MTL - The First Order-Chapter 2 The world never believes in tears

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Because the murderer and the sudden fall into a coma, Ren Xiaosu returned later, he looked at the sky is about to be shrouded in darkness, this time with prey through the market is extremely dangerous.

During the day, people in the refuge barriers came out to rule, and those at night returned to the barriers.

Of course, the people in the refuge barriers are by no means good, but they are worried that the town will be too chaotic and will affect the migrants.

"Hey, Ren Xiaosu is not a small harvest today!"

When Ren Xiaosu ran into the market town with a small iron pot, someone greeted him. The face of the man was black, as if he had never washed his face from birth to the present.

Many people in the town are like this. On weekdays, in order to exchange food, they go to the nearby coal mines to mine coal. These coals are transported into the refuge barriers, and then the workers can get the black bread or potatoes that just survived.

Not only to dig coal, but the dirty work required in the barriers will be done by people outside the barriers.

The well water in the town is all quotas, so no one wants to play more every day. There is no clean water nearby, or the clean water source is too dangerous, gathering the beasts of drinking water. Therefore, the people in the entire market town are dirty and invisible, and Xiao Su is no exception.

Only Ren Xiaosu never digs coal, he has his own way of living.

At this time, Xiao Xiao saw someone saying hello and did not respond. He only wanted to quickly return to his shack.

Just when Ren Xiaosu passed through the town road, he was not far from the wall of the barriers. When he looked up, he could not see the end of the sky and was full of oppression.

There are not many earth and stone buildings in the market town, and more are sheltered houses.

Originally quite relaxed, Ren Xiaosu suddenly became alert after entering the market town. He even pulled out a bone knife from his waist. The atmosphere on the street was dignified. It seems that there are hidden dangers in those shacks. However, when Xiao Su took out the bone knife, those who were eager to move again subsided.

The first thing that Ren Xiaosu learned here is not to believe anyone... except for Liu Liuyuan.

There was a whisper in the shack next to the road: "Ren Xiaosu actually caught the prey again."

"That is what prey, sparrows."

"This is not the same as the sparrow on the old textbook. I guess the eagle before the disaster is so big?"

"Don't mess with him," a voice ended this whisper, and it seems that some people understand the past of Ren Xiaosu.

Ren Xiaosu opened his own curtain, and the warmth inside made his body seem less rigid.

Yan Liuyuan, who was sitting in the shack and writing homework, looked up and saw that Ren Xiaosu was back. It was a surprise: "Is it a sparrow?"

"Why don't you have a kerosene lamp?" asked Ren Xiaosu frowning.

Yan Liuyuan is usually not well-behaved. At least not in front of Ren Xiaosu, but in the face of Ren Xiaosu, the "brother", he always accidentally docile: "I want to save some kerosene at home." ”

"What if I have a myopia?" Ren Xiaosu put the sparrow down.

Yan Liuyuan’s eyes said: “The gentleman of the school said that there was such a thing as glasses before the disaster. He also said that there are actually there, but in the refuge barrier, even if you have this thing, you are not afraid of myopia.”

Ren Xiaosu dismissed this statement: "I have seen someone who brought you something, but this wilderness entrusted the vision to an object that might fall at any time, equal to death. Don't listen to your gentleman blowing, you guys Something that Mr. said is not necessarily correct."

"Ao..." Yan Liuyuan nodded: "Then you sent me to the school?"

Ren Xiaosu stunned: "Which is so much nonsense."

"When can I follow you to hunt?" Yan Liuyuan asked.

"You only learned what to hunt at the age of 14? You don't have to hunt when you go to school." Ren Xiaosu said: "How do you learn to study, what is the physical chemistry? Isn't it better than hunting?"

"You are only 17 years old," Yan Liuyuan was not convinced.

In this era, even the barbarians know the importance of knowledge.

This is also the reason why Mr. Teaching can survive in the market town. No matter what troubles in the town, the teacher is always the safest one. No one will go to teach Mr.

However, tuition is expensive, otherwise Ren Xiao himself wants to listen.

Ren Xiaosu skillfully dissected the sparrow while supporting the iron pot: "What is Mr. Today? This sparrow can only give you some internal organs, and the other ones must be sold tomorrow."

"Are you injured?" Yan Liuyuan saw the wound on the mouth of Xiao Suhu's mouth and frowned. It was thrown out by the sparrow, and the blood flowed.

The big iron pot is on the stick, and the fire pit in the shack will be the shadow of Xiao Su’s cheeks: “small injury.”

The room was silent. After a while, Xiaosu took the sparrow viscera from the pot and handed it to Yan Liuyuan: "Eat."

Yan Liuyuan suddenly blinked red: "I don't eat, you eat, you need to recover."

"I can drink some soup," Ren Xiaosu said. "I still have black bread."

"I don't eat, you are not a minor injury at all. I saw a few days ago that someone in the market town died because of a little wound and finally inflammation. We have no medicine here." Yan Liuyuan said, tears are going to flow. It’s down.


Ren Xiaosu suddenly caught a slap in the face and said to Yan Liuyuan’s face: "You remember, you and I can't shed tears when we live in this world. The world doesn't believe in tears."

Ren Xiaosu continued: "Look at what people are around us. If you don't eat enough, someone in the night rushes in and kills me. What should I do? I let you go to the school, just don't want you to go hunting like me, you Have special abilities, as long as you study hard, you don't have to go to the wilderness to discuss life as early as I am. I want you to go to school, just don't want you to be as savage as they are!"

Yan Liuyuan suddenly took over the sparrow's internal organs that Xiaosu handed over, and the tears did not fall. He had to learn to be as strong as Ren Xiao.

"Cough, eat a clean cloth to dress me a wound," Ren Xiaosu said.

"Oh," Yan Liuyuan promised.

"It’s quite ordinary outside, how to get back home and be like a small gas bag," Ren Xiaosu sighed. "What happened on the market town today."

"Right," Yan Liuyuan said as he looked for a clean cloth: "A group of people came out of the refuge barrier and said that they would like to find a guide that can lead the way to the refuge barrier No. 112. They want to go straight through the mountain."

"Go to the 112th refuge barrier?" Ren Xiaosu squinted and frowned: "Is it necessary to leave the mountain?"

"You said that they will not look for you, everyone in the market knows that you are familiar with the outside," Yan Liuyuan said with a sigh of relief: "I heard that they are the band and singer in the 113 refuge barrier, invited to 112. The refuge barrier is coming, I haven’t seen a singer yet.”

"I don't go," Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "The area in the mountain, who loves to go. You hide from them, this group of people is weird."

At this time, Xiao Su’s mood is a bit complicated. What is the world? Is there a special singer and a band? What is it like in the refuge barrier?

Ren Xiaosu suddenly had a longing for it.