MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 518 : hello thirty

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Li Huacheng saw all of Li Tianlan's reactions in his eyes, the awkward tangled posture of wanting to say but not wanting to say, wanting to ask but not wanting to ask, made him subconsciously laugh.

This kind of reaction really belonged to young people, at least at his age, it was basically unheard of.

Qin Weibai didn't want to see Li Tianlan.

This meaning was expressed very clearly. Of course Li Tianlan wanted to ask why, but in the end it was just a question. It was hard to say whether this kind of mood was because of curiosity or unwillingness. It was precisely because of this that Li Tianlan shut his mouth and said a word Don't say anything.

But Li Huacheng had nothing to worry about, he just smiled and said, "Why doesn't Xiaobai want to see Tianlan?"

Ma Si hesitated for a while, then shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know.

He really didn't know what was going on.

The fact that Qin Weibai disappeared for several days was clearly requested by the knight not to tell Li Tianlan for the time being.

As far as his current status is concerned, let alone tell Li Tianlan, even Li Huacheng, Ma Si is not convenient to tell.

He is indeed Li Huacheng's person, but he is now the first deputy palace lord of the East Palace. Even if he wants to say some things, he must learn to shut up. Even many times, there are some things that Li Huacheng wants to say. I know, and I don't want Ma Si to tell him.

The trade-offs among them, taken out separately, can be regarded as a science, and it can even be called wisdom.

How to gain a foothold in the East Palace and become the real first deputy palace lord depends on what Ma Si does.

"For this signing ceremony, Tianlan will lead the team there."

Li Huacheng didn't get the answer, so he glanced at Li Tianlan, didn't ask any more questions, and instead reminded his former secretary: "In terms of posture, you can be a little tougher."

One sentence of leading the team is enough to explain Li Tianlan's position in today's feast.

Ma Si was a little surprised, but soon understood, nodded, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, we are waiting for you to set off together in Tiannan?"

He chuckled lightly: "You have been away from Tiannan for a few days, it's time to come back and have a look."

"Nothing to see."

Li Tianlan's voice was flat without any ups and downs: "I will go directly to Annan, see you then."

From Youzhou to Annan, if passing through Tiannan, it will be relatively troublesome.

Tiannan's current airport is still under construction and there is no air traffic. Li Tianlan must first get off the plane at Nanyun, then take a helicopter to Tiannan, and then fly to Annan. This is the fastest way.

But if you go directly to Annan, these steps can be ignored, and he will get off the plane directly at Annan Airport.

This signing must be formal and grand.

With Li Tianlan's current status and the attitude of a winner, Li Songping will arrange an extremely grand and super-standard welcome ceremony for Li Tianlan.

For example, gun salutes, such as colorful flowers, such as doves of peace, such as elite escorts to clear the way, such as urban road closures...

The details that should be there are indispensable.

If Li Tianlan passed through the East Palace, it would inevitably be a little less formal.

"Let's go by ourselves."

Li Huacheng waved his hands, looked at Ma Si, and said seriously: "Little Ma, once the Tiannan Treaty is signed, a great opportunity for Tiannan's development will come, you should seize the opportunity and write a great article.

It's not that other people don't have opinions when you are sent there. You have to behave well and keep their mouths shut. "


Ma Si agreed very seriously, and then laughed again: "However, Tiannan's foundation is still a bit weak after all. Now the scale is expanding, and there are a lot of things. Speaker, can Zhongzhou give some support?"

"Shengshi Fund is so rich, you came here for alms?"

Li Huacheng laughed and cursed.

Ma Si had a hippie smile on his face, but he didn't let go, and he was very firm in wanting support and assistance.

Tiannan was indeed very poor before.

To be precise, Annan as a whole is far from conferred.

At the very beginning, among the three cities on the Tiannan side, two of them could barely be regarded as big cities in the north, but they didn’t look much better than the small cities in Central Continent, with a smaller population, and overall they looked extremely backward .

Shengshi Fund is indeed rich, even to the point where it is too much to spend. In theory, Shengshi Fund can afford all kinds of construction in Tiannan.

But the problem is that many things cannot be done with money. Wealth is only the foundation. To invest wealth, from the operating principle of Shengshi Fund, they must see the return.

The East Palace is the core of Tiannan, and Tiannan is the foundation of the East Palace. The two must complement each other. If this cannot be done, then Tiannan will become a burden on the Prosperous Age Fund. This is obviously not what the East Palace wants to see. of.

"Tell me, what support do you want?"

Li Huacheng restrained his smile and asked slowly.

"There must be an inclination on the front and side."

Ma Si said seriously: "Only if the attraction in this area is strong enough, can we attract various external resources.

