MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 361 : Someone asked someone at our door, saying that the princess of the county kidnapped their lady

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Guo Manying twitched the corners of her lips, what kind of metaphysics is just a witchcraft, there is no such thing as fortune-telling in this world.

Father said that Shen Rulan is a waste who only pleases the Emperor.

Jiang Fu was his junior sister, so it was the same.

She doesn't believe that her face will be disfigured when she goes out! As long as she takes people with her to guard against Jiang Fu and An Le's people when she goes out.

Although the other ladies didn't believe in metaphysics, they still persuaded them:

"Manying, why don't you go out recently, anyway, it's okay to stay at home for a while."

"Yeah, anyway, you have to think about your mistakes at home. It's okay if you stay at home for two more days."

Seeing that they were all turning towards Jiang Fu, Guo Manying's chest heaved violently, she lowered her head to hide the anger in her eyes, gritted her teeth and said slowly, "Of course I will listen to the princess and stay at home."

Eunuch Li sent them out to the gate of the palace. Looking at the backs of those young ladies, he always felt that Miss Guo looked very strange...


That night, when Xie's family was happily sitting together for dinner and discussing their engagement, Cong Yin went out quietly, and when he came back, his expression changed.

Both Jiang Nian and Jiu Qu sat at the same table. The two had met before, and they were quite happy to meet again today.

Jiuqu pulled Jiang Nian, gestured while drinking, "Oh, you've grown up so much, you were only like this when we started Yandu, you were really a child at that time, and now you can protect your sister ..."

"Very good, very good, you are also very good at opening a shop now, but it is much better than catching ghosts, you don't know, I called people today... no, I called ghosts to play tricks, the ghosts in the palace are really extraordinary , the resentment is too deep..."

Jiang Fu glanced at them, then turned around and asked Cong Yin, "What's wrong?"

Cong Yin lowered his eyes and whispered in her ear, "Girl, something happened."

Xie Cheng, who was sitting beside Jiang Fu, also turned his head and looked over.

Cong Yin didn't look at him, stood behind Jiang Fu and said in a low voice, "Not long after Guo Manying returned to Xie's house, she took her servants out and hasn't returned yet."

Xie Cheng was dressed in a green robe, with black hair and thick black eyes. Looking over, seeing Jiang Fu frowned, he asked, "Who is Guo Manying?"

He almost knew all of Ah Fu's friends, even if he didn't, he knew who they were and which family they belonged to.

This is the first time I heard of Guo Manying.

Cong Yin finally raised his eyes to look at him, and pursed his lips, as if he didn't want to look at him.

Xie Cheng: "?"

Cong Yin lowered his head and lowered his voice, "The Guo family brought people to the door."

Xie Cheng: "?"

The Guo family, which Guo family?

"They seem to want to make trouble, girl, what should we do, let's go and deal with them?" Cong Yin said in a deep voice.

Why don't you kill them all? Who do you want to find their girls? What's the matter with them!

Jiang Fu frowned lightly. After discussing the engagement matters, the old lady chatted with everyone for a while before going back to sleep. The master and younger brother sat there drinking for a long time. It seemed that it was almost noon, and it was really late. Guo Manying went out for a trip and hasn't come home yet...

That face is probably ruined.

She still didn't listen.

Sure enough, it is difficult to persuade people with heavy black mist.

Before Jiang Fu could finish speaking, Shi Shi hurriedly ran behind Xie Cheng, his face not looking very good.

"General, something has happened. Someone is asking for someone at our door, saying that Jiang...the princess of the county has **** their young lady."