MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1363 Chunmeng has no trace, the final preparation period

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Han Xiao and his party withdrew from the battlefield and returned to the main base of the interception circle in the rear. The World Tree army has not rushed here and has not been affected by the war.

The rear troops of the three major civilizations and the major forces have lined up in long queues, putting in different high-dimensional apocalypse teleporters in batches, and withdrawing to explore the universe.

A group of people boarded an evacuation main ship, while waiting for the team's turn, while watching the real-time monitoring of the battlefield.

I saw that the three major civilizations on the screen had begun to shrink their forces and quickly stopped the losses, and the battle line composed of starships receded like a flood.

Kant looked for a while and shook his head, "It seems that the three major civilizations have completely decided to abandon the interception circle."

"Death fight is useless, it only increases casualties, so naturally we have to retreat." Manison said lightly.

"But this retreat will not be able to prevent the World Tree from approaching the territory. Sooner or later, it will start a war on the mainland and fall into the rhythm of the opponent to fight and support the war."

Clottey shook his head. Since Reeve and others recovered, his words have become more frequent, and he seldom puts on the coldness that strangers would not get near before.

A group of people chatted casually about the battle, so as to calm the emotions of the **** battle of talents.

And Han Xiao did not join their conversation, watching the ceremony of unblocking Aurora by many spiritual abilities.

After watching for a long time, he suddenly noticed that a lot of Transcendent A Grade began to sweat, he couldn't help but wonder, and asked:

"How is the progress now?"

"It's weird." Kesuye squeezed his forehead and said in amazement, "We have weakened the seal by more than 95%, leaving only the last thin layer, but encountered unprecedented resistance, and the last bit of seal crystal The wall suddenly became indestructible, as if there was infinite strength supporting its existence."

"Is there such a thing?"

Han Xiao raised his brows and immediately thought of the characteristics of Mirage·Heart Lock.

It seems that the target who has won this trick will fall into the dream of desire weaving. The more serious and nostalgic, the stronger the seal.

He looked at Aurora carefully, and as the seal was broken layer by layer, her expression was no longer dull. At this time, she closed her eyes and frowned, showing a slight pain, as if she was saying "Don't disturb "My mother is daydreaming".

Could it be that the subconscious senses the threat of dreams that are about to disappear, so they take the illusion more seriously, take the initiative to secure the seal, and fight against the unblockers?

What is this dream, let this girl wish to sleep for a long time but not wake up? !

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth twitched, and he reluctantly retracted his gaze and patted Kesuye, "Then can you unblock it?"

"Don't worry, although the seal barrier is much stronger, we will be able to wear it through sooner or later if so many of us work together." Kesuye didn't look back.

Han Xiao had to believe him and waited patiently beside him.

After a long while, Kesuye and his party suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, their faces were happy, and they were about to say that it was done.

But before they could say anything, Aurora suddenly opened her eyes, woke up from the coma, and let out a stern cry:

"Do not--"

The shrill shouts frightened everyone, and even the many Transcendent A Grades who were analyzing the situation not far away stopped chatting and looked over in surprise.

It was a happy thing for the nanny to wake up, but everyone was frightened and confused by the voice.

Seeing a pair of suspicious eyes staring at her, Aurora suddenly recovered, and hurriedly shut her mouth, but her expression was still a bit trance, as if she hadn't adapted to the feeling of leaving the dream, she was distinguishing whether it was real or illusion at this time.

However, perception and memory gradually calibrated, and Aurora slowly determined that he was really awake this time.

At this time, Han Xiao came out more and more, stood in front of Aurora, raised his hand to touch her head, and cared: "Your thought seal has been lifted, how do you feel?"

Aurora raised her head and glanced at Han Xiao, her delicate face suddenly reddened like a fire, she quickly turned her head to the side, dodged her eyes, and stammered:

"I'm fine... how are you?"

"What can I have a problem?" Han Xiao couldn't help feeling curious when seeing her look strange, "What did you dream of in the seal?"


Aurora was speechless, twisted, seemingly not wanting to say.

At this moment, Hela came over, raised her hand and patted her head, with dissatisfaction:

"Ask you, what did you dream of, why don't you even open your memory to me?"

"Don't, don't ask! It's not an important thing anyway..."

Aurora glanced at Hela, then retracted her gaze in shock, and remembered the experience in the dream, her cheeks reddened, as if bleeding.

Seeing her strange performance, Han Xiao and Hela looked at each other and exchanged surprised eyes.

But since Aurora didn't want to say it, they were too lazy to persecute, anyway, people are already awake, there is no need to go into the details, maybe they are the secrets in others' hearts, it is not convenient to say them.

