MTL - The Invincible Dragon Emperor-Chapter 3764 wait me back

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It took more than a month for Lu Li to reach the Tianran Starfield. He was a teleportation altar that had been set up by the **** of death and directly teleported back to Tianlong City.

The Wing Emperor Dragon Emperor had long received the news of Lu Li. The first time came, Lu Li took Xiao Bai and the Wing Emperor Dragon Emperor to his seat. The four did not say nonsense, Lu left Menjianshan and said, "This time I have killed the **** of death, and I am sorry everyone. You can rest assured that I will try my best to rescue Yuhuang from them, and I will definitely report this hatred!"

"Lugu don't say these ..."

Wing Huang sighed slightly: "Today without you and no death. Now that we have enjoyed the benefits you brought, we also need to take risks for you, everyone agrees. Do n’t worry about revenge. No, that's all. There is hope for life. "

"Om ~"

Lu Li didn't make nonsense. He flew into the legal realm, and then brought out a corpse saying, "This is the body of the king of the southern border. I just killed it a while ago. You must keep this secret."

"King of the South?"

The Wing Emperor and the Dragon Emperor were scared. They looked at each other with disbelief, Xiaobai said, "You don't have to doubt, this is indeed the king of the southern border. The boss killed him. The boss is very powerful now."

"Hisse ~"

The Wing Emperor and the Dragon Emperor took a sip of air-conditioning. Xiaobai would not lie. It seems that this is true? Lu Li went out here, and he was able to kill Dachen? Or the King of One Realm?

The two remained silent for a long time before they came over, their faces showing joy. Lu Li can kill the king of a realm. Does that mean that he may become a king of realm? The **** of death followed him but wanted to fly Huang Tengda.

Becoming a hegemon in the Tianran Starfield is to be a landlord in the countryside. If you can control a territory, it will be the top force in this big world.

"Well, don't be too happy!"

Lu Li poured a cold water on them: "I still have many enemies, the king of the north and the king of the west. Without killing them, we will never have peace. So next, the **** of death will continue to hide, I This is unstable, you do n’t want to come out, spread out and lurk in the entire sky disorder star field. You can even lurk in the small interface outside. If I win, then everything is good to say, you will continue to follow me in the future, if I am dead, then you should seek your own way, but it is estimated that the great forces of Xianyu will not embarrass you. "

Wing Huang nodded slightly and asked, "Lu Li, how confident are you?"

"Five or five!"

Lu Li explained casually: "I'm not going to go to war yet, I have to study it. By the way ... Is my family found?"

Lu Li asked the Emperor Yi to secretly help find that secret place. He wanted to settle his family this time when he came back, so that he could fight all out.

Wing Emperor shook his head and said, "You should know something about the situation at the time. We were very confused, so we did not scout to notice the direction of your people. Mo Huang did not tell anyone about this mystery, this mystery. The entrances and exits must be very hidden, otherwise Mo Huang will not know it alone. I dare not look for it with great fanfare, so I haven't found anything yet. "

"You can't find it!"

Lu Li said slightly, "Let them stay there. Anyway, my destiny is not broken. They know that I am not dead. If I win this battle, some will search for time. If they die, let them stay in there. Live it. "

Lu Li and Yihuang had a discussion, and he told them that they would go back and see the great consummation of Tianran Star Field, which would shock them.

After an explanation, Lu Li brought the elderly Tian Can and told them to dissolve all Lu Meng's disciples. It is not necessarily hidden in the area of ​​death, but the entire sky disorder star domain, even the eight major star domains can be hidden, the interface near the middle kingdom, endless gods, and so on can be hidden.

"wait me back!"

Lu Li didn't explain too much to them. He said with a certain tone: "I will go to the last battle. If I can win this battle, then there will be no power in this world that can threaten us. Becoming the top force in this world can really take off. "


The elderly Tian Can and one of the elders of Huo's family thought that they had heard the heavens and tan, if they did not say Lu Li, they would think they were farting. The prestige established by Lu Li over the years is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They instinctively believe that Lu Lijun has no jokes, and every sentence is said seriously.

"Okay, just do it."

Lu Li waved his hand and said, "If I die, then you will follow the path of the original **** of death to form Lu Meng as a killer organization and act secretly."


Tian Can's ancestors waited for a group of Lu League elders, and Tian Can quickly said: "Lu Li, don't go desperate, big deal, we dormant for a few years, take your time, you're still young."

"I have a sense!"

Lu Li waved his hand and said, "I have reached 60% in my trip, and I think it's worth fighting for it. Rest assured, I cherish my life more than you, no matter what the battle will definitely be. Well, you go Arrange it, and we will leave it to you. "

The elderly with disabilities can no longer persuade them. They know that what Lu Li decides is meaningless. Fortunately, Lu Li never tells lies. He said 60% of the words, and it is estimated that 70% of them are sure. This is indeed worth going to Bo Yibo, if it can really be as Lu Li said, then Lu Meng will fly into the sky and stand out.

In the next time, Li Li went to visit the Great Perfection of Tianran Star Field one after another ~ ~ He didn't say much, but just released a little cold, and let these great fulfillment feel for a while. Then he said that he would fight against the celestial clan and let them stand on the sidelines and not make trouble for the tiger, otherwise he would not read the old feelings.

Those big perfect natural pats on the **** guarantee that they will never help, and let Lu Li rest assured. For them, it doesn't matter which side they win, as long as they don't involve them. After these great congratulations were ready to leave again, they loomed at once, and they could not find them anywhere, so as to avoid the occurrence of Beacon Pavilion.

Lu Li returned to the **** of death. Outside Tianyue City, he worshiped a group of warriors killed in this turmoil, such as Mo Huang. This time, millions of warriors were killed. The warriors' heads did not dare to converge at first. Until Lu Li came out, the Emperor dared to ask someone to bring out the corpses in the ancestral realm, put them together with the human head, and then bury them all together.

"Mo Huang and your brothers!"

Lu Li bowed heavily and worshiped for three weeks and said: "Relax, it won't be long before I kill all the strong people in the Pei family and bring them back to worship the spirit of heaven in Bei Xuan Jinyan."


PS: four chapters. .