MTL - The Girl Who Cured the Crazy BOSS is Majestic and Mighty-Chapter 47 .threw up

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Chapter 47

A courtyard is separated by a street. Occasionally, there will be hawkers’ screams in the early days. The noise of pedestrians and beasts can also come faintly. From this point of view, Da Zhao City is more lively than Datun City.

The sounds full of life are introduced into the bedroom, and Shu fish wakes up in a warm and comfortable reassuring embrace. It takes a while to go to the fascination. They have lived here for several days, so it is easy to make people feel tired when they are comfortable. She is lazy these days.

In the wilderness of the wilderness, Shu fish has to go to the monsters or the demon people almost every day. Now, in addition to a few swords every day, it is to take care of the yard with the hope, to clean up the house, and to make people peaceful. There is no sense of inexplicable uneasiness in my heart.

"Get up, do you still sleep for a while?" The lookout is earlier than she wakes up, every time it is like this, but when he wakes up, he won't get up alone, always wait for the fish to wake up, and then take her warm. The quilt will be warm and relatives for a while before getting up.

He got up, and Shu Yu had to roll in the quilt for a while. When he waited for the wash, he went out and bought breakfast at the early food stall on the corner. Shu fish would slowly squat in the porch.

Shu fish likes the snack called the flower flower on the early food stall on the corner of the street, because it tastes like the tofu flower that she used to drink at her grandmother's house when she was a child. Add some sugar and mix it. She can drink two bowls by herself. So I hope that she will buy her every morning and get up, then she will sit and drink the flowers, and she will comb her hair when she looks up.

In the wilderness of the wilderness, she can still have a ponytail. When she arrives here, she is still a newlywed couple. Even if she doesn't like the beauty of He Suer, she has to change her complex and beautiful makeup every day. Shu Yu has always been clumsy about this kind of thing. Anyway, more than a year ago, Tianfengfu was also looking forward to the comb, and he still handed it to him.

He combed her hair and changed her hair every day. Shu fish saw the jewellery added on the dressing table and some makeup tools she had never used before, and the more and more beautiful small courtyard that was looked up and trimmed. Some of the feelings in my heart can’t be said, just like they are really just a couple who lived here comfortably.

Every day, he gets up in the bustle of the city, and the husband gives his wife a dressing. Then the husband goes out to practice medicine every day. The wife does something she likes at home, or chats with friends. When they are in the sun, they return home and sit together. Use the rice under the gallery, say something interesting that happened today, then bathe and fall asleep, and be a white-headed old dream.

Shu Yu: I can't believe that I have crossed this non-human world, spent the first few months of thrilling tensions and stimulated life in the last few months of fighting and fighting, and turned into a dry-handed little expert. Take the farm route. In short, Shu Yu’s heart was a little uneasy, and she always felt what was going on, and she felt that she was looking at her.

As for whether you want to figure out what he is holding... or forget it. Her mother once said that if two people really want to live together, don't be too true. It's not good to get everything clear. Of course, the main reason is that Shu Yu is too convinced that no matter what she is looking at, she will never do anything to hurt her. In this case, she will spoil him more. After all, he is married to him.

"Today I still have to go out. If there is anything wrong with Shuyu, go to the big banyan tree in North Street and look for me." Looking up and doing the same as before going out every day, I went out with the medicine box. Shu fish in the yard for a while sword, did not bring spiritual power, the sword gas is cut down a few new flowers, Shu fish distressed touched the flowers, received a sword to find a bottle to put flowers With.

She hasn't gone out in the past few days, except for the hope that she has been shopping for two streets to buy some items needed for life, and that she has never been to go out alone. However, in modern times, she is a guy who likes to live alone. My parents often flicker her and go outside to breathe fresh air. It will fail nine times five times in ten times.

For such a girl who is a little afraid of being too young to communicate with others and who likes to do something alone, there is nothing wrong with it, and there is still hope that she has made a bunch of gadgets for her.

To put it bluntly, He Suer always said that her family’s possessiveness was too strong. Until now, Shuyu gradually became accustomed to it, and the possessive desire of the hopefulness was only stronger. Only he is too pretending to be loaded, and the possessiveness of the cavity is filled with wine, and there is a layer of tender and watery icing on the outside. Even if swallowed, it will only be drunk and sweet, so that she can not resist the heart. .

The relationship between the two people in Tianfengfu has not deteriorated. It is a straightforward and pure collaborator relationship. It is not too much to care about her interest in other things. Later, the atmosphere of the two people picked up until they broke the layer of paper. It was not seen when the two people were alone. Now that they have left the Qingye secrets to a larger world, she has begun to reach more people and hopes. That thought began to stand out.

He doesn't love her to talk to other people, like always thinking about her, even He Suer is in his defense, not like her to focus on other people and even certain things. But he is suppressing himself at the same time, only occasionally using something to divert her attention so that she cares more about him, and does not force her to do anything, as if she is afraid that once he has any excessive demands, she will I will immediately turn my face and break up.

Every time Shu Shu said that she was staying at home and did not go out, she noticed that she would be happy in the hope of seeing him. He did not want her to contact other people. But he was afraid that his performance would be too obvious to make her unhappy. She often tried to ask her if she was bored at home. Every day she changed her way to find something fun for her to pile up in front of her - with an almost hidden fear. attitude.

