MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 821 , Peng Peng spread wings!

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Chapter 821, Yan Peng spread wings!

"Listen to the tone of your speech, you know that this woman called a thousand degrees is more important than me and snowballs." The Wolf King said with some enthusiasm: "When you mentioned her, the voice was even lower and the emotions were more sad, and - ----I can hear your deep feelings for her. You are an understatement to me and snowballs, very casual."

"Not the same. I am with you----" Li Muyang thought about comforting the Wolf King. After all, he is still riding on the back of others, and he needs to fight side by side in the future. "We are ----- people are different. We are brothers, partners. And she is my partner, a woman who can live and marry and have children all her life."

"We can also," said the Wolf King.

"-----This is really not working."

"I can also stay with you for the rest of my life, as long as I condense the entity ------"

"I am in a bad mood now, I don't want to talk-----you let me calm down."

"Okay." The Wolf King nodded.

After flying for a while, the Wolf King couldn't help but open his mouth and said: "The human woman has a life span of only a hundred years. And you are a dragon, you have a life that is almost immortal. You can live with you for the rest of your life. And snowballs."

"------Do you not like to scream in the sky? You are now called a few times."

"Why? Don't you like to hear me scream?"

"I don't even like to hear you!"



Beibei is very big, so big whether you go east or west, south or north, as if you can never reach the end.

Beibei is no longer staying up all night, always the color between the gray and black and white. The darkness of the sea is like a pool of ink. However, this ink pool is boundless, and occasionally a few small fish jumped out, but only splashed three or two waves, and then returned to calm.

Because there is no day and night, Li Muyang does not know how long he has searched in this space. Fortunately, the Wolf King is so striking that he doesn't feel tired when he is flying. If it is a general monk, I am afraid that it will have fallen into the deep sea and drowned.

"But where are you?"

Li Muyang was in a hurry at this time.

Snowballs plunged into the deep sea, and there has been no movement until now.

He took a thousand rides on the wolf to swim in the sea, and did not find any traces of the beast.

Li Muyang knows that this Beibei is not in the land of Shenzhou, but another enchantment.

In this enchantment, perhaps there is only this place in Beibei. So, what kind of enchantment is this?

Is it an infinite extension?

Or is it a void illusion, what the naked eye sees is nothingness?

Li Muyang feels that he can see through many things in the naked eye, but he is not sure whether he is correct or not-----

Many times, Li Muyang is self-doubt.

Do you suspect that you are looking for a North? Do you suspect that there are any beasts in Beibei?

Do you suspect that the black dragon has seen "Tang Wen" and "God is not seen"? Do you suspect that you are being immersed in a black dragon?

Nanke a dream!

When I wake up, is it all zero, I am still a little bit stupid when I am being bullied but still living without worry? All this is just a realistic dream?

However, the woman in her arms is real, and her feelings for her are also true.

In any case, I have to save her -----

"You don't worry." The Wolf King felt the emotional anxiety of Li Muyang and said with a voice: "Worry is useless."


"Snowball is the heart of weak water. It is naturally connected with the elements of water. Maybe others can't find the beast in this vast ocean, but the snowball can be-----" The Wolf King said: "I believe it. ”

"Thank you, Husky." Li Muyang said gratefully.

"I am afraid that it will forget this thing and ran out to play ------" Wolf King added.






In the Black Sea, snowballs are constantly blowing bubbles.

Every bubble spits out, and you can change countless bubbles on the bottom of the sea.

Countless small fish shrimps are surrounded by it, watching this strange bubble that will spit bubbles -----.

"噗------" The snowball swam to a ghost face crab and spit a bubble on it.

The ghost face crab is happy, and two large pliers sticking out of it want to hold it up.

The snowball has a flexible appendix, and the white body has already flown in front of a group of small herring. It opened its mouth and spit a bubble at the most beautiful little green fish.


The little herrings were so happy that they danced to the snowballs and shook their heads.

The snowball circling for a hundred and sixty degrees and rushed to the front of a weird blue fish. Seeing two people-----No, when a fish and a dog are about to hit the head, the snowball has an emergency brake, and it stops in front of the blue fish, then looks at its eyes, facing its small face. Spit a small bubble.


The blue fish grinned and swayed his tail and spun around the snowball. The snowballs also followed, and the two of them danced happily in the sea.

The snowball at this time is like a prince in a dance, a crane in a flock, a husky in a school of fish----

The eye-catching, well-deserved focus dog.

The snowball is accompanied by a small blue fish dance, and spits out bubbles at it.

The little blue fish, which is one foot long, obviously likes the bubbles that the snowballs spit out, and dances with it while opening their mouths to devour those bubbles.

As the snowball dances, it quickly swims towards the sea.

The little blue fish also followed closely, chasing the sky above the Black Sea.

They quickly got out of the fish, and the entire Black Sea seemed to have the existence of this little blue fish and a small white dog.

"噗------" The snowball came out of the sea and spewed a long stream of bubbles against the sky.

The little blue fish squirted out of the sea, and the body leaped high, opening his mouth to devour the water bubbles.

The body of the snowball quickly expanded and became a bigger one than the Wolf King----the big white dog.

Then, his body leaped high, opened his mouth, and slammed into the little blue fish that was about to fall into the sea after eating the bubble.

This change is fast and fascinating.

No one thought that the snowball would lure the little blue fish out of the sea just to eat it, and it would give it a sharp blow at this time-----

This dog is really not a dog. It is far from being a human race that is self-proclaimed as a wise race.


Sound broke through the sky!

The little blue fish suddenly turned into a behemoth, then waved a pair of wings, flying like a Dapeng, avoiding the fatal blow of the snowball.

Yan Peng spread his wings, and his wings are like clouds.

Beibei is big, and Peng Peng is bigger.