MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 360 little devil

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  There are so many single soldiers, as long as she marries one of them, she will have nothing to worry about in this life.

   As for going back to the dungeon for revenge, Wang Yuan didn't dare to think about it now.

  She was afraid that she would be caught and used as a target before she could do anything.

  Wang Yuan didn't expect that Yan Zi'ai had more pursuits than her, and actually fell in love with the Xiao family.

  Xiao’s family looks like a big family at first glance, and you can smell the smell of meat wafting from his house every day, and there is such a big house.

  Wang Yuan saw the two old men of the Xiao family going in and out of the shed several times, and from the information she inquired, she knew that it belonged to the Xiao family.

   At this time, owning dozens of acres of land, isn't it a big family!

   What makes Wang Yuan drool even more is that she often sees a car going in and out of Xiao's house.

   To her regret, she only saw the side profile of the driver once, and Wang Yuan had been imagining this for several nights.

  People who drive in and out every day must be of high rank, if she can marry such a man.

  Days are beautiful without thinking about it, maybe it is the wife of a high-ranking official in the base.

  Wang Yuan purposely squatted outside the wall of the Xiao family for a few days for this reason, but he never saw his true face once.

  She even tried to get ideas from the two bosses of the Xiao family, but they didn't pay her any attention, and she was talked about several times by Uncle Zhao's nosy old man.

  Wang Yuan finally set her sights on Brother Bing of the three-dimensional plantation field. In her opinion, a woman would be attracted by a man.

   Besides, she is so young and beautiful, she is still from the city, and she is not comparable to those from the country.

   "Hehe, whether it's for you or Ah Hua these years, I have a clear conscience!

  Ah Hua’s death back then, I admit that I had some reasons.

   But don't forget who he died for.

It's you!

  You are the culprit, if you weren't stupid, we would still be living well.

  Hahaha, all my efforts over the years have been fed to the dogs.

  Ah Hua, take a good look at your vicious mother! "

   Lan Shayu burst into tears, not worth what she had paid for those years, and also not worth it for her dead man.

  Lan Shayu doesn't have all kinds of suitors around her. She always feels ashamed of her dead husband, and the relationship between the two is very good.

  She rejected all suitors, but she did not expect such a result.


   In the blink of an eye, she was already middle-aged, and she had lost her fighting spirit due to the early grinding by the current environment.

  But she didn't want to die because of such a person, it was worthless, and she became someone else's scapegoat.

   "No, you are talking nonsense, you killed Ah Hua!

It's you! "

  Yan Zi likes to cover her ears, shake her head and scream, her Ah Hua was killed by this stinky woman.

is her!

  Wang Yuan, who heard the shocking inside story, tightly covered his mouth with both hands, for fear of being silenced by Yan Ziai.

  My God, this old woman is terrible!

  Wang Yuan didn't dare to make the slightest movement, for fear that Yan Ziai would vent it on her.

  Lan Shayu didn't want to take another look at Yan Ziai, so she sat alone in the corner with her knees hugged and looked at the square-foot window.

  The room is stuffy and dull, very depressing.

  She didn't know what caused the gunshots last night. She was implicated in something that had nothing to do with her.

  Lan Shayu didn't even know if he could still see the sun tomorrow.

  Now the only person who can remove the suspicion for her is Xiao Yueling.

  But since she joined the Special Forces, the two haven't even met face to face. Lan Shayu only learned from Mr. Xiao that Xiao Yueling went out for training.

  As long as she can go out, she immediately agrees to the man's marriage proposal, and no longer guards for the man who has been dead for twenty years.

  She also wants to be hurt by someone, to have a shoulder to lean on when she is tired.

  Life is nothing more than this, why bother to be true.

  The most beautiful youth is reserved for the dead man, and it is enough to do this for him.

   Lan Shayu, who never shed tears no matter how hard or tired she was, had a relieved smile on her face, but two lines of clear tears fell down.


  In the deep mountains, beside the lake with lush water and grass, groups of wild animals live here leisurely.

   Eating grass and eating meat are both correct.

  The twenty teams ambushing in the forest rushed towards the fat animal like a tiger downhill.

  Everyone wears a different camouflage, a petite figure among a group of big men, nimbly rushing through the group of animals.

  Where it passed, a piece of animals fell down, some were killed by a knife, and some were punched to the head.

  His methods are **** and cruel, and the team members who have seen her ferociousness all stay away.

  The little devil is comparable to the black-faced devil of the captain, and the methods of the two are even more comparable.

  The team members had a lesson from the little devil, and no one dared to slack off, and they all chased and killed animals desperately.

  The water of the lake is dyed red, reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun, and the place where the eyes can see is red...

  The scene was silent, and the standing blood men fell to the ground one after another, gasping for breath.

   Only one person stood on the spot!

   None of the team members present was not abused by the little devil, even Guan Ming could not escape the fate of being abused.

   "Xiao Yueling, can you sit down and rest for a while!

  We have all been compared to scum by you, leave us a way to survive! "

  Guan Ming was relieved and had a headache. Is it his luck or sorrow to have such a team member who is better than blue?

   "Deputy team, you can't blame me!

   It is you who are weaker than yourself, and it has nothing to do with me. "

  Xiao Yueling smiled and shook her head. The vow she made when she joined the Special Forces was finally half fulfilled, and the rest was to go back and challenge the old team members and instructors.

  However, the instructor's broken body won't make any sense. We'd better wait for him to recover before challenging.

  She was extremely looking forward to knocking the instructor down and adding a few more kicks.

  It is not too late for the little girl to take revenge for ten years!


   Thinking that the big revenge was about to be avenged, Xiao Yueling put her hands on her waist and raised her head to laugh.

   Laughter echoed in the mountains and forests, but it was particularly scary in the ears of the team members.

   I don't know who will be unlucky next time!

  They are also looking forward to it!

  Xiao Yueling chooses tender and good-tasting meat from the dead things in the place, and picks one and throws it aside.

  The space device seized last time has been decrypted, and the team members already know the existence of the space device.

  The fifty-square-meter space container stores their personal belongings, which are all wild mushrooms and herbs harvested in the mountains and forests.

   There are still some good-looking furs, and the remaining half of the space, each of them can pick the animals they hunted and store in it.

  Xiao Yueling did not reveal her space, but followed the crowd and handed over her personal belongings to Guan Ming for safekeeping.

  The lake is the end of their training, and they will return to the same way after a period of rest here.

   These wild animals that were hunted will also be made into dried meat and brought back by them as their own welfare.

  After more than two months of being out, a group of people lived and slept in the open, and touched all the mountains and forests in the surrounding 800 miles, and made a map.

   Even touched other defense areas a few times, and they swaggered in to exchange supplies.

   Those materials were obtained by their own ability, and it is not considered cheating.

  In the training in the mountains and forests, apart from the troubles caused by the rapid temperature rise, they have never suffered from food.