In addition to the issue of population settlement, the current population of Tiannan is still too small. It sounds good to say that the land is vast and sparsely populated. I hope the council can encourage people to come to Tiannan to develop and settle. This land is not considered rich, but if you are willing to spend Time, if a complete economic system is established, then in the next 20 years, this place will be enough to become the home of 20 million people.

In addition, a large amount of infrastructure construction also requires manpower.

The executive officer system also requires a lot of manpower.

My current preliminary plan is to build ten cities in Xintiannan, with Xuanyuan City as the center, re-plan transportation, and establish pillar industries. Tiannan's terrain is relatively complicated, and the agricultural foundation is relatively weak, but it is not a poor mountain. The tourism industry has a bright future..."

Ma Si talked more and more, and there was a trend that he couldn't stop. Obviously, he had already started to enter the role in advance.

Li Huacheng listened silently, with appreciation in his eyes.

After the new Tiannan officially joins Zhongzhou, Tiannan's executive officer system will start to operate. Apart from Ning Qiancheng, there is no second candidate for the first executive officer.

The most important thing is that Tiannan's first executive officer must enter the parliament. In such a special place, he just joined Zhongzhou. It would be unreasonable not to join the parliament, and it would appear that Zhongzhou did not pay much attention to Tiannan.

So Ning Qiancheng is very likely to become the youngest councilor besides Li Tianlan.

He is only 30 years old this year, and it would be impossible for this to happen elsewhere, but Tiannan's particularity made all of this extremely normal.

After all, Li Tianlan is also a young man.

And the whole Tiannan is a country that was conquered by a group of young people. Now that the overall situation has been decided, even if it is based on meritorious deeds, it is impossible to abandon these young people.

Before, Huangfu Yi had discussed with Li Tianlan about letting Huangfu Qiushui hold the sword for Li Tianlan.

The rise of the East Palace will make Li Tianlan's future family the top super wealthy family in the dark world. Judging from the current situation, with Ning Qiancheng entering the parliament, the first wealthy family in Tiannan that really revolves around Li Tianlan has already Appeared.

That is the Ning family.

The council currently has no way to shake Ning Qiancheng's position in Tiannan, and it is even more impossible to compete with him for the position of executive officer.

After Ning Qiancheng, Tiannan's chief should be Li Huazhang.

Li Huacheng naturally paid a lot of attention to this veteran Li family whose name was very similar to his own, like a brother.

This is the person who really has Li's blood flowing in his body. He currently occupies a city in Tiannan. After Tiannan officially appears, he will naturally occupy a more important position.

Neither the executive nor the chief can make up his mind.

The position of governor is naturally none other than Ma Si, and his position in his heart is obviously correct, and now he has begun to plan Tiannan's future development.

Regarding this matter, Li Huacheng did not intend to be stingy.

The so-called expansion of territory does not end with laying down a piece of wasteland. Once it is taken down, it must be used rationally. He is still in office. In the next five years, a large amount of resources will flow from Central Continent to Tiannan.

Li Huacheng is not sure whether Tiannan will be more prosperous than Beihai in the future, but at least Tiannan must be in the middle and upper reaches of the Central Continent sequence.

"Of course, these are my preliminary plans at present. The detailed plans still need careful consideration and can only be decided after reporting to the palace lord."

Marth finally finished his tirade.

Li Huacheng listened carefully, and smiled: "Very well, your attitude is very reassuring. You must have an idea of ​​Tiannan's future direction. In this way, first make a detailed plan. , when you come to Youzhou, the parliament will naturally express something."

"Thank you, Speaker."

Ma Si's expression was extremely excited, and he instinctively expressed his determination: "Please rest assured, Tiannan's future will never let you down."

Tiannan's current foundation is indeed very poor, and its development is not satisfactory, but that is caused by the overall environment of Annan.

Annan is very young, has no money, no one, no strength, no technology, and lagging behind is a matter of course.

But this does not mean that Tiannan is really bad.

In fact, if none of these things happened and Tiannan still belonged to Annan, Li Songping planned to turn the entire northern border into Annan's heavy industry base and resource reserve base.

Li Songping is indeed a character. If he really does this and succeeds, it will be just around the corner to revitalize Annan's economy, but it is a pity that he gambled once, and then lost in a mess. All his ambitions were also lost to Li Tianlan. Time is fate, and it is impossible not to accept fate.

Now that Tiannan is in the hands of Zhongzhou, what Annan does not have, Zhongzhou has, and what Annan wants, Zhongzhou also has.

This place is rich in resources, with a steady stream of funds from the Shengshi Fund, with the deterrent power of the East Palace, and with various technologies that Central Continent can provide...

