MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1353 Migration and invitation to fight (thanks to the leader of the holiday replaying one hundred thousand rewards!)

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Under the deliberate propaganda of the three major civilizations, within a few days, Black Star used the sanctuary to revive and once again awakened many historical Transcendent A Grade news spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the interception circle stationed troops, immediately boosting morale.

Transcendent A Grade is not only a high-level combat power, but as a representative of individual powerhouses, it is also one of the spiritual pillars of many soldiers during the war. The more individual powerhouses in the army, the greater the confidence of soldiers from all walks of life.

Relevant information was also sent back to the interstellar society deliberately, which also aroused the excitement of a large number of people and the strength of all walks of life, and inspired the people.

In the past, a large number of interstellar citizens hated the recovery of the sanctuary and believed that this was the confidence of the Transcendent A Grade privileged class and was in a antagonistic relationship. However, most of the Transcendent A Grade groups now resist foreign enemies and become a force to protect the inter-satellite society. The attitude was reversed, and he appreciated the recovery of the sanctuary, and wished for more historical Transcendent A Grade recovery to protect their safety.

Even during the war, the issuing company of the Wien card did not miss the business opportunity, and launched a new "Resurrecter" series of deck card packs. If there are some character cards and power cards that have special relationships with each other at the same time, It can also trigger the fetters interactive function, appear different reactions, as a hidden egg.

The reaction of the various forces is not like the people's one-sided excitement, secretly evaluating the impact of this matter on themselves, especially the forces and organizations that have a connection with these historical Transcendent A Grades.

Mechanical god, a branch somewhere.

In the wide hall of the temple, one after another, bishops wearing mechanical priest robes of different genres gathered together, discussing in a low voice, with uncontrollable excitement in their tone.

"The original **** has returned, and we should re-enjoy his honorable name!"

"Unexpectedly, one day, I will be able to see the living Nifogadi."

Many bishops are excited.

As the mechanical **** originally enshrined, Nifogadi has a special position in the mechanical **** religion.

Because believers can only get feedback by enshrining the living mechanical gods, the dead mechanical gods have only commemorative meaning and become the "old gods" that are rarely mentioned.

But Nifogadi is an exception. Every time during the prayer ritual, the Mechanicist will chant his honorable name. This is a treatment that other mechanical gods do not have.

But now that Nifogadi is alive again, he can resume worship.

However, the Mechanical God Cult is a group of extremely realistic believers. Whoever believes strongly, although Nifogadi has a special status, it will not immediately shake Black Star's current status unless he can prove his mechanical level is stronger.

What's more, the recovery of the sanctuary was a product of Black Star, and the archbishops who were present took this into consideration and reached a consensus.

"Although the original **** has a different meaning, he was brought back by Black Star, and Emperor Nifoga's current position should not be ranked above Black Star."

"Yes, it is Black Star who has awakened the old gods and restored the glory of the religion. In view of this, we should give Black Star a new honorable name, distinguish him from other mechanical gods, and enjoy a unique status. "

"Since Nifogadi is the original god, why should we call Black Star the **** of revival?"

"It doesn't feel very good. In my opinion, whether the old **** wakes up or not is all controlled by the black star. How about calling him the old dominator?"

"It's a little weird... Let's change it. I think the title of'Indestructible Black, God Sovereign, Guardian of the Gate of Old Gods, Judge of Life and Death' is a good title."

"It's too long, your title, I thought it was four people without knowing it."

"What's the matter with you, just say if it sounds good!"

A group of bishops were arguing fiercely over the issue of Black Star’s new honorable name. They could not persuade each other, and finally even started. You dismantle my oil pipeline, I pull out your piston pump, and hurt each other.


Central Star Sea, a habitable planet artificially transformed.

A transport fleet with the Black Star Legion logo slowly entered the airport, embedded in the sliding track under the guidance of the port's intelligent robot, and a large rectangular transport ship docked at different docks.

The hatches opened one after another, and a group of Black Star Legion soldiers came out, formed an array, stood in position, and took out the indicator light to command. Then, a large number of people from Seablue Star filed out, forming a long queue, boarding the dock, and heading to the arranged settlement.

