MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1356 King of Trees

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In the command conference room, the highest commander, ministers of various branches, and Super A-level combatants gathered together.

A three-dimensional star map of the interception circle hovered above the tactical simulation platform. Simon stood beside him, constantly fiddling with the star map, using his fingers to draw tactical signs, explaining the current situation.

"...According to Black Star's intelligence, World Tree has assembled a 200 billion super-large group army this time, and is suspected of launching a general offensive. This is the deployment map of our branches and the distribution map of the wormhole support base stations. At present, the fastest mobilization area is A-1075-0744j. If Sekaiju attacks this line of defense, all of our main defense forces can be assembled as quickly as possible. However, the assembly speed of other lines of defense is slightly slower, and this time difference may become The breakthrough caused the World Tree to break through the first and second defensive zones with huge forces, and entered the strategic depth zone and the wormhole support base station distribution zone, threatening the third and subsequent defense lines, creating a vicious circle. We are passive..."

Numerous high-level commanders looked solemn, and the pressure of the 200 billion fleet has increased from the previous three storms. Any factor may become a breakthrough for the other side.

"I think the other party has experienced the first three failures. This time, they will not repeat the same mistakes. Most of them will change their attack methods and will not immediately drive forward."

"Our construction time is still too short. The World Tree not only wants to break through the blockade, but also probably wants to dismantle our fortifications at once. Only by removing our continuous interception circle can they stabilize the jumping point and create an invasion of our territory. Bridgehead."

"We need more reinforcements from the rear. It is best to increase the distance between the first two layers of defense and the strategic depth of the rear defense to prevent the opponent from breaking through the blockade."

The commanders of all the troops expressed their opinions one after another, and the group talked vigorously.

And a group of Transcendent A Grade sitting around playing soy sauce, just listen but don't talk or participate in it.

However, many senior officials argued for a while, and Simon turned his head and asked Han Xiao actively.

"Black Star, what do you think?"

"On this matter, you just have to decide, I have no opinion."

Han Xiao shook his head, saying that professional things should be done by professional people.

However, he paused and added: "However, Sekaiju has a high probability of being aware of the direction of the information leakage, and the authenticity of the information I obtained is doubtful. It may also be a suspicious strategy that Sekaiju deliberately released. The risk has to be considered."

Simon exhaled, "I understand this, but even if it is impossible to determine whether the intelligence is true or false, we have to be prepared to deal with the 200 billion fleet, even if there is only 1% or 1% chance of being true. , We must take precautions, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Indeed." Han Xiao nodded. In case it is true, if there is no advance prevention, 80% of them will be smashed by the world tree, pierce the defense line, and kill the armor.

The first two storms were monitored by the Son of Destiny. Han Xiao also retained his suspicion, but in the end it proved that the intelligence was correct, but this did not reassure him, but was more vigilant.

If Sekaiju had deliberately revealed information about the previous two storms in an attempt to reduce their vigilance, then it must have been holding a big move to deliver terrible false information at a critical moment, but at present there is no way to know Sekaiju’s plans.

‘Fortunately, I found a new type of observation device from the First Sanctuary, equipped with the three major civilizations. The World Tree cannot operate secretly here as before. Anything that happens will be discovered. ’

Han Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Since the three major civilizations applied the special over-the-horizon detection technology they provided to the war, their dependence on the monitoring channels of the Son of Destiny has been reduced a lot. Even if the World Tree has any plans, they cannot proceed quietly, and the risk is greatly reduced.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and many commanders left with heavy hearts.

Han Xiao and his party also left the meeting room and returned to their residence together.

On the way, Kesuye squeezed a crowd of people, came to Han Xiao, and whispered:

"The previous two strong attacks of the World Tree did not send high-level combat power. This time the general attack was suddenly launched. Could you say that you have found a way to limit Aurora?"

Han Xiao glanced at him. Before he could speak, the sun hunter jumped from Han Xiao's shoulder to Kesuye's head, and said with an urn sound:

"Hey, it's also possible that people are planning to ignore our high-level combat power and simply use force to attack the defense line."

"Ignore us? It's not impossible. As long as they are willing to bear the risk of local battles, after all, even if we are very powerful, we can't have a fundamental impact in a war of this scale. At most, we can open up some opportunities." Yeah pondered.

Seeing that the two were chatting, Han Xiao also dispelled his intention to respond and turned to look at Emersy on the other side.

"Huh? What do I do?" Emersy raised an eyebrow.

"The enemy took out a 200 billion fleet, are you afraid?" Han Xiao said casually.

"There is nothing to be afraid of." Emersy shook her head. In the past few months, she participated in the first two World Tree storms, and now she has war experience.

"This time is different. The World Tree may show high-level combat power. You have not participated in the first major battle, and you have not played against the strong World Tree. They are very difficult."

"Just insight." Emersy looked calm.

"Don't underestimate people, the intensity of the Super A Grade melee is not comparable to the previous two against conventional fleets. I suggest you follow Milizaus." Han Xiao pointed at the old dragon.

"What do you do with him?" Emersy was curious.

"He is so big, if you hide on him, people won't be able to hit you. If necessary, you can throw his body out with the force field to help you withstand the attack."

Han Xiao shrugged.

"...You know I can hear you, right?"

