MTL - The Great Thief-Chapter 1930 Eat well at night

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Even if it is the right way to find the right way, land reclamation is difficult. It has been almost a week and a half, and the ruling swords of the three factions have solved the big star surgeon Solan Lien.

In fact, this speed is already very fast.

If there is no rejuvenation, the first killer of the great star Sorranian should be the seventh heaven. All the time is almost two weeks. The **** battle flag and the glory capital are also about two weeks. The difference is not great.

This time, with the sword of the ruling, this bug went to play the Serpent Temple.

Other clubs that competed were focused on the copy of the storm fortress, and they invested more manpower and material resources, so the progress was faster than normal.

The sword of the ruling kills the starmaster Solan Lian. It doesn't take long, the gap is probably less than a day. The seventh heaven and the **** battle flag have won the boss. As for the glory capital, they are also on this copy. A lot of investment, but obviously behind the three clubs.

The reason is very simple, Xiao Mo does not accept the loss.

He did not think that the capital of glory would lose in the Temple of the Serpent, so he did not give up the copy of the Serpent Temple.

Both copies are all in the Raiders, and having money is such a waywardness.

Unfortunately, the most direct consequence is that both hands must be grasped, so they are empty-handed. The first kill of the Viper Temple is taken down by the micro-clouds. Although the first kill of the storm fortress has not come out, the glory capital has obviously fallen behind.

After destroying the great star Soramean, everyone is facing the Kael'thas Sunstrider.

Oh, that is another long process.

The sword of land and ruling must face a strong opponent's star.

Stars is a club with a long history. Stars and Seventh Heaven used to be experts in copying land reclamation. In many games, they are the first to take a look at the major copies. In the past seven years, Seventh Heaven has also saved the previous advantages in copying. It is possible to be different from the capital of glory and the **** battle flag. The stars have embarked on another road.

They began to pack the racers and let the race stars debut.

It sounds bizarre, and it does exist in the history of the Star Club, which was the year of the Star Club.

Now the Star Club has changed a few masters in a very short period of time. The style is unpredictable, but no one dares to despise them. After all, the twilight and the chopping me are still there.

The Master is the son of Shuguang, and the Paladin has the prototype of his father.

The two explanations chattered on the commentary, but no one paid attention to them. Everyone’s attention was placed on the stage. The star’s cut me was estimated to be the first to play in the 72nd time. Then what will the ruling sword be? What about people?

"I am going, let me go, boss, you look at my poor appearance rate this season." Fat monkey holding the thigh of the land does not let go.

In comparison, the stars are already a very weak club. If he can't play at this time, there will be no chance at the back.

"Monkey, you can't!" Lu Yi shook his head.

"Boss, don't, I will do it. If I lose, I will screw my head down and kick you when the ball is sitting." The fat monkey has repeatedly promised that the match has almost been smashed by Moonlight and Muqiu. The package is round, and few clubs can completely defeat both of them.

"Hey, the club has recently had financial difficulties. Even if you ask for a meal, you can’t afford it..."

"Boss, what is this? I ask, I will pay for the bill, the place will be chosen casually, the whole elite group will go, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, just tonight." Fat monkeys have a rough wave of money.

"Hey, monkey, you don't need money now, maybe there will be other clubs asking you to make the first card."

"Boss, you don't want to make jokes. My fat monkey is not such a person. If I have two hearts, I will curse me for not being able to live my wife in this life."

"That's it, let's get you up this time, come on, I'm optimistic about you."

The fat monkey was overjoyed and jumped up and went straight to the stage.

"Isn't it good to let him go, how can I lie to him?" Mu Qiu said that he was puzzled. Everyone started to discuss the fat monkey appearance.

"Things that are too easy to get are often not cherished. If you are embarrassed like this, he will play even better." The reason for Lu’s departure is fully tenable, showing the style of a resourceful.

"Cut, you just teased him to play, and by the way, the masters invited the guests, and forced the master to send a poisonous oath that would never change jobs. It was really gan (de) p (piao) (liang)." Cats love to eat meat and say that everything is clear.

"Cat, I am not such a person, hey, you will understand later." Then he pretended to sigh deeply.

The fat monkey over there has already handed me seventy-two times.

In fact, Lu is really not talking nonsense. He really wants to beat the fat monkey through this form. Otherwise, according to the consistent style of the fat monkey, it is very likely that he will go straight up, and then the trap will be smashed down.

When the fat monkey is serious, it is really a little handsome.

Lu Yi is boring to touch the nose under the stage. Unfortunately, these lay people can't see their good intentions. What to eat at night? Since the fat monkey didn't say it, you can bring your family members. You can take your sister and the water elf. Take the glutinous rice together.

Please ask hundreds of people to eat without frowning. It seems that the fat monkey has recently won a lot of money.

Let the audience and the explanation of the accident is that the fat monkey actually won and chopped me seventy-two times. Although it was only a little insignificant advantage, it was at least a slightly reversed battle.

Cutting me seventy-two times is not a star racer, but it is stronger than many star racers.

Fat monkey can win him in front, what does this mean?

"Boss, fortunately, not to be insulted!" After playing this game, the fat monkey was exhausted, and the twilight of the Star Club came out and killed him.

"Monkey, hard work, don't say anything, let's have a good meal at night."

"Thank you boss," the fat monkey sat down next to the rest, always feeling that something was wrong.

Lu is on their side and is playing in the moonlight. He has long wanted to try his hand with the Master of Twilight. The current version is not the world of warriors. However, this is completely unable to stop the war of the moonlight.

Moonlight played, Lu Lijun did not say.

There is no need to say anything at all. Moonlight likes more than a dozen, so many people think that he is a madman. When fighting, it may belong to the state of being completely out of the way, just like the unmanned fat monkey.

It’s really wrong for them to think like this. The moonlight is very stable, and there is no sizzling fire.

The twilight is also stable, and to their extent, wanting to solve the opponent quickly in a short time will only present too many flaws to the opponent.