The legionnaires maintained order. Although the crowd had been in a slight commotion, they were still in order, but the movements of constantly looking around exposed most people's inner tension and curiosity.

In the bridge command room of the transport ship, Bennett overlooked the slowly moving migrant crowd on the dock with a complicated expression.

At the beginning of the war, he responded to the call of Black Star and organized all the people of Seablue Star for long-distance migration. At that time, it naturally caused large-scale opposition. Many people were unwilling to migrate and encountered considerable resistance during execution.

For most people, the home star is an indispensable feeling. No matter how far in the universe, the home star is the home of the soul. There are too many examples of being willing to coexist and die with the home star in the face of disaster.

But these problems were finally suppressed by Bennett. Whether they wanted it or not, they were all packed and taken away and sent to the transport fleet.

As various star regions are undergoing major migrations, the current traffic efficiency is limited, and the transportation fleet has been sailing on the road for a long time. Bennett emphasized the necessity of doing so along the way, knowing it with emotion and reasoning, finally suppressed most of the dissatisfaction. Many Seablue Stars had no choice but to accept the reality and turned to worry about the future. Panic.

Although this is only an expedient measure for temporary refuge, they don’t know whether this will be the last time to see the home planet.

If the World Tree successfully invades, Shining World will be the first to bear the brunt, and Broken Star Ring is adjacent to Shining World, and it is likely to become the second main battlefield. Maybe one day, it will be countless light years away to learn about the destruction of the home star.

"Leaving home this time, I don't know if I have a chance to go back again..."

Bennett sighed softly, with mixed flavors.

At this time, a faint female voice sounded nearby.

"This is your new home, so I will **** it here."

"Thank you for your guards, Lord Emersy." Bennett turned to thank you.

"Well, I leave it to you here, I will also keep the Dragon Calm and serve as your guard."

Emersy nodded casually and walked out of the cabin.

She is not currently on the front line. She originally had such an idea, but Black Star asked her to **** the Seablue Star migration troops, so she was delayed.

In fact, Emersy knew that this was Black Star's request to protect her in disguise, but the **** journey would always be completed and it was time for him to go to the front.

And she wanted to see with her own eyes, what kind of existence is the nightmare that has forced Black Star to dare not stop for so many years.


Interception circle base group, resuscitator under house arrest area.

In the vast expanse of star space, streams of light are constantly colliding, bursting with amazing energy fluctuations, and it is surprising that many contemporary Transcendent A Grades are fighting heads-up against different revivalists.

Han Xiao watched the battle on the battleship with his other companions who hadn't done anything, and from time to time they used various methods to offset the aftermath of the attack.

Those who have just recovered are not in a heyday. During this period of time, they have been undergoing recovery training and running in with each other. However, the ancient mechanics and magicians have to learn as much as possible the new theories and new technologies that have been innovated over the years in a short time. Very busy.

Because the Transcendent A Grade who was sitting in the interception circle just had nothing to do, sparring became the top priority at the moment. He was always here to help the resuscitators regain their combat power and exchange frequently.

Although the knowledge base of most resuscitators is lagging behind the times, there are also some lost skills brought back by the resuscitators. They are not hesitating to teach, but in a disguised way, the average strength of the contemporary Transcendent A grade group has been improved.

Among them, the one with the greatest increase in strength was Milizaus. He finally gotten his wish and reduced his size, and only then initially learned the dragon language secret technique taught by his ancestors, and he was able to compress the mothership-like body to about 300 meters in length. This has made him happy, and his combat power has increased significantly.

According to him, as long as he masters this secret technique, he can shrink the dragon's body to a length of more than ten meters at most, and its density will increase sharply, just like the difference between stone and steel.

"In the past, the old dragon had high blood volume, average defense, and basically zero evasion. It was a target. When he completes this transformation, not only his defense has skyrocketed, but his evasion rate can finally return to normal, and his flexibility has increased. It’s not a problem to increase your strength by half a level.

Han Xiao secretly guessed.

