MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1352 Grandparents and Perception

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Han Xiao lifted the remote projection, his vision returned to his body, shook his head and smiled gently.

Shicai had a dialogue with the leaders of the three major civilizations. Judging from their performance, it should be that they did not believe that they had changed their words, and preferred that the sanctuary was restored only once.

But now, Han Xiao doesn’t care about the three major civilizations. Believe it or not. He once called out the reason why the sanctuary recovery is limited to one time. One is to facilitate the control of the covenant resurgents, reduce their ambitions, and reduce the possibility of covenant exposure. Sex; the second is to deal with the three major civilizations against the Super A class at that time, and hide a hand of cards, so that the three civilizations feel that they can still hold their lives; the third is to delay the time waiting for the Vower to gather a new sanctuary key.

Now the two sides are grasshoppers on a rope, the world tree civilization is the main contradiction, and the three major civilizations cannot do without their own help. In the current situation, no matter what jealousy the three major civilizations have on the Super A class, they have to rely on their combat power. Han Xiao doesn't mind the showdown at all, but people don't believe it for the time being.

"Monopoly-type business is just what it takes to speak."

Han Xiao let out a hey, put away the communicator, turned around and returned to the cabin, ready to play traditional arts, and wave with these newly recognized revivalists.


The alloy hatch automatically slid open, and Han Xiao walked into the hall and looked around.

In the room, each Transcendent A Grade spontaneously formed several small groups, each family sitting in a pile, the neutral Transcendent A Grade sat together according to the times, and occasionally there were some lone rangers sitting alone in the corner, clearly distinguished. Those who want to inquire about the news and who love to make friends circulate among the various groups. Everyone is a figure of the same level, and there are many topics in common, and the atmosphere is still active.

As soon as Han Xiao came in, he found that the resuscitators of various groups were looking at him frequently, with a strong look of curiosity and surprise in his eyes.

At this time, Nifogadi took the initiative to come over, looked at Han Xiao up and down, and said straightforwardly: "It turns out that you are the strongest mechanic in this generation. When I get back to my state, we have time to talk."

Han Xiao raised his brows and smiled: "Okay, welcome anytime."

He probably knew why these resuscitators looked at him with this look. Eighty percent of them were in remote dialogue with the three major civilization leaders. These resuscitators inquired about his life from other Transcendent A Grades, and were surprised at his record. .

Nifogadi proposed to discuss, in his opinion, it was definitely not just for the exchange of feelings, but mostly to regain the position of the main **** of the mechanical god.

Han Xiao knows a thing or two about Nifogadi’s thoughts. If he keeps dying, there is nothing wrong with leaving the inheritance to future generations. But now that he has cheated the corpse, he intends to take back his “heritage” and does not want others to continue to occupy it. The foundation he laid down was originally theirs after all.

Sweeping around, Han Xiao estimated that more than one person had this kind of psychology, resurrecting a group of high-ranking Transcendent A Grades. He had already expected such a conflict of interest with contemporary Transcendent A Grade.

‘Hey, I’m now the old wheat head of the past, a challenged person. ’

Han Xiao smiled in his heart.

Aegon Varnaz is not enough to let him show his full strength, Enifjadi still has the confidence to compete, but at this time they are an unequipped whiteboard, and it is not now to compete.

Nifogadi nodded and made a few polite words before he stepped aside and sat back in the group of Primitives.

At this time, someone in the neutral Super A Grade group spoke, and said to Han Xiao Lang:

"By the way, you said you are the current principal of the Transcendent A Grade Association, so does your association still recruit people?"

Han Xiao followed the reputation, nodding and smiling at the speaker.

"Of course, our association will always welcome newcomers to join. If you don't want to go alone, joining the association is the best choice. This is a consortium of contemporary super-A-class interests. We are always happy to help newcomers form their own forces. This is the time of war, so no action in this area will be carried out..."

Having said that, Han Xiao turned his head and looked at Hilbert and others, smiling:

"Also, we also welcome all the former direct descendants who are unwilling to work for the three major civilizations. If you find it uncomfortable to stay with the three major civilizations, the association is also a choice."

"Hey!" Oulu yelled dissatisfiedly.

Prying our corner in front of you, are you too arrogant!

This feeling is like an honest man watching his girlfriend being passed by a strong scumbag asking for WeChat.

"This kind of joke is still less." Clottey face was expressionless, his aura was cold, and as the pillar of the country, he could not be indifferent to Han Xiao's digging behavior.

Reeve stared at Clottey on the side, and said in surprise, "Little Keke, you have taken the lead in these years, and you have developed a good momentum."

Clottey's serious and tense face immediately collapsed, and he suddenly broke his skills. In front of this group of seniors, he was really not used to putting on scores.

Kesuye, who was not far away, moved his ears, almost thinking that he was calling himself, and suddenly remembered some bad memories, and stared at Han Xiao's back full of resentment.

Hilbert did not respond positively, and shook his head: "Thank you for your invitation, but let's talk about it later."

He just doesn't want to continue to work his life. It doesn't mean that he doesn't want the retirement benefits of the three major civilizations. At any rate, it is also the result of a life.

