MTL - The Head of My Family is Number One In the World-Chapter 13 Experience it for yourself a few years later

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   Chapter 13 A few years later


When   Wednesday Tong shot, it caused the earth to vibrate as if it had turned over, and everything in the entire well was shaking.


The    air flow was instantly affected by his whole body, like a surging ocean wave, and Zhou Tong's double fists pressed towards the Yuan Dynasty emperor Lao Mogu and transformed into a dragon!

   "Hahaha, it turns out that you brought the boy here to show him my martial arts!"

   The ancient dragon on the chain had flying hair and trembling beard, like a crazy maniac. Seeing Zhou Tong raised his fist and pressed it, he laughed out loud:

   "My hand is itching!"

  Although his whole body was trapped by the chains specially made by Chen Canxuan, he could not move his whole body, so he could only watch Zhou Tong raise his fists and press him.

   But even passive counterattacks.


  Ancient Hualong raised his head abruptly, and the place he was in immediately became a vortex of the sea, swallowing every inch of air flow and the infuriating energy that was crushed by Wednesday!


   Then, he vibrated his arms and waved the chains all over his body. The deafening sound of the chains dancing wildly was like a roar of a dragon. Packed with a terrifying amount of infuriating energy, he slapped Wednesday Tong.





   Every thick iron chain seems to come alive, blowing the air, like a real life with fangs and claws, with a strong power!

   Chen Sha could feel the wind drawn from the chains like a knife, even if he was more than ten meters away, and immediately urged his true energy to block the surface of his body.

   bang bang bang!

  Fortunately, he resisted in time, and his body made a sound like firecrackers exploding. It was the residual energy behind the iron chain, which was beaten on his protective infuriating energy.

   made Chen Sha look shocked.

   "Isn't the residual energy that is directed at me so powerful, how much pressure is the little uncle who really fights against him?"

  Chen Sha didn't dare to blink as he watched the two old men standing in one place.

   First, the infuriating energy of the two people collided, like gunpowder exploded.


   There is a thunderbolt in the air!



   Then, Zhou Tong's fist, as big as a golden bowl, pressed down one after another and smashed in front of Gu Hualong!


   fists and palms intersect, chains collide.

   This deep well space is crumbling, making Chen Sha wonder if two people will hit the landslide here, and then bury all three of them here.

   Thought so.

  Chen Sha is watching the process of the two people fighting:

   "Is this the power of the Great Innate Realm?"


   accompanied by two old men fighting happily.

   "The momentum of the two of them gradually showed."

   In Chen Sha's eyes.

   These two can be regarded as peerless masters in the world, more like two images are competing, rather than two actual people.


   The ancient Hualong, who was full of infuriating energy, was like a wild beast from the ancient times during the war. The whole person showed a greedy, cruel, and terrifying aura that he wanted to choose someone to devour!

   On the other hand, the little uncle passed on Wednesday.

   In the face of this ancient dragon with a madness like an ancient beast, he is always calm, like a reef hit by the waves, no matter how powerful you are, I will not move.





  The battle between the two old men lasted for two sticks of incense down the well.


   "No more fighting, no fighting!"

  Wednesday Tong pulled his hands back and shouted:

"This old man was practicing "Qi Seizing Dafa" in the first 20 years, and he practiced backwards for the next 30 years. His infuriating qi is like a country built from an iron barrel. I can't beat him, but he can continue to absorb my infuriating qi. , what a **** rascal!"

   is over.

   He walked over to Chen Sha and asked:

   "Uncle Shi, I can't teach my disciples, I can only let you see for yourself. What did you see just now?"

   Chen Sha heard the words, put his hands behind his back, and thought about it for a while.



   "The so-called masters of the third grade, from masters, to great masters, and then to great innate, for the continuous breakthrough of their own spirit?"

  Wednesday Tong scratched his head when asked.

   He doesn't understand either.

   Anyway, practice and practice to get to where it is today.

