MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1364 Determination and shadow

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The three major civilizations will not deliberately promote the failure of the interception circle, but the paper cannot contain the fire. With the withdrawal of the troops of the major forces to explore the universe, this bad news quickly spread throughout the interstellar society, which is always concerned about the trend of the war, and immediately caused a large area. Panic.

For more than a year, the refugees who migrated from various places to Central Xinghai became accustomed to the success of the interception circle successfully blocking the World Tree. They talked with comfort. This made many people feel that compulsory evacuation is worthwhile. The interception circle serves as a "frontier" to block the enemy.

As long as the interception circle is there, they have a sense of security, believing that this barrier can always stop the World Tree and prevent the war from spreading to the mainland.

However, now this barrier has been breached by the enemy, and the confidence of the people has been taken away. The chain reaction is amazing, not only causing panic and fear, but also causing the trust of the three major civilizations to plummet.

In the eyes of interstellar citizens, the three major civilizations are almost omnipotent "kings." However, such a powerful ruler joined forces and still achieved a failure in foreign enemies. Although there are many factors, in the eyes of ordinary people, this Just like a mathematical equation of 3<1, it symbolizes that the three major civilizations are not opponents of foreign enemies!

Many people are willing to accept forced evacuation as refuge because they believe that the three major civilizations can eventually repel foreign enemies, but the three major civilizations cannot defeat the invaders. Is it really safe for them to stay in the Central Star Sea for refuge? Will they wait to die?

This kind of thought spreads rapidly in the hearts of interstellar citizens like a virus, and nourishes emotions such as anxiety, panic, and fear. Even if the public opinion control departments of the three major civilizations continue to work, the overwhelming emotions are like a flood of dykes, not so easy to renew. Blocked.

Immediately, turmoil broke out.

A large number of refuge planets have frequent cases of people grabbing ships and fleeing. Some people are unwilling to believe in the three major civilizations. They feel that staying is waiting to die, trying to "self-help" before foreign enemies attack them, and want to take a spacecraft to escape the explored universe and exile in the starry sky.

The refugees who had been docile and accepted the control of the three major civilizations exploded into a sense of group resistance in the face of their lives. The difficulty of management suddenly increased. The three major civilizations had to devote more energy to appease and suppress the refugees.

All of a sudden, there was chaos.

The foreign enemies in the previous life were fierce and multipronged. The people had no choice or retreat. Now that the three major civilizations have time to prepare for war, they also give the people a choice, with pros and cons, at least not like the previous life. Easily reached the state of all people.


Super A-Class Association Headquarters, Feinxing.

Due to the large-scale deployment of the three major civilized armies, many Transcendent A Grade forces have changed the location of the association headquarters, and this planet in the middle of Glittering World has been moved to the Black Star Territory.

Since a large number of Transcendent A Grade rushed to the front line, the Transcendent A Grade Association has entered a state of suspension. At this moment, Han Xiao and other combatants returned to the Association, and the plenary meeting was held again after a year or so.

In the round table conference room, many members of the association gathered together. Compared with the full seats before the battle, there are now a lot of seats vacated, and each empty seat represents a victim.

"...That's how it is. At least eleven years, the World Tree will invade the mainland and reach the border of the Shining World..."

Han Xiao's tone was low, relaying the deliberations of the three major civilized combat meetings.

Listening to this information, all the Transcendent A Grade present were stern, and their hearts were heavy, and the atmosphere was serious and solemn.

"Eleven years, too short..."

A Transcendent A Grade couldn't help but speak, his tone worried.

This point of time was fleeting in the eyes of Transcendent A Grade, and even on the time scale of an ordinary person, it was less than a generation.

The astonishing offensive of the World Tree to break through the interception circle left a deep impression on the participants. The thought that the endless green tide would invade the mainland soon, like a disaster that swallowed all things, covering the entire explored universe little by little, everyone Then subconsciously, the nerves are tense, extremely jealous.

