MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-v2 Chapter 929 Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha!

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The Blood Emperor laughed wildly at first, but noticed the terrible expression on the face of the fierce emperor and others ... he felt that his back was cold, and the subconscious rushed forward.

However ... the next second, he felt his spine tighten and he was caught by something.

Actually ... no need to guess, he already knew what?

The blood emperor roared anxiously ... unwillingly, ashamed, all kinds of emotions made him instantly violent ... his spine had been pumped away by Chu Xunsheng ... this skeleton, it took him a whole year I just found it ... Although not as good as before ... But if he is taken away again, his blood emperor will become a joke.

Boom ... Blood Sea Rage, tumbling blood ... Blood Emperor ’s flipping hand on top of Baiyu bone claw ... However, it ’s not good to say, fart is not used.

The power of Baiyu's bone claws is simply terrible ... when there is nothing to resist ... Blood Emperor growls and is dragged to the void.

"Ah ..." Blood Emperor fell into violentness ... To put it bluntly, his spirit was about to collapse, and he had never been so humiliated ... However, anger, growl, growl, did not work at all.

Seeing to be dragged into the void fissure ... Blood Emperor finally calmed down a bit ... gave up the spine ... was pulled away by the white jaw claws and dragged into the fissure.

"Woohoo ..."

Everyone was stunned and looked at the Blood Emperor ... He even cried ... Although crying is hard to hear, like a ghost crying and wolf ... But it can aggravate an immortal emperor to this extent, It is also rare.

The blood emperor couldn't stop crying ... but he was afraid of the white jaw bone claw ... suppressing his voice, weeping in a muffled voice ... looking really sad.

Fairy Emperor ... Blood Xtreme ... People who stared at the sky ... was actually run and cried ... No one believed it when they said it.

In ancient times, the blood emperor was also a well-known figure ... How impressed is the immortal emperor ... who dares to be small ... but this sleep has been sleeping for thousands of years, and I woke up thinking of sanctification as an ancestor ... As a result, Chu Xun encountered this abnormality ... so far he became a tragedy.

First, Chu Xun pumped his spine ... and then dragged it into the void of the void ... After suffering, he escaped easily ... Only half of his head was left, and he was almost strangled by the void.

Now ... but bullied by this weird and terrible white jade bone claw ... Two legs are gone ... Now the spine is gone ... Can he not cry?

The **** army is incredibly ... their most powerful ... the great gods are crying like children.

"Well ... don't cry ... I cry when you cry ... I want to pump you." Huo Qilin turned his face away and said, "You can't cry well, this ghost is crying ... I I can't control my hand. "

The blood emperor cried louder ... it was out of breath ... and it was still the kind of extremely depressing cry ... he is a blood emperor, and now even the half-step fairy emperor who can't get on the table like the fire unicorn Dare to bully him? Is there any truth?

Huo Qilin dug out his ears angrily ... this cry is really not that unpleasant.

"Lion ... come do me a favor." Yan Wushuang shouted.

Huo Qilin used to ask, "What can I do for you?"

Yan Wushuang looked at the fierce emperor and said with bad intentions: "Tug of war."

Fire Kirin was happy ... and said: "I understand."

Blood Emperor's eyes were scarlet, and he stared angrily at Yan Wushuang and Huo Qilin ... with a murderous look on his face.

These two goods are born to live without fear ... even if you stare out your eyes, they can both play as glass **** ... so the fierce emperor is fierce, it is futile.

Yan Wushuang grabbed the feet of the fierce emperor ... Yan Wushuang held the fierce emperor's head directly.

"Come, one, two, three, pull."

The two of them worked hard together ... as if to cut the fierce emperor in half.

The fierce emperor grinned ... the eyes were almost staring out ... I didn't know if it was angry or hurt.

"Lion ... you didn't eat. Try hard."

Fire Kirin said: "This guy is too strong."

Two people surging with the energy of mysterious ice on one body ... the power of red flames on one body ... working hard.

But ... the emperor's body is almost firm ... not moving.

"Bottom trough ... so strong." Yan Wushuang was very angry ... Raised his hand to transform into an ice blade, ready to cut the fierce emperor, he made a few gestures, and then cut it.

"Wait ..." Huo Qilin said.

"what happened?"

"Be fair ... there are more on your side, less on my side ... you make a little ..."

"......" Yan Wushuang looked at him and said, "I think it's almost the same."

"Obviously there are more on your side ... you let five centimeters ..." Huo Qilin said.

"Rely on ... isn't that much more on your side?"

"That makes three centimeters."


