yuexi.

They are setting up stalls Yang Xiaojin will buy food and cook for him like ordinary people.

They planted potato shooters and an apricot tree in this backyard.

They whispered before going to bed across the thin wooden wall panels upstairs.

Ren Xiaosu once wandered in this world. He met many people, some became friends, some became enemies, some became guests.

In the end, what made him stop was not a glorious mansion, but this little house.

It turned out that this was the place he wanted to go the most. In the future, no matter where he is, he can go home anytime and anywhere through any door.

"Anyone?" Ren Xiaosu shouted happily.

No one in the room responded. It seemed that no one had lived in the room for a long time.

However, Ren Xiaosu was not disappointed. He guessed before returning here that Yang Xiaojin must be on his way to find him, so it is normal to not be at barrier 144.

At this time, it was evening. Ren Xiaosu came to the backyard to check the potato shooter. As a result, Hu Xiaobai in the yard next door saw Ren Xiaosu walking out of the house. His jaw dropped to the ground: "Xiaosu!"

Today should be a weekend. Hu Xiaobai took a day's rest at home. She took advantage of the sunshine and put the quilts and mattresses in the yard early to dry. Now, in the evening, it is the time to collect the quilts.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the quilt and sister Hu's face, everything looked extra soft.

This made Ren Xiaosu feel as if he had never really left here, as if he should have belonged here.

"Sister Hu good afternoon," Ren Xiaosu smiled: "How come it seems surprised?"

Sister Hu ignored him, but ran into the house holding the quilt and shouted: "Pharaoh! Pharaoh! Look who is back!"

Wang Yuexi's voice came from the house: "I'm writing a document, don't yell or yell, okay... it hurts, it hurts, you let me go!"

During the speech, Wang Yuexi was actually pulled out of the house by Hu sister's ear.

When Wang Yuexi saw Ren Xiaosu, he almost thought he had an illusion: "Young Master? Why did you come back suddenly? They said you went to the wizarding country!"

Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "Don't chat, let me call Black Fox and Zhang Xiaoman over."

Black Fox, adjutant of p5092.

After the battle between Tinder and the Wangs, the few main forces left by Tinder were retreated to the northern grasslands, and were finally brought to the northwest by p5092. Now in the sixth combat brigade, it should be Black Fox and Zhang Xiaoman.

The reason why Ren Xiaosu did not say to call p5092, or Dahouyou and Wang Yun came because he knew that these people must be on their way to the wizarding kingdom.

It may even have arrived.

Ren Xiaosu is not a guess, this is a tacit understanding between each other.

Wang Yuexi hurriedly agreed: "Okay! I will call them!"

Speaking of Wang Yuexi stumbled into the house and ran to call, and sister Hu greeted Ren Xiaosu: "Xiaosu, come to our house, my sister will cook dinner for you. If you come back suddenly, you must haven't eaten dinner yet? Tonight? What to eat?"

"Noodle bowl is enough," Ren Xiaosu smiled.

When the sun was setting, more than ten military vehicles outside barrier 144 drove past the gate.

The earth-shattering posture led the residents to speculate for a while, and those who did not know thought it was a spy leader to capture.

More than a dozen military vehicles all came from the Sixth Combat Brigade. Some passers-by wondered: "It's strange. When the commander is not in the city, the group of soldiers basically don't run into the city. Isn't it that they are training for recruits? Is the barrier coming?"

At the same time, it was not only the 6th Brigade that reported on Anning East Road, but also came with Wang Fugui and Jiang Wu.

Anning East Road is no longer peaceful. Neighbors in the neighborhood looked at these nobles curiously, and saw that the streets were full of cars, which was very lively.

An auntie laughed while sitting at the door of the house choosing dishes: "When there was such a big movement on Anning East Road, it was still when the young master was caught."

"Will you speak, it was to find the young master, how could he catch the young master?" another aunt said contemptuously.

"The young marshal didn't want to be a marshal at the time, but he was just caught and served as a marshal," the aunt who chose the dishes counterattacked.

However, at this moment, the two old men playing chess next to each other heard them chatting, and suddenly stopped the movement in their hands: "Will the young master really come back?"

As soon as the words fell, the neighborhood neighbors saw Brigadier Zhang Xiaoman of the Sixth Operation Brigade jumped off the off-road vehicle, and then opened his voice and shouted: "Young Master, you can come back, Dahuyou, the group of killers who went to kill The kingdom is over, so I left me alone at home!"