Working in Tiannan like this is completely equivalent to painting on white paper.

Great mountains and rivers can be swayed wantonly.

Ma Si naturally has real talents and learning. If he is a mediocre person, it is impossible for Li Huacheng to stay by his side and train him for many years. From his point of view, such Tiannan is full of development opportunities everywhere. The more he studies, The more self-confidence and confidence he has in his heart, the more he looks forward to ten or twenty years later, Tiannan will be able to change into a different look in his hands.

"Don't talk too much."

Li Huacheng smiled: "There is a long way to go, this sentence is really suitable for Tian Nan now.

You still have a lot to do in the future, Zhongzhou will give you a lot of resources to support you, and strive to make Tiannan match Beihai, are you confident? "

Look to the North Sea...

The smile on Ma Si's face froze for a moment.


Li Huacheng's smile remained unchanged, but his eyes became serious.

"I'm doing my best!"

Ma Si said loudly: "Please rest assured."

His voice was loud, but his lack of confidence was obvious.

Beihai and Tiannan are different after all, and it is difficult to be the same.

Today's Tiannan does have many conditions that surpass those of the original Beihai, but there is one thing that cannot be compared in any case.

That is the location.

Tiannan is inland.

And the North Sea is close to the sea everywhere.

Tongtian Port is now one of the largest ports in the northern part of Central Continent. In terms of resources, Beihai has only a lot more resources than Tiannan. The wealth accumulated by the Wang family of Beihai for hundreds of years, how can Tiannan match it in a short period of time? of?

The economic aggregate of Beihai in Central Continent ranked fourth last year, second only to Wuyue, Nanyue and Dongshan. At present, only Wuyue and Nanyue can hold Beihai firmly. Even Dongshan has been surpassed frequently in the past ten years.

And Tiannan...

Ma Si's biggest expectation at present is to be able to rank in the top 20 within ten years, and to stabilize in the top ten in the end is already very good.

"The reason why Tiannan lags behind is due to many reasons, among which Annan's reason is the main reason."

Li Huacheng said calmly: "But you have to know that Zhongzhou and Annan are different. If you don't have a big heart, your stage will naturally be small. You have to be satisfied, and you can't be too easy to be satisfied. I mean, you understand?"

Ma Si was silent.

Li Huacheng smiled: "Other cities in the desert can develop, no matter how bad the sky is, they won't reach that point. What are you afraid of?"

Ma Si's body visibly shook.

He nodded slowly, as if to promise something, and said slowly: "Please rest assured."

This time he said rest assured, it was different from the previous few times.

More solemn, but also more determined.

Li Huacheng smiled, waved his hands and said, "Then go get ready. If you have any questions, you can talk to me anytime."

He looked at Li Tianlan and asked, "Is there anything else Tianlan needs to do?"


Li Tianlan said something casually.

His eyes fell on Huangfu Qiushui.

Huangfu Qiushui focused on watching the heat of the tea, her upper body leaned forward slightly, her big eyes blinked, and the picture was very eye-catching.

Ma Si nodded and silently hung up the communication.

"It's a bit difficult for Tiannan to look up to Beihai."

When the communication was hung up, Li Tianlan spoke bluntly.

He naturally understood how big the gap between Tiannan and Beihai was.

And even in Wang Yuetong's new city plan, there was no mention of letting Tiannan catch up with Beihai.

In terms of development opportunities, inland areas are worse than coastal areas. This is an objective fact, and it is useless to deny it.

If it is to let Tiannan surpass the original Beihai, then there is no problem, but Li Tianlan does not have the heart to let Tiannan who has just started to surpass the current Beihai.

Even he has to admit that after hundreds of years of operation, the Beihai Wang family has indeed perfected all aspects of Beihai. The Shengshi Fund is indeed rich and can spend a lot of money, but the three people in Beihai The strength of a large group is also not much worse than that of Shengshi Fund. Without the long development time, sufficient background and geographical advantages, it would be a bit false to talk about surpassing.

Moreover, what the East Palace wants is not to let Tiannan surpass Beihai. This is meaningful, but not very meaningful.

Even if Tiannan is worse than Beihai, it doesn't mean that the East Palace cannot surpass the Wang family of Beihai.

This is what the East Palace wants.

The new dynasty of the dark world, if even the Wang family of Beihai can't suppress it, what kind of dynasty is it?

"There is still a chance, although it is not very big, but what if?"

Li Huacheng smiled, picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea: "The structure of Beihai Wang's executive officer system is very stable, and it will become more and more mature as time goes by.

Ma Si doesn’t need to count on the position of executive officer, but it is definitely just right to put him in the position of governor. He is capable, but he has been with me for many years, and with me in front, sometimes he will inevitably be a little slack .