Han Xiao gave Aurora a needle, checked the status, and saw that Aurora's attributes had returned to normal, so he no longer entangled Aurora's dream.

When everyone saw this, they came forward and asked for warmth, squeezing Han Xiao and Hela aside.

Aurora's mood gradually returned to normal, but she still didn't dare to face Han Xiao. Suddenly she remembered something, her face turned straight, and asked: "You are all here, is the battle over, what about the casualties?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's expressions became slightly stiff, and they sighed, and the atmosphere quickly became low. You will tell me how she was fighting after she was unconscious.

Hearing the loss of the battle, Aurora was taken aback, followed by a little guilt, and said:

"Hug, sorry, I missed the enemy's tactics for a while, failed to come in handy, and made more people sacrifice..."

"It's not to blame you, it's all the enemy's means, you are just a victim." Han Xiao rubbed her head, and the soft blond hair slid across his palm.

"But if that enemy uses this trick next time, I will..."

Han Xiao waved his hand, interrupted her, and smiled: "Don't be afraid, the tree king who dealt with you has been imprisoned by me in Amber, and will never threaten you again."

"You are still so good to me... ahem."

Aurora spoke subconsciously, half-talking, and suddenly remembered that this was not a dream, so she shut her mouth quickly, bowed her head and coughed, concealing the abnormal emotion in her eyes.

But everyone didn't care about her expression, and sighed with emotion.

"Thanks to Black Star for grabbing the tree king, otherwise the next time they fight, if they seal Aurora again, we will still suffer heavy casualties like today." Milizaus shook his head.

Guzar lightly sighed: "From this point of view, Black Star has cleared the troubles this time, and it is already pretty good, but it's a pity that those sacrificed comrades..."

"You can't say that. Since the enemy has this technique, it will be used sooner or later, so our casualties are inevitable. When the enemy first appeared to use this technique, Black Star seized the opportunity to catch him back. Try to use the least cost to stop the loss in the future, the credit is huge." Begel said immediately.

Hearing that, everyone thought about it and found it reasonable.

This is the enemy's trump card, and it is impossible for Black Star to prevent others from using it in advance. It is impossible to complain about Black Star, and this hidden danger is eliminated for the first time, which is the best result.

When everyone was feeling emotional, Emersy stepped forward, touched Aurora's head, breathed a sigh of relief, and chuckled:

"You are fine, it is more important than anything."

"Teacher, I... I'm sorry."

Aurora lowered her head timidly, her face flushed with guilt, and she did not dare to look up at each other.

Emersy would be wrong, and comforted: "It's okay, don't blame yourself. Although you are not able to protect me, it is not your fault. Isn't I good?"


Hearing that, Aurora became more embarrassed, twisted her hands together, and buried her head deeper, almost burying her head in the deep gully in front of her chest like an ostrich.

At this moment, the evacuated team finally lined up with them, and everyone stopped chatting.

I saw that the spacecraft entered the high-dimensional apocalypse transporter with the fleet, and the two huge mechanical rings began to rotate, and the rays of light joined together, flashing abruptly, sending everyone back to the Shining World.


After Han Xiao and his party withdrew from the battlefield, the situation developed as Simon said. The defenses of the theaters were broken, and the World Tree army drove straight in from various areas, spreading rapidly, and a vicious cycle of snowball occurred, and the interception circle was as if eroded. The same, gradually became riddled with holes.

Because the interception circle is no longer able to recover, the three major civilizations did not continue to recruit Transcendent A Grade to fight, and no longer insist on frontal confrontation. They have been shrinking and withdrawing troops and equipment to recover costs, so as not to be completely wiped out by the World Tree fleet.

This process lasted for about ten days before the World Tree Army completely broke through the interception circle. The three major civilizations also withdrew all the fleets and equipment that should be recovered, and the fortifications that could not be taken away were destroyed in place and built for a year. Only countless metal junk floating in the universe remained in the interception circle, like an artificial meteorite belt.

In the universe that has been explored, the three major civilizations and the command headquarters held a follow-up meeting after the interception circle disappeared.

Among all Transcendent A Grades, Han Xiao was the only representative to listen in.

In the huge conference room, the leaders of the three major civilizations listened to the military report sullenly. Simon, the commander-in-chief of the interception circle, was reading a strategic analysis:

"...The interception circle has been abolished. We have lost the biggest barrier preventing the advancement of the World Tree. The war has entered a new stage.

During this year, we sent an engineering team to move from the interception circle to the direction of the shining world, and we kept arranging traps and fortifications along the way for this day. When the World Tree advances toward our territory and enters a vast strategic depth zone, we can harass and intercept.

Although there is no way to stop them from moving forward, at least it can delay their sailing speed..."

