MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1220 Ren Xiaosu's decision

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"Where is the Black Fox?" Ren Xiaosu Ningsheng asked.

The words Tang Zhou were like a knife and suddenly stuck in his heart.

Ren Xiaosu feels that he has just returned to a peaceful life, and his witchcraft training class has just been started, and even a familiar friend has left this world.

In fact, strictly speaking, Ren Xiaosu did not know whether he and Tang Zhou were friends.

The first acquaintance was that Tang Zhou, Luo Lan, and Ren Xiaosu fled together to the Li's site on the road after the barrier 113 broke down after the Jingshan earthquake.

Later, Ren Xiaosu pretended to be an officer of the Li family, and then joined forces with Tang Zhou in the 313 position to call the crying father of the Li army troop.

Later, it seemed that Ren Xiaosu rarely heard the name. The rank of the other party was getting higher and higher, and then Luo Lan was sent to serve as the chief of a major Qing army.

The relationship between Ren Xiaosu and Tang Zhou is more like a normal situation in this wasteland era. Everyone is not common, and each has his own life.

Maybe once met, but then quickly returned to his role, back to his own rivers and lakes.

The next time I hear each other's news, it may be news of death.

Everyone is saying to look forward, just because the time behind them is too reluctant.

"Sir Black Fox, their vehicle has just entered the barrier," the soldier said. "It should be here soon."

As he said, the brakes had already sounded at the door.

Ren Xiaosu ran out and was seeing the black fox jumping from the military truck, while Tang Zhou was lying quietly in the truck body, covered in blood.

The Black Fox said in the most concise language: "We found him 30 kilometers north of the river valley area. He attracted our attention with a semaphore. At that time, a group of sparrows were besieging him. We found this metal pipe from him. , I think he is here to pass the information. Tang Zhou died of suicide and committed suicide before the sparrow attacked him."

Ren Xiaosu took over the metal tube and the note in the other party's hand, which read the news about Luo Lan.

At this point, some soldiers had lifted Tang Zhou off the truck lightly, and Ren Xiaosu stepped forward to check the wounds on the body. He saw that there was almost no skin on the other side of his body. He could imagine how the other side suffered. Kind of suffering.

Black Fox pointed to a wound on Tang Zhou’s leg and said, “This metal tube was hidden next to the leg bone. He should have cut his muscles and hid it, but it’s a bit strange that he didn’t have a knife on his leg. I don’t know how to heal quickly."

"Black medicine," Ren Xiaosu calmly replied: "I have given Luo Lan a lot of black medicine, presumably Luo Lan gave it to him."

With the black medicine, everything is explained, Tang Zhou cut his leg muscles abruptly before he set off, and then hid the metal tube.

Ren Xiaosu looked at the Black Fox: "Did you check the sparrow's body at that time?"

"No," Black Fox shook his head. "As we approached, the silver metal liquid in the sparrow carcass was slowly seeping out. To be cautious, I did not let the soldiers approach. If you want to find those sparrow carcasses, , I remember the location."

"Well, you did it right," Ren Xiaosu said: "This is a sparrow with zero control of artificial intelligence. You are right not to touch it."

If Black Fox and others contacted the sparrow carcasses, what Ren Xiaosu would do now may be to isolate the Black Fox first and then carry out electric shocks one by one.

At this point, the clues in Ren Xiaosu's brain had almost been pieced together.

Black Fox also raised a doubt: "I have heard of Tang Zhou before. Chief p5092 should have also heard that the troops he and Luo Lan are in charge of are known to be intrepid and fearless. I don’t quite understand why he would suicide."

"He is not afraid of death by suicide," Ren Xiaosu sighed: "He is afraid that after being controlled by the nanorobot, he unconsciously revealed the location of the metal tube hiding."

After the nanorobot is forcibly connected to the neuron, it can obtain a person's complete memory, even some humans forget the subconscious memory.

At that time, Zero only needed to accurately find the metal pipe through the sparrow, and then Ren Xiaosu they could not know what happened to the Kyungs when the communication was blocked.

Ren Xiaosu can also go to Qing's to ask what happened, but at that time it was too late to say anything.

