MTL - The Mad Cultivator-Chapter 16 1 year

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Chapter XVI One Year

Opening the jade box, a thin white book like white jade lay quietly. On the title page, several familiar Chinese characters in the "Five Elements Ascending the Immortal Sutra" came out with that kind of intimacy.

Holding this heavy and bleak book, Ye Kong was also very excited. He knew that this book was like a key and would open the door to the fairyland for him.

Take out the scriptures, cover the jade box, and lock the lock intact. Ye Kong looked back again, grinned, excitedly "yeah", and returned to the pu pad in the corner of the ancestral hall.

In order to prevent others from seeing anything, Ye Kong sandwiched the Five Elements Ascension Scriptures in the Foreigner's Chronicles, just like reading novels in class when he was in school.

Pick at your fingertips, and lightly open the pages ...

Ye Kong has never read a book in such a sleepless way. He has been reading it since the afternoon. He ate a few bites of rice with the soldiers at night and came back to read it again.

Finally, he put down the book and closed his eyes and meditated.

According to the folks of the Earth who call themselves Wuxing Sanren, the traversers from the earth should be Wuling roots. According to the concept of Cangnan continent, this is the worst qualification, but Wuxing Sanren does not agree with this view.

He believes that Wulinggen is actually the most stable and natural spiritual root. Imagine that the world is composed of golden wood, water, fire and soil, and the human body is also a small universe. It cannot be separated from golden wood, water, fire, and soil. The other spiritual roots are powerful.

This view of Wuxing Sanren can be said to be contrary to the popular view in the Cangnan continent. According to him, isn't Tianlinggen the worst and most unstable qualification?

However, Ye Kong felt some truth. The world is originally composed of these five basic elements. Of course, it ’s more powerful to cultivate together than to cultivate one, and these five elements are mutually reinforcing each other. If you confront the enemy in the future, you can use whatever you want. The element that defeated the opponent.

For example, if the other party has the fire attribute of cultivation, let's come to the water attribute, and the water will overcome the fire; if the other party has the water attribute, then we will come to the soil attribute, and the soil will defeat the water.

Ye Kong feels that this old man is really a personal talent. If he absolutely cannot create the exercises himself, this "Five Elements Ascension" is the practice practice of Wuxing Sanren himself based on Wulinggen qualifications.

According to the Wuxing Sanren, the advantages of this method are its great power, strong sense, and the amount of aura in its body is several times higher than that of the immortal practitioners in the same period. The second advantage is that the bottleneck of this method is not too serious. It may be because Wulinggen is relatively stable, or because the foundation of this practice method is firm. In short, every bottleneck that plagues other exercises is not a headache in the Five Elements Ascension Classic.

The five elements are real people and it can be said that no matter whether the foundation or the baby is born, as long as a single elixir can guarantee your success at one time, there will never be a situation where you can't build the foundation after eating seven or eight of the bases.

Some people have to ask, since this exercise method is tailor-made for Wulinggen, and it also solves the big problem of bottlenecks, Ye Kong will hurry to practice it. What is the time delay?

The key problem is that this method is also flawed. First of all, slow cultivation, why Tian Linggen is good, that is, fast cultivation, twice the effort, half the time, and the Five Elements Ascension Sutra exacerbates the characteristics of Wu Linggen's slow cultivation, slower and slower, slower than you can imagine, of course It is because of the slow cultivation that we can lay a solid foundation and weaken the bottleneck. It is also because of the long cultivation that the power can far surpass that of the immortals in the same period.

Disadvantage two: metallic aura is scarce. According to the Wuxing Sanren, these five elements of Ascension Sutra are to absorb the five elements of aura in heaven and earth to achieve balance and stability. The aura of five attributes cooperates with each other and checks and balances. Therefore, after the foundation is established, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and soil must be guaranteed The average in the body, others are easy to say, the most annoying thing is that there is no metallic aura in the air, and there is no ordinary place.

Wuxing Sanren gave a suggestion to **** the aura inside the metallic spirit stone. Ye Kong smiled bitterly. He hasn't seen what the spirit stone looks like until now. How much spirit stone does it take if he absorbs metal spirit stones? It must be an astronomical figure.

The Wuxing Sanren also knew that it was really laborious to make so many metallic spirit stones, and he gave a second suggestion, refining the veins of a metallic spirit stone mine, and then there was a steady stream of metallic spirits.

Ye Kong even shook his head. You dug the veins of other people ’s spiritual stone mines and cut off other people ’s wealth. Is n’t that your own death? Might as well find a way to make a spiritual stone.

"Practice or not? The advantage is that it is powerful and has no bottlenecks. The disadvantage is that it is slow and has many flowers and stones." Ye Kong looked down and pondered.