At this moment, Mabrus interrupted him, clicked the desktop, and asked:

"In this way, can we find a way to establish another interception circle?"

Hearing this, Simon shook his head and sighed:

"With all due respect, before finding the ontology of the World Tree, all tactics are just symptomatic...The establishment of another interception circle requires a lot of resources to be invested. I believe that the World Tree has this experience and will use the same means to attack next time. Our military strength will once again be massively depleted, right in the arms of the opponent.

Moreover, site selection is also a problem. For us, most areas in this strategic deep zone are also places that we have never set foot in. We cannot go there at will. The earliest engineering team can build new ones at most one year away from the World Tree. Interception circle, time is too tight.

And if a new group of engineering teams set off from the border of Glittering World, there will be plenty of time to build an interception circle, but..."

"Just what?"

Louis asked.

Simon frowned and told the truth: "The General Staff did not agree with this plan very much. Based on the speed and drifting time of the Kunde survivors, we have calculated the approximate distance of the World Tree from us, based on their sailing speed. It is estimated that it will take about eleven years to reach our territory. Under our interception and delay, this value will be extended, but it will not be long."

The head of the Ethereal Sect immediately questioned:

"Eleven years...this is enough to build a stronger interception circle, what's wrong?"

"It can be possible, but the staff believes that it is a better choice to build a strong wall and clear the country in the border area. Use destructive means to develop the border of the shining world that has not been explored, drain the planet resources in these areas, and then actively change at least five star clusters. It becomes a barren universe without leaving a single piece of hair on the world tree, and establishes a line of defense here.

After all, this is our home field. This is not only convenient for rear mobile support, but also can greatly reduce the area of ​​the defense line, save excess force consumption, and the battlefield is closer to home, which can also stimulate the resistance of the entire universe.

If we set up a new interception circle in an unexplored area separated by countless distances, it will consume too much of our troops. It will inevitably be dragged by the World Tree into the war of attrition they are good at, which is even more unfavorable..."

Simon explained in a deep voice.

Hearing that, many high-level officials present were whispering to discuss the pros and cons of this plan.

The three major civilization leaders showed a pensive expression. After a while, they turned to look at Han Xiao next to him and asked:

"Black Star, what do you think?"

Han Xiao shook his head, and said: "I don't have much opinion, but it is necessary to strengthen the walls and clear the fields. Instead of leaving those planets to the world tree to swallow, it is better to fish out and use a planet smasher to develop the planets that shine on the border of the world and make enemies If they can’t be supplemented, we won’t lose too much even if they call.”

He has already done what he can. Compared with the extremely bad start of the previous life, the situation of the three major civilizations is now countless times better, and he can't give more advice on war.

After all, the war trend of the three major civilizations and the world tree is completely different from the previous life, and he can't determine the final trend of each plan. The best choice at present is to trust professional military personnel.

‘In the shortest eleven years, the World Tree will be able to penetrate the three major civilizations...This time is the final period of preparation for war and must be grasped. ’

Han Xiao exhaled, his mood fluctuating.

On the way to World Tree, there is a high probability that the three major civilizations will not need advanced combat power to block harassment, which means that their Transcendent A Grade do not need to be on standby all the time and can freely arrange their schedules.

He plans to devote some time to vigorously cultivate those Transcendent A Grade seeds, hoping to give birth to more Trans A Grade, and at the same time let Carrot grow up as soon as possible.

On the other hand, I can also take the opportunity to settle a wave. The experience provided by the player is definitely enough to break through 360 and complete the advancement in one year.

And when the mechanic is the strongest, it's not the moment when he just advanced.

Only after using the advanced power to completely update your own mechanical corps and mechanical equipment, is the peak moment of a mechanic!

The preparation period for the last eleven years was a rare opportunity for him to digest advanced power!

After these two fights with the tree king, Han Xiao has already noticed his current shortcomings. Although singled out to win the heart tree king or the town tree king, everyone is the strong at the same level, with their own explosive cards, almost It is impossible to quickly defeat the opponent, and the battlefield environment is complex, and the mechanical unit is the biggest target. There are too many interference factors that affect the performance of combat power.

Although his energy level is very high, he is still the peak Transcendent A Grade in essence, and there is no qualitative change. Only by having the power to sublimate can he solve this problem.

"Wait until the next match, I hope to give the world a ‘surprise’!"

Han Xiao narrowed his eyes.

However, these thoughts were just a flash, and he was crushed in his heart.

He is very clear that the first task at the moment is not these plans, but waiting for the Vower to gather the keys of the new sanctuary, enter the sanctuary again, and use the recovered truth to strengthen the belief of the entire Transcendent A Grade group to participate in the war!