MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 800 Fire, destroy the city!

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The eighth hundred chapters, the fire destroyed the city!

Big Zhouguo. Mirror sea.

On the wall of the city, Li Kangnian, the owner of Jinghaicheng City, looked far away and said coldly: "When I was stationed in Jianfengling, I did not deal with the Peacock State. They were the ghost dance corps that was boasted as an undefeated Tianjun. I also learned. They have never been able to ask for a piece of cheapness in my hands -----"

The corner of the mouth was slightly pumped, and a scornful look appeared on the face of the Chinese character. It was very disdainful to say: "Winning the Bo Yan is more and more arrogant. In the Peacock State, it’s just a matter of boasting about his daughter. Anyway, No one dares to expose his old bottom. Even dare to appoint her as the commander of the army. Does he really think that fighting is an easy thing to do? Today I have to see what the thousand-year-old princess has been told. What is special, I am very much looking forward to how she led the army to win my mirror sea city -----"

"The city owner can't care about it. It wins thousands of times since the beginning of the attack. There is no invincibility in the battle. The battle is invincible. Until today, the seven cities have been taken-----"The counselor Liu has a disorderly reminder, saying: "Winning Bo Yan I am arrogant, but I am cautious when I use the soldiers. If my daughter doesn’t have any real skills, how can he let her out?

"Come on Li Wei!" Li Kangnian looked at the sagacious appearance of the world, and said with a smile: "The winner has no son, only wins a thousand daughters. Therefore, the whole Shenzhou knows that the **** is a peacock in the future. The Queen of the Dynasty - a female baby is the emperor, originally a jealous thing. The pressure inside the Peacock Dynasty will not be small."

"He is now too late to have a son. If you want to successfully push your daughter to the position of supreme, you naturally need to dress up your daughter well-----decent and dignified, kind and wise, and then able to The battle for the nine countries has achieved great success, and it is feared that those obstacles will be solved."

"Do you think that those winners are all under the command of the girl? Do you think that those cities are taken by her? You look at what is assisted by her side------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In particular, the mother can be far above the people, even if it is handsome, it is more than enough. So many talents will be assisted, but can not lose?"

"The words of the city master are very good. That wins thousands of people has a false name."

"A long princess with a delicate drop, where is the ability to fight in a war? I am afraid that I will faint when I see the blood."

"Since she wants our mirror sea city, let us leave this little princess - give it to His Royal Highness, and Prince Edward will be very happy. Before the emperor did not go to win the pro Well, it’s just that the winner’s words are not recognized, and the first emperor’s good intentions are rejected ”


Liu Shuxu has no good feelings for these charming people around him, but the city owner Xu Kangnian has determined that winning thousands of degrees is not an adversary, and this has committed a taboo on the battlefield----light enemy.

"The city owner, it is always good to do more defenses-----As General Wang Hao said, if you can give the little princess of the Peacock Dynasty to the Royal Highness, it would be a great achievement----- ”

Xu Kangnian nodded and stretched his finger to the only road under the city gate that could lead to Jinghaicheng. He said: "My mirror sea is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and only one avenue can enter the mirror sea city. More traps. My generation only has to close the door and stick to it. If there is an enemy, it will use the rocket-----can they be able to fall from the sky?"

After a pause, I thought of this is the little princess of the Peacock Dynasty, a member of the royal family. The important figures of the peacock royal family are surrounded by the Peacock Legion, and the Peacock army around the Princess is 3,000.

"Even if they descend from the sky, we will never let them get the benefits. I have already asked the ink-eared adults to set up three bans for Jinghaicheng. It is not an easy thing for the Peacock Legion to break the ban of the Ink. ""

"What's more, Jinghai City, the masters gathered ----- for the sake of today's shame. The Peacock Dynasty dared to use the soldiers in seven countries at the same time. When we really eat white rice? This time, let them get A painful lesson."

Xu Liangnian’s eyes were sullen, but his face was filled with confidence. He said, “I want them to come back this time.”

"The city owner -----" the generals around him exclaimed.

"What is panic?" Xu Kangnian said with dissatisfaction. I have just finished saying such a strong declaration, and the people around me should not say something like the "could of the city" and "just like this". Why did you enter the next topic without gaps?

"The city owner looks at -----------"

Xu Kangnian also noticed the abnormality of his head. He looked up and looked at the direction of his fingers. He saw a huge white figure flying in the sky.

Thunder lightning, black clouds rolling.

"That is ------" Xu Kangnian's pupils swelled and looked horrified.

"Dragon!" Someone replied.

The voice has not fallen, the white giant has opened his mouth in the sky, and a group of fires with a strong corrosive atmosphere descends from the sky, just like a round of fallen sun.


The mirror sea city tower was divided into four parts, and the mirror sea city was caught in the sea of ​​fire.



Within the big account, the intelligence officers are urgently reporting the military situation of the various forces.

"On the 7th, His Royal Highness broke the mirror of Haicheng. On the 14th, His Royal Highness broke through the Qianjiang River and Chenzhou----after three days of rest, His Royal Highness broke through Lezhou and Tongzhou----now, His Royal Highness is showing the army. The Yellow River Ferry, just cross the Yellow River and break through the Jinzhou, you can directly take the Grand Emperor's City -----"

The Peacock King won the Bo Yan waved to indicate that the idlers waited for the retreat, and then turned to look at the national division to win the unsatisfied, saying: "Two uncles, this girl------there has been in front of us."

"How? Be overtaken by your own daughter, I feel uncomfortable?" Winning no desire, haha ​​laughed.

"Qing is blue and blue is better than blue. How can I be a father when I am a father? Just, I feel that something is wrong-----"

Win no desire and nodded, said: "There is indeed a flaw."

"After Li Muyang's kid went to a thousand degrees, he only said "everything has me". What does this mean? With him, we can sit back and relax? What is wrong with the thousand degrees, but one word is not willing to say more-----you said, what happened to the thousand degrees? Also, is Li Muyang the kid----believable? ”