MTL - The Head of My Family is Number One In the World-Chapter 14 a female pilgrim

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   Chapter 14 A Female Pilgrim

   Somewhere on a mountain.

   In the distance, there is a waterfall flying like a silver gourd falling to the ground, making a bang.

   There are vanilla orchids, cypress and bamboo pine trees nearby, and the swaying is full of fresh and natural air.

   It has been about half a month since the last time I went to the bottom of the Houshan Well and saw the Great Innate-level battle.


  Chen Sha is cross-legged in the refreshing mountains.

   He is now the head of the sect, and there should have been many responsibilities for the management of the sect that he should take on.

  However, he just practiced martial arts all day long, and handed over all matters to his senior brother Song Yu. Rather than decentralization, he was too lazy to take care of mundane affairs.

   The senior brother Song Yu has also been in charge of some mundane affairs on the mountain for a long time, so he is not very dissatisfied.

  The main reason is because:

The reason why    Dao Yizong was the largest sect in the world before that was not because of the existence of the late master.


   In this world, no matter how huge the sects are, if there is no support within a sect, it is only superficial.

   The most important thing is to practice martial arts to a high level.

  So Chen Sha practiced martial arts day and night, Song Yu and some elders on the mountain saw it, Fei Fei was not dissatisfied because he didn't care about common affairs, but was very happy.

   In the eyes of those elders, their powers and positions in some of the temples on the mountain and in the ancestral temple were not affected by the new headmaster, which is not a blessing.

Daoyi Mountain is a big mountain. The highest Daoyi School is respected on the top and bottom of the mountain, but there are dozens or hundreds of Daoist temples and palaces large and small. temple.

   These temples and halls are mainly used to entertain believers at the foot of the mountain and earn incense.

   After all, Daoyishan is the number one sect in the world, and he is not an immortal who does not eat the fireworks of the human world. Food and clothing always need to be spent, and it is impossible to cut off from the red dust.

   The other sects in Baidao Wulin have more means of making a living than Dao Yishan.

   Putting aside the conventional power struggles among the sects, the first thing the new head will do when he takes office is to cultivate cronies, dismiss the elderly, etc...

   Now, after the new head takes the throne, he only cares about practicing martial arts, and all the mundane affairs and temple arrangements are still the same. How can we not let the elders and chairpersons of the dozens of Taoist temples on the mountain secretly rejoice.


  Chen Sha recovered from the pranayama by the waterfall.

   In fact, he just returned to consciousness from the cosmic light fragment, and said to himself:

   "According to the suggestion made by Gu Hualong in the well that day, I have already started to try different training directions in the Cosmic Light Fragment. According to my understanding..."

   "The three realms of the top three masters are the road to continuous growth of one's own spirit."

   "That is to say, my current master cultivation base, if you want to go further, you need to master your own momentum."

   "Yes, it's the momentum..."

Chen Sha continued to say to himself: "The grandmaster's aura is manifested in different people, that is, the aura in their true qi is different, such as the madness in Gu Hualong's true qi, like a wild beast, this aura The stronger the sense of oppression, the stronger his aura."

   "The same thing is true of the unwavering aura of the stubborn stone in the true qi of the little uncle."

   He recalled Gu Hualong's suggestion that day, with good intentions and bad intentions:

"What this old monster said that day was that Dao Yizong's own martial art "Da Huang Ting" is already a superb divine art, and practitioners only need to comprehend the imposing manner of the divine art itself, and do not need to comprehend their own imposing manner. "

  Chen Sha thought:

   "I agree with his statement that people in the world can practice martial arts in their own way from the beginning. They must follow in the footsteps of their predecessors first, and that's why the magic secrets appeared."

   "That is to say, at the end of each magic manual practice, it will automatically give birth to the aura that comes with the magic, thus giving those who practice this martial arts a powerful master spirit!"

  Chen Sha thought of Hong Qigong who fought with him.

   He has now fought 2,377 times with this beggar gang leader.

   The understanding of Hong Qigong's martial arts can even be said to be better than his own.

"Is Hong Qigong, who is one of the five masters, powerful? He is indeed powerful, but rather than saying that Hong Qigong is powerful, it is better to say that the two martial arts of 'Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon' and 'Battle of Dogs' on his shoulders are themselves powerful. sharp."

  A person who has practiced the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon will naturally take action with a masculine and mighty aura that can subdue the Heavenly Dragon.

   Hong Qigong was like this, and so was Guo Jing.

   This is not to say that Hong Qigong is not the kind of person who founded a school and can develop his own style.

In the later stage of the Eagle Shooting, when he and Ouyang Feng faced off in Huashan, both of them were nearly a hundred years old at that time, and their life experiences were legendary. The understanding of martial arts, infuriating qi, and realm was truly achieved. peak.

  Chen Sha guessed that Hong Qigong at that time definitely had his own style, not just because the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were powerful.

   And now, Hong Qigong in the chapter on teaching martial arts in the bamboo forest is only middle-aged and far from that level.

   "After thinking about it so much, it is still a question of understanding the momentum of martial arts itself."

  For example, in Jin Yong's martial arts, the eighteen palms for subduing the dragon, the nine yin scriptures, the one yang finger, the sunflower collection, and the nine swords of Dugu are all because these martial arts themselves are divine arts.

   is that ordinary people who practice these magical skills will become master-level figures.

   These martial arts are practiced to the depths, so you don’t have to develop your own aura, the magic itself has its own momentum.

   These martial arts are so.

   Daoyishan's "Dahuang Court" is even more so.


   Da Huang Ting's grade is higher than that of the Nine Yin Classics in Hong Qigong's world.

   Therefore, when Chen Sha is only at the Grandmaster level, he doesn't have to be too ambitious at all. He only needs to comprehend the momentum of Dahuangting itself, and it is enough for him to break through to the Grandmaster level.

   "So what is the change in momentum that Da Huang Ting can bring to people when he cultivates to a profound level?"

  Chen Sha sat by the waterfall for a long time, neither entering the Cosmic Light Fragment Trial nor practicing martial arts.

   After thinking about it for a long time, there are many ideas.

   He suddenly wanted to take a walk on the mountain.


  Unconsciously, Chen Sha walked down from the core of Daoyizong on the top of the mountain.

   Further down from the top of the mountain is the Taoist Temple of Incense that is related to the people at the bottom of the mountain.

  Chen Sha was wearing a simple broad robe.

   Although he was the new leader, it was still a month before the burial of the old one. The Taoist temple on the mountain and the Taoist priests in the palace were all familiar with the image and dress of their own leader.

   Therefore, when Chen Sha wandered down the mountain, the Taoists he met along the way, whether it was an old Taoist priest over fifty years old or a little Taoist boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, all respectfully saluted the young master.

   "I have seen the head."

  Under the head of an incense Taoist priest, Chen Sha walked into the hall.

   Then he found out that the elder brother Song Yu was also here, talking to a woman.

   "Hey, Junior Sect Master, why are you here?"

  Song Yu was surprised to see Chen Sha approaching.

  Chen Sha said with a chuckle: "Practice is boring, very quiet and thoughtful, and then wanders around the mountain, this is..."

   He looked at the woman next to him, who was bowing down on the futon.

   The weather is still cold now,

   This woman was wearing a short moon white jacket with a green satin cloak. After hearing the sound, she slowly got up and looked at Chen Sha, and said curiously:

   "This is the head of Chen?"

   Chen Sha's face was still, but his heart was strange. When the woman got up, he clearly felt that the other party had strong martial arts.

   (end of this chapter)