MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1355 Pangong's choice and new offensive

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"The steel head mallet... It turned out to be only the first form. Is it possible that there is a combo?"

Looking at the panel prompt, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitched his mouth, his eyes could not be removed from the first option.

He always thought that Tou Tie was just an adjective for the temperament of the martial artist, but he didn't expect it to be a skill.

Glancing down and talking about the other options, Han Xiao pondered for a while and had a choice.

The two specialties are not bad, but he doesn't want them. As the level rises, the effect of [Unyielding Challenger] continues to decrease. With his current level, there are not many chances of triggering, and he will not stop upgrading. This feat will only become more and more useless. As for the [combo boost], it is practical. The mechanical unit can easily fill up the combo count, but the bonus rate is a bit low. Now its own strength foundation is very solid, and there is no lack of this general passive bonus expertise.

In contrast, Han Xiao currently wants some abilities with special tactical effects to play a more significant effect in battle.

[Crowd Cannon] can increase the explosive power of the fire, the range is much higher than the [combo increase], but in Han Xiao’s view, his damage is no longer low, what is missing is the hit rate, and the fire has to hit Talent line.

In fact, Han Xiao is not too urgent for [Blue Dragon Bound]. After all, the close trigger limit is relatively high, and after using it, both sides can't move. He mainly fancyed the rare feature of strong control for two seconds.

This is only the effect of lv1. If you reach the full level, plus some of your own specialties to increase the skill level, the minimum strong control time can probably be extended, and it is worth choosing one to try.

[You get a new skill [Blue Dragon Binding]! ]

"Don't say it, it sounds nice, it's much more powerful than the silly name of Steel Head Mallet..."

Han Xiao smacked his lips, muttered and opened the attribute panel, quickly found the newly acquired hot gold skill, and invested experience to continuously upgrade. Although he is hitting level 360, he does not want to spend his experience reserve, but it costs to upgrade a skill to the full level. It still does not affect the plan.

Soon, [Old Bound] rushed from lv1 to full level lv10, and the minimum strong control time reached 2.6 seconds. At the same time, it provided additional strength and endurance judgment bonus, which increased the difficulty of the target to break free.

After all, Han Xiao did not deliberately add power attributes. It was normal at the same level, but the endurance was still good. He is now the main point of wisdom and resistance. Every time the washing point of the universe treasure is created, a part of it is added to the endurance.

"The strongman lock man finally has the skill blessing. If there was this trick before, it would not be easy to break free by the king of the tree."

Han Xiao rubbed his chest muscles, and was about to find someone to try the trick. At this time, the communicator rang, and it was Emersy’s call that he wanted to come to the front line and let Han Xiao activate the emperor to pick her up.

Seeing Emersy's resolute attitude, Han Xiao no longer forced her to stay behind, and happened to take her back to the interception circle base along the way.

And just to find Emersy to try new tricks to see how effective the actual combat is.


The central star sea, the barren universe.

A small fleet is slowly sailing in the endless star space, seemingly aimless.

In the command room of the main ship, a group of operators wearing various kinds of armor is driving the spacecraft, looking like a group of star thief.

And on the observation podium at the forefront, there were a few imposing guys standing uniformly wearing hoods and robes to cover their figures.

"Because of the invasion of foreign enemies, the three major civilized armies have been invested in the various border star regions. It is when the hinterland is empty, and a large number of interstellar citizens are hiding in the central star sea. This is a good time..." A Hooded Man He spoke in a low voice.

Hearing these words, a few hooded men showed a slight commotion, and the hooded man standing in the forefront let out a long breath and slowly said:

"Forget it, don't do it now."

"Why, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" The other person was excited and puzzled.

"I won't move if I can't say it!"

The hooded man at the forefront increased his tone, raised his head slightly, revealing the face under the hood, it was Pan Ergon, who was walking secretly, and this group of people was the group of Avengers who left the covenant.

"Pangong, shouldn't you move the heart of compassion?" a Transcendent A Grade said coldly, "Because of the invasion of foreign enemies, you retreat? Don't want to affect the so-called'big picture'? Don't forget ours. The goal is to avenge the three major civilizations. Originally, it was meant to waste lives. Foreign enemies are our help from the sky. No time is more suitable to destroy their rule than now. Let us have the opportunity to use the momentum to fight for the big, otherwise you think With a few of us, can we really shake the ruling foundation of the three major civilizations!"

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

Pan Ergon's face was also cold.

This person was awe-inspiring, stared back, and said solemnly: "Then why do you want to let go of this opportunity? If our ways are different, it would be better to leave the group as soon as possible and do our own things."

The eyes of several others also focused on Pan Ergon.

Their civilization was destroyed by the three major civilizations in the exploratory calendar, and they had deep-rooted hatred. In order to get revenge, the group would put their life and death aside. The invasion of the World Tree made them not surprised and rejoiced, thinking that God helped me too.

Pangergon paused, drew out a thick handmade cigarette, lit it and took a sip, the smoke filled with silence.

"Talk!" the companion asked coldly.

Pan Ergon glanced at him, lit a little soot, and slowly said: "The Great Migration should have been a time when the star thief was rampant and active, but the major civilized military forces are escorting their citizens to seek refuge in the Central Star Sea, wandering in the outer star. There are fewer and fewer citizens...This makes it more and more difficult for star thieves everywhere to live. Not only do they have no prey, they are also wiped out by the military..."

"What do you want to say?"

"What I'm saying is that even if we want to seize this opportunity to shake the rule of the three major civilizations, we don’t have enough manpower. It’s better to take this opportunity to integrate the star thief from various places and obtain sufficient armed forces, otherwise, even if we go to the three major civilizations now There are troubles in the hinterland, and there are no storms."