Prior to this, Ren Xiaosu had seen the zero-controlled Wang soldiers in Zuo Yunshan. According to zero, it only needs a few nano-robots to control human thinking through the technology of connecting neurons.

Nano-robots are hidden near the brain stem. They do not even need to consume energy to stay dormant. The biological energy generated when the human body moves is much more than they consume.

If Zero is using a nanorobot, it is just used as a control tool, rather than a combat tool to improve the "strength" and "muscle strength" of the human body, then the nanorobot stays in the human body, and the human body is like a huge charging slot. It will provide nanobots with endless battery life.

"I'm going to the Central Plains," Ren Xiaosu said.

Da Huyou immediately answered: "Young Master, let's go with you."

As a result, p5092 shook his head calmly and said, "You can't go, Master."

"Why," Ren Xiaosu asked looking at p5092.

"Wang's troops are already on the northwest border, and war between the two sides may break out at any time," p5092 analyzed: "Now Luo Lan's trip to Central Plains will have two results. The first is to go to peace talks. You said that Wang Shengzhi wanted to find Zhang before. Commander peace talks, and finally the barrier alliance was taken over by Commander Zhang. I think this should also be the case for Qing's and Wang's peace talks. After all, except Commander Zhang, only Qing Zhen has the ability to rule the entire barrier alliance."

p5092 continued: "If they succeed in the peace talks this time, then Northwest will face the southwest and the Central Plains. Next, Master, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Ren Xiaosu shook his head firmly: "This kind of thing will not happen."

p5092 analyzes: "Of course, handsome, you judge from an emotional point of view, Gyeongsei will never do anything that abandons the Northwest, and I have nothing to say, I believe your judgment. Then we have the second possibility, if it is The conflict between Wang's and Qing's, then the war of the entire barrier alliance will be triggered. If you are not in the northwest at that time, I am afraid that it will affect the military. And you are involved in danger. Who will protect? I personally think that it is necessary to sacrifice Luo Lan."

Zhang Xiaoman muttered to the side: "Why do you always sacrifice this one? Isn't it possible to kill fewer people?"

p5092 looked at Zhang Xiaoman calmly and said, "Otherwise, what do you think is war?"

Zhang Xiaoman shrank his head and stopped talking...

Yes, war is about to die.

Starting with the word war in the history of human civilization, every war is extremely cruel.

The two sides of the war left their hometown, left their families and went to the battlefield, then raised their respective weapons to destroy the enemy's living power with the greatest possible possibility.

How can such a thing be reasonable?

Victory is only the moment when it finally cheers, it is short and glorious.

But before the victory, everyone seemed to be walking in the long, humid, sultry dark corridor, and no one knew where the end was. Sacrifice and death were the norm.

From the perspective of p5092, which war is not dead?

Since people will die, why can't Luo Lan die?

At this time, p5092 as a military commander, naturally did not want Ren Xiaosu to leave the northwest.

Everyone thinks that Wang is crazy, how can he go to Wang at this time?

However, Ren Xiaosu said to p5092: "When I was still a refugee, I was thinking about how to survive. I could eat bark, eat grass roots, and once set a trap to catch a rabbit, but was kicked by the rabbit. At that time, I thought it would be good to live. As long as I can live with Yan Liuyuan, I can do whatever I want. But then it was a little different, and I gradually understood that there are more important things in this world than living. ."

With that said, Ren Xiaosu walked outside: "Don't follow me, if you need your shot, I just open the key door."

Yang Xiaojin blocked Ren Xiaosu's way: "At least let me go with you, have you forgotten your promise?"

Ren Xiaosu seriously said: "You really can't go this time, because you may face your aunt."

"Although I can't shoot her, I can help you kill others," Yang Xiaojin said calmly.

Ren Xiaosu smiled: "How can it be so simple, listen to me, don't go this time."

The two have just negotiated, and as long as Ren Xiaosu is in danger, he must take Yang Xiaojin.

But this time is different, because Ren Xiaosu faces Wang Shengzhi and Yang Anjing.

