MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 115 Mechanical heart (5)

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"Noah...?" Without speaking, Gu Huai first called his own system in consciousness.

‘Noah’ is the name of his family system. The final creation of the Ark plan is also called Noah. It is only a coincidence that Gu Huai can hardly convince himself.

"It is very likely." This is not a good direction for development, but according to the inference, the system cannot deny the fact that the 'Noah' in the current plane world is a great probability. Because it is placed in the world of the plane, if it is in a world with a power system, the normal situation will become the most capable one in that plane.

But if this is not a coincidence, then this is the red. Naked... purposeful behavior.

“Yeah.” Gu Huai responded, and in turn appeased his system. “Don’t worry.”

In the world of the last face, the incarnation of the enemy has said that he has set a better stage in this plane world. Gu Huai has not forgotten this matter, and he has already prepared himself. Regardless of how the other party intervenes, he will clear the world of this plane.

"You just said that in order to resist the invasion of mechanical creatures, the eight races formed the Calderin Parliament. According to your description, human extinction should be a long time ago, but now, the Calderin Parliament and the Mechanical Legion are still In a confrontational state, this is an don’t really have the ability to destroy them, right.” Gu Huai said this to the Red Dragon with a semi-inductive sentence. He needs to determine the problem and the answer to the question can become One of his negotiating chips.

"..." Geral was silent, and the facts were exactly as the young people said. Didn't realize that he was being talked about, Geral looked at the mechanical creatures that placed a protective posture around the youth, and finally turned his head and said: "This is the case."

"If there is no guess, the Calderin parliament should be at a disadvantage in the struggle with the mechanical army." Gu Huai continued to speak his own inferences.

This unsatisfactory fact was directly pointed out by the youth. The Red Dragon actually felt a bit of a pain, but he still could not refute it. "...Yes."

The body of the new model of mechanical creation comes with physical and magical defenses, and even more defensive than their dragons. What's more, mechanical organisms can be repaired quickly after the end of the battle, as long as the chip is still intact, which is an unparalleled advantage in the war.

Reconfiguring a powerful attacking power, such an army of ice-cold machinery is enough to be a nightmare for all life in Ay Zeya.

"The laissez-faire situation continues. If all kinds of families can kill a thousand, the self-loss will be far more than that." The psychologically explicit hints are all finished together. Gu Huai suddenly turned around at this moment: "If you can Going to the parliamentary stronghold to discuss with the top leaders of various ethnic groups, I may be able to change this situation, but I can't go now... unless you can guarantee one thing."

"What??" Geral immediately blurted out this sentence.

The discourse of the youth is too attractive. If this sentence is spoken by someone else, Geral will not have such a big reaction, but the young man who is the last surviving human being...

Human beings are the creators of mechanical creatures. There is no longer a better understanding of the existence of mechanical organisms than the former. The youth in front of them may indeed be an opportunity for them to change the status quo.

"They won't leave me, of course I won't leave them, so you need to keep them safe. If you can do this, I will be willing to help." Gu Huai clearly expressed his attitude.

Mechanical creatures now undoubtedly become public enemies of all races except him, but Gu Huai still chooses to protect his family.

"This... I will do my best." The Red Dragon only hesitated for a moment, and soon he made up his mind. "I will use the soul contract as a guarantee to tell the parliament about this matter. If the high-level members of the parliament pass, I will bring it. You enter the city of Og... If the parliament does not pass my request, I promise not to disclose your position."

It’s really a mystery to let more than a dozen mechanical creatures enter the city of Og, even though these dozens of mechanical creatures use various low-grade materials to make various patches... It looks tattered and the model is very old. Old, not too high attack power. In the eyes of the various ethnic groups in the Calderin Parliament, these mechanical creations are, after all, enemies, letting the enemy enter their own city, which is very unimaginable.

But considering it at the level of interest, this is not necessarily impossible, and Geral decided to try it.

The red dragon leaves with the transfer magic, and Gu Huai and the other party agree that the waiting time is one hour, in which he will stay in this place.

