MTL - The Game is Suspended, Only I Know the Invasion of Reality-Chapter 33 The game invades reality, the moment has finally come!

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  Chapter 33 The game invades reality, this moment has finally come!

  Actually, all the 'Earth Dragon Kings' turned out to be the mother insect of an earth tearing insect.

   And it's really the same as the queen ant.

   Only the ability to have children.

   Then, the earth tearing insect boss will only spit.

  40% HP, to be honest, with Lin Chen's current attributes and equipment, a single person can kill it in seconds with one round of skills, not to mention he has four teammates and pets to help.

   One and a half minutes later, the Earth Ripper Boss died.

   Also exploded a lot of things.

   There are a lot of equipment in it.

   There are also a lot of leather materials and so on. Once these things are processed, they become handmade materials. Lin Chen would rather not lack them, and charge them all.

  In the equipment, the scepter of the Holy Maiden of Light was exploded.

  When this piece of equipment reappeared in the sky, one could clearly feel a blast of air waves in the Exiled Lands.

  In an instant, many saintesses of light walked out of the tree hole one after another.

  They all have light shining on them...

   This is the performance of strength recovery!

  Lin Chen even watched an elderly saint of the Guangming tribe with his own eyes. In front of him, the level suddenly soared to 180!

   She's even ascending.

  In the end, it stayed in the third-rank realm!

  Lin Chen hurriedly asked her: "What does it mean to turn three realms?"

  In the game, it is only open to level 120.

  This is 20 years!

  Although Lin Chen guessed that it is possible to upgrade above level 120, this third-rank state made him a little confused.

   "I am the High Priest of the Saintess Clan of Light, and I greet Your Highness the Spiritualist!"

The woman didn't answer Lin Chen's question, but led all the saints of the Guangming Tribe to kneel down to Liu Mengyao, then turned to look at Lin Chen and said, "After level 180, you can't upgrade, but you can reincarnate, retaining attributes and levels , Start training from level one again. We, the Holy Maiden of Light, are of the bloodline of the Peacock God King, my name is Kong Yan, her name is Kong Lin, and we all take Kong as our surname."

At this time, Kong Lin also stepped forward to introduce herself: "I am Kong Lin, the leader of the Holy Maiden of Light, and I would like to meet the spiritual thinkers and distinguished friends... Regarding reincarnation, in fact, how many times the state is at this time is not very important. The most important thing is soul cultivation. The realm of reincarnation is just a vehicle for soul cultivation, which determines what level your soul can cultivate to."

Kong Yan then explained to everyone: "The level of the soul is divided into one to nine ranks, but above the ninth rank, there are five realms: the **** disciple, the **** envoy, the weak god, the strong god, and the **** of heaven. And your level and the number of reincarnations If it is not enough, then the cultivation of the soul will also stop. For example, if you want to cultivate your soul to the level of a god-apprentice, you must reach the realm of rank two or above."

   "Now the high priest is at the third rank, and the soul is cultivated to the realm of the gods, but it is even more difficult to go up. If you want to cultivate to the weak **** state, I am afraid that you have to go to the fifth rank. Of course, there is a chance when you look at the fifth rank."

Kong Lin told Lin Chen, and also told everyone: "After four or five reincarnations, it is possible to cultivate to a weak god, and the upper limit of soul cultivation is also a weak god; after six or seven reincarnations, one can cultivate to a strong god. If you can complete nine reincarnations , it is possible to reach the realm of gods!"

  Lin Chen probably understood.

  It turns out that everyone's level is nothing but the carrier of soul cultivation.

   can be understood in this way.

  level is body training.

   Let your body carry a stronger soul.

   And cultivating the soul is the root of this game!

  Similar to the realm of cultivation in those novels.

  In the later stage, the stronger your soul ability is, the stronger your combat effectiveness will be.

  After learning about this, Lin Chen immediately chatted with Liu Mengyao in private: "You can invite them to live in Tianyue City temporarily, and in the future, we will help them find a new territory."


  Liu Mengyao immediately discussed with Kong Yan.

   Then, everyone went to Tianyue City together.

   At this time, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

   Time is running out.

  Lin Chen wanted to find Kong Yan to find out how to speed up his soul cultivation, so he disbanded the team.

   Anyway, everyone has something to do.

  Liu Mengyao went to resettle the Guangming Saintess, and by the way completed the task.

  Zhang Chunlin wants to continue to compete for the list, he plans to open pet eggs.

  The same goes for Bai Shuyi and Xuemo.

  Lin Chen left Kong Yan alone, and asked: "Soul cultivation, besides absorbing soul crystals every day, is there any other cultivation method?"

"There are some natural fruits, which can speed up the cultivation speed after eating. In addition, there is alchemy, and some elixir will also have this effect. And..." Kong Yan hesitated when he said this, and after nearly three seconds Cai looked at Lin Chen and said, "Swallowing souls is the fastest way to cultivate, but if you devour the souls of the same kind, it is easy to produce demonic obstacles."

   "Magic obstacle, is it a demon?" Lin Chen asked.


Kong Yan shook his head and said: "Magic barriers are demonic barriers. The demons only harm you and will not harm others, but demonic barriers are different, because they may be another you, an evil you, and a dark side of you! At that time, the demonic barriers will be destroyed once the demonic barriers are destroyed. Cheng, can wreak havoc everywhere."

   "So, if I devour the monster's soul, it's fine?" Lin Chen was very cautious.

