MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 840 Advise the king to vote!

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The 840th chapter, persuaded the king to vote!

Zhongzhou City Government Office. Splash in the hospital.

The cold wind is Xiaosu, and the black clouds are rolling. There is no moon, not even a starlight. The entire small courtyard was shrouded in darkness.

Yan Xiangma stood at the door of the small courtyard, and could not help but feel awkward.

I don't know when it started, the legendary old man is always hidden in the dark, just like the things he did.

No one can guess his mood and don't know what he is thinking. He is like a ghost, nowhere to be found, but everywhere.

Yan Xiangma knows that he is in Zhongzhou at this time, such an important city, such an important battle, he can not come to the squad.

Moreover, from the recent changes in attitude of Marshal Xu Da, we can see the clues. Xu Da, who is known as the "General General of the Iron Arms", has always been a very strong person, but in recent days he has been a lot softer.

Yan Xiangma will be clear, and there is also a person in the dark who is more powerful than Xu Da is manipulating the situation.

Throughout the Western Wind Empire, who else can let these highly powerful generals obey the tribute?

Lu Xingkong!

"This is really a miraculous figure." Yan Xiangma thought in his heart. Although Yan’s route is different from him, there are many disputes between the two sides on the ruling. However, in selfishness, no one is his opponent in the entire Westwind Empire.

In the past, everyone said that the old **** Song of the Song Dynasty was lonely as the "eye of the stars". That is to say, the world's general trend is difficult to escape his sharp and wise eyes.

Now think about it, should such a title be placed on the landline short?

Unfortunately, he was sent to a "sand fox" that was very unconventional and even strongly derogatory.

I want to come to him and he is extremely dissatisfied with this title.

After Yan Xiangma came back, the first thought was to find a chat with Lu Xing. Then he made a request to Xu Da in public. Xu Da obviously did not want to let people know the existence of Lu Xingkong. Therefore, although he was blamed on the bright side, he had already made arrangements in the dark.

It’s funny to say that when Lu Xing was still “live”, they had little chance to meet.

Since he was "dead", there have been several opportunities for being alone.

Xu Da gently licked the door and made a look at Yan Xiangma, then turned and left.

Yan Xiangma bit his teeth and pushed the door of the small courtyard.

The courtyard door was open, because he used too much force to make a heavy impact sound.

Then, a pair of vulture-like eyes on the gallery were swept over.

Choose someone to eat!

Yan Xiangma’s mind appeared in such a mind. His body was tight, and it seemed that he was torn into powder by a slight inadvertentness, and then he ate it piece by piece.

"I have seen the country's adults!" Yan Xiangma adjusted his mood and took the initiative to bow to the ground.

"Yan General ------" Lu Xing's eyes sharply looked at him on his face, and a smile appeared in his eyes. He said: "General Yan has escaped and is happy."

"Take the country's blessings, and luckily save this little life." Yan Xiangma's attitude is more respectful.

"In the first test of the battlefield, it has repeatedly made meritorious deeds." Yan Xiangma laughed and said: "In any case, you must personally give your sire to ask for your merits."

"Xie Guofan is an adult."

"Well, I'm kind enough to say it. Now it's time to talk about business-----you want to see me?"


"Is there something?"

"There is something."

"What is it?"

"The matter of peace." Yan Xiangma swallowed a sip of water, said in a deep voice. It seems that this can add some weight to what he said.

"Consultation?" Lu Xingkong’s eyes once again became smashed and murdered. "You mean ----- peace talks?"

"Yes, peace."

"Who is it with?"

"Peacock Dynasty."

Lu Xingkong was silent, and his eyes swept away on Yan Xiangma’s face again, as if he wanted to see through his flesh and look into his heart.

"Do you know that this time, the Peacock King won the Bo Yan and sent troops to conquer the seven countries, in order to control the Shenzhou?"

"I know."

"So-----What do you call the discussion-----I actually let the west wind drop the peacock?"




Dead and quiet!

After Lu Xingkong finished asking this question, he stopped talking, and Yan Xiangma did not know what to say.

The atmosphere was so cold that it was freezing, and Yan Xiangma did not feel cold at this time, and there were fine sweat beads on his back.

He knew very well what he had just said. If these words were passed out, it would be a treason. Lu Xingkong is a one-handed shot to kill himself.

Let the Westwind Empire surrender to the Peacock Dynasty and accelerate the pace of the Peacock Dynasty to unify the nine countries.

This should not be much damage to the West Wind people. The Peacock King won the Bo Yan has always been not thin to the people, which is why he was greeted by the Peacock Dynasty.

But what about the upper class of the Westwind Empire?

At that time, there can only be one emperor in the whole Shenzhou. Then, what about other emperors?

Can the Western Wind’s national patriarch be the entire state of China? Is the general of the West Wind still the general after the reunification of the Nine Kingdoms?

