MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 1477 Keep history in mind and open up the future

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The black tornado storm that penetrated the sky, between the scrolls, even attracted many large stars in all directions, two different forces collided with each other, allowing Yunchuan's Shenhai Divine Power to become avatars. At this moment, Shenhai's divine power is constantly transpiration.

The Lord of the Forgotten River, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of the Heavenly Ghosts, all of them also tried to resist under the attack of the Dark Creator. After the Dark Creator formed this tornado storm, the Lord of God added Both Li Lie and Yi Yi Mo Zhu also similarly merged their respective strengths into them.

Right now, under the attack of the Dark Founder, whether it is Yunchuan or the Lord of Forgotten Rivers, from which aspect it looks, they are facing the front of the Dark Founder, despite the strength of the Lord of Forgotten Rivers. The same, but the strength that can be exerted is too much, and it can even absorb and combine the powers of the two masters of Yiyi Demon and God.

This is because there is a part of the blood founder's will of the Dark Founder left by Yunchuan in the god's body of the Dark Founder, which prevents him from exerting his full strength, and he has to leave a part of his will to suppress that will again. Otherwise, the pressure on several people in Yunchuan will be even greater.

The strength of the creators of darkness was presented to them in complete integrity at this moment. This demon king, which once inspired a dark age, was not terrible, but the devil was extremely horrible.


However, after this confrontation lasted for dozens of breaths, the black tornado storm that dissipated through the sky suddenly dissipated, like a water wave, and disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"I'll let you go this time!"

The creator of the dark groaned, and the magical energy was shaking. At this moment, the bodies of the two masters of Yiyi Demon and Jiali Lie were directly wrapped around, and they bounced away.

After the disappearance of the tornado storm, the figures of the creators of darkness, the Lord of Demon Change, and Kale are also disappearing without trace.

"Why did he leave?"

The ghost fire in the eyes of the Lord of the Ghosts flickered. In the confrontation just before, although their power fell into the downwind, but with their heritage, they were still able to resist and did not reveal defeat.

"Look at the stunned star."

Yunchuan narrowed his eyes, looked toward the sky, and slowly said, "Before I was affected, the strength of the Dark Creator did not return to its heyday, but now, in turn, it affects me. Because he mobilized the power on the Strange Star. "

The Lord of the Forgotten River flickered and said: "The Dark Creator, under the power of the Strange Star, can suppress me in turn, but after that period of time, the brightness on the Strange Star is now Dimmed a bit again, I'm afraid that this transfer, even for the creators of darkness and the stunned star, can't do whatever they want, otherwise the will on the stunned star will be greatly affected. "

A few people looked at the distant starry stars that were dotted with ripples and folds in the distant place. As far as the eyes of the few people looked, through the overlapping voids, they could clearly see that there were some psychedelic stars. The magic crater on the star has been extinguished at this moment, and the monster is withered.

During this period of time, the power of the scourge has been weakened, and it has become weaker and weaker. It has not only been one time, but many times it has attracted the power of the scourge of the scourge, and many monsters on the scourge of the scourge Each one is withered due to the passing of this fascinating star power.

"No wonder the Dark Founder shot so aggressively. It turned out to be just a stunned shot. I shouldn't let a few people run away until I wait, but I will be entangled with these people. It is estimated that I can confuse the scourge The speed at which the will is born has slowed down again by a few points. "

At the moment, the Lord of the Other Side has also reacted, giggling, and immediately thought of something, and his face became serious again, saying: "However, the Dark Creator, the monster, actually has such means. The degree of threat is far more than other monsters. Moreover, although his method of mobilizing the power of the stunned star disaster cannot be used for a long time and often, I will rely on this method as long as I place an order. Coupled with the siege of Shangyi Demon Lord and Jiali Lie, one of us can be directly damaged. This situation has to be prevented! "

The Lord of Forgetting nodded and said, "This situation really needs to be guarded a little more, and it worries me, and it's not just this. Several people have seen from previous empty scenes at that time. The stunned disaster star, the power has expanded to a point where it can't be added. There are even dozens or even dozens of demons coming together. At that time, if I still have the current strength, there will be absolutely no Any vitality. \ "

The faces of several people became extremely dignified, especially the Lord of Forgetting. Although she said that she had awakened some memories of previous lives, the previous scene, especially after she died, fell into the underworld. Such a scene later made her water-cut eyes filled with water vapor.

Many existences of God ’s homeland left their backhands before dying, but most of these backhands have been inherited, and most of them have been wiped out by many demons, but the spirit of singing and weeping is passed on today. Come down.

\ "Senior sages have done so much for us. Now the power of the Dark Age is not as good as before. We must not only resist this dark invasion, but also do our part and battle, and do not repeat this cycle!"

Yunchuan's voice was hoarse, slowly speaking, his voice was full of firmness.

He has also learned many secrets that he didn't know before.

The dark age invasion that occurred a long time ago, the horrifying power that made everyone trembled, and the Tianxuan world that developed into the heyday at the time did not resist the power of the dark age.

However, under this horrible and overbearing power, the Tianxuan world was not completely extinct, but left a trace of vitality. The previous Yunchuan thought that many of the predecessors in the Tianxuan world had saved the Tianxuan. The power of the world, but after seeing those scenes from a long time ago, it was for Yunchuan to understand that it was not the situation he had previously guessed.