   On the contrary, after the strike, the ancient Hualong heard the words not far away, and sneered coldly:

   "How could you come down today, so you want to use the fight with me to let Chen Canxuan's son understand the world of the third grade?"

  Wednesday Tong stared: "So what, you old monster is only useful for that."

  Gu Hualong sneered and said, "Don't you just want to know the true meaning of the top three? You don't even know how to teach this. You are really Chen Canxuan's junior brother."

   He then looked at Chen Sha and said sarcastically:

   "Your father is the number one in the world, yet he didn't tell you the difference after the master?"

  Chen Sha was speechless.

   Can it be said that the predecessor was only the first-rate among the nine-rates before his father died?

   At that time, he was still in the ninth grade, and he had not yet reached the realm of the master.

   Why would he take the initiative to ask his father about the cultivation of the upper third rank, that is completely too ambitious.

  Wednesday Tong was out of breath by the ancient dragon:

   "My nephew is a genius, and he still uses me to teach him. After watching the battle just now, he will understand that battle is always the best way to break through the world!"

  Gu Hualong sneered: "That's right, then let him come and try to fight with me in person?"

  Wednesday Tong's eyes widened: "Don't listen to him!"

  Chen Sha smiled lightly, of course he went up without being so stupid.

   In front of him is the emperor of the Yamashita dynasty who could only be captured by the old father back then, a first-rank congenital!

   In the current top ten in the world, I'm afraid I can rank again.

   How could he be so foolish as to use his third-rank grandmaster skills to touch this first-rank great innate power?

  Gu Hualong didn't take it seriously when he saw that Chen Sha couldn't come, just sneered:

   "You are still cultivating Daoyizong's "Da Huang Ting". This authentic internal strength can be ranked in the top ten in the world. It is a magical technique that only needs to be practiced step by step, and you can step into the first grade."

   Chen Sha's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "What advice does the senior have?"

  Gu Hualong laughed and said: "As long as the first-grade magic arts, you only need to fully understand the image of the martial arts itself, such as the Dahuang Court of your Taoism, what is the essence, don't you know?"

Wednesday Tong was anxious to hear it: "Xiao Chensha, don't listen to his nonsense, although I can't teach people, but you can't believe what he said, this old thing is very bad, it must be trying to turn you away and make you go crazy. ."

  Chen Sha is of course not that stupid. He would be so convinced of Gu Hualong's words. He smiled and said:

   "Don't worry, little uncle."

   However, he was thoughtful in his heart.

   "What Gu Hualong said is not unreasonable, but it is certain that there is no good intentions. The matter of martial arts is a lie, but it is a thousand miles away, but..."

   He suddenly thought of the cosmic light fragments behind Nantianmen.

   No matter what kind of damage he receives there, it will not affect his physical body.

   There, he was slapped away by Hong Qi thousands of times.

   The physical body is still good.

   "Is it possible to try a different breakthrough direction in the cosmic light fragments? Even if you go into the devil, the infuriating backlash, and the gas is dead on the spot, it is just a collapse of consciousness and a return to the body."

   Chen Sha had such an idea in his heart, and immediately said to the little uncle:

   "Today I have gained a lot, not only the battle between you and this old demon, but also some direction in my heart, just here, let's go up."

   "Have a harvest? It's good to have a harvest!"

  Wednesday Tong hehe said to Gu Hualong: "Old man, keep staying here!"

  Chen Sha also turned to look.

   is facing the eyes under the unkempt face of the ancient dragon.

  Deep, sneer, lonely, crazy...

   There is a little bit of every emotion, but it seems that there is no emotion at all.

   "Senior, we will meet again."

  Chen Sha said before going up:

   "It won't be long. In a few years, I will definitely come to experience the power of Qi Dafa in person!"

   "In a few years? Hahahaha!"

  The ancient dragon seems to have heard a big joke.

   (end of this chapter)