MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1359 Seal of thinking, Hyperion dispatched

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The surging spiritual power poured into the suspended purple crystal leaves, and instantly the masterpiece of brilliance, a beam of lavender light suddenly shot out, towards Aurora in the protection circle of the three major civilized fleets.

Upon seeing this, the nearest part of the mechanical forces shook off the entanglement of the Dingshu King, and jointly propped up the nether energy shield in front of the lavender beam.

However, at the moment of contact, the lavender beam showed no signs of being hindered, and the speed did not change at all. It lightly penetrated the nether energy shield, as if the shield did not exist. Along the way, the mechanical soldiers blocked by their bodies were also penetrated, but the body was not damaged in the slightest, as if this beam of light did not exist in the material world, it could ignore various defenses.

"Huh? Stop this attack." Han Xiao has been paying attention to the actions of King Heart Tree. Although he doesn't know what method King Heart Tree uses, it is best to stop it. He slashed away the body of King Tree King and immediately communicated. The channel calls teammates who are fighting fiercely throughout the battlefield.

Hearing Han Xiao’s instructions, some of the closer Transcendent A Grades were barely distracted in the battle. They used various means, such as magic, abilities, and thought power, and tried to disperse the lavender beam, but they were all penetrated. .

Upon seeing this, everyone was taken aback.

"What is this ability?"

"It can't be stopped, how come it is a bit like the characteristics of a pantheon scepter?!"

Under the eyes of everyone, this beam of light passed through the Super A Grade combat area, shot into the protection circle of the three major civilized fleets, and passed through the battleships that came to block, allowing Aurora to change positions. The light beam always traced the past, and soon penetrated the spacecraft where Aurora was.

The lavender beam passed through the shield and outer armor, shot into the command room, and went straight to Aurora in the room. Solokin, the double messenger, appeared in a flash, and the condensed power of thought rushed away, but it couldn't cause it. The impact, even the body was passed through without any injuries.

Just about to hit Aurora, but when the distance was the last few meters, the lavender beam seemed to hit some invisible barrier, suddenly slid away, drawn an arc, and flew out of the battleship in a flash.

Seeing this, Aurora, who was tensed, breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that Time and Space Amber is still useful..."

It was a space-time amber ball that stood in front of her, and Han Xiao gave her a batch for self-defense. There is still anything known to pass through the space-time amber ball.

However, the lavender beam did not dissipate. After flying out of the battleship, it circled a large circle, repositioned and shot towards Aurora, always locking on the target.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Heart Tree King's eyes changed slightly, which seemed quite unexpected.

"Is there a way to stop it? Could it be the special substance that isolates the mother tree from the individual?"

The Heart Tree King did not hesitate, and immediately reached out and grabbed the purple crystal leaf, the power of the green world tree was running, and the new power was activated in an instant.


I saw cracks burst on the surface of the purple crystal leaf, and at the same time it was broken, it released more power and burst into a halo.

The lavender beam that was continuing to pursue Aurora seemed to have been affected, exploded suddenly and disappeared.

At first glance, Sorokin thought that this guy had given up the attack, but suddenly there was a plop around him, and when he turned his head, he saw Aurora suddenly fall straight to the ground.

"what's wrong with you?"

Sorokin was taken aback, and hurriedly leaned in front of Aurora, only to see Aurora with apathetic eyes, staring straight ahead, without moving his eyes, as if he had lost his perception of the outside world.

He hurriedly explored Aurora’s brain with thought power, and found that Aurora’s consciousness had been closed, and it was wrapped in thick purple crystals. There were green energy flowing in the crystals, and his thought power could not penetrate. Go in.

"What's the matter? The soul link between me and Aurora is broken!" Hela's voice rang in the channel, and she found the abnormality the soonest, and her tone was urgent.

"Aurora has lost consciousness. There is some kind of energy that has sealed her thinking. I don't know what mental ability is... It's not good, I won't be able to solve it for a while."

Sorokin told the truth, frowning and attacking the purple crystal with thought power. However, the purple crystal in Aurora's brain is extremely tough. His thought power can only leave shallow marks on it, and the purple crystal will soon repair it by itself. .


As soon as the voice fell, Han Xiao used the emperor to leave the battlefield and instantly appeared next to Aurora. Without a word, he pierced Aurora, gave out the battle information, and immediately checked Aurora's condition.

I saw that all Aurora's abilities had become frozen gray, and the attribute bar had a special state.

[[Illusion·Heart Lock]: Enclose the mind and consciousness of the individual and enter a vegetative state. The bearer will fall into an infinite virtual illusion composed of his own desire, ambition, longing, imagination, fear, dream, pursuit and other factors. If the bearer regards the illusion as reality, it will continue to provide energy for the seal, so that the strength of the seal will not weaken over time, but gradually increase. At the same time, the weaker the bearer is, the more difficult it is to see through the illusion-Duration: unknown]

"Solokin is also difficult to break through the seal of must be the characteristics of the universe's treasures at work."

