MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1885 Chess (supplement)

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At the beginning, the group was destroyed several times, which made the team almost rushed to the stage and even gave up the boss.

Fortunately, the more I played, the more I finally defeated the boss in the fourth time. This was a thrilling battle. In the end, only fifteen people survived, and three people still had blood.

In fact, Trestan's evil hoof is not a particularly difficult boss, just need a little time to master the rhythm.

The skill point was acquired by the blue sea breeze, but he was not very happy. The reason was that the sunspots could be obtained from the land, and he had something to show off, so the land was once again hurt.

"Don't be poor, hurry to touch the equipment," Lu said with two words: "Three days without hitting the house to expose the tile, some people really owe it."

The leader of the band, dark gold equipment, gave the memory of the fall cherry.

The healer's soul ring, dark gold equipment, healing ring, gave the March rain.


Legendary equipment, French jewelry, more famous special effects are able to intercept part of the crit damage stored in the form of electric charge, accumulated after three layers, is a violent device.

This equipment said that the best product is actually quite good, but the special effects are relatively monotonous, the legendary equipment has only one special effect, and they are embarrassed to come up with it.

Players are more likely to need its group control effect.

The charge is distributed, and there are more than ten codes around. The person who is charged has a stiffness of zero and five seconds. If you can't do anything in zero or five seconds, you can interrupt the skills that you are already reading, or sneak in the range. The thief gave the electricity out.

Fortunately, there is only one special effect, the attribute is not too powerful, or the legal system has long been crazy.

Sartre talisman!

The last thing, the residual dream came out with a pet-like prop.

After use, it will summon a little ghost.

This thing eventually gave the dream, this kind of small pet that can accompany her without eating is now very popular with the dream.

In the simple order, the next boss should be a Nether Dragon. As long as the curator kills, the boss will appear. You can also choose to skip and not play, but Lu has neither started the boss immediately, nor skipped it. Do not hit.

Instead, first solve the chess.

Chess is very simple, it is a sub-question. If someone knocks out the curator and the shadow of Elan directly, it is likely to take the first kill of the boss.

Lu Yanpi absolutely does not allow such things to happen.

When you come to the chess room, you can find that the whole room is a chessboard with the tribal pieces on the left and the alliance pieces on the right.

The skills of the pieces in the same position are the same regardless of the faction. The only difference is the appearance and name. If you are an alliance, you must control the alliance. Similarly, the tribe has to control the tribe.

They are alliance dogs, and they naturally stand on the side of the king.

At the beginning of the battle, the king is controlled. The king is the core of the battle. Defeat the enemy chiefs means victory, and vice versa. If the chess pieces do not control them, they will automatically counterattack when they encounter enemy situations.

Lu has chosen a few people to control the characters, others went to draw water and soy sauce.

If you follow the rules of chess, there should be a lot of people here, but the situation is not completely the same. Medivh cheated in the process of players playing chess. The first one would generate a flame under the chess pieces and need to leave quickly. This is why the soldiers in front of the king are removed.

The second cheating will increase the attack power of his **** and pay attention to running avoidance.

The second chess piece on the left and right sides of the king, the orc prophet or the human priest, can add blood to the king and control them to heal the king when the king is attacked.

As long as you avoid cheating and use the demon guard or the group attack of water, this battle is very simple.

The last time I played in the last life, and a small partner solved the chess of Karazhan, but now it is the first exploration mechanism, the second design and cooperation, the third pass has passed the last level. .

The chieftain fell to the ground and the chess ended. Everyone went to the corner of the box to take the spoils.

The secret silver necklace of the hero, dark gold.

Wang Quan headdress, dark gold.

King Guardian, legend.

The three pieces of equipment are not too scum, and the land is allocated according to the principle of priority players.

The points are temporarily divided. As for the points, it does not mean that the ownership is fixed. Even if the players do not get them, they can use the game in the past, so the players will not be able to get the equipment. The deduction of the deduction is still deducted.

After playing chess, then it is the Nether Dragon.

Unlike most of Karazhan's bosses, Nether Dragon's fault tolerance rate is very low.

It is necessary to plan well before the war and ask each member to strictly implement it. In this battle, it is very important to let each member understand what he should do and what it is. If everyone has mastered the rhythm, then The battle is very easy, and before that, as long as there are still people in the team who don't understand it, the group is inevitable.

In the first few times, it was still used to buy experience.

There is no need to waste the pharmacy, only the time and equipment repair costs.

Officials have increased the cost of equipment repairs after the new 70-level version. It is said that some small guilds have cancelled most of the guild activities because they cannot afford equipment, and some have even canceled public repairs.

A guild, if the repair costs of collective activities are not willing to bear, it is a matter of time.

The sword of ruling is not only a collective activity, but even the equipment caused by other non-collective activities is worn out. The guild will also pay for the repairs, but there is only one capped amount per day. If it is exceeded, there is no way to repair the equipment with public funds.

Only after experiencing the bottom of the game life, I know that a little repair fee is really important for the bottom players.

This kind of welfare expenditure has further aggravated the financial pressure of the ruling sword. If it is not repeated, the root number has long been aligned with other clubs. The ruling sword and the trial spear have more than 100,000 combatants. The repair costs are all astronomical.

In other clubs, basically only collective activities will be repaired at public expense.

Even if there are any wealthy, only the elite group and above can repair the equipment casually.

However, the rewards were rewarded. The slapstick behavior of the two guilds made the grassroots cohesiveness of the two guilds super strong. In the two clubs, they basically would not leave easily, even if they later grew into masters.

This time, I experienced more than a dozen outs, repaired two equipments, and finally figured out most of the skills of the Nether Dragon.

The battle of the Nethered Dragon is divided into two phases: a virtual door phase lasting about 60 seconds, and an exile phase lasting about 30 seconds. The two phases alternate until the end of the sixth exile phase, that is, after the battle lasts for 9 minutes. If it is still not killed, it will enter a violent state, and all damage including the aura effect will be increased to 400%, and the group will be destroyed within 10 seconds.