No matter what Yang Anjing did, she was Yang Xiaojin's aunt, and when the peaked girl lost her parents in her childhood, all the warmth belonging to the family came from this aunt.

Yang Xiaojin said that she was willing to fight against Wang Xiaosu for Ren Xiaosu, but Ren Xiaosu did not want her to suffer in the middle.

"If it's really dangerous, I will open the door to the key," Ren Xiaosu said, "I promise you, I will do it."

In the end, Ren Xiaosu set off on his own.

After he left, Yang Xiaojin shouted Zhou Yingxue from the black market for the first time, and ordered Zhou Yingxue to stay in the living room for 24 hours. In this way, if the key door opened, then Zhou Yingxue could help Ren Xiaosu for the first time. Too.

The so-called 24-hour stay in the living room is to sleep on the living room sofa...

At this time, Ren Xiaosu did not know that a behemoth was rushing towards the north, as if to block Ren Xiaosu's way.


Outside the holy mountain, two figures dressed in turf disguise are waiting on the hillside creeping quietly.

The core area of ​​this weird mountain range is surrounded by strange white mist all year round, as if it is a natural barrier that can block outsiders from prying.

It is also true that almost no one in the outside world knows what is happening here on the Holy Mountain.

One of them lifted his wrist to look at the watch, and saw that at the moment when the pointer jumped to 10 o'clock, the white mist surrounding the Holy Mountain was diluted at a rate visible to the naked eye until the air was completely restored to a completely transparent state.

"Look, dean," said Zhang Baogen, who was lying on the hillside.

The **** next to him took out a pair of telescopes, and wanted to take a closer look at what was in this holy mountain while the white mist was gone.

He was only a little disappointed. They were still some distance away from the core area of ​​the holy mountain. All they could see was that some raw materials were brought in, and then there was a safe box escorted by the vehicle.

There are a lot of transport vehicles, and the traffic on the road looks quite lively.

Nonsense frowned and asked, "Bagen, do you think these vehicles are like an insect?"

"What insect?" Zhang Baogen was puzzled.

"Ant," said nonsense softly.

At this time, they were lying on the hillside. The black medium-sized truck on the road at the foot of the mountain was like a worker ant. The outgoing and incoming teams went in and out along the same route in an orderly manner, tirelessly busy.

This sacred mountain is like a huge ant nest, constantly making something.

However, when nonsense thinks that this car is full of soldiers with live ammunition and carrying mysterious things, he feels that this ant nest is a little scary.

Nonsense asked: "Is the news from the South back?"

"It came back, they had a team that even crossed the original Zhou's range and went to a place further south," Zhang Baogen replied.

Nonsense and doubt: "The same is true in the north. They even went to the grassland silently. I originally thought that the Wangs wanted to form an alliance with the new owner of the grassland, but that unit did not contact the herders, but disappeared. On the grassland."

There is only one doubt in my nonsense. What is the Wangs doing?

"President, what's next?" Zhang Baogen asked curiously.

"Go tell everyone to retreat to the northwest," Hu said after thinking about it and answering, "but after you inform them, you will go to barrier 73, and I find that a quarter of the vehicles going to the south go After the barrier 73, you investigate what they have transported on the car. Be careful, if there is any situation, you will immediately go to Xiuzhuzhou to find the altar. I have marked you where he is."

"Shall we take a look at the Holy Mountain?" Zhang Baogen asked.

"Can't go in," nonsense shook his head. "May not get out."

"But Dean, didn't you say that you shouldn't disturb the altar brother," Zhang Baogen said: "As you said, you have to wait for him and Ripple to give birth to the child before looking for him."

Nonsense, when he heard this, he didn’t get upset: “There are a hundred people who are willing to do something that doesn’t want to be upset. But instead, he became hypocritical, and he must first have feelings before he can develop further. I Now we should go to the northwest and find Ren Xiaosu to order the roche seed black medicine in his hand!"

"Dispensing medicine?" Zhang Baogen was shocked at once: "As for? I think he will continue to live in Xiuzhuzhou. It will be a matter of time before he has children..."

Nonsense, looking at the convoy driving out at the foot of the mountain, he suddenly sighed: "We may not have that much time."