MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 121 Bitterness

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These wrathful spirits appearing at this time seem to be numerous. In fact, all of them are formed by the black mist. That is to say, they are all part of the sub-giant spirit. It is also possible that the octopus lurks on the water and stretches out its tentacles. Can be mistaken for a single individual.

However, after these twenty evil spirits entered the rift of dimensions, although theoretically alive, they were completely cut off from the connection with the ontology because they were moved to another plane. Such cruel facts and being What's the difference between vitality injuries after purification?

Seizing this opportunity, Du Yuqi rushed forward for thirty or forty meters, looking back, and found that there was no chasing, and finally he couldn't bear the wow of blood that sprayed out directly, this blood swelled in the chest for a long time After the spit of blood was vomiting, I still couldn't stop thinking about it. I spit two or three more, and there was a blood on the ground below.

After spitting blood, Du Yuqi suddenly felt that he was very weak all over his body, almost unable to lift his fingers up to a half, and the blade of the wound wound in his hand was also extremely heavy. Breathing heavily. Not only that, but the body felt suddenly cold and hot, and stunned involuntarily.

"Hell, these wicked weapons are poisonous!"

Du Yuqi took a few steps with gritted teeth, and found that there was no way to persist, and he could only take another sip of the healing potion. Immediately after drinking, he felt a heat spread across the extremities and bones. At that time, he already meant that the oil was running out of light. Where did the heat flow from the air come from? It naturally consumes vitality. This is not a good thing, so Du Yuqi only dared to drink half a bite and leave the road. Just strength.

With the support of the healing agent, Du Yuqi continued to run, and soon noticed that a fork appeared in the front, one that went to the left was parallel, and the other to the right was continued diagonally upward. He Needless to say at this time, it must be heading upwards. At the same time, the soil here has started to become quite moist. There seems to be a vein of groundwater passing through it. Du Yuqi stepping on it will leave deep footprints, and the air will also Somewhat strange.

Du Yuqi, the more he crawled and felt something wrong, he twisted some wet mud in front of his fingers, took a sniff in front of his nose, and immediately smelled an indescribable stench. He immediately returned to God, where is the groundwater? pulse? Obviously the excrement of the monster who dug this hole!

At this moment, Du Yuqi really gave birth to the contradictory feeling of having a wolf before and a tiger. If you go forward, you will encounter this unknown monster, but if you turn your head down, the grieving spirit behind will surely chew his bones. There is nothing left to do.

In such a contradiction, Du Yuqi decisively chose to continue to go up, but it didn't take long before he noticed that there was some movement above him. In simple terms, some small soils kept rolling from the top. Come down, this was not the case before! It may seem inconspicuous, but it is chilling to think about it, because what does it mean? Something had already penetrated into the representative, and he was coming face to face with Du Yuqi.

As for what this thing is, it may well be the owner of this cave.

If you change the environment, Du Yuqi feels that he still has the power to fight, but now the cave has become a lot smaller. He wants to walk normally, it is difficult, he must bend down and lower his head. In this case, the enemy will happen. Fighting, even if there are ten costs, it is estimated that only 30% can be exerted. What kind of energy is it?

Therefore, Du Yuqi sighed at this time and could only turn around and retreat to the rear. It took him two minutes to turn around in this narrow cave passage, which further strengthened his thought that he could not be an enemy at this time.

After Du Yuqi turned back, he came to the fork again and found that the grieving ghost cry of the grieving spirit had been heard again from the passage leading to the abandoned laboratory, so there was no choice at all, and he could only move to the left. The fork in the road went in.

However, the fork was only drilled for 30 to 40 meters and reached the end directly. At the end of the fork, five different caves appeared suddenly. Du Yuqi looked at each other and found that the two caves on the left were full of each. Fruits and roots of plants, similar to acorns, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and the like.

The other cave was filled with frozen prey. Du Yuqi identified it carefully and found that there were wreckage of Yasha, cat demon's legs, etc., and thick ice cubes.

Obviously, these two caves should be the food storage room, and they are still a combination of meat and vegetables. It seems that this monster actually pays attention to nutrition

In the largest cave, Du Yuqi found a very large nest. Most of the material for this nest should be obtained from the laboratory ruins. There are actually creeping cubs in the nest. Look Not long after I was born, it was the size of a rabbit, showing pink skin all over my body, without even opening my eyes.

In addition, there was a cave that looked like a special toilet. Du Yuqi's nose directly told him the usefulness, and at this time, he had heard the unique strange screams of grudges from the outside, and a kind from his throat. The deep roar came from the depths. As soon as he thought about it, Du Yuqi's heart moved, he stomped out and touched the outside, and then took a peek at him, and was taken aback!

It turned out that the outside had been huddled and fighting against the Wraith, it was a giant mouse leader shining with dazzling red light in his eyes! This giant rat's claws are extremely sharp, at least half a meter long. The most weird thing is that in its eyes, it emits weird red spiral rays from time to time. Once it comes into contact with the resentment, it will be scattered. It looks like this Wraith turned out to be fully restrained.

"No wonder there are giant rat inhabitants around here! Are those guys the descendants of this giant rat monster?" Du Yuqi suddenly made a speculation in his heart.

And looking at the fierce look of the giant rat leader, he couldn't help reminding him of an anecdote on the Arad continent that he had seen before, in the place of Hamurin in Northmar, Rumors of the ferocious cannibal giant rat-The leader of the giant rat in front of him is probably an experimental body from the place of Hamurin, but it gradually changed to this after the test site was abandoned hundreds of years ago.

However, despite the fact that this giant rat leader is very cruel, it faces a group of monsters who are not afraid of death, unless it can have the purification power after the paladin's awakening, or exile them to another plane instantly. Skills, otherwise it would not make much sense to kill even faster.

I soon saw that the giant mouse leader accidentally hit a trick. A powerful grudge spewed a spear from the back and pierced his left eye unbiasedly. A crimson blood arrow came out, and the giant mouse leader immediately felt extremely painful, swiping his right paw ~ ~, he immediately repelled three or four grieving spirits, and then estimated what special abilities were launched, fierce Just like this group of grudges, he rushed in below.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Du Yuqi finally felt that he had luck for a while, and he would definitely not delay any more. He said he would march outside without saying a word, but when he was about to reach the ground, he ate abruptly. Surprised, because he suddenly realized that a huge head was aimed at himself and opened his mouth, and there was actually a sharp tooth in his mouth!

There is a way to start first, Du Yuqi said that he was cut off with a single knife. The force of this knife was so fierce that the wounds on his body were cracked and blood flowed again. At the same time, Du Yuqi did a good job of the other party. Some routines, such as what to do if you bite back, or spray acid or poison from the mouth or white viscous unknown liquid, but what to do is just that Du Yuqi's calculations are finally lost, he cuts After going out, I realized it with a bang, and even the other person's tongue was cut in half and hung by the side.

"This bitter plan is also true!" Du Yuqi almost glared at this moment! So he resolutely made up two more knives, still rushing to his eyes, his heart was still fierce:

"Let you pretend, let you pretend to die, let you conspiracy and want to trick me!"