MTL - The King of The Worlds-v7 Chapter 95 Perish

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Augusta is a master. His soul power is also powerful. With the increase of will power, he can easily cover a plane.

Only momentarily, he had realized the existence of Qin Yi.


A shocking, terrifying breath swept across, and the whole world was shrouded in it at this moment.

Faced with this breath, the members of the eight major families bent down in a short time, with a look of horror on their faces.

"The Lord God!"

"This is the majesty of the Lord God!"

They immediately identified the source of the breath, trembling in their hearts, and trembling in fear.


The vast sound came into everyone's ears. The people of the eight major families did not see it with the naked eye. In the perception of the soul, a huge face appeared clearly above the outside sky.

They are also very familiar with this face, which is Horn, the strong one of the four gods and beasts family.


Everyone's eyes widened. They heard the master say that the other is the Lord God the moment before, and the next time, the other party came.


A spit was swallowed, and the patriarchs of the eight major families were a little scared.

Let them face great consummation, a little fearful, let alone face the Lord God.

In this scene, only the Lord God of Augusta could speak.

"Master Lord!"

The patriarch of the Polin clan with wings in the back cried.

"The courage is so bold. He just dared to come to my doorstep as soon as he got to hell."

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and Augusta disappeared in front of the eight major families.

"Let me see, where on earth is he confident, dare to face me like this!"

As soon as the words fell, Augusta's figure had reached the outside air.

The patriarchs of the eight major families, at this moment, are all going out fast and trembling, observing the sky above their heads.


The power of terror fluctuated, swinging around in all directions, crushing all beings. Within the majesty range, almost all the gods had kneeled on the ground in fear. No one dares to face such a majestic Lord God's majesty, and no one dares to stand before the Lord God's will.

"Horn, you come out!"

"My Augusta is here!"

Augusta flew high into the air, usually groaning with the huge face in front of him.

Only then did he feel the other person's deity, and he was approaching quickly. Now the huge face in front of him is just the other person's main god.

If you want to deal with the Lord God, only the Lord God is useful.

"I'm right in front of you, don't you find out?"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of that huge face, and the huge face quickly deformed into a human body, which was Qin Yi.


Augusta's pupil contracted, and her heart trembled slightly.

He didn't even notice that the other person changed his deity, or that the deity was hidden aside.

This made him calm, and it seemed that Horn's strength was beyond his expectations.

"I'm here to ask you something."

Qin Yi stood there calmly and asked softly.

"whats the matter?"

Augusta groaned.

His eyes contained the coldness, the family of the four gods and beasts, which was actually a thorn in his eyes, and this person even asked him?

What a courage!

"Did you kill the Four God Beasts?"

Qin Yi's voice was cold.

The atmosphere between them was tense, a mighty majesty slammed, the edges of the breath quickly collided, and a series of lightnings appeared.

This powerful coercion affects the bottom, and countless gods tremble, trying to escape from here.

"Four God Beasts?"

Augusta's eyes narrowed, and then he suddenly smiled.

"So what? Do you want to avenge them?"

Qin Yi's eyes were even colder, and his right hand was pressed against the sword shadow on his waist.

In the next second, the Excalibur came out of the sheath, and the dark light suddenly skyrocketed. Its shape also turned into a streamer in a flash, and flew directly at the other side.

"Then you die!"

The icy voice was mixed with terrible breath.

At this moment, the three-color divine power all converged on the surface of Qin Yi's body, and then quickly merged. At this moment, the rules were quickly merged into completeness, and a circle of air waves appeared suddenly.

Augusta was almost instantaneous, her pupils contracted to a point, and her heart beat violently.

He felt an incredibly sharp, terrifying force that could not be matched.

"This Horne is so strong ?!"

But soon his eyes had widened.


He also suddenly pulled out the Excalibur sword, and then waved out.


In the blink of an eye, two rays of light, one black and one white, have already collided together suddenly, the fierce brilliance waves shone out, and the surging light waves were extremely dazzling, covering all sights.

The terrible majesty, the pressure swept out, and not far below, there were more than twenty mountains that had dissipated almost instantly.


Countless gods fled in panic, turned into streamers, and fled from this right and wrong place.

In the battlefield, Augusta's heart shook, and the space behind him had shattered in an instant, revealing a turbulent flow of time and space.

This sword shattered the space. The originally stable **** space was so fragile under the collision of the two of them.

In another shock, in front of him, Horn's face had surfaced.

The cold eyes, the aura of breath, made Augusta's heart tremble.

"This guy, so powerful!"

With the pupil contracted, Augusta exerted his full strength, running his body regularly, blocking his sword.

But there was another blast, and his body was blown up directly, flying towards the space and time.


Due to the shock of his body, Augusta spit out blood, his face paled a lot.

However, this is just the beginning.

Qin Yi flew and pursued, and the incredible speed turned into a streamer, and in a blink of an eye, he came to his eyes again, waving a sword.


The light of the sword flickered, and this time the strength was even stronger. Augusta hard-wired, his arms exploded, his face trembled.

"I can't stop it!"

"Damn, how could it be so strong!"

"He has far exceeded the power of the master!"

Qin Yi's sword cut down ~ ~ The strength and strength of each sword was stronger by the last hit, and even the chaotic flow of time and space was split by him.

Augusta's face was panic first, and then she was completely scared.

How could it be that his dominating strength was not at all an opponent of the opponent?

Shocked, unbelievable, fear and emotions surfaced on his face, shaking Augusta all over.

"Do you have these strengths?"

"Let Auf come, you're so disappointed!"

In the end, Qin Yi sighed, the sword shadow lifted, and three brilliance flashed on the sword's body, and it suddenly waved down.

Augusta's eyes widened and a roar of terror, but his voice stopped abruptly.

This sword cut his body directly, and a sword cut the soul.

Augusta, die!