After watching the discussion for a while, he retracted his gaze, lowered his head to open the panel, and glanced at the forum.

Thanks to the over-the-horizon tactics of the World Tree, players have been performing extremely rewarding death squad missions for this period of time. The ID of the first echelon on the ranking list has been changed by more than half, and the players who have been lucky enough to grab the death mission many times have gone up. Up.

The current ranking first is 6 levels higher than the first two months ago. It has reached level 173, which is only 7 levels away from the upper limit of the current version of 180 levels. This upgrade efficiency is for players. It's pretty fast.

However, after all, only a few people robbed the death mission, and this good thing will soon disappear. Han Xiao has provided special observation instrument drawings. The three major civilizations have been manufacturing non-stop, and a batch of shells have been sent, waiting for him to complete The most important core process.

As long as the finished product of the detection device is available, the three major civilizations must be quickly used in the battle, and a wave of over-the-horizon camps that have eliminated the World Tree. In this way, the player will participate in a large-scale spatio-temporal shearing spontaneous operation at most. , You will not be able to enjoy this kind of high-quality compound fertilizer that stimulates growth in the future.

"I don't know what new plan the World Tree Civilization will come up with after breaking this tactic...Speaking of which, it seems that the Son of Destiny has not gained much recently?"

Han Xiao rubbed his chin with his fingers, thoughtfully.

According to Hela's report, the frequency with which the Son of Destiny takes effect recently has been significantly lower than it was at the beginning, and the monitoring is basically less important information, which does not provide much help for the current situation.

This sign was a signal in Han Xiao's eyes. Either the World Tree Civilization felt that the predictive methods were ineffective and stopped large-scale use, or the World Tree Civilization realized the reason for the information leakage and consciously took precautions.

"Hmm... Is the World Tree still aware of it, faster than I expected."

Han Xiao's eyes flashed.

Although the monitoring channels of the Son of Destiny are secretive, through the analysis of the battle situation, we can always perceive that certain actions of the three major civilizations seem to have been informed in advance, and naturally suspect the possibility of intelligence leakage.

Although it is difficult to find out the mechanism of the Child of Destiny, through the screening of relevant data, the World Tree has a high chance of discovering that the foreseeer is the source of the leak. This kind of thing can be done by the three major civilizations, but the reaction speed will be slower.

Han Xiao has never been sure that the Son of Destiny can keep the World Tree hidden forever. After all, this is not something incomprehensible. He will not believe that this low-risk intelligence channel is always reliable, but of course the longer the concealment time, the better.

"If Sekaiju is aware of this, perhaps at some point, it may deliberately use this intelligence channel to send us inducing misinformation with the foreknowledge... It seems that any information obtained from the Son of Destiny in the future will be We need to do some screening first."

Han Xiao thought in his heart.

As he was thinking about it, the competition in the field ended one after another.

After watching the whole journey, Kesuye sighed with emotion:

"It is worthy of being the generations of outstanding people in history. The strong are like clouds."

"They are all air transporters, the air transport concentration outside is almost beyond the standard, it is still more balanced here." The secret master standing aside nodded.

"I am very pleased to see them jumping alive. These people are the monuments of the evolutionary history of our civilized life, the essence of the accumulation of generations." Not far away, Oulu pretended to be pointing to the country, with an old manner.

"...But we are better." Manison glanced at him lightly.

Civilization continues to develop, experience continues to be passed on, and skills are innovated from generation to generation. Naturally, the present will not be as good as the past. At present, the power of the contemporary super-A group is better, especially the black star that breaks historical records. The majestic man from the sky, count the romantic figures still look at the present.

"You guys are so noisy."

Han Xiao glanced at them helplessly, and watched the game, not knowing where this group of people had so many shows.

He retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at the many resurrectors who were returning to the battleship in groups, suddenly his eyes moved and he had some thoughts.

After hesitating for two seconds, Han Xiao raised his hand to open the wide area communication channel and smiled:

"Looking at you guys playing happily, I am also a little itchy. Who is interested in playing with me? I promise to start playing lightly."