MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 352 defector

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   "Hello, big sister, we are from the north, and I heard that the Nanshan base is a very humane place.

  These people are our relatives, friends and neighbors. We have traveled thousands of miles to join us. Please tell us what is good about our Nanshan base. "

  A man in his thirties in the crowd clasped his fists and bowed humbly to everyone, looking like a good old man.

   A small team of about 60 people, although they came from the north, but the men are all powerful and have the smell of blood on their bodies.

   There were about ten women in the team, and they looked rather sluggish. It was strange that there was no old man or child.

  None of the people who gathered around mentioned this in public, which was weird.

  They also went to the Nanshan base after fleeing, and they still understand some of the reasons.

   "Which city in the north did you come from?

  There are a lot of people who come to Nanshan Base, and now they can only live in dormitories, and it is hard to find jobs.

   There will be beast hordes in winter, which can kill people.

  Why don’t you go to Rongcheng Underground City, it’s safer than Nanshan Base, and life is more guaranteed. "

  Fengmei glanced at the people surrounding her, and moved back.

  The man smiled more kindly, as if he didn't notice any abnormalities around him.

   "We came from Hecheng, and we were going to Nanshan base before the cold wave.

   It was delayed until now, so this eldest sister, please introduce us to someone who has a reputation in the base.

   We must be grateful! "

  The man unintentionally picked up the hem of his clothes, revealing the gun underneath.

  The onlookers who were close to the crowd retreated in fright, and the unsuspecting people behind them retreated in a swarm.


   A bunch of bloodless cowards! "

  The men look down on this group of people very much, they have evil intentions but no courage.

   Scaring people away with just the **** of a gun exposed is not at all challenging.

  In order not to disturb the Nanshan base, the man didn't do it directly.

  If they followed their previous behavior, these green-eyed people would have been killed long ago.

   Along the way, there were not a hundred people killed, but also eighty.

  For a small remote base, dispatching fifty of their elites to deal with a sick child is not easy.

   This credit is also appropriate!

  The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the team moved on.

   A group of people went through the check-in procedures smoothly and settled down at the Nanshan Base temporarily.

  During dinner, Xiao Yueling announced to the people at the table.

   "Starting tomorrow, I will participate in a three-month field training, and the family affairs will be difficult for Grandpa and Grandpa Kun.

   If there are not enough people in the greenhouse, please invite a few more people. "

  The two old men have fully accepted the fact that she joined the special forces, and both agreed that as long as the child can become stronger, it is acceptable to suffer more.

  “Don’t rush forward when things happen, use your brain more.

  You don’t need to worry about the family affairs. With me and your grandpa Kun here, you can go to training without worry.

   When you come back, grandpa will greet you.

  Bring more medicines for self-defense! "

   "I know, the supplies are distributed by the team!"

  Xiao Yueling did not dare to say that this was a survival training, and the supplies they could bring were limited.

   Otherwise, the two old men have something to worry about.

   "Grandpa, I leave the beads for you to use.

   When you are free, you can also go out of the base to see the situation outside. "

  The two old men haven't been out of Nanshan Village for a long time, Xiao Yueling doesn't want them to stay at home all the time.

  Even taking Xiao Kai out to get some air, Xiao Yueling didn't think of this before.

   It was this field training that made her think of this.

  Xiao Yueling felt that she was not a good granddaughter. Since she joined the Special Forces, all the work in the family had been covered by the two old men.

  Before, she would do the housework that she had promised, but in the end she did nothing.

  Xiao Yueling felt sorry for her old grandfather.

   "Grandpa will arrange it when I have time. Go and pack your things after eating."

  Xiao Xingzhou doesn't have as many ideas as his granddaughter, he thinks this kind of life is pretty good.

  I am busy with work every day, and my granddaughter is close to home, so I can go home and eat the meals he cooks every day.

   I don’t know how many times better than she went to school in Kyoto.

   There are old friends who have taken care of each other for many years, and the two old men are not lonely at all.

  Both old men enjoy such a life.

   Talk, just talk!

  Xiao Yueling can't interfere too much with the old man's life, as long as they are happy, they can do whatever they want.

  Xiao Yueling went into the room and packed six sets of underwear, some feminine hygiene products, and only one set of training clothes for the outerwear as required.

  When night fell, the street lights in the base were turned on, and people who had eaten went out to gather and chat.

  Although the lighting was restored in the base, the optical brain signal has not been there, and people have lost contact with the outside world.

  Now everyone's focus is mostly related to the weather and crops.

  【The temperature this year is obviously not as high as last year. Is it related to the cold wave? 】

  【It’s not good if the temperature is not high! If it gets hot like the previous two years, the harvest will definitely not work. 】

  【The weather is going to return to normal! 】

  The people chatting together suddenly fell silent.

  If the weather is really normal, then they can go home.

  The city is their real home.

   Here, for them, there is no sense of belonging.

  【I don’t know what’s going on in the city. After three years of extreme weather, the house is probably uninhabitable. 】

  【Oh, my family used up all their savings to buy a house, and it’s been less than five years! 】


  When it came to the houses in the city, everyone was silent again.

   Everyone present began to think, will they really be able to go back to the city when the weather returns to normal?

  Is their home still there?

  【Don't think too much, the base will definitely notify us if we can go back to the city. 】

  【It's better to finish planting this season's crops well, and let's talk when we have something to eat. 】

  A year is either extremely hot or extremely cold. The original four seasons are completely divided into two seasons.

  There are only ten short days between spring and autumn. I don’t know what happened to this weird weather.

  【Our current life is not like ancient times. 】

  【According to historical records, there were only summer and cold seasons in ancient times. 】

  【Hehe, no matter how it changes, we live better than the ancients. 】

  【We have a strong backer, which is incomparable to the ancients. 】

  【What's the use of thinking so much, it's king to prepare food and firewood while the weather is good. 】

  As soon as firewood was mentioned, these people made an appointment to go out of the base to collect firewood when they were free.

  The firewood near the base has been cut down during the cold wave.

   Many people are still reluctant to exchange points for fuel rods.

  Besides, fuel rods are still not enough during the cold wave.

   Cooking, essential is firewood.

   Points are very rare for ordinary people in the base.

  Because the way they get points, apart from working for the base, is to exchange food.

  During this period when food was the most expensive, they didn't dare to take it out and exchange it easily.