MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1360 The Force of the Heart Tree King and the Sealing Plan

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Many world tree powerhouses were energetic and suddenly enlightened.

No wonder this civilization showed a certain degree of understanding of the world tree when it first came into contact with it. The insider of the invasion of Hyperion, the hometown of Hyperion, is the best source of information, which makes sense.

The members of the World Tree are still fresh in their memories of every battle. Although the Kama Republic is not a strong opponent, Hyperion has impressed many World Tree powerhouses, and even some people have participated in the siege. The rare prey that slipped from their hands disappeared into the vast universe after the Kama Republic fell.

After experiencing the initial astonishment, King Dingshu quickly recovered from the astonishment of seeing his acquaintances, activated the body's protective equipment to resist Hyperion's angry offensive, and spoke coldly:

"A loser whose civilization has been destroyed does not hide and linger, but dare to continue to fight against us. Last time you saved a life, this time you didn't have that good luck. The mother tree has always wanted to swallow you, so you just take the initiative to melt with us. Be one, just reunite with your compatriots!"

"As long as I'm alive, the glory of the Kama Republic will never die!"

Hyperion slammed into King Dingshu’s thick shield and embedded in it. Suddenly two new mechanical arms grew out of his shoulders. He strongly clasped King Dingshu’s body and fixed it in front of him. In the front, the flesh and blood in the chest and the machinery slid open, revealing a large energy radiating port, which instantly lit up with strong light.

boom! !

A dark red light beam with an extremely large caliber sprayed out. In a flash, the chest of King Dingshu's body had been penetrated, leaving a huge hole with a torn edge, and broken mechanical parts flying all over the sky.

The damage was serious. King Dingshu hurriedly ran the body’s flowing force field and output structure with a high load, and a huge force surged. He immediately smashed his mechanical arm with a backhand and kicked Hyperion away with a kick. Go out, leaving a deep huge footprint on the opponent's abdomen armor, pulling a distance.

A part of the mechanical soldiers around him came home like a tired bird, turning their heads and pouring into the body of King Tree King. A large number of mechanical structures flowed through the body, quickly filling the wounds in the chest.

The huge body of Hyperion stopped the momentum of retreat, and raised his hand to shook out an invisible special force field, covering the King of Dingshu, only to see the movement of the King of Dingshu stiffened, as if it had been in a fixation technique. .

Just as the deciphering device that comes with the Dingshu King’s body was analyzing the operating principle of the force field at a high speed, Hyperion held the weapon in both hands, twisted his muscles and machinery, accumulating a steady stream of strength, and a stream of dark red light on the body surface. Emerges, the energy response soars!

In the next moment, Hyperion's huge body suddenly disappeared, turning into a red thunder and rushing forward, intersecting with Dingshu King instantly, as if it teleported behind the opponent.

"God is mobile!"


The lightning flashed by, and a huge gap was cut out of King Dingshu's waist, which was almost cut in the middle. The energy continued to damage the inside of the body along the wound, and the wound was still expanding.

The space around King Dingshu shook suddenly, breaking the control of the force field, covering the wound on his waist, and at the same time turning around to block Hyperion’s further sprint, the force was transmitted to the arm along the colliding blade, causing a violent vibration. A large piece of parts in both sides was shaken out of failure.

"Difficult guy..."

King Dingshu held Hyperion's weapon and was at a stalemate. He glanced at Han Xiao and found that this guy had left him behind and turned to the King of Heart Tree.

He wanted to help and couldn't get away. Although he called Hyperion a loser, he had to admit that this guy had the ability to hold him back.

On the other side, Han Xiao finally got rid of the two-on-one situation, carrying the Kuroshio-like mechanical corps, chasing the Heart Tree King and outputting, thinking of the power barrier against the sky and rain, like a steady stream of fireworks. .

The Heart Tree King slid, avoiding Han Xiao's nether energy chopping, the world tree roots brought by the transformation are like a few tentacles surrounding him, resisting the gathering fire in all directions for him, and said lightly:

"I have to say that in the course of our battle in the universe, you are almost the most difficult super beings we have ever encountered. There are not many people who are qualified to compare with you, because of your existence, our huge group of foreign powers. There is almost no use for it, otherwise your advanced combat power will not be able to compete with us at all."

Han Xiao turned a deaf ear, slapped his palm, and the anti-thought force device released waves. The mind power barrier seemed to have been attacked by a weak point, bursting one after another, forcing the Heart Tree King to increase his strength to stabilize the strength of the mind.

Seeing Han Xiao not speaking, King Heart Tree was not discouraged, and continued:

"I can give you a promise. If you are willing to leave, the World Tree will not chase you and your companions, nor will it be able to chase you. You can stay away from this defeated battle. The universe is so big that you can live and live everywhere. More important than anything."

"You haven't won yet, don't be too confident."