Han Xiao smiled and didn't mind, walking among the various groups, simply communicating the feelings, it was a deep understanding.

After chatting for a while, the spacecraft finally reached the position of the high-dimensional apocalypse teleporter, entered the circle area, activated the device, and saw a flash of light, and was soon teleported to the main base of the interception circle.

The three major civilizations have long been prepared to welcome many resurrectors to temporary residences. In order to prevent accidents, most of the Transcendent A Grades are also accompanied all the way.

Han Xiao did not follow the past, but went to Underworld with Hela.

On the way to the temporary residence, everyone chatted with each other.

At the back of the team, Manison and Nifogadi walked side by side, keeping silent.

After a while, Nifogadi slowly spoke.

"You are the leader of the Tool Race generation?"

"Yeah." Manison replied lightly.

"Yes, I didn't expect that in my descendants, there will be a powerful character like you." Nifogadi nodded in satisfaction.

Manison did not squint, deaf, and did not answer.

Nifogadi was not only the first god-seated mechanic and the founder of the Mechanic Sect in history, but also the ancestor of the Tool Race.

Manison was not interested in acknowledging an ancestor out of certain plans. His intersection with Nifogadi was limited. Before he became Transcendent A Grade, Nifogadi was already dead. Moreover, after being promoted to Transcendent A Grade, his own race was sublimated and became a new species. From the genetic point of view, the two are no longer the same creature.

With emotion for a while, Nifogadi raised his hand and patted the shoulder of Manison's Domination Clone, and asked: "How is the Tool Race now?"

"You'll know when you go back. Anyway, it's not bad." Manison didn't bother to report to him.

"That's good." Nifo Jiadi hummed, and exhorted: "After a while, I will trouble you to announce my return to the whole weapon clan and tell them that the ancestors are back."

After speaking, Nifogadi quickened his pace and left Manison.

Manison looked at his back, raised his palm and brushed the side of his shoulder that had been patted by Nifogadi, as if sweeping away dust.

‘If I put it in the past, according to my previous temperament, I must find a way to kill you...’

Manison snorted inwardly.

Although Emperor Nifoga did not expressly intend to take back the leader of the weapon clan, the clan has one more ancestor, and the power will definitely be divided.

The Tool Race is his important base camp, and he doesn't want to see anyone intervening in his interests, even the ancestors.

With seniority and seniority, you want to share ready-made cakes?

Want to be beautiful!

Want to step on my head? You think you are a black star!

However, Manison has now restrained a lot. Although he is unwilling to transfer the benefits, he has no plans to do anything to Emperor Nifoga. It is a big deal to send him to build a new weapon clan.

Anyway, after so many years of reproduction, the old weapon clan is already in his bag, and the ancestor's name alone cannot easily shake his leadership foundation.

On the other side, Milizaus was also staying with the ancestors of the Star Realm Spirit Dragon Clan, but the atmosphere was completely opposite, very warm.

"Master, is what you said is true? You really have a way to compress my size while maintaining full combat power?!" Milizaus was surprised.

"Hey, this is my unique secret technique. It can only be used with my blood, but after you become Transcendent A Grade, you have faded my blood and sublimated into a new species. That won't work! I will release it later. A few hundred tons of dragon blood, you take it back and smelt it with magic, blend it into your body, and increase the bloodline concentration. When you come next time, let me have a physical examination. I will help you adjust this secret technique and tailor it to you."

A small blue dragon with a body length of no more than ten meters is lying on the huge body of Milizaus. It has a graceful posture. The crystal-like blue dragon scales are shining brightly. The golden dragon horns are texture like jade and shaped like a crown. There were thick whiskers on both sides of the dragon head.

"Dragon Mage" Marcebo Ditmilite, itself is a blue dragon with a bloodline mutation, has sublimated its genes after advanced to Transcendent A Grade, has amazing magic talents, and has created countless dragon language magic. The Star Realm Spirit Dragon Clan is just one of the branches of blood that he left behind.

Many of the dragon-speaking magics Milizaus uses today are the legacy of Marsebo, and the actual combat ability is aside, at least in terms of magic research and development capabilities, Milizaus is ashamed.

Magicians and mechanics eat resources in different ways. Milizaus doesn’t care about who rules the race. When he meets the learned ancestors, he joins in to exchange experiences. It happens that the two dragons are both bold and hearty characters. Fairly happy, Marseppo did not hide himself, saying that it could solve Milizaus' most troublesome body shape problem.

In fact, there are not many magics to reduce body size, but the body structure of different races is different, and the required magic models are also different. This is the applicability of magic that the magic theory pays attention to. And Milizaus, this special Super A Grade powerful dragon body, although there are some rare reduction magic applicable, but it will reduce the combat power by a certain proportion, like a bone shrinking skill, so it is generally the peak state to release the entire body. .

However, the secret technique Marseppo said does not have this negative effect. Instead, it can increase body density, strengthen defenses and many resistances, and increase combat power without decreasing. It is a dragon language magic that requires specific conditions to use.

Milizaus was overwhelmed with surprise, and pestered Marsebo to ask. Marsebo was very generous, saying that as long as you want to learn, I will teach you, who called me your ancestor, the scene was once ancestor. Kindly Sun Xiao.

