MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 368 : Did the Eighth Highness send me back?

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Guo Manying immediately stretched out her hand and threw herself into Mrs. Guo's arms, tears streaming down her face like broken beads, "Mother, mother, it's Jiang Fu, that **** Jiang Fu!"

"It's her and An Le, it's them! They find someone to bully their daughter!"

Guo Manying hugged Mrs. Guo, crying and said, "It was His Highness the Eighth Highness, it was the Eighth Highness who showed up in time to save my daughter. If it wasn't for him, my daughter might have... already lost her innocence."

Mrs. Guo's chest was stagnant, and when she thought of the eighth prince using such means to deceive her daughter, she felt that her internal organs were being strangled by something, and she couldn't bear the pain.

Mr. Guo's outstretched hand fell into the air. He originally wanted to touch his daughter's head to comfort her, but when he heard her call Eighth Prince, that hand still didn't fall down.

The eighth prince is really scheming, obviously he planned everything, obviously he was the one who made Yinger into this state, yet my daughter is still grateful to him at this moment.

"Where is the Eighth Prince, did the Eighth Prince send me back?" Guo Manying cried and raised her head, her blood-red eyes filled with tears, "What about the other person, did he leave?"

Mrs. Guo looked down at her, hesitating, not knowing what to say.

She didn't even know how to tell her daughter about it.

She only hated that she didn't take it seriously when she heard what her daughter said at the dinner table last night. If she had believed Jiang Fu's story at that time, if she had felt that she would rather believe it than believe it, and hadn't let her daughter go out...

She couldn't continue thinking about it anymore, the more she thought about it, the more self-blame and regret would swallow her up.

Seeing that her mother didn't speak, Guo Manying seemed to be greatly stimulated, and her tears flowed even more fiercely. She gradually let go of her mother's hand, and she didn't know who she was talking to.

"He detested me, he must have detested me..."

"He hates me for being dirty, he hates me for being ugly, my face, my face must have been ruined..."

"Your Highness used to say that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but now that my face is ruined, how could he still like me..."

Hearing her daughter's words, Mrs. Guo was even more distressed.

If it is normal, she will definitely comfort her, saying no, he will not dislike you, and he will definitely come to you again when he is done with his work.

The fact is the same, Zhao An will come again.

Jiang Fu said that when the sun went down in the afternoon, he would come to the door with medicinal materials and a doctor.

Master Guo slowly withdrew his hand and looked over.

Mrs. Guo couldn't help but shed tears. She hugged Guo Manying, closed her eyes and said, "Yes, when the people of His Highness Eighth Highness sent you back, they were very cold and told you not to look for him in the future. In the future, I'm afraid I'm going to cut off contact with you."

Guo Manying suddenly raised her head, "Impossible, impossible! Impossible, Your Highness likes me very much, he likes me very much..."

Tears fell drop by drop, and as she spoke, as if thinking of something, she suddenly withdrew the hand that fell on Mrs. Guo, then raised her hand, and brushed her cheek carefully:

"Yes, yes, that's right, he despises me. I'm already like this. Not only have I become so ugly, but I'm almost... How could he still like me?"

"...I don't like you because you ruined your face. We don't want it." Mrs. Guo looked down at her with tears, and said in a deep voice, "Yinger, it's okay, it's not a big deal, as long as you have a breath, None of this counts."