Han Xiao responded calmly, ignoring the pain of his brain being tortured by mental attacks again and again, and slashed out again, colliding with the mind of the Heart Tree King.

The King of Heart Tree shook his head, "It is difficult for high-level combat power to determine the direction of cosmic war. Even if you can hold our high-level combat attack again and again, you cannot change the general trend of frontal war. You are doomed to lose. A choice, simply join us, become a member of the world tree, join us in the universe, and with your ability, it is more than enough to replace the king of the tree."

"Want to instigate me?" Han Xiao sneered secretly, "Let’s not say whether I want to become a puppet who has lost my free will. It is impossible to become a tree king just as a strong foreigner. You still keep this set. Fudge others."

King Heart Tree didn’t take it seriously, "Even if you kill me and make our fleet in this war zone lose the blessing of the power of the World Tree, we may not be able to break through your defenses in normal operations. For this small chance, we will pay. Is the cost of sacrificing a lot of advanced combat power worth it?"

Han Xiao didn’t bother to respond and activated another Legion’s tactical skills, instead providing agility and long-range attack rate of fire bonuses, making the mechanical corps more flexible. The continuous energy weapon rays are like a downpour, crackling on the roots of the world’s trees. One piece after another was peeled off.

Upon seeing this, the Heart Tree King refused to give up, and continued to play the chat stream tactics: "You and I cannot tell the outcome. I have seen the battle between you and the Zhen Tree King, and I will not step on the same trap."

Wow, you can force it, you are almost catching up with me!

Han Xiao's eyes twitched.

However, he changed his mind and felt that what Heart Tree King said was reasonable. If the opponent had preparedness, it would not be easy to copy and solve Zhen Tree King's tactics.

If you fight normally, you do have the upper hand, but at a critical juncture, the Heart Tree King has options such as blew up and retreat to accept the protection of the fleet.

After thinking about it, Han Xiao opened the private chat channel and contacted Hela.

"Hela, you first withdraw from the battlefield and go to Aurora to stand by."


Hela's tone had a bitter killing intent, but it was directed at the enemy.

After Aurora lost consciousness, Hela suddenly entered a state of violent slaying on the battlefield, and even no longer sent the dead into the underworld, but crushed them into soul power to strengthen themselves. The presence in the battlefield is extremely strong, and two holy tree messengers have been killed.

The deceased has only one soul. If it is sent to the underworld as a hero, it will not be able to trigger the rapid growth of the power of the dead. The interstellar battlefield is like a meat grinder. Most of the time, Hela has followed Han Xiao’s ideas and sacrificed the three major civilizations. Of soldiers sent to the underworld, only a few times will they be used to strengthen themselves.

But even so, because the base is very large, Hela's combat power is growing day by day, and the speed of progress is amazing. It is no different from before the war. Even if there is no life loss feature, there are not many people in the association who are confident to defeat her.

"I have a plan, try to deal with this tree king who stunned Aurora, you follow my instructions."

"……it is good!"

Hela now most wants to kill the King of the Heart Tree. Hearing that Han Xiao had a plan, he quickly recovered a bit of calmness. He glanced bitterly at the scarred ancestor spirit in front of him, pressed his inner murderous intent, and rolled up the blood. The death energy was withdrawn to the direction of the three major civilized fleets.

All the way to get rid of the entanglement of the world tree powerhouses, Hela returned to the spaceship where Aurora was located. In order to escape the battle circle, she added a lot of new injuries. Although the nurse fell temporarily, her power of the dead is itself. It has good self-recovery power, and the wounds gradually healed.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in the cabin, and a mechanical soldier draped in the emperor passed over and handed the contents to Hela.

"Huh? This is..."

Hela lowered her head and glanced at what was in the hands of the mechanical soldier, with a touch of surprise on her expressionless face. She glanced coldly at the crew around her, and saw that no one was moving, and then she took it into her hand.

At this time, Han Xiao's voice sounded in the private channel:

"I'll leave this to you for the time being. I let you practice before. Know how to use it?"

"Yeah." Hela said solemnly: "What is your plan?"

"Wait later, I will try to create an opportunity. If it succeeds, you will immediately use the emperor on that mechanical soldier to teleport over, then connect to your Dead Sea sneak, teleport to the target and use it..." Han Xiao quickly explained Again.

"I understand."

Hela nodded and glanced at what was in her hand. It was a white ore crystal, only the size of a palm.

This item is the amber body of time and space!

Han Xiao generally wouldn't give this thing to others to use, but this time I am afraid that someone will need to do it for them.

In the past few months, he has trained Hela on how to use this cosmic treasure in order to cooperate with [Blue Dragon Binding] and form new tactics.

After Philip's battle simulation, he found that in most cases, the simple world life can only kill the tree king or force him to explode. At present, this new tactic is the means with the highest sealing success rate.

Keeping the private channel open, Han Xiao stared at the Heart Tree King who easily dodged during the siege of the mechanical legion, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

"I hope this trick can work..."