MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 8 Black Knight (eight)

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The huge Yula warship landed in the private territory of the planet's owner, and the hatch was opened. The first to come out of the battleship was the silver worm family as the leader of the army.

"Yarvis is an adult." Strictly use the nickname, waiting for the seven higher zerg movements in the necessary route to consistently make a low head movement.

If you ignore the fact that you are tightening your body, this action can be called natural and smooth.

Because the young man who knew that he was held in his hand by his head was asleep, they reflexively lowered the volume when they made a sound.

But even so, just after entering sleep, Gu Huai, who is still in a state of shallow sleep, struggled to open his eyes after hearing the sound. Knowing that he has landed, he wants to open his eyes and see what Tuse Star looks like.

This move made the surrounding Zerg think that the youth was awakened by them, and the face suddenly took a look of no expression, and for a time did not know what to do.

With experience in this situation, the silver worms kept their face cold and loosened their tails from the youth's waist, then moved up to the place where the young man could reach out.

Originally, it was very difficult to barely open the eyes. The cold and cool pillows were handed over. After Gu Huai subconsciously reached out and hugged, he quickly fell into his eyes and fell asleep.

Their skills in the cubs are not as good as their own heads, and a heavy blow, several of the high-ranking Tusers on the scene could not speak for a while.

"Leica, the recent situation of several other legions was sorted out." After the sound was lowered, it became more and more low. Yalves gave an order to his chief of staff.

The chief of staff nodded, and raised his hand and pushed his glasses. "Pubano sap is ready, and the recipe will take some time and will be completed as soon as possible."

"Wang..." basically couldn't listen to what the head of the family and the chief of staff were discussing, and after the formal completion of the meeting, the other high-ranking Zerg in the field looked at the young black-haired youth who were held by their heads, even Reluctant to squint.

According to the information they have learned, the young black-haired youth in front of them have just been born in a shell for a few days. The situation is very special. It seems that they have such a mature appearance at birth...

The contour lines of the face look very soft, and now it is so quiet and sleepy that it is softer and more skillful than the normal Zerg cubs in childhood.

It is still very weak. The power fluctuations felt from young people are much lower than the average Zerg cubs. This discovery has made the protection of this group of higher Zerg unable to stop rising.

"How do you arrange these Taktrons?" Looking at the low-level zerg that came out of the battleship and did not have a humanoid form, the chief of staff asked about the intention of the silver worm. Although I don’t know why my own leader will bring back so many Tucker worms, I just have to accept the decision of the superior.

"Let them live here." Thinking about this problem early in the morning, Yalves responded very quickly. "Ahuai likes them."

A Huai? The powerful Zerg is keen to capture the name and then hide it in the bottom of his heart. For the young people who are sleeping quietly, even if they feel soft and cute, they will only use the nickname for them when they are driven by surrender.

The named Tak Zerg made a very low snoring, changed the image of fierce and brutal in the impression of the same family, and quietly surrounded the youth to guard the guard.

The current situation is not convenient to talk about other things. The chief of staff temporarily put aside more problems, and these should be considered later.

Although the owner has been away for quite some time, this private territory is still well managed and the layout has not changed.

House study.

The process of energy absorption is carried out during sleep. Every time I wake up from such sleep, Gu Huai will feel that his mental strength has increased, which is reflected in the spiritual link he can make for a longer time.

"Hey..." The dream of making two tones with the same scale, Gu compiled and smashed on the cold pillow held in his hand, can't wake up for a while, but Gu Huai can blur the things he is holding. What is it.

A tail is actually a bit like the dragon's tail of the Western dragon. It is covered with cold silver. The temperature and color are also cold and cold, but it is very comfortable to sleep in summer.

Hearing the snoring of the youth, the silver worms who were looking at the military intelligence bowed their heads and moved their sights from the intelligence to the young people in the arms.

I feel that irritability and sabotage have not been felt recently. As long as the youth is within sight, he will not have these two feelings.

From a long time ago, the government was handed over to the chief of staff, and he led a fleet to sail in the interstellar space. Yalves sometimes felt that he was looking for something. But I can't find it, it's hard to suppress that irritability, and then I want to destroy something, so that I can calm down again.

"Oh." The voice of the silver worms was very low and good. He lowered his head and approached the young man in his arms, and returned a similar tone.

Now he has found it.

The thin licking lips were gently rubbed against the young man's earlobe, and the silver worms slightly picked up his erect. It was just that it was not very satisfying. To the contrary, Arvis kissed softly on the lips of the sleeping youth.

In total, he was kissed twice, but Gu Huai, who was sleeping and absorbing energy, was unconscious. When he woke up, it was already the next day.

"Dear system, I am saved if I want to sleep after eating this way?" After eating, I want to sleep, sleep and want to eat, it is a standard cub mode. Although every time I wake up, I feel that my ability is long. Gu Huai is still very entangled.

"It will be better after a while." The system sounds calmly.

