MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 376 : Just because Jiang Fu said so, she decided to give up Zhao An?

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King Qing and Princess Qing changed their faces at the same time, and they slowly put down their chopsticks together, thinking that their daughter was hurt, and were about to speak as they thought about their words, when they heard An Le say:

"Ah Fu told me when I came back. He will wait in front of the door. Today he will wait in front of the door, and tomorrow he will come directly to the door with a gift."

"This..." Princess Qing and King Qing didn't know what to say for a while.

When Jiang Fu knew fortune telling, they heard what their daughter said.

This is what she figured out?

Will Zhao An come to the door with a gift tomorrow?

Then what to do, they can't keep people out and prevent people from coming in. Is it still too late to pack up and go outside the city to pray for blessings? Tomorrow will just make Zhao An empty?


Will the daughter go with them?

The two looked at An Le together.

An Le was still leaning there, and said, "Tomorrow, I will go out with Ah Fu to choose an engagement gift for her. If Zhao An comes tomorrow, parents can just open the door to welcome guests."

"No matter how expensive gifts he gives, accept them all."

King Qing and Princess Qing looked at each other, not understanding what their daughter meant for a while.

Princess Qing frowned and opened her mouth, then paused, without speaking.

As if An Le could understand what she was thinking, she raised her eyes and asked, "Mother wants to ask if I still have feelings for him now?"

Princess Qing pursed her lips, she wanted to ask, but she didn't want to, so she thought for a while before saying, "No, mother just wanted to say, if Qingqing still has feelings for him, it's good to do so, if you always pursue It's useless to run with him..."

King Qing turned his head and glanced at her.

Princess Qing pursed her lips, so what can she do, is she going to quarrel with her daughter because of this matter as before and hurt the relationship between mother and daughter, and when her daughter is sad and crying, she is unwilling to talk to her and not let her comfort her? .

"No." An Le put down his hand and said suddenly, "I have no affection for him anymore, and I will never treat him like before again."

Prince Qing and Concubine Qing were startled at the same time, and after a while, Concubine Qing said in a hoarse voice, "Is this true, Qingqing, why did you suddenly..."

An Le closed her eyes lightly, and all kinds of past life flashed before her eyes. She opened her eyes again, thinking of what Jiang Fu had said to her in her previous life, and said in a very soft voice, "Ah Fu said, Zhao An is not a good match, If I marry him, I will end up dying because of his family's ruin."

Princess Qing and King Qing opened their eyes wide at the same time.


Just because Jiang Fu said so, she decided to give up Zhao An? !

If they had known this, they would have gone to Jiang Fu to ask her to have a good talk with her daughter.

An Le lowered her eyes, as if in a daze, her voice became softer and softer, "If I continue like this, Zhao An will marry me, but he will let me be a common wife, and he will spend little by little to celebrate At the moment when Prince Qing's mansion was completely emptied of the money of the palace, give me a divorce letter."

In her previous life, she had just been divorced, and hadn't been sad for two days at home when something happened to Prince Qing's Mansion.

Her father was imprisoned, and she and her mother were ordered to go into exile.

On the day of leaving Yandu, it rained heavily.

She still remembered what Zhao An said.

He said, it is your good fortune to be used by me.

He also said, you should be glad that Prince Qing's Mansion still has some money that can be used, otherwise I wouldn't even look at you more.

When she pulled the corner of Zhao An's clothes and asked him why, Zhao An looked at her with contempt, and he said, it's because Ru'er doesn't like you.

Ru'er is Zhao An's sweetheart who came out of nowhere. She died without knowing who she was or where she came from.