Following Zhang Xiaoman is the Black Fox, the adjutant around p5092 is obviously more stable than Zhang Xiaoman.

Neighbors in the neighborhood were shocked when they heard this voice: "Liu's surname, did you open your mouth, did the young commander really return?"

At this time, Ren Xiaosu greeted Zhang Xiaoman and others into Wang Yuexi's house. He looked at the Black Fox and said, "I already went to the 178 fortress when you came, so I didn't welcome you."

Black Fox politely said: "You don't need to be too handsome, young master, we are all familiar with it."

At the beginning, what Xiaoli did on the front line of Tinder, the black fox was very clear.

Black Fox feels that anyone who knows how fierce this young marshal will temporarily let go of arrogance in front of each other...

"How do you come back, Young Master, how about you?" Zhang Xiaoman wondered.

Ren Xiaosu explained: "I came back through witchcraft and I haven't merged with them."

"Witchcraft?!" Zhang Xiaoman suddenly became interested: "Young Master, did you learn witchcraft? Can you teach me?"

You know, Zhang Xiaoman now feels that a person dragged around him is an extraordinary person, so he has no face for him.

And the most important thing is that he is not an extraordinary person. Everyone does exciting things without taking him to play!

Ren Xiaosu took out two red real eyes and threw them to Zhang Xiaoman and Black Fox: "It is a souvenir brought back from the wizarding country. With him, you can become a wizard. This is a wizard's weapon."

Zhang Xiaoman said with emotion: "The local specialties brought by the young masters are all so unique."

"Don't slap the horse fart," Ren Xiaosu told the two the methods of meditation and practice, and then asked: "Who is chasing the wizarding country?"

Zhang Xiaoman said angrily: "Young lady, and your maid, Da Huyou, Ji Zi'ang, Wang Yun, p5092, even the white-net fat man of Xun Yeyu was taken to the wizarding country. I will follow."

After listening to this, Ren Xiaosu knew a lot. With this lineup of Daxing Northwest, the group of people in the wizarding country did not want to Daxing Northwest!

"Black Fox, how is the Tinder unit running in with the Sixth Combat Brigade?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

Black Fox said: "This has to be reported to the commander-in-chief. After the chief p5092 brought us over, we were originally worried that the Northwest was not welcome. As a result, Commander Zhang gave it directly. Now the Sixth Combat Brigade is already the Sixth Field Division. That’s it, the Tinder Force and the Sixth Combat Brigade blend in very well. I’ve redefined the training direction of the Sixth Field Division according to the type of service."

"Is there anything wrong?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"No," Black Fox laughed. "Today, the number of combat sequences is 21317, of which 3,021 are recruits who have just been recruited. Except that these recruits have not been able to enter the battlefield, everyone else is in combat!"

"Very good," Ren Xiaosu nodded with satisfaction. It seems that he let p5092 to turn these Tinder troops to the northwest of Daxing, and he did it right: "I need you all except the recruits to quickly enter the state of combat readiness, and then at the 144th barrier Stationed inside. Near Anning East Road, you must enter a state of military martial law, but you must remember not to disturb nearby residents."

"Understood!" Black Fox first received the combat command before asking his own doubts: "Young Master, what does this mean? Waging a war in the city?"

"No," Ren Xiaosu shook his head and smiled, "It is a war against the wizarding country."

"Bring a few cardinal materials?" Black Fox asked.

Ren Xiaosu shook his head and said: "I don't understand marching to fight, so I tell you the situation, you can judge: this battle should not require too many logistics supplies, the enemy needs to face is more than 100,000 cavalry units, may be Street fighting, or relying on the city walls for defensive counterattacks and the like..."

The Black Fox silently wrote down these words: "I have probably counted, but there is a little doubt, why do you let us come to the 144 barriers, Commander? Do you not need logistics supplies on the road to the wizarding country?"

Ren Xiaosu shook his head with a smile: "No, the supplies are not enough, then come back and carry it. We are only one step away from the wizarding country."

When Ren Xiaosu found that his key door was opened at barrier 144, he knew what he should use to fight this battle.

The key door of his house is like it was opened on the face of the wizard. Originally, the northwest wanted to send troops to the wizarding country to span thousands of kilometers, and the entire supply line was a problem.

But now it is different. The entire barrier 144 is their base of advancement, and the guns of the Sixth Field Division are really only one step away from the wizards.


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