As he said, Pan Ergon paused and said calmly:

"Besides, if we obstruct the anti-enemy plan of the three major civilizations at this juncture, Black Star will definitely come and kill us. Do you really want to see him?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes flashed with shock, and they stopped talking.

Pan Ergon glanced at them, smoking a cigarette patter, and stopped speaking.

This is both true and prevarication. In all fairness, the invasion of foreign enemies is a good opportunity to shake up the three major civilizations, but Pangong does not want to take advantage of this momentum. On the one hand, it is due to the threat of the black star, and on the other hand, it is the saint. For the sake of the appointment.

After all, this is the hometown of Vower and many other covenant companions. He can regain a new life. He has already owed the great favor of the covenant and gained freedom. Now some old friends are fighting against foreign enemies. He is not willing to talk at this time. Friends' hind legs.

Although he decided to dedicate his life's energy for revenge, he didn't want to lose his loyalty.

The invasion of foreign enemies may be the only chance to destroy the three major civilizations, but Pangong does not regret abandoning this route. He firmly believes that there is another way.


The three major civilizations and the World Tree are still engaged in a tug of war on the front line. After a period of time, with the release of the first batch of special observation devices, the stalemate on both sides was finally broken.

The over-the-horizon detection technology from another iteration of the ultimate civilization has broken the concealed camouflage of the world tree strongholds, and marked the densely connected camps on the wide-area radar, almost like opening the full map, and finally snatching it back Initiative.

The entire intercept circle command was in great spirits, and immediately organized a large number of players to form a space-time shear force, divided into thousands of troops, and marched toward all the company camps, trying to clear all enemy strongholds at once.

The over-the-horizon battalion of Watch and Mutual Aid was quickly destroyed. The stronghold hidden in the dark was caught off guard and destroyed one after another under the spontaneous bursting charge of the player's fierce and undaunted time and space. The World Tree was placed in the interception circle. A large number of "nails" nearby were pulled out one after another.

After more than half a month of fierce battle, the World Tree finally gave up the invalid over-the-horizon company tactics, no longer put in new strongholds, and allowed the three major civilizations to clear away the obstacles to the expansion of the interception circle and the space-anchored orbit.

Without obstacles, the space anchored orbit fell into the stagnant expansion speed and immediately thaw, and re-advanced toward the distance, continuously forcing the world tree to jump away from the interception circle line.

In the next few months, the frequency and intensity of collisions between small groups of troops on both sides continued to increase, and the fighting became more intense.

During this period, Sekaiju carried out two more storming attacks, with a fleet of tens of billions each, detonating two major battles.

These two battles were combined armies, and the World Tree did not send high-level combat power to exchange for, and simply consumed the forces of the three major civilizations. It seems that before finding a way to restrain Aurora, the World Tree no longer allows individual mighty forces to participate in the battle, and the strong men who died last time have not been resurrected and cannot be put on the battlefield.

Although the World Tree replenishes the fleet and combat personnel also consume resources, but due to the characteristics of the World Tree itself, their resource utilization rate, resource development rate, resource regeneration speed and resource reserves are far beyond the three major civilizations, with huge advantages, and both To be able to violently fight, the plan of the World Tree is to consume national power against the three major civilizations.

Many Transcendent A Grade participated in these two large-scale battles, with Aurora's support, and the World Tree had not dispatched Transcendent A Grade, both times were shocking and dangerous, and no one died temporarily.

Within a few months, Han Xiao provided some of the war technology contained in the First Sanctuary, mass-produced finished products, and deployed them to multiple troops. They played a significant role in group army operations and reduced the battle damage of the three major civilizations. Less, defeating World Tree’s aggressive army at a lower cost.

The Son of Destiny monitoring channel also discovered signs of mobilization in these two storms ahead of time, allowing the three major civilizations to take precautions and further reducing battle damage.

However, with the special over-the-horizon detection device provided by Han Xiao, the monitoring range and strength of the three major civilizations have undergone a qualitative change. It is important to discover the vast majority of World Tree operations near the interception circle without the Son of Destiny. Technology has forced the three major civilizations to change some of their strategic plans and no longer feel troublesome because of their weakness in detection.

Therefore, the importance of the three major civilizations to Han Xiao has increased again, and they can’t wait to let Han Xiao stay in the base and not participate in any battles, so that he will not encounter any risks.

Black Star took out one after another strategic-level technology as if it didn’t need money. Almost every one of them was qualified to become a trump card killer of higher civilizations. It also shocked the three parties’ scientific research departments, and only felt that Black Star’s research and development capabilities alone were better than their entire department. Even more amazing, amazing.

However, the strong attack is a force to break the skill. Although the three major civilizations defeated the two offensives, the interception circle and the space anchoring track were both massively damaged during the advancement of the World Tree force, and the expansion trend was indirectly curbed.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, the two sides have faced each other in this meat grinder for more than half a year, constantly consuming forces. The World Tree has always been blocked, unable to break through the interception circle, as if finally exhausted patience, son of destiny monitoring channels Important information was captured, showing that the World Tree Civilization is mobilizing troops within its territory and planning a new offensive.

And this time is the biggest offensive of the World Tree so far, the scale is even larger than the previous three times combined, and it has already broken 200 billion, I don't know how much is the end!

With such a huge offensive, even if the interception circle can repel the enemy as the previous three times, it will definitely be badly injured. As soon as he got the news, Han Xiao notified the headquarters and held an emergency meeting.