Kesuye knocked on the table and encouraged: "Think of a good place. We have at least eleven years to make preparations. Over the past year, we have also discovered many shortcomings of our own. We can take this opportunity to play against the World Tree. perfect."

Because he knows the truth about the sanctuary and iteration, he has always been a firm advocate, and is another backbone besides Han Xiao.

But after he finished speaking, many of the participants did not respond as they did in the past, but remained silent, and the members of the Anti-War Faction Association who were originally divided naturally did not respond in favor.

Dilron propped his elbows on the table and let out a joking sneer.

"Hey, I said earlier that when you go through the war, your attitude will change. Now you know that I am the right one? Look at you guys. How impassioned you were when you set off. Now? Come back! After paying so many lives of members of the Association, in the end it failed to stop the enemy from advancing. Tell me, what is the use of these people who sacrificed? It's just a waste of the only chance of recovery."

Hearing that, most of the participants clenched their fists or paws and were obviously aroused in anger, but no one retorted.

In fact, Dilron said this to their hearts. In the hundreds of billions of interstellar battlefields, many people felt their own insignificance. They watched the tragic deaths of those Transcendent A Grade big figures who usually call the wind and rain in the interstellar society, and other people participated in the battle. Faith is more and more shaken.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao frowned and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, shut up, at least we cooperated with the three major civilizations to delay the time for the World Tree to penetrate the mainland by one year."

"Heh, just one year..."

Dilron pouted his lips, disapproving, but he didn't dare to continue talking under Han Xiao's gaze.

Han Xiao no longer looked at him, glanced at everyone, and slowly said: "Anyway, these eleven years are the last period of preparation for war, and cannot be wasted. I will unconditionally borrow a series of cosmic treasures such as the Evolution Cube to enhance your strength. People with similar cosmic treasures should do the same. Everyone has stayed in the position of'star superstars' for too long. Some people have been unable to make progress for a long time and have been abandoned for training. I suggest everyone to carry out special training. a little."

"How to train? Who will train?" Kohler was curious.

Han Xiao pondered:

"The pinnacle Super A Grade of each system serves as a mentor, imparting experience and guiding routes, and as the chief instructor, I coordinate all special training plans. On the one hand, I must improve my personal strength and on the other hand, I must practice tactical cooperation against the enemy.

Moreover, everyone is trained in actual combat, and there is no need to worry about injury, Aurora is responsible for healing. In peacetime, we, as representatives of individual mighty forces, do not have the opportunity to do frequent hands-on. Now is not a time to worry about face and prestige. We must try our best to improve our combat power. Actual combat is the best way. Winning or losing is not important. It is the ability to improve ourselves. Focus. "

He does want to increase the average combat power of the Transcendent A Grade group, but on the other hand, he also feels that this is a reasonable excuse to find people to frequently compete, maybe he can gain more abilities.

Hearing that, everyone hesitated for a while, and there was no objection.

At this time, the secret master said in a deep voice:

"What if the three major civilizations finally lose?"

Han Xiao's eyes dropped, and slowly said:

"...I promise you that if things can't be done, I won't ask for anything. I will definitely take you to leave the explored universe and go to the endless sea of ​​stars. So these eleven years are also our resources and preparations for transferring our Transcendent A Grade forces. The time behind."

Han Xiao did not believe that the three major civilizations can definitely defeat the world tree. Now that the timeline is different, whether the world tree can be found is completely a mystery. The odds are unknown. If it is not found, the three major civilizations have almost no chance of winning, so he does. For the worst, we are ready to make arrangements for the association in advance.

If the three major civilizations are really cold, he will leave it here without mercy. The universe is so big that there is nowhere to go.

The regular meeting was held for a while, and all the talents dispersed.

When everyone was gone, Han Xiao exhaled, took out the communicator, contacted the vower, and asked about the progress of the collection of the sanctuary keys. The first sanctuary was naturally the first priority, and the flow of time was the most similar.

But Vower’s answer is that there is no material for the time being, and it will take some time.