So put pressure on him, keep on putting pressure on him, it won't crush him, but it will arouse his fighting spirit even more. "

"Some of the advantages of the East Imperial Palace were really beyond Beihai's back then. At least, Tiannan will be very worry-free when it develops.

Central Continent's massive resource support, and Shengshi Fund's continuous wealth support, this is already the treatment that many places dream of.

Once the Tiannan Treaty is signed this time, the Yuxuejun Group will probably disappear reasonably, such as reasonable damage or something. In this way, the Tiannan Juntuan can be established, together with the Liberty Juntuan, or merged. It will become the biggest hole card of the East Palace.

What about Beihai? Do you know how much effort Beihai put in to establish the Beihai Juntuan?

From its establishment to the struggle for dominance, many things have not been lifted until now. Of course, if you are interested, you can take a look.

Not only that, but there are also many messy things, these problems do not exist for Tiannan now.

Without these constraints, if you focus on development, with the current momentum of the Eastern Palace, if the dynasty can really succeed, there will actually be many opportunities for overtaking at the south bend that day. In any case, there is no harm in giving it a try. "

"When am I leaving?"

Li Tianlan asked, it's almost noon now, if you leave at this time, you will arrive at Annan at about 4:00 pm, and this is not too early if the special plane is not delayed.

"No hurries?"

Li Huacheng put down his teacup: "Let's have dinner together later, and leave after dinner. You go to Annan, that is, to sign a signature. You have already done the substantive things behind the scenes. You don't need to worry about the things on the scene. .”

He thought for a while and continued: "However, there is still a speech. It's not a big problem. Someone has already prepared the relevant manuscripts. There was one in the Qing Dynasty. Ma Si will probably write one too. You can choose one by then. It’s pleasing to the eye, just read it once and you’re done.”

Li Tianlan was silent for a while.

His mood was a little weird: "If you look at it this way, I really feel relieved."

"In Tiannan, you can rest easy because of Xiaobai."

Li Huacheng said indifferently: "In Central Continent, you can rest easy because of me. You should call me teacher anyway. Before you become a teacher, I will naturally prepare some things for you in advance."

Li Tianlan shook his head, just about to say something, the phone's notification tone suddenly rang.

Not just his phone.

Huangfu Qiushui's, Li Huacheng's.

All three of their phones rang.

And within the range of Li Tianlan's sword energy perception, almost everyone's mobile phones near Yinlonghai started to move.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly, took out his phone and glanced at it.

The phone was still vibrating.

One push after another appeared on the phone screen without warning.

major search engines.

various portals.

A series of apps.

Different titles and the same content quickly occupied everyone's attention in the shortest possible time.

It was not just Li Tianlan at this moment.

Almost everyone in Central Continent received the same message through different channels such as the Internet, TV, and radio.

Huangfu Qiushui took out his mobile phone and looked at it, his eyes lit up slightly.

She raised her small face to look at Li Tianlan with an unusually sweet expression.

Li Huacheng also took out his mobile phone to look at it, and laughed: "This is the beginning, I'm sure, in the next few days, this news will become the biggest news in Central Continent, maybe even the headlines of the whole world."

Li Tianlan looked down at the notifications that filled the phone screen.

He is not addicted to mobile phones. If he doesn't have a phone on weekdays, he would rather sit in a daze than take out his phone to watch short videos.

So his mobile phone is not low-grade, but there are very few apps.

But at this moment, all these poor apps sent push messages to Li Tianlan.

"Tiannan will officially join Zhongzhou"

"Annan rarely bows his head, Zhongzhou will usher in new opportunities"

"The 30th province of Central Continent turned out to be..."

"Expanding Frontiers, New Era, New Provinces"

"May Central Continent Prosper, Hello, Thirty"

A series of news bombarded Li Tianlan's eyeballs.

The corners of Li Tianlan's mouth raised inexplicably. He didn't know why, but he just felt inexplicably happy.

"Are you impatient to go to Annan?"

Li Huacheng squinted his eyes and smiled gently.

"Not at all."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "However, I do have some expectations in my heart."

"No matter how much you look forward to, you have to eat."

Li Huacheng smiled and stood up: "From today on, your age will be ignored by everyone, but everyone will remember you. For Zhongzhou, you are the hero and the protagonist in the next few years."

He patted Li Tianlan on the shoulder, and said in a serious tone: "Since the chaos in Snow Country ended, people have been talking about the new era.

But only today, until now, I really agree with this sentence.

Tianlan, the era that belongs to you has really come, just today. "

"I am very honored."

Li Tianlan smiled.

"Me too."

Li Huacheng also laughed.

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