"Don't mess up, just stick to it... I will find energy for Kuta soon." Gu Huai gently patted the arm of his R-03 robot, indicating that he was trying to reduce energy consumption. . The other party just entered the fighting state and consumed some of the energy that was left in the air.

The old type of mechanical creation, the blue light on the eyes reflects the state of energy. Gu Huai has already understood this by reading the books in the abandoned fort.

The Calderin Council will not reject his request. When he enters the city of Og, he can replenish the robots of his own.

"Beep." The ice-cold machinery carrying the youth turned to the bottom, and the faint electronic eyes were still watching the young humans sitting on their arms, and at the same time issued a monotonous response.

During the period when Geral ran back and forth for the last human thing, the city of Kellno, which is located in the center of the East Continent, also had a new movement.

The city of Kellno, the former king of mankind, is now the territory of mechanical creatures. As a bright pearl in the human city, it has an extremely luxurious palace community... Of course, this is based on human aesthetics. In the eyes of mechanical creation, the so-called palace is just a relatively complicated structure.

Within the palace, a dialogue about the fate of the elves is going on.

"The commander gave the order, and after three days to destroy the tree of life of the elves, this time you will lead the team by Sage." The commander conveyed this instruction to the mechanical creation standing opposite him. The voice was very monotonous and calm. The old models of monotonous and non-linguistically capable machines can be said to be the same.

The two mechanical creatures present were in the same shape as humans. When they received the instructions, the humanoid machine called ‘Sage’ nodded without any doubt.

"The commander finally has to move the real thing." Sage said this after he took the order. He looked at the position of the astrology. "That's the next one, it's the turn of the orc."

The first target is human, the second is the elf, and the third is the orc...

Their initial procedure is set up this way. Although they don’t know why their own commander has not carried out the second goal after completing the first goal, and the program has unconditionally obeyed the superior command, Sage will not There is any doubt about the practice of the superior.

In fact, it can't be said that it is not going to happen... Sage corrected his thoughts. It should be said that it slowed down the progress. In the past few years, they have been slowly suppressing the Calderin Parliament. They have also specifically targeted the Elves, but they have not given them. A fatal blow.

"Yeah." The commander nodded and confirmed Sage's statement.

"I will complete the task." Sage said that he left the palace and destroyed the life tree of the elves. This difficult task was quickly completed with the assault troops.

When Sage left, the commander also looked up in the direction of the astrological station. This is the highest position in the palace, followed by a suspended ladder, hanging high above the palace.

On the astrology suspended in the air, there is an elf sacred object, the flower of eternal flower, which is the only flower that is open to the tree of life that gave birth to the elves.

In the last attack on the Elf, the mechanical creatures did not take advantage of the destruction of the tree of life, but listened to the orders of their commanders to **** the flower back.

Although I don’t understand why, the mechanical creations who snatched the flowers also felt that the flowers were pretty good. It’s good to take back their own homes...

Maybe there is any special use for this flower.

At this time, standing in front of this faint radiant flower is a long figure, the owner of this figure looks very beautiful, and gives a strong sense of impact when it is quiet.

But the equally striking thing is that the other person's icy cold throughout the body, different from other mechanical creations, does not have emotions. These eyes are silently looking at the eternal flower.

There is no reason for Noah to order other mechanical creatures to rob this flower. He just retrieved the name and origin of the item in his database, and then happened to have the idea of ​​robbing.

This flower is in line with human aesthetics. Although he does not care about human beings, Noah is still thinking about this eternal flower.

The plan has already been completed, and the second is about to be completed. According to the procedure, there are only seven remaining races that they need to destroy.

It will end soon. Noah had already calculated the assessments for these plans, and although there was always a lingering contradiction, he did not want to destroy all of this as soon as possible...

unknown reason.

Looking into the direction of Og City, Noah is thinking about how long he will give these races a long time to survive.

The fact that the Calderin parliament can last now is not because the power of the eight races is strong enough, but only because Noah has not yet ruined one of them.

The latter has such a destructive ability. As the final creation of the Ark plan, Noah is the most perfect humanoid weapon made by human beings.