MTL - The Life Through Books of the Salted Fish Family-Chapter 456 private conversation

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  Chapter 456 Husband and wife talk privately

"Charcoal belongs to small profits but quick turnover. Our family has a limited amount of fragrant soap every month. Not to mention paper, and you can't make much money by selling it. The same goes for maltose, which cannot be made with food for the time being. Lipstick tooth powder shampoo and purple Herb ointment does not seem to be able to be sold in volume, and only the cloth dyeing business can do it."

  Yan Yu talked eloquently, her voice was crisp and clear.

"The white cotton cloth needs to be dyed black and blue by the dyeing bureau for seventy-five cents of the silver, which is still the official price, and the folk dyeing bureau is even more expensive. Moreover, it is cold in Guanzhou, and it takes too long to dye many times. There are too many dyeing bureaus." It is not accepted.

My mother and I have studied the entire bamboo slips. Although it says indigo dyeing, in fact, the color of the dyed cloth can be used in all ways. Plants, trees and flowers can be colored. As long as you master the method of coloring and fixing the color, red, pink, yellow, green, purple and blue Black... We dye whatever color nature has! "

  Yan Yu became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke, clenching her little fists.

"Build a dye vat and maintain it carefully. It can be dyed for a long time. Only the cost of building the vat is the initial cost, and the subsequent labor costs are almost negligible. If we can start from indigo dyeing and develop various colors, there will be a cloth dyeing workshop." , father, you said that you want to hand over the future cloth dyeing workshop, your current reasons are not enough to convince me."

  Yan's second child was speechless at this girl who had done a lot of preparatory work in advance and took the matter of dyeing cloth to heart.

  Li Xuemei looked at him, and suddenly said: "Xiao Er, go to your aunt's house and invite someone to sit in our house."

  Yan Yuzheng was talking about the above, and when she heard the words, she turned her head and looked at Li Xuemei.

   With a hum, he dressed neatly and got off the kang.

  After she left, Li Xuemei asked directly: "What are you going to do with the money?"

  Don't say anything that you can hand over to your elder brother and give it to your family.

In the past few months, Li Xuemei has also noticed that Old Yan is a real patriarch, but he doesn't care about saving money and spending at home. He likes the feeling of being surrounded by his younger brother and children. When he repays the bill, he enjoys the atmosphere of family bonding at that moment, and the same is true for giving money to his younger brother and children.

  A person with introverted feelings expresses his care for his loved ones through the most vulgar and common things.

   Those silver coins and copper plates can also be regarded as Yan Huaiwen's love and care.

  As long as the family is not short of money, the eldest brother has never taken the initiative to ask about the accounts of the family.

  Yan's second son leaned in front of his wife, put his arms around her, and put his head lightly on Li Xuemei's shoulder. "If I really don't do anything, I think it should be given to the elder brother."

  Li Xuemei patted his hand, encouraging him to continue talking.

   "In addition to the big girl's marriage... the eldest brother also said one thing, after the exam next year, he may go to wait for the official..."

   "Waiting officer?" Li Xuemei looked puzzled, pushed his head away, and turned sideways so that the two faced each other.

"The imperial court has this regulation. If you win the Juren, you can go to the capital to wait for the official, or you can wait for the vacancy in the government. Do you have to wait for the vacancy in Guanzhou? The big mansion is short of people, and when we arrive in Guanzhou, our eldest brother can probably pick one..."

   "What time is it, you're still joking." Li Xuemei scolded.

  Yan Er Er laughed and said, "I'm used to it..."

   "Brother doesn't plan to take the entrance exam?" Li Xuemei thinks it's wrong. This is different from what the girl said, isn't it that he will become a high official in the future?

"Big brother said that he wants to prepare for another three years. If he wins the exam, he will go to Beijing for the next exam." Yan Laoer frowned and said, "But I don't think so. If you are not sure, shouldn't you study at home with peace of mind, or I'm looking for a good academy to study seriously for a few years, why would I want to wait for an official...

  I actually don’t quite understand what’s going on here. Can a person continue to take the exam after becoming an official? The eldest brother said yes, maybe it is okay... But daughter-in-law, do you think that the elder brother thinks that our family is poor, so he doesn't go to school and chooses to work part-study like this? "

  Yan's second child inevitably thinks a little more.

   After all, the daughter is young and has never been out of the school, and the two of them live as Yan's second husband and wife. In fact, there is always a pressure in their hearts.

  If the family can be separated at the beginning, it will be fine for their family to live their own little life.

   Seeing Lao Yan, their good elder brother has no intention of separating the family, and the family must take care of all aspects of life.

   What he said before to prepare for the big girl in advance is not a lie. A woman's dowry is too important, and that is the confidence in her husband's family in the future.

   Also, if the elder brother and Heng Er want to go all the way to the entrance exam, they also need a lot of money.

   "Why don't you tell the child directly." Li Xuemei stared at him and said calmly: "We all know Xiaoyu's temperament, as long as you explain the truth, she is not a child who values ​​money."

"Actually... I didn't think about it. After all, only my daughter can see the things on the platform. Didn't we both say that those things belong to our eldest treasure, and we will raise the second treasure according to the children here. She should keep it a secret and not let her know about it.

  So, whether those handwritten books or bamboo slips, they are all our great treasures.

  I don’t have the heart to dig our daughter’s corner to stick at home... Well, how can I put it, I feel that our side is doing very well, and the big brother has no money to use it, so it’s not good..."

  The family didn’t have enough money, so the elder brother had to find a way to make money, so instead of studying hard, he went to wait for some official.

Yan Lao Er said with a serious expression: "Let me tell you, these waiting officials are all low-level officials of the eighth or ninth rank, and their salary is not much. After several years, if they concentrate on studying, the elder brother will be more confident. The teacher said, the more you go The more difficult it is to pass the exam, thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge..."

  Li Xuemei heard the movement outside, and her daughter was invited over.

   said: "You will negotiate the tofu business for my daughter first. If it is early, I will go around the village and come back after dinner. I will talk to our Dabao."

  Yan Laoer looked happy, and suddenly felt that with the leadership of his family, he would surely succeed.

Li Xuemei saw through his little thoughts, and gave him a blank look: "Don't think too much, for now, your reasons haven't convinced me, I think you've been wasted by Teacher Tian's side, and you have a lot of problems with your studies. Zangfeng is not revealing, and the meaning is deep and the aftertaste is deep, you can hide it and hold it back, but it is a bit crooked, what kind of mind is playing with your daughter."

  As if you could beat her.

   Your perception of yourself is too biased!

Yan Lao Er said aggrievedly: "The teacher said that you should think more about things, don't always speak bluntly. In the future, when you deal with scholars, you will have to be in the cloud. Talking about it makes people feel confused. I've been thinking about it for a while, daughter-in-law, let me put it this way, I've learned it for nothing."

  Li Xuemei glanced at the sheepskin coat on the kang, pointed at it and said, "Look at this dress, it must have been worn on a sheep, put it on Gou Zhu, Gou Zhu is still a dog, not a sheep."

Gou Zhu was lying obediently in the room, when his name was mentioned, he pricked up his ears, stood up and shook his hair, jumped onto the kang one by one, the dog's head arched and arched, got under the clothes, and came from the other side. One end pops out.

   Sticking out his tongue, he walked briskly in front of Li Xuemei and Yan Laoer, and showed them in circles.

  Li Xuemei laughed and nodded her dog's head.

  Yan’s second child: …

   One more ha~



  (end of this chapter)