MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 50

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After returning, Song Cun didn't rest, went to the Imperial College, and met several masters. After knowing his county test results, the masters didn't say anything. There was more than a month before the government test, so don't be in a hurry to come back to class , Give him a stack of government test papers from previous years and ask him to take it back and do it, and take it back for review after he has done it.

For the next month or so, Song Cun didn't go out, but read books and made papers in the study. After finishing the papers, he took them to his master for marking. Before going to Fuzhou, I had a drink in a tavern with three friends, Wang Hongyi, Zheng Chengping and Zhou Qilue. The next day Song Cun took a few servants to Fuzhou, but Zhou Qilue didn't accompany him, he wanted to go, but his father and brother didn't agree.

When Song Cun and his party arrived in Fuzhou, they lived in the inn. This time, he was alone, and he didn't go out to play. He just stayed in the study to read and review his homework.

On the day of the exam, Song Cun packed up the exam basket and went to the exam room early. The gate of the examination room was already full of people. At a quarter of an hour, the examinees entered the venue one after another after undergoing strict inspections. Song Cun found his seat and sat down, waiting for the test papers to be distributed.

After the papers were handed out, he looked at them. This time, there were three exams, namely, Post Classics, Miscellaneous Essays, and Strategies.

It can be seen from the test questions that the government test is much more difficult than the county test. Even so, Song Cun was not nervous, carefully reviewed the questions, and finished each one carefully.

At meal times, the examination room will bring food and tea, and continue to do the test questions after the meal, and stay in the examination room at night. The environment of the examination room is simple. In an unfamiliar environment, Song Cun tried his best to get enough sleep, otherwise he would not be energetic tomorrow.

The next day, after getting up and washing up, I ate the breakfast delivered by the examination room, and continued to write the questions. On the third day, the final strategy and theory, after thinking about the countermeasures, wrote it on the draft, revised it, and copied it on the paper.

At a quarter of a hour, the invigilator rang the bell and began to collect the test papers in anonymity. Many candidates who were still writing hard could only put down their pens unwillingly.

After returning to the inn, Song Cun took a bath, had a meal, and took a rest early.

Half a month later, the government examination results came out, and Song Cun also came in second. He didn't stay long, and returned to the capital immediately.

one year later.

After Song Cun accompanied Aunt Li's two younger sisters to have breakfast, they went to the Imperial College to study.

When they arrived at the Imperial College, Zhou Qilue came to find him, and he complained bitterly: "!" Since you became a scholar, you went to another class. I'm the only one who stays alone in class B, let's not talk about it, now my mother is looking for a matchmaker to propose a marriage to me, I don't want to get married. "

Song Cun smiled and said, "So you just hid in the Imperial College and didn't go back?"

Zhou Qilue said: "I don't want to get engaged early, we are about the same age, and you are not engaged, why should I be anxious?"

Song Cun said: "You are different from me."

Zhou Qilue said, "Why is it different?"

Song Cun said nothing, although he passed the college examination and became a scholar, it is not surprising that there are a lot of scholars in the capital. Zhou Qilue is the second son of a first-rank official, even if he has no fame, there are still many people who are willing to marry him.

Seeing that he was silent, Zhou Qilue didn't say anything.

After school, Mr. Liu said to Song Cun: "Take a rest tomorrow, and bring the strategy that I gave you last time to my house, and I will show you."

Song Cun was a little surprised, but said nothing, "Okay."

Master Liu looked at him hesitantly, and said for a while, "Okay, you go back first, come early tomorrow."

Although Song Cun had doubts in his heart, he didn't ask any questions. He would understand when he went to Master Liu's house tomorrow.

The next day, when Song Cun arrived at Liu's house, he was called to the study by Master Liu. The two stayed in the study for half an hour. After they came out, Master Liu said with a wispy beard, "Come on, follow me to the garden."

Song Cun followed his master to the garden, and the two walked casually among the flowers.

A little servant girl came over, saluted, and said: "Master, Madam is in Huage. She heard that Master's student is coming, and she wants to meet her."

Song Cun said apologetically, "It's time to visit the teacher's wife."

Master Liu said, "Then let's go."

The two went to Huage, and Song Cun saluted Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu greeted Song Cun with a kind face and smiled, and asked Song Cun a few questions. Song Cun answered them one by one, and finally smiled and asked him to use it at home. Let's go after lunch. The kindness is hard to come by, Song Cun accepted with a smile.

During the meal, Song Cun noticed some movement behind the curtain, so he continued to eat quietly.

After the meal, Song Cun took his leave and left. Master Liu went to the study. Mrs. Liu glanced inside and said with a smile, "Ming Jia, come out."

Behind the curtain, a girl came out. The girl has bright facial features and walks! With a graceful posture and a smile on her face, she walked up to Mrs. Liu, saluted and called, "Auntie."

Mrs. Liu pulled her to sit down, and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

Chu Mingjia thought of the young man he saw just now behind the curtain. He was handsome, gentle and courteous, but his conversation was steady when he was young. His bookish look did not look like a nobleman from a noble family, but rather he was cultivated by a scholarly family. She smiled slightly, His face was a little red, and he said, "I will listen to my aunt."

Mrs. Liu sighed, and took her hand: "Your parents left early, and you continued to observe filial piety for several years, which delayed the marriage ceremony. Your grandmother is getting old, and your elder brother is a man after all, so he is not so careful. I can't make decisions for you. I have considered your marriage for a long time. Although Song Cun is a concubine of the Hou family, not to mention high-level talents, it is no problem to study for a few more years and pass the Jinshi exam. The Hou Mansion is separated, and they live their own lives behind closed doors. There are no disputes, and your uncle also said that his character is fine."

Mrs. Liu smiled and said: "I am your aunt. Of course I have to worry about you when your mother is gone. As long as you can live well in the future, my aunt can rest assured."

Chu Mingjia said: "I know that my aunt is doing my best, so I will obey her."

Mrs. Liu smiled and nodded her head. This child grew up with her, how could she not understand her temperament? If she doesn't like it, no matter how satisfied she and the master are with Song Cun, it's useless.

During the rest of the bath again, Master Liu called Song Cun over and asked, "Are you seventeen this year?"

Master Liu asked again, "Are you close?"

Song Cun had already figured it out, but he was not surprised, and said, "No."

Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "I have a niece who is eighteen years old, and the marriage was delayed because of her filial piety to her parents. I plan to be a matchmaker for you. What do you think?"

Song Cun thought for a while and said, "Can I see the girl?"

In ancient times, most marriages were done blindly, and he did not resist marrying a wife. Even if it was impossible to fall in love before marriage, he still wanted to meet each other and get to know each other better.

Master Liu said, "Okay. You can come to the house tomorrow."

Although Mrs. Liu is a literati, he is not stubborn and rigid. It is also a matter of marriage with his niece. It is safer for the two children to meet each other. After thinking about it, he agreed.