MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 133 Song of Destiny (2)

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Chasing and being chased, guided by being guided, at first, the two people living together in the highest position are indeed so close but not overriding.

But since that time, I don’t know if it’s an accidental accident or a kiss of destiny, the relationship between the two has slowly changed.

It was only because of the pro-intimidation that the young man was stunned at the time, but it was also because the incident happened too suddenly and completely beyond his expectations. After the reaction, Gu Huai actually used this as an act of getting close to himself.

The nestling complex, Gu Huai easily found the right reason for the other party's behavior, but this reason only convinced him not long.

Youth is the treasure of love. When he was just created and had self-awareness, Noah didn't quite understand this feeling, but at that time, it already had this vague concept.

As the concept became clearer, Noah finally understood the meaning of the word 'beloved'.

Why do you like to look at the youth, why do you like to follow the youth and chase the back of the youth? This is because he regards youth as a treasure of love.

Probably like the dragons in some plane worlds who like to guard their treasures, Noah also likes to guard his treasures.

When he was behind the youth, Noah didn't think about where he was going. He didn't pay attention to the direction of the front. He just kept chasing the youth, and the young man occasionally stopped to look at him. The hand of the young man caught is tighter.

As mentioned before, the young man only passively let Noah catch his hand. Later, he will take the initiative to extend it to the people behind him so that the other party can catch him smoothly.

Later, the young man reached out and let Noah unilaterally catch it and become the hand that would hold back the other side.

In the middle, I experienced a long process that is not long, but not short-lived.

When a person is always quietly chasing behind him, and whenever he looks back and finds that the other person is watching you seriously, the emotions felt from the other person are so hard to ignore, and it is hard to ignore. Moved to it.

When the frequency of youth stop-and-go is changed from occasional to frequent, the way of peers in the past and the future becomes more and more troublesome. So unconsciously, the relative positions of the two changed from one after the other to the same horizontal line. After that, the peer mode was fixed and never changed.

Young people often observe the world of each plane, and Noah sometimes does this, but his reasons for doing this are not the same as those of youth.

Today is his birth day.

Noah thinks about this in the observation plane. It is difficult to detect the passage of time in the High Court, but if it is calculated by the time algorithm of a plane world called ‘Earth, then today is his birth day.

Gifts are available on the day of birthday, and the wishes are generally met.

"...What birthday gift do you want?" Suddenly asked for a gift, Gu Huai nodded after the action of the micro-ton, but he actually did not respond.

‘Birthday’ is a concept that exists only in the world of individual planes. The time in the High Hall is equivalent to eternity, and the other party has never mentioned this requirement before, so Gu Huai is somewhat unprepared.

Noah, who was inquired by the youth, did not answer the youth question positively. He looked at the young man in the seat with a particularly serious and focused look. After a while, he whispered his lower eyelids and asked lowly: "What kind of gift can be ?"

"Yeah." Gu Huai once again turned his head, the other party rarely wants to have a birthday present with him, Gu Huai will not be embarrassed in this regard.

"I want Ahuai." The voice fell, Noah did not accidentally see the young man in the seat stunned, but he still continued to whisper what he wanted to say, "I like Ahuai."

Originally, it has been moved because of the constant chasing by the other party. Even if he is slow, Gu Huai will not feel the thirst that the other party has always shown, but on this issue, Gu Huai has been hesitant.

Whether the ‘rules’ should have feelings, Gu Huai has thought about this issue more than once.

The rules represent the order and justice of the plane world. In theory, there should be no feelings, because once they have feelings, the order and justice represented by the rules may be lost.

But whether it is the Noah or the other sub-rules of the supreme rule, they have self-awareness, their emotions are generated by themselves, and no one has the power to be deprived...

"Like." Before the young man responded, Noah repeated his eyes with a slight squint at this moment, and he approached the pro-youth's cheek.

"..." It was because of the movement that had already been moved. The young black-haired youth did not hide from Noah’s kiss at this time. Even when the other person gradually kissed his cheek from his cheek, the young man only shook slightly. The lower eyelashes, in the end, still silently let the other side's behavior.

The highest rule that was given the form kissed the lips of the youth, and he suppressed the youth in the cold seat in the center of the temple.

Youth is his birthday present.

The relationship between the two changes from this, although there are only two of them in this high plane. This empty temple has never been with the word of excitement, and the two people who are dependent on each other are in this hall. It took a long time to stabilize.

For Noah, this is the most intense period of his understanding of the word satisfaction.

"It is our responsibility to maintain order in these planes."

The young man once said this to him during this long period of time. At that time, Noah quickly obeyed the position after listening to it, but he actually understood this discourse of youth in his own way of thinking. .

‘we’ refers to the youth and him, and has nothing to do with any other third person.

No need for other people, no need for a lively environment, as long as there is a young person in his world, you will be satisfied.

But perhaps fate is always too good to be seen. Even for simple wishes that are easy to satisfy, it also likes to add a few twists and turns, or to destroy some beautiful things that are already perfect. Things, add a few cracks.

On the high seat of the center of the temple, the young man held his head with one hand and his eyebrows were light and stunned. Even in his sleep, the youthful and beautiful face seemed to be still a little tired.

From the young people becoming even and gentle breathing, the young man has fallen asleep. He has been watching the icy figure of the youth quietly on the side. He is close to the young man in the seat, and the youth steadily hugs the youth back to the dormitory.

Almost accustomed to doing this thing, this time the youth was taken back to the dormitory, Noah did not immediately put the youth on the bed, but first sat down on the edge of the bed, and then continued to hold the young man in his arms.

Young people have some sleepiness recently, including when they are sitting, they will fall asleep and sleep without knowing it.

Noah lowered her head and gently honed the young man's cheek, and then licked the young man's lips. He planned to hold the youth like this and wait for the youth to wake up.

It can be seen that the youth is tired when she is asleep, and Noah can't think of it, and he is somewhat indifferent to this inexplicable uneasiness.

If it is just a simple sleepiness, of course, there will be no problem. It may be that after so many years after the creation of thousands of worlds, the youth finally feel tired, so now it is necessary to take more rest.

The youth fell asleep. At this time, it is not only Noah who is concerned about the physical condition of the youth. Other world wills who are aware of this are also concerned about the youth all the time.

When Gu Huai woke up in the arms of the person holding him, the first time he felt was that countless world will be conveying his concern to him with consciousness. It can be said that he was carefully cautious by these sub-rules. Surrounded.

"I'm fine." Gu Huai responded with a sense of comfort, and he also said this sentence in a warm voice, saying that he was still listening to his Noah, "don't worry."

Recently, Gu Huai felt the decline of his own ability. This incident appeared without warning and the cause was unknown. This is also the reason why Gu Huai has recently become somewhat sleepy.

In view of the extremely slow decay, the impact is still relatively limited for the time being. Before finding a solution, Gu Huai did not want to say this to the other side.

Even if the youth say this, the sense of fatigue that is perceived in the face of youth and in consciousness will make Noah and other sub-rules unable to let go, but young people do not explain the reasons to them, they can only continue to observe in their own way. The physical condition of the youth.

But if the youth are sick, what do they do to make the youth better, and countless world wills try to think about it. They have limited ability, and they cannot produce a result for this problem.

Deteriorating ability is not an ordinary problem. Gu Huai certainly understands the importance of this matter. It was only at the beginning of the incident that Gu Huaiyuan did not anticipate the outcome.