MTL - The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love-Chapter 5327 Female anchor's Xiuxian Internet Red Road 162

If audio player doesn't work, press Reset or reload the page., the fastest update and quick-wearing rule: the black-bellied male god, the latest chapter of the strong pet!

Luo Liyan just drew runes for two hours.

A total of thirty characters, all of the highest order.

Although she might not need such a powerful rune for things she might encounter, she didn't have time to draw any more runes once she entered the mountain.

So she just used to kill the chicken, she also had to prepare the sharpest sledgehammer, so as not to need it from time to time.

The mountain forest is terrifying, especially this mountain forest surrounded by Yin Qi is even more terrifying.

Luo Liyan shivered when he entered the mountain.

The yin wind seemed to penetrate her pores into the bones, making her teeth tremble.

The three people who followed were even more so, they had already started to support each other before they could continue walking.

Luo Liyan hadn't walked two steps, and suddenly a group of black things ran over in front of him.

Long, like a puppy, but with a few tails wagging behind it.

Everyone saw this picture and screamed in the live broadcast room one by one.

Some people even started to complain that Luo Liyan didn't give them a high-energy warning. They were still eating and almost choked to death.

However, no one answered them for such sweet remarks.

Luo Liyan's heart raised silk resistance, which rose from the depths of his soul.

But since it was a live broadcast, she also had to let the money-spent Guan Cong see what it was that just ran over.

Raising the flashlight, she ran two steps in that direction.

I thought that thing had run away, but I never thought that it was waiting for her on a big rock not far away.

The flashlight and moonlight revealed its entire appearance.

A fox with black oily hair, with nine tails swaying behind him.

There is no malice, as if to say hello to her.

But Luo Liyan's heart seemed to explode with cold fireworks, exploded his chest, and the cold wind poured in.

It's not so much shock as it is fear.

She took two steps backwards, her eyes billowing as if she was about to get out of the window.

The little fox jumped two steps towards her, and she immediately drew out a piece of talisman paper and flew towards it.

The little fox was not scared, but stopped in place, looking at her with a bit of sadness, but more desperate sadness.

This kind of sadness even made Luo Liyan resonate a bit.

She hadn't figured out what was going on, the little fox had already turned around and ran away.

Although Luo Liyan had doubts in his heart, he did not chase the little fox.

I don't know why, she has a feeling.

Even if it is chasing, she can't chase the little fox.

Someone is making trouble in the live broadcast room.

It was the first time they saw the legendary nine-tailed fox, but it was different from what they thought.

Everyone thinks that this kind of fox should be born with a white body, or a more common fox.

But the black nine-tailed fox... To be honest, don't talk about the nine-tailed fox, they haven't even seen a single-tailed black fox.

Someone wanted Luo Liyan to catch up quickly.

Since I'm here to solve the problem for this tourist city, now I have finally encountered a strange thing, saying that I can't let it go.

But Luo Liyan had determined in his heart that the problem here had nothing to do with the little nine-tailed fox.

The Celestial Fairy Monarchs who squatted in the live broadcast room also spoke in shock.

"Nine-tailed demon fox? Shouldn't this kind of creature only appear in legends?"