However, he quickly made a decision, "Exercise! Is there any other choice now? According to Wan Xuanzheng, my qualifications will stop at the early stage of gas refinement. The Five Elements and the Immortal Sutra guarantee that I have successfully established the foundation. Slower, slower. "

Since Ye Kong had made a decision, he would not delay anymore. He sat cross-legged immediately and meditated on the practice method again. Then he stuffed the book into his inner bag, closed his eyes, put his palms flat, and started practicing.

The realm of the immortal is divided into upper, middle, and lower. The lower realm is five realms such as gas refining, building base, Jindan, Yuanying, and Huashen. The middle realm is three realms of refining, combining, and Mahayana. Realm, then there is only the last one to cross the calamity. If you successfully pass the sky calamity, you can fly to the immortal realm and live with heaven and earth.

It should also be explained that in each realm, it is divided into ten layers. The first, second and third floors are called the early stage, the fourth and fifth floors are called the middle stage, and the seventh and eighth floors are the later stages.

Ye Kong doesn't want too much at this moment. At present, he can only work towards the first goal ... It is like a marathon runner who runs a long distance for thousands of miles and finally takes the first step. He doesn't know what the future will have. He only knew that since he had been on this road, he had to bury his head, grit his teeth, and rush forward, never turning back.

Cultivation is not the same as meditation, but it is also related.

The last time Ye Kong practiced indiscriminately, it took nine cattle and two tigers to enter the state of settling, but today is different. He can feel the aura in the air converging towards himself as soon as he starts practicing. The feeling of cold disappeared for a moment, as if wrapped in the warm water, very comfortable, and he soon entered the state of being settled.

It is incredible that the part that started to **** the aura into the body first ... turned out to be the palm! Ye Kong thought it was breathing, sucking in aura, and then his limbs and bones moved.

But who knew it was the palm. However, it is normal to think about it. The palm is an extremely sharp and flexible organ. The palm is the most dense acupoint of the human body. In the future, there will be Xianli to be sent from the palm.

Ye Kong clearly felt that the strands of water and wood attributes aura penetrated from the palm of his hand. He felt that the flesh of his palms had become a sieve, covered with countless fine and neat eyes, and then he looked like a stream of water from his small eyes. It flows into the body and is slowly transported into the body from the meridians of the arm.

Fortunately, the first state of cultivation does not require the balance of inhaling reiki. As long as it is reiki, Ye Kong seems to be a greedy baby, constantly trying to absorb reiki from the air.

However, this reiki is not stored in Qihai as much as it is inhaled. In fact, Reiki enters the body. With the Qijing eight veins running for eight days, the amount of Reiki that finally falls into Qihai is very small.

Part of the aura is used to nourish all parts of his body and the meridians. Another part escapes from the inside of the body through the skin and another part is impurities. These impurities stay in the muscles of the body and are slowly pushed out of the body with cultivation.

After a long period of meditation retreat, many cultivators will leave a circle of black-gray dust around them. The black ones are bad substances inside the human body, while the gray ones are impurities doped in the aura ~ www.novelbuddy. com ~ So in the later period, the dust discharged from the body of the immortal is only gray and not black.

Ye Kong didn't dare to slack off, and after a whole night of cultivation, he felt that there was a faint aura of qi in the sea.

This has made Ye Kong overjoyed, he knows that he has stepped into the door one step, and he can be regarded as an immortal, but this level is still very low, Ye Haoran can still slap him with a slap.

However, after entering the door, is the improvement of capabilities still far away?

What makes Ye Kong even more happy is that his spirit is much better. It seems that absorbing the aura is good for the soul. It won't take long for the damaged soul to recover as before.

After the soul has grown, it is not a dream to open the encyclopedia of spells. I don't know what surprise the spell book brought by the earth will bring to myself.

"Master Eight, have breakfast." Thinking of Liu Changqing's shouting outside.

"Hey, here it is." Ye Kong patted his clothes and walked out the door.

"Master Eight, you sat all night last night. Isn't this leg numb?" Liu Changqing handed his head over breakfast and asked.

Low-key, still low-key! People's eyes are poisonous. As soon as this happens, others see it.

"Hemp, why not? But there is no bed, and I can only meditate and sleep." Ye Kong sighed and laughed, "General Liu, should we change it?"

"Haha." Liu Changqing laughed. "I feel bad for Master Eight. I want Master Eight to sleep more comfortably, but in case the general knows it, the little one can't eat it."

From then on, Ye Kong transferred the puppet to the back of the ancestral shrine. It is better to be cautious in everything, but Liu Changqing is not bad, and he has a knotty heart. Ye Kong is also very happy. Every day passed, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Kong had introspected the Ye family ancestors for a year.