MTL - The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family-Chapter 457 Old problem

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  Yan Laoer invited him to the main room, accompanied by Mrs. Cui.

  Li Xuemei greeted Yan Yu into the house, and the two of them closed the door and whispered.

   "Mother, is Dad sick again?" Yan Yu asked solemnly.

  Li Xuemei chuckled, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's still that old problem."

  Yan Yu rolled her big eyes, and complained: "There can't be someone who treats him well, and he feels uncomfortable all over if he treats him well, why can't the problem of scratching his heart and liver and wanting to repay him back go to the root?!"

  Li Xuemei smiled, but didn't speak.

Yan Yu turned her head with a troubled look on her face: "I understand, I understand. Dad has been lacking in love since he was a child. He wants to pay back ten points when he is treated halfway. I understand him, but mother, Dad wants to equalize the rich and the poor now. All my wealth, no, I'm not rich yet!"

  Yan Yu wrinkled a small face, worried that her mother's body could not be twisted close to her, so she looked at her pitifully.

   "Mother, you have to make the decision for me!" Yan Yu said with a sad face.

   "Okay, I'll put away that pitiful picture for you." Li Xuemei glared at her.

  Yan Yu immediately drew a semicircle in front of him mischievously, and shouted: "Take it!"

  Grinning and sticking to it, she moved softly beside Li Xuemei, pinching her throat and prolonging her voice: "Mother—"

  Li Xuemei straightened the small square scarf on her head.

   opened the mouth and said: "Your father saw that you could figure out a way to make money without relying on the prescriptions on the bamboo slips, so he started thinking about it, and he knew it was not good, otherwise he wouldn't talk so little."

  If Yan Laoer really wanted to convince someone, his words would be dense and dense, and he would definitely not be as strenuous as he is now.

   "Hmph..." Yan Yu rubbed the hair on her forehead until it curled up. "Mom, you have to stand by my side, you can't let daddy do this, he is bullying me."

"Mother told him that he doesn't take advantage of me." Li Xuemei softened her voice and said, "My family's eldest treasure is sensible and sensible. My daughter worries about family affairs and village affairs. No matter what our family does, we don't care. I didn't only think about myself, although I can't bring everyone to make a fortune, there will always be some small profits. My daughter went to Fengming to buy food in cold weather, and went to Beirong to explore the road. How many hardships did she suffer... Your father is fine, just open your mouth. If you want to hand over the bamboo slips, they belong to you, and he doesn't count."

  Yan Yu laughed so hard that her eyes disappeared, she pursed her lips in joy, her heart was bubbling with beauty.

  Li Xuemei spoke softly about Yan Huaiwen's plan to wait for an official after the middle school next year.

  Yan Yu's reaction was great.

   I have to say that Yan Yu, the second son of Yan, sometimes have something in common.

   "Why does uncle have to wait for the official? Waiting for the next subject to take the exam is not sure, or do you think the money at home is not enough to go to Beijing to take the exam?"

Her little head was running fast: "I've done the calculations. It's the cheapest way to go to Beijing by water. We have our own boat. We can drag it out of the cellar if we find a chance. If it's not big enough, we can put two boats together and go to the capital. It's just spending money on food and lodging. There's still a year left, so how can our family make money.

   That's right, I haven't paid my uncle an account, and my uncle doesn't know how much our business has earned. are right, it is time to give the uncle an account. "

  Yan Yu frowned, her face solemn.

"Although I only read the beginning of Uncle's book, this kind of novels are all a routine. The protagonist never stops halfway through the imperial examination, and they all rush forward. If you really wait for three years, Uncle will still be here. Is the officialdom running rampant?... If we say that the only variable is our family, is it because of us that the plot has been changed for Uncle?"

  Li Xuemei said calmly: "Don't be affected by the content of the book, we are the ones who live the life, and with your uncle's disposition, even if you wait for three years, there will be no hindrance."

  Yan Yu agrees very much: "That's true, uncle should be an official, and he has to be a high official. The master's style is much worse than that of uncle..."

"Your master..." Li Xuemei thought about how to say it, and said slowly: "It is true that he sincerely wants to teach your father well, but he doesn't know your father's real age. , painting a tiger is not an anti-dog..."

  Yan Yu didn't understand, and asked naively, "What do you mean?"

   "Your father has learned some so-called officialdom skills, and he didn't say what he should say, so this misunderstanding..."

  Yan Yu is really convinced, what her father has learned.

Li Xuemei was thoughtful: "It seems that your master should be very good to your father, and your father has learned to be like this." She glanced at her notebook where she sewed a few stitches when she had nothing to do, and said: "Now Your father has made great progress in memorizing and copying books, and he is also full of energy, there should be reasons for this."

  She finally concluded: "Your father is such a person."

  Yan Yu nodded approvingly, and said with emotion: "Father is very easy to get on top, easy to take care of others..."

  Li Xuemei couldn't help laughing again, her daughter used the same words to describe her father.


  With Mrs. Cui helping out, the conversation with Yan's second son went very smoothly.

  The Tofu Lady finally chose to become a shareholder, and the dividends will be distributed for ten years, and then she will bring her family's children to work in Xiao'an Village.

  Ms. Cui saw that the business was almost done, so she gave an overview of the tragedy of her family in a few words.

  Yan's second son's eyes were red when he heard it.

  He turned around uncomfortably, and pressed his eyes with the motion of adding tea.

"We have also been to Gufeng. Although our village has not been settled for a long time, it is no worse than Gufeng in terms of safety. Can you see the ladies of the arrow towers in the village? We have people guarding them every day, watching the surroundings. The movement is to guard against Bei Rong..."

He paused, and then said: "My family's tofu business wants to expand. It is currently doing business in the village because the shop has not been repaired. Once it is cleaned up there, the wife's family may have to go to Fucheng to work. By then You can live in a shop."

  The tofu lady said happily: "Boss, we must do a good job."

Mrs. Cui smiled and said: "That's great, you don't have to be angry with your sister-in-law, Gufeng is not as good as a mansion, to be honest, our Xiao'an Village is not bad, oh my sister, when will you come over, my sister's family has a car , when the time comes, let your brother-in-law and our dogs pick you up. Do you have a lot of things to bring? My second brother's ox cart can hold more..."

  Yan Er Er answered: "What my sister said is that we are not outsiders. When will you come to talk to me? I happen to be at home these days, and I will go to help you."

  The tofu lady was so moved that she couldn't stop crying while laughing: "No need, just a few of us."

Yan Laoer said sincerely: "You're welcome, it's settled like this, you have to find someone for that mill, that mill, that old Shen, and we will do business in partnership in the future, and the account will be divided into two families, in fact, it is one family. When the contract comes I'll bring it too, please let the village head of our village and your village head, the surname is Yang, please come and be a witness, our business is in Fucheng, and then take the deed to the yamen of Fucheng to get a seal , that's fine, my lady just put her heart in her stomach, our family is a responsible family, and we won't play tricks like ghosts..."

  The first update, the second update before 0:00~

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