Although I didn't mention how long it was, Gu Huai still knew that his system was not a perfunctory answer. "When I settle the situation of the Zerg split, can the customs clearance be able to break through?"

System: "Yeah."

After receiving a positive answer from the system, Gu Huai only grinds his eyes at this time. For each time he wakes up, he basically holds the tail of the silver worm, and Gu has almost abandoned himself and struggled.

Just blinking, the corners of the eyes were gently wiped by a warm towel. After the entire face was wiped out, Gu Huai immediately reacted.

This kind of life is too comfortable, and Gu Huai feels that his life skills will probably fall back a lot.

Some of the scenes after the blink of an eye are expected, and the other part is completely unexpected.

At this time, in front of Gu Huai's eyes, there is a long stone table. It is obviously used for conference purposes. The long tables are neatly arranged in several high-level Zerg, and it seems that there is an important meeting.

Here is the conference room of the Military Building. The high-level zerg Gu Huai, who sat in the left and right rows, has seen it. In the battleship of the Yula, he had a quick glance through the video communication.

Since the youth slept very long this time and did not feel free to leave the youth in the mansion, Yalves would bring the other party to the conference room.

The youth was still asleep when they fell asleep. Now that they are awake, the Zerg in the conference room can’t stop paying attention. Their meeting is just getting ready.

After wiping his face, the young man was moved to another armchair next to him by the silver worm. There was only one seat in the original conference room, and one more now.

In the whole process, Gu Huai still unconsciously continued to hold the cold silver tail, until he sat on the backrest chair, feeling a lot of sight on both sides, and he was not hesitant to put it when he was editing.

However, he couldn't hesitate for a long time. Gu Huai saw the Zerg sitting in the first position on the right side, and pressed the button to open a box-type device, and then took out a glass with milky white liquid from inside.

It was strictly arranged according to the best ratio, and the chief of staff repeatedly thought about it and confirmed that he had never made any mistakes.

"I don't know if it suits your taste." After the cup was gently pushed to the youth, the chief of staff sat back to his position.

The temperature is just right. Taking advantage of the tail held by his hand, Gu Huai reached out to the cup, habitually sniffing in the cup, and Gu Huai smelled a familiar milk fragrance.

Perceived the emotions expected by the surrounding Zerg, Gu edited and took the cup silently and began to sip, and the emotion he perceived from the surroundings turned from expectation to joy.

No matter how violent and violent the Zerg in the eyes of the outsiders, Gu Huai now feels that only the Zerg is good for him, and there are quite a few lovely places.

At this point, the meeting officially began. Gu Huai’s small mouth sipped his own nutrition and listened quietly. He heard that this was a meeting of the other three legions of the Zerg.

"I should be able to let them come." When he heard the word "combat", Gu Huai interjected.

If you can't beat it, of course, it won't be good. Since the Zerg here is willing to listen to him, the Zerg of the other three legions should be like this... In this case, there is no need to engage in war.

For this statement of the youth, there is no rebuttal in the zerg, and Wang said that everything is correct. They just felt a little cheaper for the other three legions of the Zerg, after all, Wang was the first to find them.

I want to compare this harmonious atmosphere in the military conference room, and the other side is taken out of the prison. The two human generals who are now transferred to a relatively comfortable environment are quite dignified.

"You don't have to stay in jail in the future. In exchange, you need to write three nutritional recipes."

A female zerg with short hair and short shoulders stands close, even though he does not have any weapons, his body looks as slim as a human female, but as long as he knows a little about the Zerg, he will know that he is absolutely You can't underestimate the opponent's fighting ability, or I'm afraid I won't even know how to die.

"For the recipes you give, we will do some detailed research later, so remind you not to think about what you shouldn't have." With this sentence, the female Zerg continued to face coldly.

"Give you two days."

Although the former Zerg used the standard interstellar lingua franca, the two human generals felt that they could not understand what the other party was saying.

Nutritional recipes... are you kidding? ?

The captives of the goblin have passed, and now they are still locked in one of the Zerg’s base camps. The two human confessions have already experienced the violent storms that other fellows will not experience, and they can face the situation before they are embarrassed and embarrassed.

"I will come over and inspect the progress from time to time." After this sentence, the female Zerg in the house walked to the door of the house, and the house was guarded by a strict layer.

"Just do what she said first... as long as we are not dead, we will have the opportunity to escape." The younger man of the two men opened their mouths after the door closed.

Another human general nodded and agreed to this statement, even if he hoped that he would not give up without death.

"Shen, how do I feel that your food is better than me every time." It is also a bitter pleasure, ha, I really looked at my rice bowl.

"..." The human officer, known as the "Shen", was silent. He really couldn't answer this question. In fact, he himself has this question.

Even the female Zerg has a slight difference in the attitude towards the two of them, although the subtlety is negligible, but it does exist.

For this question, the two found the answer in the near future.

Black hair with black eyes and round pupils.

Among the two human generals, one of them is the standard Oriental appearance, in line with the current highest aesthetic of the Zerg.