MTL - The King-Chapter 376 signs of chaos

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  Chapter 376 Signs of Chaos

   "Governor, in addition to this matter, Earl Hudson also sent a lot of orc slaves, and exchanged labor for service with the small and medium nobles below. Do you want to stop it?"

  Antonio asked concerned.

  The work efficiency of orc slaves is definitely not as good as that of serfs. It is also a trouble to manage, otherwise it would have been popularized long ago.

   "No need! It's too deliberate to block them on such a trivial matter, and the influence of spreading it is not good.

   Besides, they notified us when the Korubians left a few days ago. Although the final harvest is very average, we have to respond to people's gestures.

   They were all orc slaves anyway, and Earl Hudson would not feel bad if some died, so he arranged them in the most dangerous place. "

  Governor Pierce said calmly.

   This is an overt conspiracy, even if Hudson knew that he was wearing shoes, he couldn't say anything.

  Slaves have no human rights, and orc slaves have even less human rights. It is only natural to arrange dirty work for them.

  Under the original construction technology, some projects in dangerous areas are destined to be filled with life. It is better to fill it with the life of a beast than to fill it with the life of a human.

   "Uncle, I heard that Earl Hudson will be the honorary headmaster of the Arcane Academy under construction in the kingdom. Do you think this will affect us?"

  Viscount Cayo asked worriedly.

  Just from the importance of all parties, it can be judged that the Arcane Academy under construction is not easy. Referring to the magic academy in the capital, Kayo knew that this thing would definitely affect the future political structure of the kingdom.

  The competitor is not only the founder of the Arcane Academy, but also the honorary principal, but they just installed an ordinary teacher in it. The influence of the two parties on the academy is obviously not at the same level.

   "Don't worry, the Arcane Academy has just been born, and it is the time when credibility is needed, and no one will make trouble at this time.

  Hudson's character is still guaranteed. In all the time we've had with him, have you ever seen him play tricks?

   Besides, the current Arcane Academy is not in his turn to make decisions. From the establishment of the college to the present, Hudson has done nothing except to hang a name.

   It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but that those old guys hold the Arcane Academy too tightly. Even if Hudson, the honorary principal, doesn't have much say in the past.

   Let’s just watch, Hudson will definitely reach out to the Arcane Academy after those old guys are killed. "

  After listening to what Governor Pierce said, Viscount Cayo was very helpless.

   "Hudson's character is good?"

   Looking back at his memory, he really didn't find any black spots. At least from the standpoint of the nobles of the human race, what Hudson has done is commendable.

  Especially on the battlefield of the orcs, they obviously had the opportunity to attack them, but in the end, not only did they not make trouble, but they helped them at a critical moment.

   What happened under the watchful eyes of the public cannot be blamed.

  So much so that at the post-war noble meeting, the proposal on the Koslow family's entry into the circle of great nobles was directly passed by unanimous votes, including the Dalton family who bit the bullet and voted for it.

   But this guy with good character, he made him miserable! Thinking of my previous sad experience, it was all tears.

   But these things cannot be said to people yet. It is not clear how much impact it will have on Hudson's reputation, anyway, Viscount Cayo himself will definitely die.


  Kingdom of Hesse.

   "Your Majesty, Louis Vuitton III doesn't care about oil and salt. No matter what we say, he doesn't care."

  Marquis Krasner said with a look of embarrassment.

  Originally this was a trouble for the military, but the shrewd Marquis Relian took the opportunity to blame it on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The reason is very simple: these reckless people are only suitable for fighting and killing, and negotiations should be left to professionals.

   When it comes to this kind of talk, even if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wants to shirk, there is no way to speak up, so it can only accept this trouble.

   Perseverance, Louis Vuitton III is more difficult than they expected. Not only did coercion and lure not work, the officials sent out to negotiate were actually depressed by him.

   Even if he is a prisoner, the king is still full of style. Coordination is impossible, now Louis Vuitton III only do one thing - eat, drink and have fun.

   Outside the palace is the Hessian army, and inside the palace is still the territory of Louis Vuitton III. The king's due treatment, that is not at all skimped.

   It's not that they don't want to engage in petty tricks, but there are too many people staring at them. Everyone is smart, if Louis Vuitton III doesn't cooperate, it's just a little more trouble.

   If drastic measures are used, something unexpected happens to Louis Vuitton III, and the charges of regicide will fall on them.

  This kind of selective issue, not to mention the pressure of international public opinion, even their own king can't help but kill them.


  Tell the Louis Vuitton **** that if he cooperates, he will be the fief earl of the kingdom. If he behaves well, I can give him a rich county as a fief.