Lu Xingkong just took the authority of the Westwind Empire by shocking means. At this time, he told him that he should negotiate with the Peacock Dynasty and vote for the Peacock. What would he think in his heart?

"You were bought by the Peacock Army?" Lu Xingkong looked at Yan Xiangma and asked in a loud voice.

"No." Yan Xiangma said. He knew that there would be such a thing.

"I believe in you." Lu Xingkong said.


"The friend of the shepherd knows that even if the head is not very good, at least the character is still trustworthy."


"The reason." Lu Xing said quietly. "Speak your reason. Why do I want to negotiate with the Peacock Dynasty? Why do I have to vote for the Peacock King to win the Bo Yan? You can convince me that it is a great achievement. If you can't convince me, I will tie you up." Life. I don’t need a guy with a heart in the Westwind."

"Is the national ambassador feels that ---- Zhongzhou can be kept?"

"Zhongzhou is the world's Xiongcheng City, and it is also a strong town in the west. There are 300,000 troops stationed in the city, and there are millions of people in the city. Can you break the Zhongzhou City with the Peacock King?"

"Does the country’s adults think that Zhongzhou City can be kept?"

"------ can't keep it." Lu Xingkong indulged for a moment, still had to face the facts helplessly. "The Peacock army is like a rainbow, and the Peacock King is a powerful man. When it comes to combat capability, I am far from their opponents. And they have invincible Peacock Legions - they are at high altitude. The harassment has caused great damage to Zhongzhou City. At least we have not found the law to defeat the enemy."

"If Zhongzhou loses, can the sky be saved?"

"If Zhongzhou loses, the gates of Tiandu are open, and the Peacock Army can enter the horse."

"If the sky is lost, where is the move?"

"There is no way to go." Lu Xingkong said. "The Peacock Army has carried out the three-way army and swept the nine countries from three directions. The attack is invincible, and there is no victory until now. There is no rival until now. There is a black empire to help each other, and where can be stable. Where? Where can it be a quiet place?"

"In this case, why don't we talk about it?" Yan Xiangma replied. "I was captured by the peacocks. I secretly observed their military discipline. The Peacock Army is known as the strong army of the world. It is really worthy of the name----the harshness of their drills and the prosperity of morale. It is not my West Wind Army. contend."

"I know that this is a war that won't win. Why do we have to support it? Every day, the heads and blood of thousands of soldiers are put on the wall. What is it?" They also have families and small ones, and they are also flesh and blood. The military department of Guojiu Township should give them greater sympathy and pity."

"Why is it so painful to sacrifice so many loyal soldiers? Is it not good to give them a chance to live?"

"This is the reason you used to convince me?" Lu Xingkong sounded cold and asked in a loud voice.

"Benefits!" Yan Xiangma forcibly supported, although Lu Xingkong did not use any means for him, but the invisible pressure is still daunting, the whole body is shrouded in a powerful gas field, as if slightly Inadvertently, it will be crushed and broken. "Is the national singer think that I can resist the peacock army?"

"Resistance is extremely difficult." Lu Xingkong is an extremely excellent commander. He knows the military and has a lot of research on marching. Otherwise, it is difficult for his Majesty to gather so many arrogant soldiers. "But the Peacock dynasty wants to completely eliminate the resistance, it is impossible for a while. - With a little chance, you can smash the fire."

"Even if they can't overcome the Westwind Empire, then what about other countries?"

"The big Zhou has already gone, and the other empire is also in a bad situation. The Peacock Army does have its own merits. Perhaps the winner will become the first king of the unified China."

"The country is very thorough, then, what about other people? The other people in other countries can't see the situation?"

"What do you mean by saying that someone else may be honest, not that we will get a bigger benefit in front of them?"

"This is the case." Yan Xiangma said out loud. "If we don't know what to do, we will only lose our soldiers and ruin the people. We will not be able to get more benefits if we walk in front of other countries. Even if the Peacock King really unified China, perhaps our country is in a state of worry. However, the country’s adults will have the authority of one person under the 10,000-----

Lu Xing looked thoughtfully at Yan Xiangma and said: "I began to doubt my judgment. It seems that you were indeed bought by the Peacock King."

"National 尉大-----" Yan Xiangma stalked his neck and said hard: "If the horses are really bought by the peacock king, they will go to the country and speak frankly in front of the singer." ?"

"Since it is not, then you --- how to explain such behavior?" Lu Xingkong voice has taken a murder. "It seems that you can't convince me."

Lu Xingkong stood still. No, it was a landline standing still. The other landline had been teleported to the back of Yan Xiangma. He grabbed his neck and lifted his whole body from the ground.

(PS: Laoliu has time to chat with everyone on the WeChat public platform. The new book release and some suggestions collection will also be carried out. You can tell me what you want to say, and interested friends can pay attention to it. Laoliu's WeChat public number: liuxiahui28, or directly search for "Liu Xia" in the public number.

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