   Ask about everything.

   "That way, it will easily breed inner demons." Kong Yan replied.

   Judging by her expression, it seems that she is also very resistant to the practice of devouring the soul of a monster.

  But Lin Chen didn't care.

  Besides, he personally witnessed the giant ape king devouring the soul of a monster in the instance.

   Still in the game now.

  The game announced the suspension of service, but Lin Chen still invested tens of millions.

  He worked so hard to get his account number one in the game.

   As a result, after some understanding today, I realized that the world of this game is actually so huge!

  I thought that I was already invincible at level 120, with mythical hand-made equipment all over my body, and three top-quality pets, but only now did I realize that it was only at the beginning of soul cultivation at level 120. Is this just the beginning?

  Lin Chen is of course upset!

   Besides, as a human race, devouring the soul of a monster must have a psychological burden!

   Those monsters cannibalize people without any psychological burden!

  Lin Chen doesn't care.

  He has to try.

  So, when Lin Chen saw that Liu Mengyao was getting along happily with the Guangming Saintess, he came to the copy of Tiangong Rebellion by himself at the last moment.

   Open directly!

  Anyway, with his current powerful attributes, he is completely fearless.

   And this time, Lin Chen was not polite at all.

  He didn't follow the routine to clear the level either.

  When the first boss was defeated and turned into a soul form, Lin Chen stepped forward to grab it and swallowed it in one bite.

  【You have devoured the soul of the double-headed monster (dungeon incarnation), and you have gained 5,000 experience in soul cultivation! 】

  Five thousand!

   Good guy, a two-headed monster can actually match the cultivation value of five colorful soul crystals?

  Why does Kong Yan have a flickering expression when he talks about devouring souls?

  Lin Chen doesn't care.

  However, here he discovered another knowledge blind spot.

  The monsters in the original dungeon are all dungeon incarnations... That means, there may be their real bodies in the game?

  The soul of the copy avatar is nourished like this, if the real body...

  Lin Chen's eyes lit up.

  Two hours later, at six o'clock in the evening, Lin Chen walked out of the copy of Tiangong Rebellion.

  At this time, his soul cultivation has reached the fourth level!

  He entered the instance again, trying to devour the soul of the two-headed monster.

   "You... you devil, my real body will definitely not spare you!" The soul of the two-headed monster actually said such words before being swallowed.

  This further confirmed Lin Chen's conjecture.

  Lin Chen was overjoyed.

   It means that until the service is stopped, I can use the copy of Tiangong Rebellion to crazily improve my soul cultivation?

   Then Lin Chen will not be polite!

  At eight o'clock, Lin Chen's soul cultivation had reached the fifth level.

   At this time, Lin Chen finally noticed the change.

  【Dawn in the Forest】

  【Occupation: Skywalker】

  【Level: 120】

  【Experience value: 1/3 billion】

  【Health volume: 57200】

  【Magic Power: 85600】

  【Magic attack: 75328】

  【Physical Attack: 75328】

  【Moving speed: 258.33 yards/second】

  【Soul Cultivation: Fifth Level】

  【Soul attributes: all attributes increase by 10%, all skills increase by 1, skill points +10)】

  【Physique: 3250+325】

  【Spirit: 8560+856】

  【Power: 8560+856】

  【Agility: 4270+427】

  Lin Chen's attributes began to increase.

   Moreover, the skill level is also enhanced.

   What's more, there are ten more skill points.

   It means that Lin Chen can learn another forbidden spell!

  The prerequisites for Skywalker to learn forbidden spells are:

  First, all basic skills, all point to level ten.

  Second, learning forbidden spells requires ten skill points.

  So as long as Lin Chen has skill points, he can keep learning forbidden spells.

   This is another great enhancement for Lin Chen.

  Now Lin Chen is very glad that he has changed jobs.

   But there is just not enough time.

  He brushed the copy of Tiangong Rebellion again. This time, the soul cultivation is far from the fifth level, and there is still 20,000 experience points short.

  But the time has come to ten fifty in the evening.

   There are still ten minutes, the game is suspended.

   Yes, one hour earlier than the previous life.

   What is the reason, Lin Chen doesn't know, but he is also a little nervous... Could it be his crazy operation in the game that caused the early invasion for this hour?

  Lin Chen saw the game announcement that the service was about to be discontinued, and Liu Mengyao also sent a message, saying that she was going offline.

   "After you go offline, if something happens, call me as soon as possible."

  Lin Chen confessed.

  Then, he returned to Tianyue City, and waited until the game was shut down and automatically logged out.

  In reality, Lin Chen took off his gaming helmet.

   Then, he came to the window.

   Above the sky, it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

  When the clock jumped, Lin Chen suddenly closed his eyes.

   There was a crisp chirping sound next to his ear.

   That cry was like broken Kunshan jade.

  Furong Weeping Dew!

  The next moment, Lin Chen opened his eyes.

   Above the sky outside the window, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, monsters descend into the world, and screams of terror are everywhere outside the community.

  In Lin Chen's room, Vermilion Bird was lying on his bed, Flying Squirrel was obediently rubbing against Lin Chen's arm, and Xue Nu was standing on one side like a doll.

  Lin Chen's body, all equipment, all dressed neatly!

  At this moment, Lin Chen only felt that his whole body had inexhaustible power.

   This moment is finally here!


  PS: The game has invaded reality.

  The main character also starts to take off!

  (end of this chapter)