MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 391 : Some things must always be made clear

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Zhao An's face changed suddenly, and he subconsciously said, "Impossible, how is this possible."

An Le looked at him indifferently, with bits and pieces of sarcasm in his eyes.

With a calm expression, she looked at Zhao An and said, "I always run after His Highness, and His Highness is bound to be upset, so I gave up as His Highness wished, and from now on I will not pester His Highness again, Your Highness can also do it from now on." Quiet."

Although the tone was very calm, the sarcasm in his eyes was undisguised.

"Let's go." She put away the emotion in her eyes, glanced at Zhao An lightly, and said to the people beside her, "I've delayed everyone's efforts."

"Don't delay, don't delay." Zhao Ying quickly raised her head and said sweetly, "There are always things that must be clarified."

"The princess and the eighth brother have made things clear, and we are all happy for the princess."

The little girl was smiling, her sweet voice was full of childishness, and her voice was very loud, and there were people around who were not looking this way, so she finally couldn't help but look over again.

They all heard Zhao Ying's words clearly.

Looking at Zhao An's expression, there is still something that I don't understand.

They sighed unceasingly, the past where An Le spent a lot of money for the Eighth Prince seemed to be still before their eyes.

An Le persisted in chasing the Eighth Prince for so long, but finally gave up.

When they looked at An Le again, the emotion in their eyes was full of sympathy.

Princess Anle exhausted her mind, but in the end she ended up with nothing but personal wealth. It's a pity that the gift that was sent to the Eighth Prince's Mansion was like flowing water...

Under the watchful eyes of several people, Zhao An's face became more and more ugly, Chi Tizhong couldn't help but stepped forward and said softly, "Your Highness, let's go back first."

He avoided the gazes of the people around him, lowered his eyes, lowered his voice, and whispered, "There are so many people watching."

But Zhao An couldn't care less about others.

Thousands of thoughts came to my mind, like vines growing wildly, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop cutting them off.

How could An Le give up on him?

How could she give up on him? She should never give up on him, she should always smile at him with starry eyes...

Zhao An never thought that there would be such a day. He never thought that what he had once had at his fingertips would stand beside Zhao Xu, and it would soon be Zhao Xu's...

He can't accept it, how can he accept it.

An Le is obviously his, she should be used by him forever, how can she stand by Zhao Xu's side! ?

It was revenge, it must be revenge, she was taking revenge on him.

An Le's expression was faint, as if he really didn't want to talk to him anymore, and didn't want to look at him again, turned his eyes to the human beside him and said, "Let's go, I was going out today to buy an engagement gift for the princess, It's noon, so hurry up."

The others also nodded one after another, glanced at Zhao An with scarlet eyes with different expressions, and turned around together.

Xie Cheng was sitting in a wheelchair, his handsome face turned slightly to the side, and he said to Jiang Fu behind him, "Let Shi Yi push it."

The voice is gentle and shallow, and the eyes are extremely gentle, which makes others envious.

"It's okay, I'll come." Jiang Fu pushed him to turn around, and before they had gone too far, they felt a gust of wind blowing behind them.

A hand suddenly grabbed An Le's wrist, holding it tightly.

An Le's wrist hurt, and when she turned around, she saw Zhao An's crazy expression. She frowned, her voice was extremely cold, and her eyes were filled with disgust, "Let go."