Once you learn this secret technique, you don't need to be targeted anymore, and your combat power is greatly improved. When thinking of this kind of future, Milizaus's heart is hot.

Finally got rid of the fate of the meat shield!

Such a promising career should be left to the hanging person Black Star!

This ancestor is worth it!


Underworld dimension.

Han Xiao and Hela teleported to see the situation of Aegon Varnaz.

I saw that Aegon Varnaz had transformed into a heroic spirit, frightened and surrounded by the eight underworld brothers.

Upon seeing Han Xiao coming, Aegon Varnaz's eyes popped and said angrily: "You actually killed me, you..."

"Shut up, if you don't have me, you're still a dead person, you don't even have the qualifications to be killed, you have done too much, this is your punishment."

Han Xiao interrupted him, expressionless.

Hela turned her head to look at the eight brothers of Mingtu and asked, "Did you help him figure out his situation?"

"I have told him about the situation of Underworld, but he doesn't seem to accept the reality yet."

Sorokin shrugged.

Hearing this, Aegon Varnaz suddenly turned his head and glared at Hela, with a firm tone:

"Don't you want me to become your slave, I will never let you drive!"

"Oh." Hela looked cold and indifferent.

Han Xiao wrapped his arms around his arms and said casually: "It's better to die than to live. You have to think clearly, although you are subject to others, in a sense, this is an immortal body."

"I would rather die if you are not free!"

Aegon Varnaz has his head high and his chest is strong.

Han Xiao clapped twice, turned his head to look at Hela, "Let him put him in solitary confinement, when you change your mind, let him out again."

"Well, I can adjust the hero's sense of time so that he can live like years."

Hela didn't hesitate, and directly used the authority of Underworld, and before Aegon Varnaz could speak, she locked him up.

Upon seeing this, the eight brothers of Mingtu sighed together and expressed deep sympathy.

All the perceptions of the heroic spirits are controlled by the controller of the underworld, and can simulate various experiences. If they offend the authority dog, they will definitely not be able to eat.

"From now on, there are nine heroic kings in the land of the earth, which is also a pinnacle Super A Grade, whose strength is only slightly worse than that of Sorokin, and one more general is added."

Han Xiao nodded, he didn't doubt that Aegon Varnaz would finally accept his fate, because he had no choice.

If this guy is really so strong, he won't beg for mercy when he is beaten up by himself.

If Aegon Varnaz is obediently obedient, at most it will be house arrest for a period of time, but if he does this, Han Xiao will not have any psychological burden to keep him in the underworld, and he will have to bear the corresponding price if he engages in some sorrows.

You picked it yourself, hero!

On the other side, Sorokin was in a good mood watching this scene.

Finally there is a newcomer, so that he is not the youngest...



At the same time, the world tree territory.

Roots protruded from space, bursting into force, sending out batches of freshly-baked fleets, from virtual to real.

King Heart Tree sat on the throne, looked at this scene in the distance, and asked casually:

"How is the military strength now?"

"Except for some advanced combat forces that are still in the process of resurrection, the warships and soldiers lost in the last battle were basically replaced by the mother tree. These days, some troops have been regrouped. 230 billion warships have been dropped into the secondary dimension world. We are looking for the territory area of ​​the opponent’s civilization in the secondary dimension..."

The executive officer on the side reported the current situation.

"Hmm." Xinshu Wang nodded calmly.

The attack path of the main universe was blocked, and the world tree began to prepare with two hands, intending to start from the secondary dimension and invade through another route.

However, the World Tree did not give up its plan to attack the interception circle. It has been gathering larger forces, while at the same time allowing the advance corps to consume the forces of the three major civilizations and push the jumping point forward.

"The opponent is in a stalemate with our over-the-horizon battalion, and the expansion progress is blocked, almost stagnating. This plan is effective. It is estimated that the jumping point can be maintained in this area until we launch the next strong attack, and will not be affected by the opponent. Push away." Another World Tree executive said.

"Not bad."

The King of Heart Tree praised him, then suddenly paused and asked:

"Have you found out the reason for the information leakage? How did they learn about our strategic deployment here?"

"Well, there are already eyebrows. It seems to be related to those with predictive ability."

An executive took out the report and explained:

"According to statistics, 93.4% of the exposed tactical deployments have one thing in common. They are all predicted by the futuristic perceiver. We have reason to suspect that the strategic deployment was leaked to the other party because of this behavior. As for the other party's measures, We don’t know for the time being. We have stopped all predictive actions, and are thoroughly investigating the details of the abilities, awakenings, and backgrounds of all futuristic perceivers, looking for the reasons..."

Many tactical deployments were discovered by the three major civilizations, and the World Tree could not be indifferent, and naturally noticed the abnormality.

Although I don't know the abilities of the Son of Destiny, through data analysis, the World Tree Civilization has found the cause of the information leakage. Even if it does not cure the root cause, it can at least cure the symptoms.

The King of Heart Tree patted the handrail and slowly said:

"It's good to find the reason, but don't block the other party's intelligence channel. When needed, this channel can come in handy, maybe it can catch them by surprise."