MTL - The Head of My Family is Number One In the World-Chapter 387 The pattern of Jiuyao refining!

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   Chapter 387 The pattern of Jiu Yao refining!

  The mysterious nameless Sanxiu arrives.

   All of a sudden, the five forces that meet the restraint of the power of the ancient temple of five colors have all arrived.

   in full view.

  Ding Yin, Li Muqing, Shi Longjun, Mo Shi Tan Guang, Ji Du Xing Da Yao Gudu, and Wuming Sanxiu all stood in the starry sky.

   "Now, the power of the law of the five stars is all in place, it's time to open this place!"

   Li Muqing finished.

   "Then let's do it!" Mage Tan Guang said indifferently.

   Young Master Sun’s spiritual thoughts spread all around:

   "I'm waiting for this to use brute force against the five immortal magic seals at the entrance to the Peach Blossom World. It will hurt innocent people, and everyone will retreat!"

  The five big figures spoke one after another, and their voices were almost connected together, which was breathtaking, like thunder rumbled.

   The scattered immortals, including Han Zifu, suddenly retreated thousands of miles in the starry sky. Even so, they still felt the impact of the voices of the five big men, shaking their minds.

   But then, they all invariably heard the location of the ancient five-color temple, and there was an earth-shattering loud noise, which made the soul tremble.

   In an instant, the dazzling divine light broke through the starry sky and penetrated the chaotic star cluster, like a volcano erupting.

   Obviously, those masters directly attacked the phantom source of the ancient five-color temple.

  Han Zifu dared not close her eyes thousands of miles away, she stared at the place with wide eyes, only to see that after this earth-shattering energy fluctuation,

In front of the magnificent ancient temple, there are only six people left, and they can't see their bodies clearly, only the dazzling light is suspended there. Five immortal lights rushed out from the position where they were bombarded together, and shot at them.

   "Be careful, everyone, it is the power of the five immortal arts that has attacked, and deal with it as planned!"

   In the distance, the great wave of the Five-color Immortal Art is coming!

   All the scattered immortals were thousands of miles away again, and no one dared to stay.

  The location of the five-color ancient temple is like a sea of ​​​​gods, like the Milky Way pouring out. There is a vast space between the sky and the earth, and there are dazzling rays of light everywhere.

   In Ding Yin's line of sight, only five colors of light rushed out, namely gold, silver, black, green, and yellow five kinds of magic.

   Then Li Muqing shouted:

"The golden one is the Three-legged Golden Crow Technique. The Three-legged Golden Crow Immortal Technique is the power of pure yang in the world. It can destroy all darkness. At the same time, it also has the power to transform the rainbow. The speed is the first in the starry sky. But Rahu Xing's 'God-killing Spear' can cross space and kill 'God's Will', so it can restrain it, magician, the golden light is handed over to you!"

  The magician didn't say a word, and shot a black lightning bolt directly between his eyebrows, with a surging evil spirit, and in a single thought, he ran towards a small three-legged crow in the golden light.

   At the same time, Li Muqing's voice appeared continuously:

'The silver light refers to the Moon Immortal Technique. Senior Ren Shen created this Immortal Technique. Its ability is to point a finger, and the bright moon will hang above the mind of the world. It is an immortal technique aimed at the mind of the Dao. All things, yin and yang rotate, the sun rises, and the moon will retreat. With the technique of the three-legged golden crow, I restrain the pointing of the moon. Brother Longjun, the silver light is handed over to you! ’

"The black light is a god-killing spear. It is specially designed to kill the 'god' of all things. When a spear is thrown, the person who hits it will die. However, the laws of Jiduxing can change the position of heaven and earth, setting up many obstacles and trapping, making it impossible to hit In the middle of others, this nameless brother, hand it over to you!"

"The green light is the 'big dark sky' that Senior Ren Shen realized from the 'Quarterly Confusion' of the Jidu Star Law, and it is the first trapping technique in the starry sky. I can't get out, but in the dark night, there is always a bright moon hanging high, illuminating the way forward for the world, so the law of the lunar star restrains the law of the star of Rahu, Gudu Yao brother, you can see."

   finished instructing four people respectively.

Li Muqing pushed behind Ding Yin with a palm: "And the last yellow light is the Tuhuangzhen Prison Tower. Among the five elements, the soil and water are not accustomed to each other, and they have mutual restraint. Consolidate the river dam, but since we don’t have the power of the Sui Xing Law, and we can perfectly restrain it, we can only rely on you and me to confront it head-on!”

  Ding Yin looked calm and said, "I think it's better to use wood to overcome water."

   said, a green bamboo appeared in the palm of his hand, and brushed it directly towards the khaki light that spewed out.

