MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 514 Thirteen Realms 4

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However, Bei Gongxue and others were not relieved by the self-doubt of the first questioner. Just as Feng Yiyang discovered the secret that the wind blade brought by the green grass can gather murder, maybe the first questioner felt that , is another crisis they fail to perceive.

   "Anyway, be careful! Maybe there are a pair of eyes watching us in the dark!" Lan Xueqin said cautiously.

   Several people nodded, and then more and more cautiously lifted the grass and continued to move forward.

   And every once in a while, when the wind pressure gathered by the wind blade reaches a certain level, several people will pretend to rest and meditate in place, and then continue to move forward after the wind blade disappears.

  In the water curtain cave, when the old man with scar saw Bei Gongxue and others escaped the attack of the wind blade again through his eagle eye, he became more and more sure that Bei Gongxue and the others knew how to avoid the mysterious killer of Sword God Domain.

   At this time, the two middle-aged swordsmen sent by the old man Scar were also facing the huge wind pressure and approached the place where Bei Gongxue and others were.

  With Hawkeye's command, the two naturally knew where Bei Gongxue and the others were, and within three days, the two had already arrived on the grassland that was only ten thousand miles away.

The grass on this grassland is different from the knife grass that is taller than a human head encountered by Bei Gongxue and others. These small grasses are the food of herbivores in the Dao God Domain, and only such grassland, when the wind blows, It will not form a mysterious wind blade that will kill people.

Bei Gongxue and others have been walking south, so they don't know when they will reach the end of this grassland, but they have enough patience and time to leave the grassland, so a few Among the people, not a single person has doubts, anxiety and other emotions because they can't get out of the boundless grassland.

   You must know that in the past, countless monks who strayed into the grasslands of Sword God Realm were all because they lost their direction and became confused in the vast green field, and they forced themselves little by little on the road of collapse and went to a dead end.

   And after a few days of tense nerves, the mental power of Bei Gongxue and others has been greatly tested. Fortunately, several people took turns to consume mental power to explore the way forward, so that there will be no excessive mental power consumption.

  Suddenly, Yun Zhengran's eyes narrowed, "Two people are approaching! We are less than ten thousand miles away!"

   Hearing this, Bei Gongxue and the others suddenly lit up.

   It can be considered that a living person has appeared! They thought that they had arrived at a place where there were no living people at all! After all, these days, in the area covered by their divine consciousness, no living people have ever appeared, and there are very few even magical beasts.

   "Then pretend that you haven't noticed anything and wait for them to approach!" Bei Gongxue said vigilantly, thinking of the intuition of the first question.

  In this unfamiliar place, they must be 120,000 points of spirit. Although Wentian couldn't tell what was wrong, but now they would rather believe it or not!

  No one objected to Bei Gongxue's words, because everyone knew that now only by being careful and careful can they safely leave this grassland where they don't know where the end is!

   After half a day, the swordsman duo finally came to the plain hundreds of miles away from where Bei Gongxue and others were located under the huge wind pressure.

   And Bei Gongxue and the others also saw at this time that the front was no longer a blade of grass that was taller than them, but a grassland with short green grass.

   At this time, the swordsman duo and Bei Gongxue and others naturally sensed each other's existence. And Bei Gongxue and others, there is no need to continue to pretend that they have not found anything.

   Pretending to be vigilant and moving on, Bei Gongxue and others finally met the swordsman duo after ten minutes.

   The two of them had already seen the appearance of the six people on the water curtain. Seeing the six people, the swordsman duo immediately showed a happy expression.

   Finally found these six people. Next, as long as they are captured alive and handed over to the master, their mission is complete.

  If the two of them are lucky enough to ask the secret of Sword God Realm, maybe they can leave the master and leave this ghost place by themselves!

   "Are several monks who have recently entered the Sword God Realm?"

   Seeing six people, the faces of the two swordsmen showed simple and honest smiles, which looked extremely honest and credible.

   But as everyone knows, the moment the two looked at them, Bei Gongxue and Lan Xueqin had already let their mind-reading beasts pick up their memories over the years!

   smiled slightly, Bei Gongxue and Lan Xueqin nodded in unison, and then said with distress: "Yes, but we are lost, I don't know the two big brothers, but do you know how to get out of this ghost place?"

The smiles on the faces of the two became wider, and they nodded sharply, and the two swordsmen said in unison: "We know, but that road is too difficult to walk, and if you are not careful, you will encounter the sword wind of the Sword God Realm. , so we dare not act rashly.”

   After digging through the thoughts of the two, Bei Gongxue and Lan Xueqin naturally knew that the sword style they were talking about was something.

  Obviously, these two were lying about their words, wanting to know how they escaped those converging wind blades before.

  's little face crossed, Bei Gongxue couldn't help but said sadly: "Then what should I do? I don't want to stay here any longer!"

   Seeing that Bei Gongxue did not take the initiative to mention how they avoided Daofeng, the two swordsmen looked at each other and said, "I wonder if the six have encountered Daofeng before?"

   Bei Gongxue and others pretended to be puzzled, "Knife wind? What are the two big brothers talking about?"

"It's the wind blade whirlpool and wind pressure that suddenly appeared on the grassland! Don't you know that all monks who enter the Sword God Realm will be strangled by the mysterious wind blade?" The two looked at the six people in surprise, as if they did not expect six people I don't even know what the sword wind is.

   Hearing the words of the two, Bei Gongxue suddenly showed a sudden realization, "Oh, it turns out that the two eldest brothers are talking about those sudden winds!"

Seeing that Bei Gongxue finally understood, the two of them immediately stared at her face, and then asked anxiously: "Yes, so you have encountered Daofeng, so how did you escape? But very few people can come back alive from the blade wind!"

Seeing the impatient expressions of the two of them, Bei Gongxue blinked innocently, "Oh, I don't know, every time we encounter Daofeng, we will sit down and rest for a while, and then those Daofeng, It will dissipate on its own!"

   The reason for this answer is because Bei Gongxue knew that every time they waited for the sword breath to disappear, it fell into the eyes of the master behind the two.

Fortunately, that person could only see their movements through eagle eyes, and didn't know that they were in a turtle's breath at the time. Otherwise, the mysterious old man with a knife scar would have known how they escaped the attack of the knife wind. .

   And through these two people, Bei Gongxue also knows what kind of world they have come to now.