Alas ... the fierce emperor spurted blood ... he couldn't bear it ... it was a shame and shame. What about the two goods sharing pork here? You are more and I am less.

"This way ... you swipe it vertically ... This is more evenly divided ... You are on the left and I are on the right." Huo Qilin said.

"You're finally smart once." Yan Wushuang took a few gestures with the patient, and said to the fierce emperor: "You hold back ... maybe it hurts ..."

"Well ..." The fierce emperor spit blood again.

It's so annoying ... if he can move now, he swears ... the two people will be killed immediately.

"Little swallow ... you can aim ... Xiao Dingding also split into two ..." Huo Qilin said.

The crowds were frightened ... but they were weird ... Is this the Emperor Emperor?

"Rest assured ... I've seen others kill pigs before ... I'll go down with this knife ... absolutely two halves, no difference." Yan Wushuang raised his blade.

"Don't play with both of you ... now is a good opportunity ..." Jinghong couldn't stand it anymore ... he reminded, now is a good opportunity to wipe out the demons and bloods in one fell swoop.

"Wait ... well soon ..." Yan Wushuang said.

The ice blades that are several meters long shone with cold light ... lifted slowly ... but just when it was about to be chopped ... Boom, the stars swayed ... the whole star core was shaking violently, countless stars For ashes.

The starry sky tens of thousands of meters suddenly fell into darkness ... After a few seconds ... a golden thread appeared in the darkness ... that golden thread was slowly opening like a monster's mouth ... like a fissure in the void Generally ... but not.

Immediately ... Terrible golden light erupted in the open golden thread, lighting up the entire starry sky ... Immediately, everyone's heart trembled ... A terrible power swept through the golden rift Out ... the whole star is trembling ... 颤 crashed.

Then ... everyone saw a figure emerge from the golden rift.

Then ... the fissure disappeared, Jin Guang converged, leaving only that person standing in the starry sky.

This person is actually taller than a normal person ... about two meters and five ... the most important thing is that he is not an ordinary person ... seems to be a disciple of a Buddhist monk ... bald, big ears ... It's not hard to see, there is a huge '字' character looming behind it.

For a long time, this talent slowly looked up ... looked over.

But everyone was cold ... just a glance ... they felt like they were going to be destroyed.

The bald man slowly raised his hands ... the stars trembled ... began to condense, and fluttered a star avenue in front of him ... all the way to the people.

This bald head lifted ... then stepped on ... it was just a step ... but it appeared directly in front of everyone.

"Amitabha ..." The man said a Buddhist chant, and the treasured state was solemn, saying: "I am a Fa sect."

It ’s strange that this Buddhist disciple is a Buddhist monk, but he does n’t call himself a poor monk. And ... the name is a bit crazy ... Fa-zong, the rule of ten thousand?

"Yan Wushuang ... Fire Kirin ... you two come back." Jing Hongcha felt something wrong ... This person is too outrageous to be strong, but it is better to be careful.

Yan Wushuang and Huo Qilin had a creepy feeling. They also realized that something was wrong, and they were ready to return to the heavens ... but the next second ... their faces changed a lot ... they couldn't move and were directly imprisoned.

"Look at the murderousness of the two ... the whole body is full of sin ... now holding a butcher knife ... as if to kill the ring arrogantly ... so restrain the two, and please put down the butcher knife to become a Buddha."

"Bald donkey ... who are you, let us go ..." Huo Qilin was hot and scolded.

"The two evil fate are entangled ... too murderous ... might as well go to clean it with me." Fa Zong said.

"What the **** is ... let go of us, bald donkeys," Huo Qilin said angrily.

"Amitabha ..." Fa Zong Gao Nian Buddhism ... But Yan Wushuang was very thrilled ... The ice blade in his hand disappeared directly.

"The two talents are very good ... the bones are good ... but the killing is too heavy. I met you today, it ’s your good fortune ... I will take your cultivation now ... let you calm down and re-dharma . "Fazon said.

"Take away our repair?" Huo Qilin was full of anger, struggling and roaring, "Bald donkey, should you just accept the repair?"

Fa Zong folded his hands ... he was saying, "Wow, no one can understand ..." The whole body is filled with golden light, and the treasure is solemn.

At this time ... a golden '卍' appeared on the heads of Yan Wushuang and Huo Qilin ... lowering the golden light, covering them both.

Yan Wushuang was suddenly full of horror ... as if something terrible had been encountered.

Huo Qilin directly yelled: "Bald **** ... I slaughtered you ... stop me ... stop ..."

Yan Wushuang and Huo Qilin discovered that ... this golden light was taking away their cultivation ... this is terrible.