   Sixty-nine scattered immortals, after passing through the thunder calamity, the thunder pond turned into a sea of ​​thunder, and the water in the pond turned into a vast ocean.

   Therefore, accompanied by the shots of these few people.


   The power of the five laws of stars, against the power of the five fairy magic at the entrance of the peach blossom world.

   Ten kinds of law energies, wash each other like waves!

The six masters continued to take action and sacrificed their own laws and immortal arts. Relying on the advantage of law restraint, they smashed the world entrance law of Ren Shen, the number one powerhouse of the nine stars. The terrifying coercion and fluctuations spread, directly causing the sun behind him. The moon and the stars were eclipsed and lost their light.

   Endless immortal power and terrifying laws continue to rush in all directions.

  Many loose immortals, like the duckweed, were directly blown away by the energy wave and fell into space. They had retreated far enough, but they were still affected.

Finally, I don't know how many times the six people collided with the law in a row, but the sound of "click" became louder and clearer, and at the part where several people were jointly bombarded, the sound became increasingly louder and clearer. The big crack in the world has been expanded to several feet in size!

   As expected by Li Muqing, they fought against each other with the laws of restraining the five immortal arts, and they really had an advantage.

   I saw that the power of the five-color fairy light was compressed by the joint force of the six people and kept curling up towards the entrance, as if they were about to announce their success.

   But at this time.

   I saw that after the five-color fairy lights curled up to the extreme, they were actually intertwined with each other, merging into a single point, and then the rays of light wandered, and they actually intertwined into a human-shaped existence.


  Li Muqing's face changed greatly:

"No, we still overlooked a little bit. While that senior cultivated the five immortal arts, the more impressive achievement was to make the five immortal arts compatible with each other without conflict. This is... the five great immortal arts have converged, hurry up. , with all-out efforts to suppress, the five immortal arts after aggregation will complement the shortcomings, and we will lose the advantage of law restraint!"

   But the speed of the five immortal arts gathering was faster than Li Muqing's voice.

   After seeing the existence of the five-colored human figure, just a big hand clapped it.

   all at once.

   Five of the six people vomited blood, their bodies split open, and they flew out towards the starry sky behind them.


  Li Muqing smiled bitterly:

   "As expected of a nine-star master, even getting started is so difficult. Even if we gathered the power of five stars and suppressed the past in the reverse order, we still couldn't pass the level of five immortal arts..."

   But at this time, Ding Yin's voice suddenly heard: "Wait, that nameless Taoist friend, is he alright?"

Li Muqing, Ding Yin, Gudu Da Yao, the magician Tan Guang, and Shi Longjun, the young master of the sun, were slapped by the five-color human figure and vomited blood and flew thousands of miles away. .

  I saw that under that palm, all five of them were slapped flying away.

But only the loose cultivator who claimed to have no sect and no sect, but mastered the immortal art of Jidu Star Law, actually stood under the human form of the five-color immortal art, like a pillar of support, and bombarded with the palm of the five-color humanoid. together.

"how is this possible?"

  Li Muqing lost his voice: "The five of us can't join forces. He is alone. Who is he?"

Just at this time.

  Suddenly, several people felt a sense of it, and they saw that in the starry sky, suddenly there was an incomparably pitch-black ocean of thunder, which appeared out of nowhere, covering the head area of ​​the nameless scattered cultivator and the five-color fairy art.

"That is…"

  Li Muqing was shocked:

   "Thunder Tribulation!"

   All five people realized at once:

   "That Wuming Loose Cultivator, this time has attracted thunder tribulation? What exactly does he want to do?"

at this time.

The nameless loose cultivator, who is opposite to the five-color immortal fist and palm. Under the illumination of the five-color fairy light, he was finally exposed to a face that was different from the previous one. This new face was very young and very handsome. handsome.

   In the light of his eyes, there is an abnormal calm.

   He completely heard the voices of Li Muqing from thousands of miles away.

  What do you want to do?

   Of course, he took this opportunity to make his Jiuyao system great in one fell swoop!

   Don't even look at what has been collected here.

  Five Great Immortal Techniques: Tuhuangzhen Prison Tower, Pointing to the Moon, Three-legged Golden Crow, Slaughtering Spear, Great Darkness

   and the old bamboo on Ding Yin's body.


  The Taiyi True Water, Gengxing Pure Gold, and… the Sushen Fire Core that he already owns.

   Nine Great Immortal Techniques are gathered here.

   Coupled with the thunder calamity he attracted... It was deduced in the cosmic light fragments and experienced countless times... The pattern of Jiuyao Star Officer refining!

  The nameless loose cultivator is Chen Sha!

   (end of this chapter)