  If he continues to resist, let him take his family out into exile and live a life of being dependent on others.

   If you can’t persuade them, then mobilize the members of the Korubia royal family to persuade them. His queen, prince, and princess were all sent over to let them go to work together! "

   Alexander V said angrily.

  This action against the Counties of Colombia has gone beyond the mark. If the aftermath is not dealt with properly, the international reputation of the Kingdom of Hesse will be negative.

   It is never easy to annex a country legally. Especially for a country like the Counties of Colombia, which has not fought a single battle, there are many hidden dangers in its future rule.

   If you can’t swallow it raw, you can only increase the technical content. For example: the merger of the two countries proposed by Louis Vuitton III.

   There is also a precedent for this kind of thing in the continent of Aslante. At present, several powerful countries on the mainland were formerly formed by a group of noble lords after the collapse of the empire.

  Many great nobles with ancient inheritance, most of their ancestors have given birth to kings. Even if it has been independent for a short time, it has had a glorious history.

   "Your Majesty, don't be angry. Louis Vuitton III really wanted to commit suicide, he was already dead. No matter how fast we act, we can't stop a person from committing suicide.

  The current performance is nothing more than a bargain, wanting to fight for better treatment. We wanted a decent ending, so why didn't he?

  At this moment, the real trouble for us to annex the Counties of Korubia is the scattered noble lords. If these people are not removed, the kingdom's local rule will never be peaceful! "

  Prime Minister Milton said murderously.

   It was just a loud clamor, but when it came time to deal with it, the situation changed again.

  The territory of the nobles is sacred and inviolable. Without a suitable reason, even the king has no right to deprive them of their titles.

  According to the normal rhythm of seizing titles, the king or governments at all levels have caught the major criminal evidence of the parties and submitted it to the aristocratic council for confirmation before they can officially deprive them of titles.

   This kind of game rule obviously does not apply to the Counties of Colombia. If you want to deprive one or two nobles of their titles, maybe you can do it.

   It is no wonder that the local nobles can agree to the collective seizure of titles! I'm afraid that if the knives are put on the necks of the councilors, it is impossible for the local aristocratic council to pass.

  During the non-war period, Alexander V did not dare to order the execution of nobles, even nobles from other countries.

   It's even worse to keep these people. The Kingdom of Hesse took great risks to take military action in order to eat meat in the past, not a nominal ruling power.

  A large number of domestic interest groups are all sharpening their knives and waiting to share the cake. If you suddenly say that the cake is gone, you can't explain it at all.

   "What do you think should be done?"

  Alexander V asked pretending not to know.

  Generally speaking, to deal with diehards who cannot be attacked on the surface, they can only take extraordinary measures.

  However, in this kind of thing, it is usually the people below who play their subjective initiative, and whether they succeed or fail, they must have nothing to do with the king.

   "Your Majesty, the July Society has been entrenched in the Counties of Korubia for a long time and is plotting to launch a rebellion.

  We used to help suppress the rebellion, but the nobles of Korubia didn't appreciate it. If the master does not agree, it is not good for us to forcefully enter their territory.

   Now that the matter is leaked, I am afraid that July will take the risk and launch a rebellion in advance to attack the king of the Counties of Korubia.

  For the sake of the overall situation, please order the troops that entered the Counties of Colombia to gather in the capital to protect the safety of Louis Vuitton III. "

  Count Nicholas suggested with a serious face.

  For this kind of thing, the military must stand up and take responsibility, and it cannot be related to the king.

   "Let the Marquis of Lelian figure it out! Everything is based on maintaining the long-term stability of Korubia."

  The words of Alexander V directly settled the matter. If you want long-term peace and stability in Korubia, you must first cleanse the unstable factors.

   It’s just that the July Society suffered a lot. Even though people were still active in the northern part of the Alpha Kingdom, a scapegoat fell from the sky.

   And it’s not enough if you don’t memorize it, there will be countless evidence and black materials pointing to them, proving that they did all the bad things.

  Of course, for the July Club, which is thousands of miles away, it is completely a matter of having too many lice and not itching, and taking the blame can only be regarded as a daily operation.

  In the past years, they have resisted countless crimes, and this time is nothing more than adding another one.

   As for cult organizations, no one is clean. Especially the cult organization that has made a name for itself, they are all scapegoats.


  Holy Mountain.

   "Your Majesty, the Ruthenians have rejected our goodwill, they are only willing to lend a road, and they are not willing to declare war on the dwarf kingdom!"

   Bishop Sauron reported with a gloomy face.