Han Xiao's mind flashed through the purple crystal leaves that the Heart Tree King took out, his face was slightly tight, and there was no information about this item in his previous life.

Shicai’s explosion ignores the distance and attack path, and becomes a direct strike within the range, just like a mental explosion that directly affects the individual. As long as Aurora is not tightly wrapped in the amber of time and space, there will always be holes in it. Under attack.

If this trick is used against other people, it is also a powerful threat, but the Heart Tree King is only used by one person, and the purple crystal leaves are damaged after use. There are probably some restrictions.

"This is not good, Aurora's current energy level is still too low..." Han Xiao's eyes narrowed.

Aurora has special powers, but her own level is limited. The seal effect imposed by the Heart Tree King is naturally significant. It is hoped that her chance of seeing through the illusion is too low. If her hard power can reach the peak of Transcendent A Grade, the seal will definitely not be like now. Sturdy.

"Guys with mental abilities come over and try to unblock them."

Han Xiao immediately gave the order, no time to stay here, and quickly activated the Emperor's repeated horizontal jump function to return to the original position.

After leaving for a short while, the mechanical **** who had lost its core maintenance was dismantled by King Tree King. He had to use mechanical force to connect pieces of the remains, recombine, and continue to clash with King Tree King. , Arc lasing.

Knowing that the nanny had fallen, many Transcendent A Grades were suddenly anxious, and they had to throw away their opponents and go back to observe Aurora's situation, but the world tree powerhouse also received instructions from the Heart Tree King. He was very excited and entangled him with all his might. Don't let Transcendent A Grade leave.

"Ha, your recovery element was knocked down by the Lord Tree King, let's see how you can recover!"

"Aren't you afraid of death? Come on, keep working hard!"

"Without the confidence, do you still dare to change your injury?"

In the spiritual network, many world tree powerhouses are excited and sneer again and again.

The situation of the last battle can be vividly remembered. This group of enemies relied on the nanny behind them and kept changing their wounds for injuries. Even if they were severely injured again and again, as long as they were sucked, they would be able to live and live. It was uncomfortable, and finally used the self-detonation tactics, but only dragged a few people to bury.

Thinking of the last humiliating battle loss, many World Tree powerhouses became annoyed. At this moment, the Heart Tree King used means to sweep away the confidence of these enemies, and the World Tree Transcendent A Grade became energetic, only feeling guarded. After seeing Yueming, they can finally show their usual strengths...

Regarding life for life, they haven't been afraid of anyone!

King Dingshu turned around and flicked off Han Xiao's attack. Hearing the commotion in the mind network, he couldn't help sending a spiritual message to the King of Heart Tree, and asked in a deep voice:

"Are you sure this can seal the enemy's recovery system forever?"

"I didn't say that forever, as long as a person with sufficient mental ability spends a lot of time killing the seal, it will be unlocked sooner or later... But as long as the recovery system cannot play a role in this battle, my goal will be achieved."

The Heart Tree King put the split purple crystal leaf into his body, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly said:

"Without the restorer, the battle damage returns to normal. As long as we fight against the enemy's high-level combat power in this battle, causing substantial losses, even if that ability is awakened afterwards, it will not help. "

In his opinion, even if it is only to seal the recovery system in a battle, it can be successfully exchanged. As long as you kill enough enemy high-level combat power at one time, you can play the advantage of the world tree snowball.

At this moment, the plan has been more than half successful. The Heart Tree King put aside his heart and re-entered the battle, and cooperated with the Ding Tree King to wander around and besie Han Xiao.

It didn't take long for some Transcendent A Grades to finally throw away their opponents with the help of their teammates, return to the fleet, and come to Aurora, but after the inspection, their hearts sank.

"The situation is not good, this thinking seal is too strong, and it is protected by a special force. Even if we as a group do it together, it won't be solved in a short while." Kesuye's voice sounded in the channel.

"Neither can you?" The sun hunter was surprised.

Kesuye shook his head, "Although I have unlimited strength, there is an upper limit to the strength of thought. It takes time just like the flow of water constantly scouring the reef."

Hearing Kesuye's words, many members of the association froze in their hearts, secretly saying that it was not good.

In the next moment, members of the association immediately made suggestions in the channel:

"Black Star, or let's withdraw first, and then fight them when Aurora's seal is unlocked."

"You will watch us retreat when the World Tree, and even if we retreat, the tree king's halo will continue to take effect. The front line of defense will most likely not be able to hold it. When Aurora is unblocked, he will try to do something with the other party. It’s hard to say given a chance. By then, the day lily will be cold."

Before Han Xiao spoke, Oulu spoke first.

A large number of direct descendants are still fighting their opponents again. Seeing this scene, many members of the association who have retired are unable to escape and can only bite the bullet and continue fighting.

