MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3361 Patriarch

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Chapter 3361 Patriarch (for subscription)

Volume One, Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five

Xia Xi hugged Zhao Fu and said coquettishly, "Okay? Don't conflict with Yuan Dao. From now on, our sisters are all yours, and you have treated your wife like this. Are you out of breath?"

Concubine Yuan said, "What you did to me is regarded as an apologize, and my family will not conflict with you. You can also take Xueyu away."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "If you become my woman, I will consider it, otherwise I will never accept it."

Concubine Yuan hesitated and nodded thinking of her family.

Zhao Fu showed a slight smile, "Well, I also promised not to conflict with you as much as possible, and I will not pursue this matter."

Concubine Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Xi smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You now take me to Xueyu's place!"

Xia Xi smiled.

Later, Xia Xi took Zhao Fu to Xueyu's room. Xueyu saw Zhao Fu who came in and stood there, but he didn't expect Zhao Fu to come to her so quickly.

Zhao Fu smiled, "Snowfish!"

Xueyu threw himself into Zhao Fu's arms happily, "Msang Gong!"

Concubine Yuan was a little complicated looking at the scene before her. She never thought that she and Xueyu would become the woman of the man in front of her.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Don't think I am?"

Xueyu nodded, "I thought I would wait a long time before you come back to rescue me!"

Zhao Fu explained with a smile, "Knowing that you were taken away, I couldn't make it the first time. Didn't I say to protect you?"

Xueyu looked at Zhao Fu moved, took the initiative to kiss Zhao Fu, and apologized, "I'm sorry for the trouble, Xianggong, have you found Bafang Water World?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "No, your business is the most important."

Xueyu embraced Zhao Fu sweetly.

Concubine Yuan was surprised, "Are you looking for Bafang Water World?"

Zhao Fu looked at the Yuan concubine and said, "Does the Yuan family also have an all-around water world?"

Concubine Yuan nodded and said, "My Yuan family does have an all-around water world, but now in the hands of the patriarch!"

Zhao Fu was surprised, "Are you sure?"

Concubine Yuan said, "Of course, the Bafang Water World has been in our Yuan family for a long time."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "This is a blessing in disguise."

Xueyu said, "Congratulations, Xianggong!"

Zhao Fu said, "It may take a few days to wrong you, and I will take you away when I get the water world of Bafang."

Xueyu nodded with a smile.

Zhao Fu looked at Concubine Yuan, "I want to know some information about the Yuan family, please tell me something."

Concubine Yuan said, "Yes, but you have to remember the agreement with me."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "No problem!"

After grasping some information, Zhao Fu began to think about how to obtain the Bafang Water World. This Bafang Water World has been kept by the patriarch. If it is placed somewhere, it is relatively easy to obtain, but Zhao Fu basically cannot get it if it is carried by the patriarch. To meet with the patriarch.

Zhao Fu said, "You are waiting for me here!"

Xueyu asked, "What do you plan to do, Xiang Gong?"

Zhao Fu looked down at the Xueyu in his arms and said, "I want to meet the patriarch now!"

Xueyu asked concerned, "Will it be dangerous?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Don't worry about this, I have the means to save my life."

In the main hall, a woman with a mature figure and a beautiful face, dressed in red, named Yuan Ling, sat on the chair above, smiling and talking to the Yuan Hong Yuan sisters.

Concubine Yuan walked in with Zhao Fu and said, "I have something to do with you, the patriarch!"

Yuan Ling said, "What's the matter?"

Concubine Yuan glanced at Sister Yuanhong. "This matter is very important!"

Sister Yuan Hong looked at Concubine Yuan curiously, "I don't know if there is any important thing, I have to leave them."

Yuan Ling smiled, "Go ahead! Don't worry about them."

Concubine Yuan said, "This matter is about the son of Tianqi!"

Upon hearing this, Sister Yuan Hong was shocked, and Yuan Ling became serious, "What happened?"

Zhao Fu stepped forward and said, "I want the world of water in all directions in your hands!"

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Yuan Ling's eyes looked at Zhao Fu.

Yuan Ling said, "You are the son of Tianqi!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Hmm!"

Yuan Ling watched Zhao Fu's eyes with a pair of eyes.

Yuan Lu said, "You said you are the Son of Apocalypse, what can you prove? I don't believe that the Son of Apocalypse appears here."

The power of the emperor star felt this power from Zhao Fu's physical use. Yuan Hong, Yuannv, and Yuan concubine felt this power. The blood seemed to be surrendered, and a huge pressure was pressing on him. .

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Can you believe it now?"

Yuan Lu nodded blankly, with a little excitement in his heart, this is the son of apocalypse that shakes the world, actually appeared in front of them.

Yuan Hong also looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and had some admiration and joy for people like Zhao Fu.

Yuan Ling smiled and said, "You just said you want the Bafang Water World in my hands?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Yuan Ling said, "Although you are the son of Tianqi, you can't save the water world that took me like this."

Zhao Fu said, "I won't take it for nothing, I can exchange things, or promise to do something for you."

Yuan Ling smiled and said, "I want you to marry Yuan Hong!"

When Yuan Hong heard this, her cheeks were slightly red, but she did not refuse, Yuan Lu was a little envious and disappointed.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "It's that simple?"

Yuan Lingdao, UU reading "It's that simple!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I promise you, but I like the patriarch even more."

Yuan Ling gave Zhao Fu a white look, "Do you know how old I am? You are a junior in front of my door."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I don't mind, and I can give you the Eight Water Heaven Seal, as well as a part of the original power. I think these powers are of great help to you."

Hearing this, Yuan Ling said heartily, "You really don't mind? Want to marry me?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Yuan Ling said, "Okay! I promise you."

Yuan Lu quickly said, "I want to think about the grandmother of the patriarch too!"

Yuan Ling smiled and said, "One more, I don't think you will refuse, right?"

Zhao Fu looked at Yuanlu, Yuanlu became shy, Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Of course I won't mind!"

Yuan Ling said, "That's good! I'll have someone prepare the wedding right away, and I will let Yuan Hong Yuanlu marry you, and I will not marry you, but I can be your woman."

Zhao Fu said, "Patriarch, I don't want my news to be leaked out. This will cause me a lot of trouble."

Yuan Ling said, "Did you just say you want to marry us?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No wedding!"

Yuan Ling snorted, "You don't want to hold a wedding ceremony to marry? Our Yuan family is not a casual person."

Zhao Fu apologized, "I know this, and I will try my best to compensate. The patriarch asks you to be considerate."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Ling nodded, "You have to do it again in the future!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Yes!"

Yuan Ling said, "Now give me your power!"

Zhao Fu smiled and took off his cloak. Looking at Zhao Fu's perfect appearance, the heartbeats of the women were accelerating, and Zhao Fu walked over to them.

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