The mana incarnation of Milizaus couldn't help turning his head and looking over, with a helpless tone.

"I just want you to hear that people's nickname is Dragon Seat, is it reasonable to sit on you?" Han Xiao pouted.

"This is a bit familiar, have you told me before?"

Milizaus snorted disapprovingly.

Han Xiao spread his hands: "Don't you think this tactic is very reliable?"

"I don't think it at all, and my body size has shrunk a lot, and I won't be targeted by the enemy at all. This plan is definitely useless." Milizaus is very calm. People who have succeeded in losing weight are so stiff.

"Then restore your body shape. With such a huge body, but not sheltering your teammates from wind and rain, this is a violent thing!"

You are thinking about fart...Milizaus rolled his eyes and ignored Han Xiao.

A group of people was not scared by the possibility of a large-scale battle, and they talked and laughed and returned to their homes.

Han Xiao closed the door, his smile quickly faded, and his brows frowned slightly.

He had a hunch that World Tree would use high-level combat power in this assault, and King Tree King should not be resurrected yet. This time I am afraid that a new Tree King will come over.

Among the five tree kings, only the tree king is the simplest and rude, and the other tree kings are all in one suit. No matter who comes, they will only be more difficult than the tree king.


At the same time, Shining World, the territory of the Black Star Legion, a barren planet.


The two vague figures, like meteors, swept across the barren land, constantly colliding with each other, each time they were on the verge of exploding fierce shock waves, leaving huge rifts in the ground.

Suddenly, two figures slammed into a halt, revealing a clear appearance, one was Rotaire, and the other was Carrot who was taught.

Rotaire turned the dagger with his fingers, brushed the ground and put it into the pocket of the knife around his waist, and muttered: "Your strength has increased again, and you can withstand my current strength. Next time I practice training, I will release more. Fighting power, continue to squeeze your potential."

"Okay, I'll train hard." Carlot touched each other with his fists, wiping out sparks with a firm look on his face.

He applied more than once to go to the front line to fight against foreign enemies, but all of them were rejected by Black Star, knowing that this was Han Xiao's performance of attaching importance to his potential, and he was under pressure in the front to give him time to grow.

Carlot understands that his first task is to concentrate on training and grow up to the point where he can go to the front to help Han Xiao as soon as possible. Therefore, after the outbreak of the war, he is actively training every day.

"Well, at this speed, you are just around the corner to become Transcendent A Grade..."

Rotaire said so, but he murmured in his heart.

Training Carrot these days, he found that Carrot's progress is not as big as normal, and the growth rate has not slowed down because of strength growth, but has become faster and faster. There is almost no bottleneck. Every day's progress can be seen with the naked eye.

Rotaire was still wondering why Han Xiao valued Carlot, but now he has no doubts, only a thick surprise.

Is there such a martial arts wizard in the world? How did Black Star come out!


The territory of the world tree, the palace of the tree king.

On top of the five thrones, there were two figures sitting at this time, one was the Heart Tree King, the other was the Dingshu King wrapped in heavy armor, and under the two tree kings stood multiple executive officers, partly fighting The dead characters have come back to life.

"Release the information?"

"It has been demonstrated by the Foreseeers." Tedrian lowered his head and responded.

"Well, I hope their attention is all on this."

The Heart Tree King rubbed the handrail and nodded slowly.

Tedrian continued: "In the previous strong attacks, we have calculated the approximate structure of the interception circle, as well as the troops stationed by the opponent and the follow-up support limit. This time we enlarge the strength of our forces. We should be able to break the interception circle at one time, at least. Clear their space anchoring track..."

Hearing this, the King of Heart Tree gave a haphazard hum, without meaning to say more, he waved his hand and let many executive officers leave.

Soon, only two tree kings remained in the palace.

King Dingshu turned his head slightly, and seemed to be squinting at King Xinshu with the light hidden behind the mecha mask, and slowly spoke:

"Have you decided to go out in person? Is this what you want me to show up?"

"Well, only I am the easiest person to solve for the recovery type supernatural ability, and that cosmic treasure can only exert its greatest power in my hands...If I die there, you will be responsible for the affairs here temporarily. "The Heart Tree King said calmly.

"How long will King Tree King come back to life?" King Tree King frowned.

"Although I water him every day, there is still a while." The Heart Tree King waved his hand.

King Dingshu was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, you will bring my dominator clone, apostle weapons, and mechanical units over."

"Are you going to save my life?"

"Let you live and preside over the affairs of this side, I can continue to comfortably stay in the mother tree to get nourishment." King Dingshu said coldly.

The King of Heart Tree shook his head, "This time the civilization is very strong. Sooner or later you still have to participate in the war yourself."

"Then talk about it then."

Leaving a word, Dingshu King's body merged into the Crown Throne, and disappeared.

Upon seeing this, the Heart Tree King was somewhat helpless.

No matter how diligent he was in the past, after being selected as the tree king, he will become lazier than one, and he can stay still, especially the tree king who is a mechanic.

He still remembered that this guy was a R&D madman before he became the tree king. Now, let alone R&D, he doesn’t even bother to build machinery. It depends on the mother tree to transform...

In contrast, the King of the Tree of Heart still prefers King of the Tree of Towns, just a few words can make him contribute, it is a clear stream in the King of Trees, the best tool in the eyes of the other four.