  I thought it was a surefire thing, but I didn't expect to be rejected by others in the end. You must know that in order to win over the Kingdom of Ruthenia, they also paid a lot of money.

  The great Holy See is able to lower its figure and form an alliance with a declining kingdom, but it can still be rejected, it is simply...

  In short, this incident made Bishop Sauron ashamed. Now he is very angry, and he can't wait to send troops to send the Ruthenian king to the barbecue immediately.

   "Expanding the living space of the human race is everyone's responsibility and obligation. How could the Ruthenians refuse it just by saying no!

  Send someone to warn the Ruthenian king, telling him: colluding with other races will not end well.

  Other plans remain unchanged.

  Ulisse, find an opportunity to plan several conflicts between the Dwarf Kingdom and the Ruthenian Kingdom. The bigger the matter, the better.

  The dark son planted in Ruthenia, this time should also be activated. Release the news: Some high-level people in the Kingdom of Ruthenia have colluded with the dwarves and betrayed the interests of our human race. "

   Pius VII ordered decisively.

   Obviously, similar things have happened more than once. His rich experience in political struggles allowed him to skillfully make decisions.


   Canglan City, after a simple renovation and renovation, the second arcane academy in mainland China with the mission of "pursuing the truth" has begun to enroll students.

  The campus is contributed by the Liufeng family. It was originally their residence in the royal capital, but the persevering family has declined, and it is too eye-catching to continue to hold such a mansion.

  According to normal circumstances, they are usually sold to emerging nobles. However, Duke Liufeng is not a simple person. Although he is a rookie in war, he still has political skills.

   Overcome all opinions and blocked the proposal of family members to sell for cash. After mobilizing family connections, after a lot of hard work, I finally got the opportunity to donate to the Arcane Academy.

   There is no doubt that this is a very good investment. The Arcane Academy jointly established by all the powerful forces in the kingdom was destined to be extraordinary from its birth.

  Living every day in the house donated by the Liufeng family, if the academy doesn't take care of them, it will be hard to justify.

  For the declining Liufeng family, the favor invested can save their lives at critical moments.

  From the public preparations to the completion of the college to recruit students, it took less than two months, and it was a proper alpha speed.

   Attended the inauguration ceremony of the academy in person, Caesar IV felt very complicated. I thought I could be the protagonist, but there are too many elders present.

  Disregarding distant uncles for the time being, but uncles, uncles, great-grandfathers, great-grandfathers... a bunch of old royal family antiques have appeared.

  The representatives sent by other great nobles in the Kingdom are also a group of old guys over a hundred years old. These guys all have common characteristics, not only powerful, but also surprisingly senior.

  A group of old guys over a hundred years old were busy reminiscing about the old days, and directly left the king Caesar IV aside, making him a king who had no reputation at all.

  Of course, this little depression is nothing. In the extraordinary world, the number of old and undead also means a deep foundation. In an era when the average life expectancy is thirty or forty, no one is weak if they can live to be more than one hundred years old.

  It seems to be the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Arcane Academy, but it is actually a display of strength to the outside world. Tell the outside world that the Alpha Kingdom is not in decline.

   "Your Majesty, the foundation stone laying ceremony went smoothly. This is not the style of the Holy See!"

  The Grand Duke of Newfoundland said worriedly.

  The last time the Frankish Kingdom’s Arcane Academy opened, it was attacked many times. If the Franks hadn't suppressed it fast enough, the undead disaster would have almost erupted.

   It is claimed to be the work of a cult, but whoever is sitting here does not know that it is the work of the Holy See!

  It was so violent against the Frankish Kingdom, but it suddenly became milder when it came to the Alpha Kingdom, which is obviously unreasonable.

   "Perhaps it was the failure last time that the Holy See learned a lesson and gave up this meaningless assassination.

   But we still need to strengthen our vigilance. There are a bunch of lunatics in the Holy See, but they can do anything! "

   Caesar IV said uncertainly.

  All unreasonable behaviors can become understandable when they have something to do with a lunatic.

   "Your Majesty, the quietness of the Holy See may have something to do with their next actions. There are indications that the Holy See is planning a war.

  Who the specific target is is yet to be determined. However, several major armies of the Holy See have entered the stage of preparations.

   Not only the Holy See, but the Kingdom of Dante in the middle, the Kingdom of the South Coast, the Kingdom of Frankish in the south, and the Kingdom of Iberia are all about to move.

   A hundred years have passed since the last continental war ended. According to past practice, the next continental war is just around the corner! "

   Earl Francis said anxiously.

  (end of this chapter)