But without the blessing of the nurse, a large number of members of the association took their own safety into consideration and did not dare to fight as hard as the last time. The fighting power that broke out was far less than the first time to fight. Instead, they were concealed by the powerful world tree who feared death. Suppressed. Fortunately, the number is dominant this time, and a group of resuscitators hold up the situation, otherwise the battle damage may overtake the opponent.

Many Transcendent A Grades have their own thoughts, rolling and fierce battle, this time the fight is more bloody, there are frequent Transcendent A Grade powerhouses on both sides sacrifice, and the battle damage continues to expand.

"Hehe, without the restorer ability, you will be fully exposed, and the casualties are getting more and more serious. How long can you carry it?"

Han Xiao dealt with the siege of Dingshu King and Heart Tree King, and a teasing mental message rang in his mind.


The energy blasted, and a faint blue compressed energy-forming shell blasted away the Dingshu King. Han Xiao took the opportunity to glance at the loss of Transcendent A Grade. He was in a bad mood and didn't care at all. He did not respond to the opponent's ridicule.

Turning his head back, Han Xiao fought again with Dingshu King who rushed up again. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his brain, and he was thrown by Heart Tree King several times.

Shaking his head, Han Xiao felt a little tricky.

"Just a tree king is hard enough. Two guys go together, it's even harder to deal with...Being besieged by these two guys, although I can withstand the offensive, it is difficult to cause them many effective kills... …Someone must share the pressure on me and let me free up to deal with a single person..."

The thought flashed by, Han Xiao gritted his teeth lightly, his eyes kept glancing at the King of Heart Tree.

His goal is not to stand in a stalemate with the two of them. If he can catch a tree king here, it would be best. No matter how bad he is, he has to kill one and let the other party enter the dormant period. If the other party retreats, it will be too bad. Up.

I was held back in this way, and the two tree kings took care of each other. If they wanted to go, I could not stop them.

Han Xiao's goal is the Heart Tree King. After all, the Ding Tree King in the field is only dominating the clone, there is no need to deal with it, but someone must hold him down.

Although Dingshu King is a strange guy, his strength is worthy of the identity of the Tree King, and he is also a leader in the pinnacle of Transcendent A Grade.

The previous World Tree War was a very late version. Now that the war has advanced many years, Han Xiao can only think that King Dingshu is the tree king of the mechanical system during this period. He will lose his position in the future and let the Emperor Tree King come on top. As for the reason, No way to know at this time.

Depressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Han Xiao glanced at the battle and saw that most of his teammates were in a **** battle and lacked skills. He couldn't help but his eyes flashed, switched the communication channel, and sent out instructions to a foreign aid.

At this time, a sense of crisis struck, Han Xiao hurriedly opened the robe of the great emperor, and saw what skill Dingshu King had used. The double-headed war blade rolled up the whirlpool-like green energy, and slammed on him, exploding. Passing a stream of green flames, the huge body was knocked away for a certain distance.

"Hmph, dare to be distracted in front of me, I don't think you put me in your eyes at all." King Dingshu swung his sword, his tone was cold.

"Why, do you want Dawei Tianlong?" Han Xiao snorted, and casually returned a stalk that the other party didn't understand.

"Hmph, I don't know what you are talking about, anyway, I am holding you down, don't want to spare your hands to help other companions." King Dingshu raised the sword and pointed to Han Xiao.

"Are you a pig, do you hum?"

Han Xiao was not to be outdone, he found that the thief liked chatting when the world tree was fighting.

"Outsiders, they think you have an almost indestructible body, I will try today if I can kill you!"

King Dingshu opened the full-armor muzzle, crackled and shot out dense beams, then he whirled his sword, and was about to rush up.

However, at this moment, the light of the Gaowei Apocalypse Teleporter suddenly flashed behind Han Xiao, and a huge mechanical **** suddenly descended, and the mixture of flesh and blood and machinery was the Hyperion!

The war in the interception circle has been fought for a month, and Hyperion was on standby early, and as soon as he received the news from Han Xiao, he took the teleporter and landed here directly from the Glittering World. In the stalemate before the outbreak of this war, he had already completed his weapon loading, and now he is fully armed and in his peak state!

"World Tree! Our war is not over yet!!"

The wide-area channel sounded the anger of Hyperion, and saw countless propellers launched together, and the huge majesty pushed Hyperion to continue to accelerate, and the huge blade in his hand rolled up the phantom energy and smashed head on to the king of the tree.


Hyperion slashed on the block of King Tree King with one blow, and the shock wave swept out.

There was another new force entering the arena, and many world tree powerhouses cast their gazes, all in a daze.

"You guy... Hyperion? Are you still alive?!" King Dingshu was taken aback.

Every one of the world tree powerhouses present knew Hyperion and fought against each other when they destroyed the Kama Republican League, and was very impressed with this enemy.

The King of Heart Tree was stunned, and suddenly realized that he knew the truth.

"That's it, this civilization's first intelligence on our world tree came from you!"