"Hopefully, the second round of recovery can be started as soon as possible. The fighting spirit of the members of the association has been shaken."

Han Xiao secretly said.

Many resuscitators feel that they have consumed the only chance of recovery and will no longer need him in the future, so they are not obedient. Now they urgently need to correct these people’s ideas with the truth. The A-level group is more dependent on themselves, which means to fight.

At the same time, the two sisters walked out of the venue one after another.

Suddenly, Hela paused, and Aurora, with her head down, as if she hadn't noticed, hit her back at once, and then she recovered and raised her head blankly.

"What's wrong with you lately? Since you lifted your mind seal, your state is not quite right, and you often get lost in a daze, even during the meeting just now."

Hela looked back, frowning at the dazed Aurora.

"I..." Aurora squeezed her small fist, buried her head deeply, and hesitated: "I'm just thinking, if I am much stronger than now, will these things happen?"

"Oh?" Hela raised her brows and did not answer.

Aurora pursed her lips and muttered to herself:

"Black Star said that my current level is far from being able to display the true level of this ability. If I become stronger, I can summon more heroic spirits at any time. If I become stronger, I can resist. Staying in this thinking seal, if I become stronger, I won't have such a companion to fight to death..."

As she said, her voice became more and more lost, with a deep self-blame.

"It's all because I am not strong enough!"

Hela looked at her quietly, waited until she had vented her emotions, and then spoke blankly:

"Yes, it's because you are not strong enough! They are all comforting you, saying that it is not your fault, but in my eyes it is your problem. If you have a peak Transcendent A Grade level, the losses in this battle can be avoided! "

Hearing this, Aurora twisted her fingers and became more ashamed.

After becoming Transcendent A Grade a few years ago, she no longer needs to be controlled by Black Star and Hela, her heart is wild, and she feels that she is finally able to leap and fly high.

Her own abilities can guarantee survival, she inherited the powerful Underworld Heroes, and was sought after by a large number of members of the association, and even had life-saving equipment given by the Black Star, and she had all kinds of trump cards innate, so she slackened and stopped playing. For training.

Until this time suffered a setback, Aurora regretted not working hard in the past few years.

Aurora looked up at Hela's eyes, bit her lower lip, and made up her mind:

"Sister, can you help me with special training?"

The corner of Hela's mouth evokes an invisible arc of relief, then he straightened his face and said lightly:

"Then you are mentally prepared, I will not be soft."


The world of secondary dimensions.

This is a space filled with black liquid matter, like a deep ocean where you can't see your fingers.

A fleet is slowly advancing, like a group of sailing submarines.

This is one of the first sub-dimension expedition teams sent out by the three major civilizations. After a year of trekking, it has long gone deep into the sub-dimension and far away from the shallow control of the three civilizations.

At this moment, in the simple single room in the living cabin of one of the battleships, Harrison was pacing back and forth anxiously, chanting:

"On the main universe side, the World Tree has penetrated the interception circle of the three major civilizations. If we don’t speed up the progress here, the enemy will not be able to invade the homeland for too long... How can we find the one that Black Star said? thing?"

Due to poor communication in the secondary dimension, the expedition team could not maintain a stable call with their hometown, and could only occasionally report the situation. During the last exchange of information, Harrison’s expedition team learned the news that the interception circle was broken. He became anxious.

After searching for more than a year, the expedition team has found nothing, and even the World Tree troops have never been seen.

The secondary dimensions are endless. New dimensions are born and old dimensions are shattered at every moment. The positional relationship between the secondary dimensions is elusive and constantly changing. If no coordinates are specified, the difficulty of finding things is far beyond the main universe.

"If you try your luck like this, the chances are too low, when will you find the clue..."

Harrison clenched his fists, and his mind was distressed at the thought of his hometown being threatened by the aggressor.

But Harrison, who was immersed in emotions, did not notice that in the dark deep sea outside the porthole, a huge shadow vaguely swam through, which was almost indistinguishable in the dark. What was peculiar was that even the fleet's multifunctional radar warning hadn't noticed it.