Why are you so upset when you look up? Obviously he is so good, she is the one who should be uneasy. Looking at the eyes, Shu Shu is not a very talkable guy, I don't know how to pull out the small details that I have observed silently, and I have to slap them clearly, so I have to follow him to make him happy.

However, the more she obeys, the more she struggles, the more she struggles, the fish sees him tangled, and I don’t know if he is tangled, sometimes he really wants to press him, then the tyrant is cool. He "man, don't think so much, I am only rare."

It is a pity that she only dared to think about it.

Therefore, those smart men always like to think too much and be mistaken. Shu fish has some helpless thoughts, and it seems that it is a grinning little goblin. It has the ability to toss her. Whatever it is, it is always tossing himself, and it is not too tired.

Shu fish consciously wants more pets, and then seriously thinks about what he can do for him. He looks around and finds what he can do. He will not do anything to wait for the rest. Therefore, it is so uncomfortable to say that such a decathlon is true.

"Xiaoshu! I made a new snow fish pie! Come and try it!" He Suer came to the courtyard with a plate, and the sound had to come one step before he came in.

The hot snow fish pie smelled very delicious, but Shu fish just couldn't help but vomit it when he took a bite, then squatted and kept retching. He Suer was shocked, threw the pie in his hand and hugged her, and asked again, "What happened to Xiaoshu, are you okay?"

"Nothing." Shu fish took over the water, some embarrassed, "I'm fine, I just didn't know why I suddenly spit, and I wasted a cake. It looks delicious, but it's a pity."

"Don't worry about the cake, Xiaoshu, you shouldn't be pregnant with it?!" He Suer suddenly thought of something, worried expression turned into a surprise, pulling Shu fish's arm and asked: "Are you lately? Feeling tired, not thinking about moving, but also inexplicably feeling uneasy and sad? Appetite is not so delicious."

"Besides the last one, it seems that everything else is in line." Shu fish said, he also took a breath. It won't be true... However, she remembers that she hopes to have a child, so she will definitely not be pregnant! But the more you think about this symptom, the more likely it is to be pregnant.

In the novel, the female host usually spits out that it is pregnant!

He Suer squinted at Shu Yu’s sullen expression and smiled happily. It was like her own. She was happy: “You are still stupid to do, hurry back to the house and lie down, your big fish. I am going to call him back to take care of you."

Shu Yu is still a face of ‘I am where I am, what do I have to do’ expression, and I hear back: “He is under the big banyan tree in North Street.”

He Suer’s enthusiasm went to the North Street, and he saw Xiaoshu’s weak fish, which was so weak that he was sitting there and giving medicine, surrounded by people. She yelled at the long distance: "Big fish, your family is pregnant, go back!"

Looking forward to seeing people, the quiet guiding topic to inquire about the news, the brain turned fast, then suddenly heard a familiar voice called him, also said that Shu fish is pregnant. Rao is a hope, and it is also awkward at the moment. The medicine in his hand fell to the ground, and the medicine inside was scattered.

"What are you doing, go back quickly!" He Suer thought, not a husband and wife, the reaction to the news was exactly the same, very embarrassing.

Someone around me has been responsive and has congratulated. Looking up, I was already shocked. I smiled and smiled at the circle of people. I took the medicine box and followed him back.

He Suer stood at the door and probed into the room. When he finally saw it, he asked, "Is it right, Xiaoshu is pregnant?"

She looked up and shook her head. "She has just come here for a few days and is not satisfied with it, and she has a bad stomach."

"Ah! How is this!" He Su's disappointment with his face was a little embarrassing. "Haha, I didn't figure it out, let your husband and wife be happy, I really can't help it."

Looking up and dealing with a few words to send her out, I went back to the porch under the decocting medicine, slightly lowering the head makes people unable to see the expression.

Shu fish is not pregnant, she could not have been pregnant, of course, it is not that he said that the soil is not convinced that small things, her body is much worse than he imagined. If this is not the case today, I don’t know if I’m looking forward to it. It’s been that the body of the squid has been hurt by his magic.

Any family and the demon are together, more or less will be affected by the magic gas. After all, he is not in the magic, the magic has not appeared for a long time, the related things can not be found, can only rely on his own exploration, how many will be overlooked. In the past few days, he faintly discovered that he and Shu Yuhuan would be harmful to her body, and gradually controlled himself, just letting her not notice and seeking a solution.

He thought that it was still okay now, and today he found out that the magic of the squid was buried deep. If he did not find it, the consequences would be really unimaginable. She has the blood of God, and God and the magic fire are not allowed to repel each other. I hope that my magic will bring such a big hidden danger to the body of Shu Yu. Fortunately, it has not broken out yet, otherwise...

There was a small movement behind him. It was Shu fish coming out of the bedroom. She was wearing a long gown and went to the side of the floating seat and sat down. He whispered his arm and said, "In fact, just now, He Suer said, I In addition to being surprised, I am a little happy."

The hopeful body froze fiercely, and he slowly turned his head to look at the snorkeling fish around him, screaming: "I'm sorry, little fish."

"It's not your fault, what are you saying sorry." Shu Yu thought that he had committed another mistake that went wrong with him.

"It's my fault." The hope of reaching out and holding the squid into his arms, whispered: "But even then, I still won't let go."

Shu fish is dying, so fragile and sentimental little man, how he turned into the kind of ghost animal boss in his original work, I can't think.