MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2238 A bet

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Emperor Yuyu—No, it should be the **** shiver finally opened her eyes. Her eyes were clear and dark and unpredictable. It seemed that she could not see the end, and her eyes fell on Gu Yaozun Jun. There seemed to be a flash of light in her eyes. And then: "Lou Qianyue, it's been a long time."

Gu Yaozun's eyes flashed, and he smiled lazily: "It's been a long time-I haven't remembered the age for a long time, and I almost forgot that I still have a name. It's been a long time since no one called me that."

She glanced up and down again, her lips smirking: "The goddess sleeps well. How do you wake up now?"

The deity's body is as thin as a willow, but it does not give people a sense of weakness. She raises her hands and casts a kind of natural nobility between her feet. Her whole body is heart-breaking and makes people only want to worship.

Her eyes were quiet, her eyelashes were long, and she fell on Gu Yaozun Jun, who was obviously very gentle, but she always had such a condescending meaning, and her voice was also faint: "The years have passed, and the world has been vicissitudes for a few times. Change is the same. Everything in the world, whether it is changed or unchanged, is just a cloud of smoke in the past. "

Gu Yaozun smiled, and his smile was a little dangling: "The deity is still the deity, and it has not changed at all."

God frowned slightly: "You haven't changed at all, it's still so big and small."

Gu Yaozun said: "Don't the goddess goddess have heard of it, rivers and mountains are easy to change, and nature is difficult to change?"

The oracle glanced at him, then turned to look at the distant horizon—

The original dark blue sky gradually darkened, and there were no clouds, but there was a rumbling sound, and a muffled thunder generally rolled over the sky.

"The chaos and annihilation of the world have completely erupted!" God's eyes fell on Gu Yaozun Jun, his eyes faint and sharp: "You can obviously stop this big catastrophe, why don't you help them?

Gu Yaozun Jun raised a sharp eyebrow: "The goddess probably slept for too long, just remember my name, but don't remember my identity?"

Shenfeng Meifeng gathered quietly: "Our **** naturally remembers that you are a demon god, but you also have to occupy a **** character, and you should do some of God's duty ..."

Gu Yaozun Jun interrupted her, and lightly spit out a few words: "Ben Jun is indeed a god, but he was originally the patron saint of the demon world. Ben Jun is also from the demon world. Even if the six realms are all demon, what does it have to do with me? I If you don't fall into the hole, you will see your face and have that bet with you. "

Millions of years ago, the demons were still a new tribe, but they were full of talents and extremely powerful. Gu Yaozun Jun came from the Demon Clan. He was very talented, and soon stood out from the Demon Clan. After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, he became the leader of the Demon Clan, and the fairy, demon, and witch clan at that time. The battle for the site and various reasons have made it difficult to understand--

Even at that time, the Wu clan at that time were scattered, and it could no longer be a climate, and they would withdraw from the arena of hegemony on several sides.

And he was lazy in nature, and was tired of this year-round fight, and his kung fu reached all the previous heights. No matter in the fairy world or the demon world, no one is his opponent. The days without opponents are lonely, quite There is a meaning of being overwhelmed by the heights, so after he has been a demon for tens of thousands of years, he will carelessly retreat, and he will be free and easy, wandering among the six realms.

A new generation replaces the old, and the demon world has a new generation of devil.